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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 12

by Krystal George


  Jordan and I entered my house by the side door. Once inside, I hesitated and when I didn’t hear anything, we snuck up the stairs. When we heard loud snoring I relaxed.

  “Will you wait while I change?”

  “Of course. Maybe I should start working out, too.”

  “Not a bad idea.” I kicked off my shoes, grabbed my things and went into the bathroom to change. I was used to rushing to get dressed and after just a few minutes I was finished. “Thanks for staying,” I said to Jordan as I slipped on my sneakers.

  “No problem, anytime.”

  We snuck back down the stairs and together we walked over to his house. “Is it okay if I stop here if my mom still isn’t home when I get back?”

  Jordan stared at me for a moment. “Lizzie, has Frank ever…”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll see you later.” I raced off, fighting back tears. Frank had cornered me, coming out of the bathroom once. I only had a towel wrapped around me, I didn’t know he’d come home. If I had I never would have showered without my mom there. He tried to pull the towel off, and while fighting off his grip on my towel, he groped by body up and down with his other hand. With his hot, liquor laden breath he panted that I had to be friendlier. He was drunk, of course, and luckily a bit unsteady.

  I yelled, kicked him in the groin, rushed into my room and locked the door. With him yelling and pounding on the bedroom door, I huddled on the bed in a fetal position until finally, there was a loud thump, some stumbling, a groan and some unintelligible grumbling. Then there was the sound of the door slamming. I covered my head with the pillow and sobbed. That was last spring, and I never told anyone. I’ve been very careful since then not to ever be alone with Frank again.

  I made it to the park in record time. I walked around for a bit to catch my breath. When I got to the steps leading down to the lower level near the river, I saw Liam, but he wasn’t alone. He had his back to me and Allison had her arms around his neck. She looked up and seeing me, flashed a smile. Liam turned enough for me to see he was smiling too. I swiveled and jogged back the way I came, choking back tears again. I should have known it was all fake. He and Allison wanted to get me back for standing up to her. Fine, they’d done a great job. I felt like crap.

  The next day in first period, Liam smiled at me as he took his seat. When the lunch bell rang, I opted out and headed to the welcome quiet of the choir room and as I sat down at the piano, Mrs. Turley, the choir director, came out of her office.

  “Elizabeth, they’ve posted tryouts for the fall musical. I really think you should try out. It’s the first one we’ve ever done during the school year and there’s a part perfect for you. We’re doing Grease and you should try out for Sandy. She handed me the flyer, the tryouts were next week. I frowned as I read through the flyer a couple of times before I made up my mind.

  “Sure, why not.”

  “Really? That’s wonderful. I’ll get you the music. If you come early every weekday until then, I’ll help you prepare.”

  “Okay, that’d be great. Thanks Mrs. Turley.”

  “Well, you’re welcome. You have a beautiful voice and people should be able to hear it. Does this mean you might do a solo this spring for sectionals?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe.”

  I shoved the music in my bag and headed to the gym.

  “Missed you at lunch,” Haley said.

  “I wasn’t hungry.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m just tired, I didn’t sleep very well.”

  “Do you want to stay over on Friday? We could do just us, or I could ask a Jackie and Vanna.”

  “Actually, that sounds fun, Haley, thanks.”

  I got home just as Mom was pulling into the driveway. “Frank and I are going bowling, want to come with us?”

  “No thanks, I have homework.” Then I remembered Liam was supposed to come over. “I have someone coming over again.”

  “Oh, is it Liam?”

  “Yeah, unfortunately it is.”

  I helped her with the grocery bags and we set them on the kitchen counter. “Did something happen?”

  “Just the usual.”

  “If he’s been disrespectful, I’ll talk to his mother.”

  “No Mom, it’s nothing. I’ll put this stuff away. You go get ready to go bowling.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure.”

  I nodded and she patted my shoulder and walked away. After the scene in the park, I really wasn’t looking forward to seeing and having to work with Liam now. But there was nothing to do about it and as I put away the groceries I decided I could make this work for me. I wasn’t experienced like Allison, but I had a great imagination.

  I was glad Mom and Frank were gone and right at six the door bell rang. Liam stood on the porch, one hand on his hip, pizza in the other.

  “Come on in,” I said with an exaggerated gesture.

  He smiled and moved pasted me. “I missed you at the park.”

  I shut the door. “Yeah, like yesterday?”

  “I didn’t see you yesterday either.”

  He followed me into the dining room. “Well, I saw you. I’m guessing it’s exactly what you wanted. I’m sure you and Allison had a good laugh about how you taught me a lesson. Yeah, that’ll teach me to stand up to her.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Yeah, okay.” I turned toward the kitchen to get plates and Liam grabbed my arm.

  “Lizzie, Allison just showed up. I didn’t know she’d be there.”

  “And her draped all over you and that silly grin on your face - that was all part of what…going with the flow?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. I’m sorry if you’re upset, but it’s kinda hot that you’re jealous.”

  I jerked my arm away and angrily made my way to the kitchen, where I pulled some dishes out of the cabinet. “Jealous? I’m not jealous. I’m just mad at myself for falling for your bull crap. Just for us…”

  He twisted me around, pulled me to his chest and pressed his lips to mine. I told myself to push away, but kissing him was all I’d ever wanted to do. So I laced my fingers through his hair and kissed him back. He finally pulled away and locked his gaze to mine.

  “Does that convince you?”

  “I may need a lot more convincing.”

  Liam chuckled, and pushed back my hair. “I’m okay with that.” He kissed me again and I felt my stomach quiver. It was the butterflies everyone always talked about. If he was still setting me up for a fall, it was going to be a long way down. When he finally pulled away he took my hand. “Come on, the pizza is getting cold.”

  We sat together at the table and ate another pizza with everything on it. He continued to hold my hand and then the light faded from his eyes.

  “I have to tell you something else.” I tried to pull my hand away, but he grasped it tighter. “Last spring, I heard you scream. I ran over, and found Frank pounding on your door. I grabbed him, shoved him into his room, punched him a few times and he passed out. He didn’t hurt you did he?”

  I stared at him, blinking rapidly, trying to keep the tears starting to fill my eyes from overflowing. Still one drifted down my cheek. I shook my head.

  “No, not that he didn’t try. I had no idea you’d come in the house that night. I never told anyone about it. Since then, I’ve made it my plan to never be alone with Frank.”

  “Good, I do watch out for you at night though. If he ever touches you again…”

  “Shhh, thank you, Liam.” I leaned over and kissed his cheek, and then pressed my forehead against his.

  We went over the love scene several times just to make sure it was right and around nine he packed up. I’d walked him to the door and as he crossed the porch, I noticed Allison talking to Jordan by the driveway. They must have finished their rehearsal, too.

  As Liam walked down my sidewalk, she brushed Jordan off. “It’s late, I’d better get home. Hey Liam…Liz.”

sp; “Maybe you should walk Allison home, Liam. It’s pretty dark tonight,” I insisted.

  He turned away from her and frowned at me. I just smiled. “See you two tomorrow,” I said and waved as I made my way toward Jordan.

  We watched them walk down the sidewalk and Liam turned once to look back at me. I waved animatedly.

  “So Jordan, what did you two decide on for a scene?”

  “She wanted to do one from Gone with the Wind.”

  “She is the drama queen isn’t she? So are you Ashley or Rhett?”

  “Ashley, but it’s mostly her.”

  “Of course it is. I’ve decided to try out for the musical, it’s Grease.”

  “Really? That’s great. You’ll really piss Allison off when you take the lead from her. I’m sure she thinks no one would even dare try.”

  “I think this is the year of surprises for dear, sweet Allison.”

  “She tries so hard to be something she’s not. She should just be herself.”

  “Yeah, but Jordan, I’m not sure she even knows who that is anymore.”

  The next day, when the bell rang, I braved the lunchroom. I filled my tray and sat next to Haley. Liam was with the other football players, when I glanced over he stood, picked up his still full tray and walked over to our table.

  “Excuse me. Do you mind if I eat lunch with you from now on?”

  Everyone at our table just stared at him, not knowing what the punch line was going to be. I scooted over and Liam sat down. I glanced Allison’s way, she was glaring knives at me. I couldn’t help it, I just gave her the “who knew” wide-eyed look, shrugged and smiled. Liam wrapped his arm around my waist and cuddled closer.

  Liam and I were the topic of every conversation. You could actually hear the swell and ebb of gossip as we walked together through the halls. The speculation increased to a fever pitch after our Romeo and Juliet balcony scene and after I won the lead in Grease.

  I was looking forward to graduation and our time together at Notre Dame. My life was just beginning and through my eyes looked bright and full of promise. This wallflower had truly blossomed.


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