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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 23

by Krystal George


  The next few months sped by. Ricky, a neighbor of Jake’s became the new piano player. Rehearsals and performances continued with a new zeal. The whole troupe, with the exception of Jake and Ricky, concentrated on schoolwork. As the academic year drew to a close, Jillian was the most excited, finally leaving academia behind.

  The week after graduation, Jillian’s family threw her a big party. All the relatives came and when the event was over, Jillian had amassed almost three-hundred dollars. But, the surprises weren’t over. There was still one more to come. Her mom handed her an envelope.

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it,” Her mom urged.

  She tore the envelope. Inside was a trip confirmation. Jillian looked up. “Is this for real? I’m going to New York City?”

  Her dad answered. “We knew you always wanted to go. So we decided to surprise you. Jake suggested it. It’s not the best trip, but it covers the basics, including a Broadway show. Do you like it?”

  “Not the best trip? Are you kidding me? It’s perfect. I can’t wait.”

  Jake showed up a few hours later with a gift. As soon as she spotted him, Jillian ran and gave him a hug.

  “Oh, Jake! Thank you so much for suggesting this trip to my folks. I know it’s with a tour group, but how did you convince them to let me go alone.”

  “It was easy. You’re not going alone. I’m tagging along. This is the best deal possible. If you tried on your own to get everything that’s included, it would cost four times the price of this trip.”

  “I am so excited, I can’t wait!”

  “The trip is a month away, but maybe this will help curb your enthusiasm.” He handed her a wrapped gift.

  She tore the wrapping off. It was the soundtrack from Grease.

  “Wait until you see Grease. Jillian—this music is so awesome! I know you’ll learn every song, but you have to remember the first rule of the theater.”

  “Which is?”

  “Thou shall not sing aloud with the performers.”

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