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The Darkest Of Light

Page 15

by Sandy Alvarez

The last thing I remember is the truck coming to a stop upside down, Reid bellowing my name and then darkness.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’ve only been at work for four hours, and I can’t wait to get back home to my woman. Since finding out some piece of shit threatened her and my baby, I’ve found it hard to leave her side. I know the club is doing what they can to find something or someone but for weeks we have found nothing, all leads have been dead ends. Even getting our hands on the fuckin’ police report has been a slow process. We know guys on the force around here, so when we needed things in the past it was fairly easy. Not so much with Bozeman PD.

  I’m in my truck on my way to Reid’s place. He hopped in his truck a few days ago and went back to Bozeman to see if he could dig up any new leads. He texted first thing this morning telling me he would be back home this afternoon and wanted to go over what he’s been able to find out. Reid lives downtown in an old two-story firehouse that he has turned into a large studio apartment. I slow and pull my truck down the alleyway, parking right behind his blue and white 1972 Chevy pickup that used to belong to his brother Noah. Before climbing out of my truck my phone pings with a text. Grabbing it from the console I swipe the screen to read a message from Austin.

  Austin: I’m here, brother.

  Me: Good.

  I should have plenty of time to talk with Reid and make it back to the shop before my second client of the day comes in. I make my way up a flight of wrought iron stairs leading to the second story door. Before I can press the buzzer, Reid’s voice comes through the speaker. "Come on in, brother."

  Walking in, I take in his home. Having been here several times since he bought the place I’m still amazed by it. The architecture inside and out reminds me of my childhood in Cuba. You don’t get to see this kind of workmanship anymore and he has restored everything, making sure to keep as much of it original as possible while adding all the comforts of modern living.

  I find him sitting at his large, stainless kitchen table.

  "What did you find in Bozeman?" I ask him.

  Sitting his coffee mug down he slides a manila folder across the table to where I’m now standing.

  "Finally got my hands on the damn police report from the Bozeman PD. It says they didn’t find much. Whoever it was knew how to cover their tracks. No prints were found on anything except for a partial on one of the knives stuck in the wall. And unfortunately, at the time, the condo wasn’t equipped with any kind of security system."

  Grabbing the folder, I proceed to open it. The police report was filed by Sam McGregor. Forced entry through the patio door located in the kitchen. One statement from an elderly lady down the street. I flip to her statement on the next page detailing that she saw a small silver car earlier that day that she hadn’t seen before. I thumb through a couple more pages until I come across photos taken of the sonogram pictures that were stabbed to the wall and the malicious words that were used to threaten my family. My jaw twitches with tension. An intense rage starts to churn in my gut causing me to crinkle the papers in my hands.

  "While I was there I met the friend Sam. He seems like a good guy. Took care of Alba and her friend Leah since becoming friends."


  Alba reassured me that there was never anything between them only friendship, but I don’t know him, so I don’t like him. I cut my eyes at Reid, letting him know I have no interest in hearing about the fuckwad.

  "Got it. Anyway, we set up motion tracking cameras all around the property to go along with the security cameras I installed awhile back, which we still haven’t had a hit on yet. I also talked to the old lady on the police report. After listening to her go on and on about her two cats, she finally gets around to telling me she has seen that car three times since then. This guy is going to slip up. We’ll catch the son of a bitch, Gabriel," Reid assures.

  Sitting around waiting for something to happen is bullshit. An uneasy feeling washes over me. I throw the folder down on the table, "So we still have nothin’," I huff out in frustration as I run my hand through my hair.

  "This guy is obsessed with her, man. He’ll turn up again."

  I hope so. Glancing at the clock on Reid’s wall I tell him, "I got to get to the shop. Let me know when you relieve Austin later. Sorry I had to call on you to sit with Alba. Prez needs Austin for something."

  "Not a problem, man. I’ll let ya know when I get there."

  Lifting my chin at him I turn and leave.

  Usually tatting someone relaxes me. I get tuned into the artwork and the buzzing of the gun. Lately however with all the added stress due to all this stalker business it has had the opposite effect. My mind is elsewhere, on my woman and our child, practically every minute of the day.

  My phone pings just as I’m finishing a tribal headpiece this guy wanted on his back. Pulling it from the inside pocket of my cut I swipe the screen,

  Reid: I’m here. Alba wants to bring you lunch.

  Me: Ok. Warm the truck up for her.

  Once I’m through typing out my response, I clean the guy up and send him on his way. I don’t have another appointment for another hour, which will give me plenty of time to eat when Alba gets here.

  Fifteen minutes later, after I’ve cleaned up my station, I walk to the back into the break room to make sure we have some bottled water before Alba gets here. My mind is still cluttered with the little bit of information Reid was able to obtain when my phone rings.

  I retrieve my phone from my pocket answering the call, "Yeah," I bark into the phone feeling a little on edge.

  "Gabriel, get…" the call starts to break up with static before Reid’s frantic voice comes back in and the blaring sounds of sirens make it almost impossible to hear what he is trying to tell me, "Alba was in an accident, about two blocks from the shop, man. Ambulance is on its way," I hear Reid say from the other end of the phone.

  I was running through the shop and out the door before he could finish his sentence.

  "You tell her I’m comin’."

  I rush and jump into my truck. My grip on the steering wheel tightens as I weave in and out of traffic. Thoughts of losing her and my child begin racing through my mind. I just got her back. I can’t lose her now. Not like this.

  Up ahead I see flashing lights and it doesn’t take long for traffic to come to a complete standstill.

  Fuck this.

  Pulling onto the shoulder I drive towards the chaos and blaring sirens. As soon as I get close enough I spot her battered truck upside down on the side of the cold, wet road in a ditch.

  My stomach twists into a thousand knots.

  Throwing my truck into park I burst out the door, my feet feeling like lead as I wade through the crowd of first responders.

  Towards my woman.

  That’s when I get a closer look at the mangled mess that was Alba’s truck and my steps falter. About twenty yards ahead I spot her, strapped to a gurney, wearing a neck brace and by her side is Reid. Marching past the officers and firefighters I get to her side just as she’s lifted into the back of the ambulance.

  "Who’s riding with her?" The Paramedic asks turning to see both myself and Reid standing there.

  "She’s my woman," I answer.

  "Climb in," he says nodding his head.

  Stepping in I sit and grab Alba’s hand. The sirens roar and we take off down the road. I take a deep breath and access her from head to toe. All the blood matted in her beautiful blonde hair has turned it crimson, along with several small lacerations that cover her left arm and a splint that has been placed on her wrist.

  "She has been unconscious since we arrived on scene. She took a pretty good blow to the head along with a broken wrist. You can still talk to her. A familiar voice may help rouse her," he informs me as he starts checking her vitals.

  I choke back my own worries for both her and my child and place my other hand on top her belly.

  "Cariño Sweetheart." I lean down and whisper in her ear.
  The ride is short. As soon as the ambulance comes to a stop, the backdoors fly open and they hoist her and the gurney out and we are rolling through the emergency room doors.

  "Sir, I need you to wait out here," a young female nurse says, stopping me mid stride as I follow my woman.

  "Get the fuck out of my way," I growl, giving her a hardened stare.

  "Let them do their job," the young nurse says with a quiet yet firm voice.


  I stand there, staring at the doors they took her through. I don’t know how long I’m watching for someone to walk back out, but I’m pulled from the fog when Reid shows up. I know it’s not his fault, but I need some answers.

  "What the hell happened?" I question. I’m losing my shit right now. I know I need to control my temper and rein in my frustration in the process.

  With devastation written on his face, I watch Reid run his hand through his hair, "One minute everything was fine, she was cruising down the road at a slow pace, then a second later she’s speeding up. I know Alba doesn’t drive over the speed limit, ever. Once I realized something was wrong, I pulled up alongside her. The look on her face…she was so fuckin’ scared, man. Then she hit a patch of ice and lost it. Fuck, I should have driven her. Gabriel, I’m sorry, brother."

  As we’re standing there going over the events, Bella comes running through the doors bypassing everyone. At the same time the double doors to the back open and out walks her best friend Mila along with a doctor. I’ve heard Bella and Alba mention before that Mila is an OB nurse. After a quick hug between the two and some whispered words they walk towards me and Reid. Logan appears, walking in from outside and comes to stand alongside us.

  Mila gives us a small smile before the doctor begins speak, "I’m Doctor Williams. Are you all the family of Alba Jameson?"

  "Yes. I’m her fiancé," I lie. "and this is her sister." I say motioning towards Bella.

  "As you know Miss Jameson was brought in a short while ago with injuries she sustained in a car accident. She may have a concussion, so we are taking her back for a CAT Scan. She looks to have a broken wrist as well. The on call OB-GYN checked her out and other than some bruising on her stomach from the seatbelt and her blood pressure being a little high, the baby looks good," The doctor informs us.

  Tilting my head back, I stare at the white tiled ceiling and sigh in relief, then look back at Dr. Williams, "Thank you."

  The doctor inclines his head, "I’ll come back shortly after we know more." He informs and excuses himself. Mila gives me a small smile as her and Bella walk off to talk amongst themselves.

  "I didn’t realize she worked at the hospital," Reid wonders out loud.

  Logan turns to me, "Prez and Quinn are on their way, brother." Before walking off and letting me have my space.

  While pacing the fuckin’ floors, I catch sight of Prez’s SUV pulling into the parking lot just outside the Emergency Department.

  When they enter the waiting room their first concerns are about Alba. I look to Logan, asking him to fill them in on what the doctor told us, because I’m too worked up. I feel caged. Rules or not, if someone doesn’t come walking through those damn doors that are separating me from my family, I’ll go searching for answers myself.

  "I want Alba’s truck towed to the shop. Something’s not adding up with this whole picture," Prez says, causing me to pause and look at him.

  "You thinkin’ it may have something to do with this guy we are lookin’ for?" Logan asks, folding his arms across his chest.

  If this is somehow related to the piece of shit stalking my family… My rage is so intense at this point I rear back and put my fist through the wall, needing to hit something—anything. The guys look at me, then look at the hole in the wall. No one says anything. Good thing, because I swear right now is not the time for someone to tell me to calm the fuck down.

  "I’m not sure. My gut is tellin’ me this shit ain’t right. From what Reid recounted, it doesn’t sound like a mere accident. I want to be 100% sure one way or the other though." Prez says, "Quinn, call Bennett, you guys get that truck towed to the shop, today. Take my vehicle. Someone here will give me a lift home," Prez orders, chucking his keys to Quinn. Without a word he is on his phone and out the door.

  The place is quiet…too quiet.

  We are the only people left waiting in the thick stillness of the waiting room for about another twenty minutes before I see the double doors that lead to the back open and Dr. Williams rounds the corner.

  Bella jumps up fast and quickly speaks, "How is she?"

  At this point us men are standing behind Bella, waiting for answers ourselves.

  "Alba is doing better. As suspected she has a moderate concussion, which is why she was unconscious for awhile, but she is starting to come around. CAT scan showed no swelling and no bleeding as of right now, which is also good. The laceration to her head was closed with a few staples. She’ll be in and out of it most of the night. She also suffered a broken wrist as well as some scrapes and bruising. And the baby is doing good, heartbeat is very strong. They are getting her moved into a room for overnight observation. If she does okay throughout the night and another CAT scan comes out clear she can go home in twenty-four to forty-eight hours. But, she will need to rest. There will be a list of side effects to watch her for, such as confusion, slurred speech, and dizziness. Anyway, I can take someone back with me, then the rest of you can come up as soon as she is settled," He finishes saying.

  Surprisingly Bella blurts out, "Gabriel is going."

  I glance at her and she smiles, "As bad as I want to be the one, she needs you more, big guy."

  Her eyes water a bit with the statement, and I recognize how hard that was for her with a nod. She’s a good woman. A good sister. I look at Logan for a second as he pulls her into him a little tighter. Turning on my heels, I follow Dr. Williams through the double doors.

  Turns out they already had Alba in a room on the third floor by the time we made it back there. After thanking the doctor, I walk into the hospital room where Alba is sleeping. I sit watching her for a few minutes. It’s when I place my hand on her stomach she opens her eyes and looks at me.

  "Cariño Sweetheart," I rasp. She steals my breath every time she looks at me with those sky-blue eyes of hers. I lean over and place my lips on hers, breathing her in. Then place a kiss on her swollen belly. "My star," I say to my unborn child as Alba runs her fingers through my hair, which instantly calms me, causing my tense body to relax.

  "I love you," she whispers.

  Reaching up, I cradled her face in my hands and kiss her again, "Mi amor My love."

  Chapter Nineteen


  Coming to in the emergency room and realizing not only was I alive but that my baby was okay was a huge relief. My last thoughts as I crashed were of my baby and of Gabriel. No way would fate be so cruel. To finally bring us together only to rip us apart.

  Shortly after I was brought into my hospital room, Gabriel was at my side. I didn’t like seeing the tormented look on his face as he took in my injuries. Like now. He’s sitting in a chair beside the bed, his large hand rubbing lazy circles on my belly and his eyes are constantly bouncing back and forth between me and the baby’s heart rate monitor.

  I was told the OB doctor on-call was brought into the ER to do a ultrasound to check on the baby, but I was still unconscious at the time. I wish I could have seen for myself, but the constant whoosh of the heartbeat filling the room will suffice.

  With Gabriel’s hand rubbing my belly, my eyes begin to grow heavy. I’m trying hard to fight sleep. Afraid something may happen. Noticing my struggle, he leans over and brushes his lips across mine.

  "Sleep Cariño Sweetheart, I’ve got you."

  With his words of assurance, I allow my eyes to close.

  I awaken some time the next morning to the feel of a hand stroking my hair. Without opening my eyes, I already know whose hand it is—Bella. Since we were children this is
something my sister has always done. It doesn’t matter how old I get, my sister stroking my hair will always be a source of comfort.

  Opening my eyes, I look to my right and see my sister lying in the bed next to me. When my eyes meet hers, there are no words spoken. We stare at each other. Our tears are our only form of communication. We know each other so well, that nothing needs to be said. Bella’s tears are saying she was scared and that she loves me. Mine are saying, I’m okay and I love you too.

  A moment later Bella breaks the intense moment by pointing at my wrist. "A blue cast, Alba. What did you do, wake up from your unconscious state long enough to tell them you wanted blue?" We both giggle.

  "Uh, I kinda did. I literally woke up as the doctor was wrapping it and I believe my only words were blue." My confession cause both of us to laugh harder. The sound of the door opening draws my attention, and I see Gabriel walking in with all the guys and Leyna in tow. Gabriel is the first to approach, giving me a light kiss on the lips before sitting down in the chair beside the bed. After him, each of the guys follow suit giving me a kiss on the top of my head. Jake is the first to speak.

  "How ya doin’, sweetheart?"

  "I’m good, ready to go home though."

  "I talked to the nurse earlier, she said the doctor should be in before noon to check on you. So hopefully you can go home today," Bella informs us.

  Mila comes walking in with a bright smile and a doctor trailing behind her. It was a nice surprise to find that Mila was my nurse. She happened to be working last night when I was brought into the ER She is an OB nurse and was assisting the doctor yesterday. For that, I am thankful. Having someone you know be the one taking care of you makes the situation a little easier to bear.

  "Good morning," The doctor says, still looking down at the clipboard in her hands. Then she stops abruptly, and snaps her head up with a shocked expression on her face.

  "Dr. Evans?" Bella rushes out.


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