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Murder at the Pet Spa

Page 12

by Eleanor Kittering

  “Let's not tempt fate here. Let's do this. If you see anybody suspicious approaching you, go into a crowded place and call me. If you're alone in the street, call me right away. I don't want to take any chances losing you Mandy, already you've had a couple of close calls. I know you're not investigating this, but it seems to be pulling you in.” Fred said.

  “It's truly a mystery to me Fred. Even since the David case, these murders keep coming into my life. Trust me, I don't want them in my life.” Mandy said concerned.

  “I know, Mandy, I know. Well, let's go with this plan for now, and let's hope that this is nothing but a coincidence. Maybe it's not the same black car, maybe it's nothing. But let's be on our guard.” Fred said.

  “Thanks Fred, I feel better now, I really thought you were going to laugh.” Mandy said relieved.

  “This is no laughing matter Mandy. Bad things have happened that we haven't been able to account for. I've had the guys in the lab search for evidence at Karen's apartment and so far we have nothing. No prints, nothing. Whoever did this, similar to the murder, is covering their tracks. I'm still no closer to figuring this out than on day one.” Fred said.

  “Well Fred, this case is one you'll have to figure out on your own, cause I am not helping.” Mandy said jokingly.

  “And I'm glad of that. Let's leave it that way.” Fred said laughing.

  “To change the subject, how are the singing lessons working out?” Mandy asked, since they've been working on Fred's not talking shop.

  “They're great. I'm re-learning the old songs and looking at new ones. I'm very happy with this teacher. As soon as we have the open mike, I'll send you an email so you can come on over and check it out.” Fred said.

  “I'm looking forward to it. I'm glad that our meetings are giving you a new direction to do things in your life.” Mandy said happy for Fred.

  “Yes, little by little, but engaging in this singing activity means there's no need for me to dwell upon police work and instead, try to remember lyrics. It's peaceful and fun and that's what I need.” Fred said.

  “Well, I'll leave you, I'm sure you still have police work and other stuff. Thanks for your help, and I hope I don't have to call you.” Mandy said.

  “Same here Mandy. In this instance, no news is good news.” Fred said relieved.

  Mandy left the police station feeling much better knowing she could reach out to Fred if she needed to. He had been alerted and was interested in intervening if need be. She continued on her way to the mall to buy things at the food market and window shop. As she entered the mall, she caught sight of a black car leaving. She wondered if that was the same car. She struggled to look inside but the view only showed a man dressed in a suit. He could just be a limo driver. She couldn't make out the face. Perhaps this was a completely different black car.

  She was probably suffering from that syndrome where one never pays attention to something in life, and then when they become aware of that one something, they see it everywhere. Also, since she had developed a hypersensitivity to black cars right now, she became aware of every black car in existence. But at least this one was leaving and not following her.

  She lost herself in the bustle of the mall and what to buy for the house and other stores in the mall. She started to think of different appointments that she had next week for astrology charts. Ever since she started to advertise, business had picked up. Jill helped her put together a website that was bringing her additional business from the web. Things were definitely looking a lot better financially for her than they were a year ago. So, she wasn't complaining. She tried calling Cynthia once again. Still no answer. Maybe her phone died, and she didn't know it.

  Well, the spa wasn't that far away, she figured she'd try the direct approach and talk to her at the spa. Also, she wanted to check out how the spa had changed with the new makeover to get rid of the remnants of what had transpired. She got on her car and headed to the spa. As she arrived there, she swore than she had spotted a black car a couple of cars behind her. She told herself that she definitely had to account for nerves since as of this moment every black car was suspect. She stopped her car, sat in it and looked at traffic as it passed by. The black car didn't pass her by. She felt relieved.

  She stepped out of her car and went into the spa. People were cleaning and there were other guys working in the office pulling out the rug. Jeffrey noticed her come in and he wondered why she came to the spa.

  “Hi Mandy, can I help you?” Jeffrey said, trying to sound friendly.

  “Hi Jeffrey, I came by to talk to Cynthia to find out if there was any message from Lana's owners. I tried calling her, and she didn't respond, I figured her phone may be out.” Mandy explained. “Have you heard from them?”

  “No, I haven't. Also, Cynthia didn't show up today. Now, normally I'd say that's odd, but today, we have people cleaning the place and they've taken out the rug, so I can see why she didn't want to be in the middle of this mayhem.”

  “Yes, I can understand why.” Mandy said, seeing the commotion going on in the spa.

  “Well, I'll try her again later, it's possible she forgot to charge her phone.” Mandy said.

  “Yes, if you talk to her, tell her to give me a call.” Jeffrey said.

  “I definitely will, Jeffrey.” Mandy said.

  Mandy left the spa and headed for her car. She found it strange that Cynthia hadn't gone to the spa and wasn't available by phone. She figured she'd go by her apartment and see if she was there. It's possible she's out shopping and her phone died, but she figured there's no harm in trying her apartment.

  She fired up her car and started going toward Cynthia's apartment. She had a funny feeling, but she ignored it so she wouldn't freak out. Nothing has happened to Cynthia, Mandy told herself. As she headed toward Cynthia's, as a force of habit, she looked at her rear view mirror. There was the black car again. This was not her imagination. As soon as she got to Cynthia's house, she'd call Fred. She kept driving and although other cars got in front of it, she could still see the black car in the distance. Why is this guy following her? It has to be related to the murder. She hoped she wasn't next.

  Once at her destination, she parked her car and ran out towards the building. She looked behind her and the black car was gone. It didn't stop, it kept going. She thought, perhaps her involvement in this murder played tricks on her mind. She figured, she'd call Fred once she got to Cynthia's apartment. She walked into the hallway, one of those buildings where there's a bevy of buttons and you had to be buzzed in. She rang Cynthia's bell. No answer.

  She rang many times, wondering if something had happened. Somebody came to the building and opened the door with her key. Mandy pretended to ring the bell for the first time and as the door started to close, she put her foot on it to keep it from closing. The person went into the elevator and Mandy let herself into the building.

  She took the elevator to Cynthia's floor. Once there, she approached Cynthia's apartment with trepidation. She got to the door and started knocking “Cynthia? Cynthia, are you there? Open up, it's me Mandy.” No reply. Mandy's fear, already high on account of the black car, got worse at not hearing a reply. Where could Cynthia possibly be? Had something happened to her? Mandy told herself 'Think Mandy, think. Where would Cynthia go at this time of day if she didn't have to be at work?' As much as she tried, Mandy didn't know Cynthia well enough to figure it out. Either Cynthia had gone on a short vacation, or something bad had happened. Mandy thought the latter was more likely. This didn't look good, Mandy continued to speculate.

  As opposed to taking the stairs, she let the elevator do the hard work and got back to the main lobby. As the elevator doors opened, it allowed Mandy a view of the street. Suddenly, she noticed something odd. There was a man out there wearing a suit, walking around. He was tall, salt and pepper hair. He looked like George Clooney from the back. Wasn't the man in the black car over by the mall wearing a suit? Mandy asked herself, is this the same man following her around in th
e black car? She didn't want to find out.

  Mandy hid in the hallway and tried to get a better look. Unfortunately, she couldn't see his face, as he walked away with his back toward her. She ascertained that this wasn't Allen, of that she was sure. But then she wondered if this is the same man she saw earlier what is he doing here? This was getting very strange and dangerous. She waited ten minutes in that hallway. She didn't see the man again. She figured she'd make a dash for her car and get out of there as fast as possible.

  She opened the door of the building and ran to her car. Nobody was around. She dialed Fred as quickly as she could. Fred picked up immediately.

  “Hi Fred, listen, not trying to come off as paranoid, but two things have happened.”

  “What is it Mandy?” Fred said concerned.

  “Well, first off, Cynthia is nowhere to be found. I don't know her that well, but I find it strange that she's not answering her phone, she's not at her house. I also visited the spa in person and Jeffrey said she hadn't come work today. He told me that if I made contact with her, to tell her to call him. So he hasn't heard from her today either. Also, I think that car followed me all the way to Cynthia's house. At the mall, I noticed a black car with a man in a suit that resembled the car following me earlier. As I attempted to leave the building now, a man wearing a suit was walking around Cynthia's building. I'm scared Fred.”

  “Where are you now?” Fred asked.

  “I'm in my car.”

  “Mandy come over to the station right now and don't stop for anything.” Fred said.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Mandy took off in her car like a bat out of hell. All she wanted was safe haven somewhere and the police station with Fred was the safest place for her. It pays to be friends with the police captain, Mandy thought to herself, especially when the bad guys are after you. She got to the station in record time and jumped out of her car. She didn't even bother to check if somebody followed her. The way she saw it, let them follow her right to station. She ran indoors. Fred was waiting for her.

  “Fred, I pretty certain I broke a speed record, getting from Cynthia's house to here.” Mandy said, out of breath.

  “I'm glad you got here right away. So tell me what happened. As we speak, Jimmy is getting a warrant so we can go back to Cynthia's apartment. By doing so, if nothing serious is happening, we're covered we acted in accordance with the law.” Fred explained.

  “Fred, I can guarantee you with everything that's going on, Cynthia wouldn't care if you knocked down her door with a battering ram, if it seemed her life was in danger. She's pretty jumpy too.” Mandy said excitedly.

  “Let's hope there's nobody in there.” Fred said. While they spoke, Jimmy returned with a warrant from the court house.

  “Here it is Fred; I explained to the judge the life and death urgency of this situation. Hi Mandy, are you ok.” Jimmy said. Jimmy worked as Fred's deputy and a friend of Mandy's as well.

  “A little shook up, but still in one piece. I hope Cynthia is the same.”

  Fred said “I hate to rush you Mandy, but we better get back to the apartment. You're familiar with the way and you know Cynthia, so if there's any consoling or advising, I'm certain she'll listen to you.”

  “What can I possibly give her advice on?” Mandy asked.

  “We have to be prepared for everything. What if she's so distraught with this whole situation she decided to end her life? People act funny under certain circumstances. If we have to rush her to a hospital, you can lend moral support.” Fred explained.

  “Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I'm more worried somebody else decided to harm her for whatever reason. Perhaps the guy she saw the other day. It's possible he's afraid she will identify him and the police will now be on the lookout for him.” Mandy said.

  “Well, at this moment, everything is possible. Let's go.” Fred said.

  Mandy rode with Fred in his car. They went as fast as possible without crashing into other cars. Mandy took a quick look in the rear view mirror. No black car this time. Considering what's been happening, someone following her stood at the end of the line in her list of troubles. She hoped Cynthia had come to no harm. Mandy kept hoping she wasn't home that way they needn't worry any longer whether she was either dead or dying in her apartment and that's why nobody answered. They arrived at Cynthia's house in record time as well.

  “Alright Mandy, let's see what we find.” Fred went first, with Mandy following.

  They got to the entrance to the building and somebody was leaving the building at the time. At the sight of the policeman, they held the door open but didn't ask any questions. Mandy and Fred took the elevator. As soon as the elevator opened, they ran to Cynthia's apartment. Fred had a master key capable of opening any door. They opened it and Fred told Mandy “Wait here.”

  He entered the room, and it seemed to be devoid of any persons. He walked around the room with no one there. Just an empty apartment. Fred motioned for Mandy to come in.

  “She's definitely not here, but that doesn't mean there aren't any problems.” Fred said.

  “Let me try her again on her phone.” Mandy rang Cynthia, and the phone rang and rang and went to voicemail.

  “Hi Cynthia, this is Mandy. Please call me the moment you get this message. I'm worried something happened to you or you're in some kind of trouble. If you're able to call, call me back immediately, Fred has been alerted as to your disappearance and is investigating.” Mandy finished with her message.

  Fred asked “Are you aware of any friends or family, anyone she might socialize with she might be with?”

  “I didn't know her that well. I racked my brain earlier wondering if she mentioned anybody, but no, she never spoke about friends or family.” Mandy replied.

  “Well, we may have to go to her job and ask Jeffrey if she has emergency numbers. We can call them in the hope she's checked in with someone in the last 24 hours.” Fred said.

  “Let's go right now, they're in the process of doing renovations there, I'm sure Jeffrey is still there.” Mandy said.

  They got back in the police car and headed quickly in the direction of the spa. When Jeffrey saw Mandy with Fred accompanying her, he thought this was the end.

  “Hi Captain Stone, can I help you with something?” Jeffrey tried to sound as non-chalant as possible.

  “We seem to have a situation regarding Cynthia. Mandy tried contacting her during the day on numerous occasions and she's not responding, we went to her apartment she wasn't there. She doesn't appear to be anywhere. I have reason to believe this may be tied into Karen's murder and I'm trying to prevent another murder from happening. Do you have on record any kind of emergency contacts in your files? I'm asking this as part of a murder investigation, in order to save a life.” Fred said.

  “Sure Captain, I'll check her job files.” As Jeffrey walked away, he heaved a sigh of relief knowing that the heat was off him, but at the same time wondering if the syndicate had abducted Cynthia. She posed no threat to them, he thought. He hoped she hadn't been killed because they considered her a loose end. This had gotten uglier than he ever bargained for. He pulled out Cynthia's records and took the whole pile out to the captain.

  “Here's everything she wrote down. Feel free to just take it. At this point, there's no need to check her records, she's always been a great employee. I just hope she's safe. I didn't think much of it when Mandy came looking for her earlier, but now that she skipped work this morning, didn't call to say she was staying out, and you're telling me she's missing at her home, that's not like Cynthia. She's pretty much a homebody, watching TV on her days off.” Jeffrey said, nervous inside while putting on the front of the helpful manager.

  “We'll try these numbers and see if they yield any results. Thanks for your help Jeffrey.” Fred said.

  “Sure captain, if I could help in any other way, please don't hesitate to ask. Also, if you find out any information about Cynthia, could you or Mandy update me on her status? I'd be much obliged.
” Jeffrey said.

  “Mandy will call you if we get any information.” Fred said. “I have to return to the station and start on these records. C'mon on Mandy, I can use your help with this.”

  As they left the premises, Mandy thought how cooperative Jeffrey acted and how he seemed genuinely concerned over Cynthia. What if Karen was the one engaging in illegal activities, using the business as a front? Perhaps that's the reason they killer her. The possibilities had evolved into an extremely confused state. But where was Allen if he didn't do it? Enough messages had been left for him.

  Then Mandy thought of something else. What if Allen masterminded the whole criminal scheme? He used the spa for money laundering and Karen helped him. Who knows what her reasoning was but perhaps to hold on to an impossible relationship with Allen. Mandy continued to speculate on the basis for the relationship and why Karen felt she could flirt with everybody because it was nothing more than a business arrangement?

  In Mandy's mind things didn't look good for Allen, first as a murder suspect and as a possible money launderer. But only Mandy suspected this because she had the notebook. Mandy struggled with her conscience, on the one hand, she had this notebook which was possibly tied into Cynthia now disappearing. She thought it very possible that they saw Allen when visiting Karen's apartment. He was probably getting rid of loose ends.

  Things definitely didn't add up, but she felt in her gut Cynthia was in trouble. Mandy got so caught up in her thoughts Fred had to ask her:

  “Mandy, are you alright?”

  “Sorry Fred, I'm worried about Cynthia, speculating the possible scenarios. I'm happy to help with the calling, especially if it involves calling her family. I know a woman calling as a friend is a lot less disconcerting than if it's the police, don't you think?” Mandy suggested.

  “Oh yes, I agree wholeheartedly. In a best case scenario, maybe Cynthia decided to take a day vacation and here we are speculating she came to a bad end. No use worrying people to death when the calls could be posed as a work friend who's looking for Cynthia regarding an issue at the pet spa. If she did call, they'll tell you and possibly a number where she could be reached. On the other hand, if she's in trouble, they may say they haven't heard from her and we're still back where we started, but we're not scaring people half to death while we investigate.” Fred said.


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