Noble Knights Historical Romance Collection
Page 34
“Plenty, my lord. As the numbers will attest.” William leaned over the desk to point to a figure on the paper, but he knocked into several empty ink bottles.
“Then I appoint you to be in charge of arranging gifts, William.” I folded the ledger closed, the matter settled. “Send them food, clothes, and the like. Whatever you think might be helpful.”
Irene lowered her embroidery to her lap. “’Twould appear that no matter my counsel, you’re determined to squander our father’s fortune.”
I stretched, past ready to move on to something more entertaining. “At least there’s plenty to squander.”
“I don’t see anything humorous about the situation, Collin.”
I’d noticed she wasn’t calling me by my proper title. At first, her use of my given name had been something of a comfort, reminding me of the familial bonds I’d missed all the years I’d been gone. But for some reason, lately I’d sensed a note of condescension. Or maybe it had been there all along and I’d just been too happy to see her to notice.
My smile faded, and I sat forward. “I don’t see any reason why you should care, Irene.” I stressed her name. “You’ll be married soon enough, and I’ll make sure to send you to your new home with a handsome dowry.”
She kept her focus on the needle pushing through the canvas. “I just don’t want to see you deplete the family estate on foolish things, especially when I have worked so hard these past years to do as Father would have wanted.”
“It’s my estate now.”
“Yes, you keep reminding me of that.”
A knock on the door stopped the retort on the tip of my tongue. As William stumbled across the room to answer, I stared at Irene.
With her pale, unblemished skin and fair hair, she was a beautiful woman—regal, elegant, and every inch a lady. A large majority of our guests during the past month had been noblemen who were interested in winning Irene’s hand in marriage. There had also been a fair share of young ladies and their parents who’d come to seek my favor.
I’d have to choose a wife from among the noblewomen eventually. Many of my friends were already married, including one of my closest friends and a fellow noble knight—Sir Derrick—who’d won the contest for Lady Rosemarie’s love only that summer.
Now it was my turn. Especially after nearly falling in love with Lady Rosemarie myself, I was ready to find a woman just as kind and sweet and gentle. But first, I needed to locate a husband for Irene—and perhaps sooner rather than later.
“Lord Collin,” William said as he turned from the open door. “One of your guests requests your presence.”
Before I could reply, Juliana pushed past my steward into the study. I hadn’t seen her yet that morning, as she’d been absent from the few guests who’d risen early enough to partake of a light fare of bread, fruit, and custards. I didn’t imagine she’d overslept as many of the nobility were apt to do after staying up far into the night. And as I assessed her now, her eyes were bright, her cheeks flushed, and the hem of her gown wet with dew.
She’d been outside.
I didn’t quite know what to think about that—whether to compliment her for looking pretty or to ask her if she’d been trying to get away.
“Lady Eleanora,” I managed, rising from my chair.
Worried lines creased her forehead and she started to speak. But I slid my gaze toward Irene, and Juliana’s followed suit. At the sight of my sister sitting near the hearth, the lines in her forehead quickly smoothed. “Lord Collin.” She gave me the expected curtsey.
“I missed seeing you earlier this morning,” I said lightly, only to realize how much I meant the words.
At my confession, Irene stopped mid-stitch and perused Juliana from her slippered toes to her curly hair, tied back with a silk ribbon that matched one of the gowns I’d had Mistress Higgins hang in the wardrobe—all chosen from the collection of Mother’s garments Irene hadn’t made over. The purple was the color of the amethyst gems sewn around the waist.
“You look lovely.” The words slipped out before I could stop them.
Irene’s attention jumped to me again and her eyes were filled with surprise.
I doubted she was surprised I’d given a beautiful lady a compliment. I was quite accomplished at flattery when I wanted to be.
But the sincerity? The awe in my voice? I astonished myself with how much the tone revealed.
However, Juliana didn’t seem to hear me, and she didn’t give Irene more than a passing glance as she crossed toward me.
“You’ll be happy to know,” I continued, “I was just in the process of planning gifts for the tenants on my land. Isn’t that so, William?”
“Very true, sir.” William stood awkwardly near the door.
Juliana quirked one brow, her expression more skeptical than approving. “I suppose that’s a good first move for you, Lord Collin.”
I smiled in satisfaction. “We have to start somewhere, don’t we?”
“Yes, I suppose we do.” But her voice wasn’t convinced. She held out a folded piece of parchment. “Would you be so kind as to have one of your trusted servants deliver this missive to my family?”
I took hold of it, but she didn’t immediately relinquish the letter.
“Due to the circumstances of my arrival, I have no doubt they will be worrying by now,” she explained. “And I would like to prevent any trouble that might occur as a result.”
From the serious set of her lips, I sensed she was concerned for her friends. They would surely be wondering what had become of her. “I’ll have my swiftest—and most trusted—soldier deliver it right away.”
“Thank you.” She let go of the paper and took a step back, then glanced at Irene before leveling her gaze at me. “I shall provide your trusted soldier with delivery instructions when he’s ready to start.”
I’d deliver the letter myself, but I didn’t want Irene to know that. When I’d been out riding yesterday, I’d noticed that Juliana’s young accomplice had come back to Goodrich land with another man. Even though they hadn’t spotted me, I guessed they’d been searching for her. I’d have no trouble tracking them down if they were still on my land. They probably wouldn’t let me get anywhere near them without riddling me full of arrows. So I’d have to sneak the letter into their camp and leave it anonymously.
“Perhaps you should invite your family.” Irene spoke from behind us. “Lady Eleanora … What was it—Delacroix?”
Juliana’s eyes flashed with a burst of anxiety that she rapidly smothered. “Yes, Delacroix.” Her voice was cool and her expression again placid before she turned to face Irene. “Thank you for the kind offer to have my family visit. But I’m not staying long. I shall be returning home at week’s end.”
Irene studied Juliana’s face. “I feel as though I’ve seen you before. But I’m certain that I’ve never had the privilege of meeting anyone from the Delacroix family.”
Did Irene doubt the stories I’d spread about Juliana’s arrival? I’d hoped the information I’d sparingly provided about her false past would silence gossipers. But apparently, Irene hadn’t believed everything she’d heard. What if my sister recognized Juliana? Irene had indicated that she’d never had much contact with Charles Wessex and his daughter. From what I’d gathered since my arrival, our father’s grudge had kept the two families apart since we were children. But if I’d remembered Juliana’s beautiful hair after all of these years, what if Irene did too?
I tried to quell the wariness worming through my stomach and reminded myself that surely Irene would have no reason to suspect anything. Everyone believed Juliana Wessex had died along with her father.
Before I could think of an appropriate response, Juliana was answering calmly. “I’m sure you’re simply confusing me with all of the other pretty ladies that Lord Collin has known.”
“Perhaps. Nevertheless, you must stay longer. Don’t you agree, Collin?”
“I agree completely. You’ll break my heart if you leave t
oo early.”
“Oh, I’m sure your broken heart will mend quite easily,” Juliana said, tossing a small smile at me.
“My lady,” I said in mock surprise, returning her smile. “That’s not true. You have stolen my heart. And when you leave, you shall take it with you.”
At my reference to stealing, Juliana’s smile moved to her eyes, turning them a warm brown.
“If you must leave so soon,” Irene said, “then we shall have to do our best to entertain you while you’re here with feasting, dances, and parties of every kind.”
All traces of mirth vanished from Juliana’s face. Before she could say something foolish to Irene—about extravagance or how much others were suffering—I spoke. “We’re having an archery contest tomorrow.”
Juliana’s expression sparked with sudden interest.
“Collin is accomplished at the longbow as well as the crossbow,” Irene added. “I’m sure you’ll be quite impressed by his skill.”
“Do you expect to win the contest?” Juliana asked me.
“No one has been able to beat him yet,” Irene answered, tying a knot in her embroidery thread.
I had no reason to boast about my ability. For I doubted there was a nobleman in all the realm who would be able to defeat me. I’d worked for years to perfect my archery skill.
“If you’re such the expert, my lord, then maybe I shall have to challenge you.” The glint in Juliana’s eye already challenged me.
Before I could answer, Irene gave a soft snort of condescension. “Such a display would be most unseemly, perhaps even scandalous.”
I picked up the quill pen and twirled it, attempting to quell my eagerness to accept Juliana’s challenge. “My sister is right.”
“I think you’re merely afraid of being defeated by a woman,” Juliana said. “That would indeed be scandalous.”
“Oh, I’m not afraid,” I responded, unable to temper the arrogance in my voice. “Not in the least.”
“Then if you don’t mind a little unseemliness, I shall join your contest.”
Irene protested again. But Juliana merely strode across the room and out the door without another word.
Even though I knew I ought to add my protest, I couldn’t. The thought of an archery contest involving Juliana was too appealing to resist.
“Perhaps Irene’s judgment was correct.” Worry flashed across Collin’s features as we strode toward the center of the field. “Perhaps you should sit with the ladies.”
I fitted my bow over my shoulder and kept pace with his long steps. I had to carry the drawstring arrow bag since it certainly wouldn’t look proper for me to don a belt and let it dangle at my waist as I was accustomed to doing. “I think you’re just afraid I’ll beat you.”
The bright sunshine turned Collin’s wind-tousled hair the color of warm butter. I tried not to look at his face, at his eyes that would be equally as warm—and disarming.
“I’m certain you’re quite good,” he said under his breath. “But after pondering the matter, that’s why I don’t think you should do this. Your skill may arouse suspicion.”
I glanced to the tent where the other ladies were sitting. The canopy above them provided a cover from the sun, protecting their perfect complexions.
With my freckles and tanned skin, I was already different. Even if I had unblemished skin, I had absolutely nothing in common with the other ladies—not anymore. They flirted, and batted their eyes, and spoke of things that held no interest to me. I’d much rather participate in the archery contest with the men.
But Collin was right. I had to be careful to play the part of a noblewoman, though I detested it. I couldn’t afford to draw attention to myself.
I stopped before reaching the men who’d gathered near the targets and were eyeing the brightly painted circles suspended from posts. My fingers twitched with the need to participate in the competition and show my skill, to show that I could shoot as well as any man.
“Maybe just a couple of shots?” I asked.
He hesitated. “You know I can’t resist you. Not when you look at me like that.”
“Look at you like what?”
“With your eyes so wide and pretty.”
I felt an unbidden smile grow on my face.
He leaned closer and brushed a stray curl from my forehead.
“Lord Collin.” One of his servants approached from behind. “I beg your pardon, my lord. This won’t take but a moment.” The young man slumped his shoulders and bent his head, as if waiting for a rebuke for interrupting. But instead of irritation, Collin clamped the man’s arm in friendliness.
I took a step away and fidgeted with the hemp string and the nocking point on the bow while Collin conversed with his servant. His voice was kind as he patiently answered the servants’ questions regarding details for the picnic they’d planned after the contest.
Maybe I could fault Collin for being a nobleman, but I couldn’t find much else wrong with him. Since meeting him, he’d proven to be as good and kind as any of my friends back in the forest. I could honestly say I’d enjoyed his company yesterday when he’d taken me on a tour of his home, the stables, and some of the surrounding land. He’d regaled me with tales of his adventures during boyhood, as well as when he was a page with the duke. He’d made me laugh at his childhood antics and hold my breath at his dangerous deeds. And for just a little while, I’d forgotten about my other life and had been content simply being with him.
When the servant bowed and scurried away toward the shaded grove, where other servants were assembling the picnic, Collin returned to me.
“My lady.” He held out his arm. His smile, his good manners, his sweetness—they were all endearing. Part of my mind rang out a warning that I ought to spurn him, to keep my distance, to push him away. But no matter how much I tried to dislike him, I couldn’t. In fact, the longer I was with him, the harder it was to hold my childhood grudge. For today, at this moment, I merely wanted to enjoy the contest and perhaps forget again for a few moments that I was a hunted criminal.
With a return smile, I slipped my hand into the crook of his arm and allowed him to lead me toward the men.
Some of the contestants smirked when they noticed the bow and quiver full of arrows I was holding. I was tempted to slap their mirth away. But Collin joked with the men good-naturedly, and soon he convinced them to allow me to have a turn.
I waited at the end of the line, letting the fall sunshine caress my cheeks. I tried to not to dwell on the thought that while I was out in the open and free, somewhere not too far away my friends were still in hiding, with no life at all except to hunt, evade my uncle’s men, and keep from getting caught.
Collin was the last of the men to shoot, and his arrow flew fast and hard, hitting the center of the target with a precision that was impressive. I didn’t clap as the other ladies did, but when he turned and grinned at me I nodded my approval. “Well done, my lord.”
“Nice of you to say so, my lady.”
“Have your servant remove your arrow,” I said as I took my position at the line. “And I shall bore mine into the same spot.”
One of Collin’s brows arched and was quickly accompanied by the laughter of several noblemen.
“Or at least I shall try,” I amended, although it pained me to act more helpless than I was.
Collin bounded toward me. “If you’re determined to match my shot, then you’ll need a lesson or two from me.” He winked at his friends, and then took position behind me. “Already I can see that you’re holding the bow all wrong.”
I could hear the men snickering, and my fingers tightened against the string. I’d show them. I’d let two arrows fly before they could blink.
Collin’s steady hand wrapped around mine, stopping me. “Careful,” he murmured against my ear. “Remember. You’re Lady Eleanora Delacroix. Not the Cloaked Bandit.”
His arm pressed against me, and he readjusted his fingers over mi
ne so that he gave the appearance of helping me pull the string.
“I don’t need a lesson.” Even as I spoke the words, I couldn’t keep from leaning back into him just slightly until I felt the gentle pressure of his chest.
“You might have more to learn from me than you think,” he whispered. His voice near my ear and the warmth of his breath made my heart tumble like a pebble down a cliff.
“And perhaps you have something to learn from me too.”
“I have no doubt I do.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “In fact, I think my education began the moment I saw you.”
At the teasing calls from several of the men, Collin tossed a flippant comment over his shoulder. “Don’t rush me. She’s quite the novice and has a great deal to learn.”
His remark brought a chorus of guffaws from his friends.
“A novice?” I knew I ought to be insulted by his comment, but I couldn’t think about anything except his hand upon mine and the gentle pressure of his arm. I was surrounded by him, and it was all I could do to focus on the target.
“In fact, I think I should like to give you archery lessons every day,” he murmured, settling in closer.
I wanted to tell him I wouldn’t object, but my breath had caught in my chest, and I couldn’t speak past the tightness his nearness caused. His nose nuzzled in the hair above my ear, and then he dragged in a shaky breath. Was I affecting him the same way he was me?
“Come, Lord Collin,” called a nobleman with a laugh. “Save the cuddling for the picnic. This is a serious contest.”
Embarrassed heat slid around my middle. I pulled back on the string the rest of the way and then let go. At the same time, Collin leaned into my hair again and let out a large breath. Though my hair was thick, the heat from his exhalation soaked into me, taking me by surprise. I jumped and my bow swerved. The arrow flew forward with half the strength I normally exerted and barely hit the outer line of the target.
Collin released his hold, but didn’t step away. “Looks like you’ll need more target practice, my lady. And of course, I’m a willing teacher.”