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The Perfect 1

Page 11


  “I hope that wasn’t a test. Don’t fuck around, Jensyn, not in these waters.”

  I pouted, not that he noticed. “It wasn’t a test; I swear I just lost my balance.”

  “Let’s go back on shore,” he said reluctantly.

  “Hold on,” I said, ducking my head under. The water felt good as I squirted him with some I’d gathered in my mouth.”

  “Did you just spit poop-infested water on me? I suppose a shot of penicillin is in order.” He joked, circling his arms around me until my face was right below his chin. “I would give anything right now to see you.”

  No, you wouldn’t. “There’ll be plenty of time when you get your eyesight back. And I’m a mess right now. Wet hair, no makeup, and wearing men’s clothes.”

  He brought my hand to wet lips and kissed the inside of my wrist. The feel of his mouth sent a shiver down my back. “How about we get back to the house and I get you out of those wet clothes? I feel a fuck session beginning before the next chapter revisions. I know you said no beach sex, but the shower is fair game, right?” His warm murmur nuzzled my ear.

  “I already took one,” I replied.

  His arms held me tighter so I could feel his cock. One of his hands brushed the cleft between my legs “This shower won’t be for getting you clean. I plan to fuck you dirty. Really dirty.”

  His words along with the water made my nipples hard, and a familiar pulsing began in my pussy. His finger traced the seam of the shorts. “God, I want to take you right here.”

  “Not a great idea since there’s a good-sized swell coming in.”

  He searched for my hand, placing it on his erection. “Now that’s a good-sized swell.” He grinned as I clasped it gently.

  “Okay, you win. Let’s go.”

  Was he turning me into an insatiable woman, or was it that I wanted everything I could have before all of this came to an end? We rounded up our things and made the trek up the hill. We left our towels and blanket outside. The sun was hot in spite of it being late afternoon, and I began to sweat before we hit the door.

  “Damn, I’m hot,” I announced, putting the cooler on the kitchen table.

  “As a matter of fact, you are.” I could sense him right behind me. His hands toyed with the hem of the tank top until he lifted it over my head. “And how did I know this?” He spoke, fondling my bare breasts. “You have no bra on. You needn’t bother wearing one for me at all. Your tits are much too perfect to be caged.” As I turned, he cupped one in each hand. It was surreal watching him because he still had his sunglasses on.

  “If I went without a bra all the time, trust me, they would no longer be perfect—or perky. When you’re my age, gravity tends to sneak up on you.”

  His thumb circled my right nipple. “I can’t kiss you or know your story. Meet me halfway and tell me your age, grandma.”

  I thought about it. Concentration wasn’t easy because his lips had latched onto a nipple, suckling like a child, making me throb below the waist. “Thirty-eight.”

  “So what? A thirteen-year age gap isn’t monumental. Have you dated a younger man before?” he asked, gazing up from my chest.

  I haven’t dated period since I was twenty. “No, not really.”

  He took off his glasses while clearing his throat. “Why is it I can never get a straight answer from you? I can tell you’re only giving me half the truth, or at least your version.”

  I quickly tried steering the conversation in another direction. “Dating. Are we dating? Since when are we dating? Don’t you think I’m too old for you?” I asked, teasing, pulling the Velcro apart on the front of his trunks.

  His left eyebrow arched as he sliced a stare in my direction. “Okay, so maybe dating wasn’t the correct term, because that implies I take you out, and technically, I only plan to remove you from this kitchen and take you into the bedroom. Is that a date? Or maybe you’re just my woman. Am I rushing things?”

  He jumped while appearing startled as I reached into his shorts and freed his semi-stiff cock. “Didn’t you mention a shower?” I questioned, reaching between his legs, caressing his balls.

  His head bent back slightly as he licked his lips. “At this rate, we won’t make it to the bedroom. I thought I’d fuck you on the bed really filthy. Then we could take a shower.”

  “How filthy?” I whispered.

  “Exceptionally,” he responded, rubbing his open palm up and down on my nipple.

  “Then let’s quit sparring and go to bed.” I grabbed his hand, leading him to the bedroom. Once his legs hit the edge, he began undressing. I would never get tired of looking at his body. Dark, smooth, and perfect. And this man wanted me.

  “All I want to do is fuck you. I can’t seem to think of anything else. You’ve corrupted me. You and your wondrous tits and this,” he exclaimed, opening my trunks. He slipped his hand inside. “Good God, no underwear either. You are a nasty girl, aren’t you?”

  A finger twirled a curl of pubic hair as he stood closer. He eyed me as though he wanted to see my response. He added another finger, both now spreading my lips apart. He played with my clit, rubbing his dick on the outside of my shorts. He removed both digits and popped them into his mouth. I watched with arduous interest as he licked each one.

  “So wet, so good. Maybe I’ll eat you in the shower. Right now, I need you on all fours on the bed, grabbing the headboard.”

  His voice sounded throaty, and my nipples tightened and pussy throbbed in anticipation. I positioned myself as he requested. I felt awkward because my breasts were dangling and my ass was sticking out. The palm of his hand circled my ass. “Christ, touching you like this, you are a work of art. Every inch, undiluted beauty. Ever been fucked in the ass?”

  My entire body tightened at his query as he placed a kiss on each cheek.

  “No, and I never will be,” I stated in a shaky voice. In this pose, he could take me very quickly and I would have no say. But Lincoln wouldn’t ever do that. Especially after I declined.

  He chuckled as his tongue swept my bottom. “Never say never. I rarely want to have anal, but your backside is so smooth and just too inviting. It feels as though it’s begging me to penetrate that spot, and now that I know you’re an ass virgin, I want to bust that cherry.”

  I began to squirm under his touch. I could feel his cock against me as he peppered me with kisses on my back. “You never have to worry, Jensyn. Trust me. I will never hurt you emotionally or physically, and I will never take you against your will.”

  His hand dipped between my legs as he gauged my readiness. He had been right when he said I appeared vanilla. Even though I’d had numerous partners, the sex had always been straightforward. Most of the time, they just wanted me on my knees, sucking them off.

  My body shivered as I felt him slide into me. “Goddamn, you feel good. You’re so fucking narrow.” His voice cracked with every thrust. “You’re still okay with no condom? I should have asked before.”

  I responded by pushing back as he buried himself deeper. It was almost a pleasurable discomfort between the pressure and friction. His hands dug into both sides of my hips as he jutted in and out. I held the headboard so tightly my fingers lost color. I began to whimper as he ground himself into me at a fast pace. I closed my eyes, hearing him grunt with each stroke going deeper. His sweat dripped on my back as he continued the pace.

  “I don’t want to stop. But you’re beginning to strangle my cock. And as much as I love being inside you right now, I have to come. I can’t stop myself. I need to feel myself mark you.”

  I felt his body shudder as his dick went taut. My own pussy clenched him snuggly, wanting nothing more than to feel the white rush of his release. I shoved back as my own orgasm swallowed my cries. Lincoln’s body was slapping into mine as I felt the heat of our combined releases, his own gushing down my thighs.

  “Too good, too goddamn good,” he croaked, abruptly slowing the pace. “Too sensitive, shit, wow. Don’t move,” he said, pulling out carefully
and gently.

  I turned my head, watching him pace himself to the bathroom with his hands outstretched to guide him. He came out with a towel in hand. “Come toward my voice.” I spoke quietly.

  “I think I’m getting the hang of my bedroom and bathroom. Not too many impacts anymore. I think we need to spend more time in this room. You know, to help me.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, I doubt us having sex will educate you on finding your way to the bathroom.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Can I turn over now? I’m beginning to cramp,” I teased.

  “Let me clean you up first.”

  His hand landed on my ass as he moved up toward me. The towel was placed between my legs as he wiped his semen from my thighs. “I actually don’t know why I’m doing this because I plan to fuck you again. Right now,” he quipped, flipping me on my back. He used the towel to wipe his sweat-laden face. “I can smell you on this. I may not wash it. I can jerk off to it when you’re not here.”

  “Thanks for the description,” I retorted.

  He spread my legs wide, soaking the towel in our combined juices, then tossing it on the floor. Both his hands brushed over me, starting on my neck. He then kissed my breasts and stomach area. I gathered a handful of his hair, tracing his facial features down to his jawline. He was so utterly beautiful.

  “I’d be willing to stay blind forever if you let me kiss you,” he pleaded, gazing into my face.

  I turned my head to the side, putting my hands up to stop him. “Please don’t,” I begged.

  “I guess you don’t understand how much I want to, maybe more than fucking you. You have to give me something. Make me understand why it’s such a negative act to you.”

  Kissing equals loss. I’ll lose you. “Can we not have this argument? You’re putting me in a difficult position. Make love to me.” My body stilled, realizing the words I’d invoked.

  No matter what happened, I would never forget that look. His expression softened as he slipped into me. Lincoln felt like home. Heat coiled inside me as he withdrew slightly, then plunged forward again. I reveled in our connection as he began to pound without mercy. I swept his hair from his face, watching his pupils dilate. He gritted his teeth in concentration as he rocked into my pelvis. My toes began to tingle, and the sensation continued up my legs, letting me know my release was imminent. My fingernails scored his biceps as I gripped him tighter, my breathing becoming a rapid pant.

  “You ready… to come?” he asked between choppy and uneven breaths.

  I was unable to verbalize a response as my body bowed and crested in climax. I could feel his hot seed combine with my own climax as he cried out in relief. I felt dizzily satisfied as I searched for his expression.

  “I swear. You drain me, but every time, I want more. I can’t seem to get enough of you, Jensyn. I can’t squelch this hunger.”

  “Maybe you’re just a horny young man,” I taunted.

  As he caught his breath, he moved off me and lay by my side, his hand searching for my breast. I lifted it, placing it on my chest. “Just so you know. I’ve been having sex for a very long time. Not to sound too whorish, but I’ve fucked a ton of women, and you’re the only one I’ve ever met that can’t satisfy me. I can’t get enough of you.”

  I contemplated his words with a frown. One he couldn’t see, but hopefully sense. “Am I supposed to take that as a compliment? Because it’s not coming across as one,” I noted, confused and irritated.

  He turned toward me. “Oh God, no. That’s not what I meant at all. Usually, once or twice is plenty. Okay, with Kami, it was more, and I did get off, but it was no big deal. With you, I am not satiated. I want you more every time we fuck; it’s that good. Do you understand? You would think, for a writer, I’d be able to explain better, but you make me a little crazy. To the point I can’t think straight.”

  “Did you ever think you’re clinging to me because you can’t see and I’m available? That maybe if you—let me retract that—when your vision comes back, I may not do it for you?” I asked. Because I knew the truth. I had to hear it from him even though, regardless of his words, it wouldn’t matter. He could feel this way now, but how would he feel if he could see me?

  “I always get the feeling you’re trying to tell me something. Are you hideous or something?” He jested.

  Or something. I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Good thing for me you’re blind. “I suppose it’s whatever your definition of good-looking is.”

  “I know you’re beautiful.”

  “How do you know?” My voice quivered in question.

  “Because I don’t have to see you with my eyes to know you’re beautiful. I’m looking at you with my heart.”

  A tear leeched out, splashing on my cheek. I wondered if he truly believed what he just said or if it was only to appease me.

  He reached closer, putting one arm under my head. “You don’t have to be perfect. I doubt anyone is. I’m certainly not. And us being together has to prove something. Me wanting you has zero to do with finding you attractive. I enjoy the person you are. The one that makes me feel better. Don’t sell yourself short because you aren’t a beauty queen. Besides, most women have inferiority complexes about their looks. I guess I’m an odd breed because inner beauty tends to outlast cosmetic perfection.”

  You say that now.

  “Speaking of unsatisfied. How about that shower? You must feel sticky and sandy. I do. Kill two birds with one stone. Fuck you again, then bathe you, or vice versa. I’m easy.” He pulled me up against him, our naked bodies flesh to flesh. “I like when we’re skin to skin.”

  I laughed. “You just like being without clothes.”

  “This is true, but it’s so much more exciting when I have someone to share it with.”

  I reached into the shower, turning it on. “I’ll be right back.” I returned minutes later with fresh towels. “Okay, dirty boy.” I slapped him on a butt cheek as we both stepped into the shower. He hoisted me up slightly. I scissored my legs, crossing my ankles at his waist. His cock grew bigger than I’d ever seen it as it rested between us.

  “Do you want me?” he gurgled, grabbing my ass with both hands to keep me steady.

  More than my life. “Yes,” I murmured.

  In a single stroke, he was inside me. At this angle, it felt deeper. We rocked together, the water stream masking our moans. I undulated my hips, rooting him as far as he could go.

  “Jesus, Jensyn, you’re going to make me come.”

  I nipped at his neck as my hands reached around his back. I greedily clung to him as he pushed forward faster. I began breathing heavily into his ear. “Come in me now,” I growled softly.

  “No. Hold on to yours just a little longer. This feels too amazing. At this rate… I could fuck you forever.” His words sounded stuttered and broken.

  I bucked my pelvis into him twice. “Goddammit,” he spit out angrily.

  “I can’t hold on. I need to come. I need you to let go.”

  Even as the shower flowed, I could feel a steady stream burst inside me. I stared into his eyes, hearing his wild cries of release. My body spasmed as I wrapped my arms around him.

  I am falling for this man. I have fallen.

  “Baby.” The word brushed against the shell of my ear.

  He had never used it before, and I stilled with the sentiment. What was happening? This was insane. I had clearly lost my mind. I was the only one who would end up destroyed in this coupling. This could never be. I knew all the reasons I should leave, but I had only one that kept me. Lincoln. In thirty-eight years, I’d never known this feeling. I hardly recognized myself. I knew it was emotionally self-destructive to continue, but I didn’t have the will to walk away. He was all my hopes and dreams wrapped in a beautiful man with a heart of gold.

  When who I was came to light, would his kindness turn to cruelty? Everyone who had pretended to care for me left the minute I no longer lived up to his or her standards. True
, I had shut out many myself, including my parents.

  I needed to keep my appointment with Lucas next week. Maybe I could skirt around the issue. We had made promises that our conversations wouldn’t be centered on the work I was doing with his brother. Those issues were off the table anyway. But now it was different. Who could I confide in? I almost felt as though I needed to confess my sins. I’d set myself up to be crushed.

  Lincoln would be disappointed, but he would move on. He played the kind card now, but it would be different later. It always was. I had too many trust issues to believe it would be different just because we were having sex. And I would relish in the bodily contact as often as possible because I needed these memories. They would have to last a lifetime.

  Chapter 10

  After the shower, we had worked on the book until late. Taking a break only to eat cold pasta salad and warm French bread. It was nearly midnight when we went to bed and almost two by the time he finally let me sleep. The man was sexually insatiable. I lay awake until I heard his soft snores. I sighed, realizing he’d finally been able to sleep because I was here. He complained profusely that dealing with perpetual darkness kept him awake, but now he seemed relaxed and able to deal.

  I planned to go home tomorrow. I knew I was breaking my promise of staying the weekend, but alone time was needed. I also wanted clean clothes. I knew he was going to tell me to use the washer and quit making excuses.

  Two days. I needed that time to figure out my shit. I would go see Lucas Monday. We wouldn’t discuss this, but maybe I could get some insight on what I should do. He didn’t need to know it involved his brother. Unfortunately, both Bass brothers had an ability that could only be described as profound perceptiveness.

  “Hey, are you awake?” Lincoln asked quietly, turning on his side.

  “Yeah, it’s almost ten,” I replied, placing my hand on his bare chest.

  “What shall we do today besides work? I know what I’d like for breakfast.” He clasped my hand and slipped it down to his hard length.

  “Impressive, but been there; done that.” I yawned, stifling a laugh.


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