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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 38

by Krystal George


  As Julie was heading through the field, she felt a brief, throbbing pain shooting through her brain. This was a tremendous surprise to her, for it certainly meant despite a year passing, Kimberly was still alive and breathing somewhere. She attempted to use her strange mind power to try and contact her, but a second later, pain flooded her brain double-fold, as now Kimberly’s voice invaded her mind; screaming out in a loud, shrill voice

  “Julie please you have to help me!”

  “Where are you Kimberly?” Julie formed in her mind in response to her long missing friend’s cry for help. Unfortunately after waiting and standing in place for a reply from Kimberly, Julie only received only her own thoughts in her head.

  Quickly dashing away her incredulous fear of the field, Julie rushed as fast as she possibly could to the Master’s residence to alert them Kimberly was still alive and breathing somewhere.

  As Julie was running toward it, she suddenly became plagued with a certain the dreaded thought. That Kimberly, and Julie shuddered to think of this possibility, might be kept against her will by some disgusting, can’t get a date with a woman his own age if his life depended on her, pedophile.


  Arriving at the Master’s residence, she became aware both Tim and Joyce’s vehicles parked in the driveway, Quickly rushing up the short flight of stairs, Julie madly pounded away at the front door.

  In about a minute, the front door was unlocked and opened. What Julie saw when this was done, was quite the opposite of what she was expecting. What she did see, was much to her eye bulging shock and dismay, was Tim Masters standing facing her, a revolver pointed directly at her.

  “I knew the bitch I stole and now call daughter’s retarded mind power would come to no damn good someday,” the armed father said in anger. “Now get the heck inside, so I can figure out what the hell to do with you, you nosy little bitch.”


  Now inside the living room of the Master’s house, Julie was hit full blast with the horrendous sight of Kimberly tied to a cheaply constructed wooden chair. Her wrists bound to its arms, her ankles tied tightly to the front two legs, Joyce seated petrified on the sofa.

  “Kimberly!” Julie blurted out in a high, shrill voice, not wasting a single moment in starting to rush toward her long missing best friend.

  However Julie wasn’t able to get but a couple seconds forward, courtesy of Tim proceeding to block her path; pointing the revolver in the direction of her face.

  “No not so fast,” Tim said in anger. “Now just sit your ass the hell down next to my loving wife.

  Being just fifteen, there was little to nothing she could do except oblige Tim’s demand.

  “Now I suppose you want some sort of explanation as to what this is all about,” Tim said in a calm, composed manner, sitting between Julie and his wife. “It just so happens prior to moving to this happy little Illinois community, my wife Joyce and I were employed at a top secret underground military base. This base is where exceptional human beings, or to put it in more straightforward terms, people with superpowers, are being manufactured to become U.S. Military soldiers. And my wife and I, being utter, stupid, idiots, became attached to one of these, a little girl.”

  “Kimberly,” Julie said in a slight shocked voice.

  “In actuality,” Tim replied quite casually, “her name is simply # 2041.”

  “No,” Julie replied shaking herself free of the initial shock of being informed of this. “It doesn’t matter if Kimberly's birth took place in some U.S. Military lab, she’s a human being and my best friend who I missed so much and spent the year being depressed over.”

  Hearing this of course angered the armed father, who immediately leapt off the sofa as if his life depended on it.

  “I’m not surprised a bit about having those words fill my ears,” Tim said. “But enough with it, it’s time to put an end to all this.

  As Tim began to move toward a fully defenseless Kimberly to no doubt deliver the killing shot to her, Julie felt a sense of dread over the exact possibility she was about to lay her eyes upon witnessing a murder for the first time. Not to mention once again lose her best friend, this time for good. However before Tim had a chance to deliver the killing shot to the bound up girl, Joyce sprung into immediate action, tripping her husband, causing him to land hard onto the carpeted floor below. Quick as a flash, Joyce was jumping off the sofa onto her feet, rapidly grabbing up the revolver.

  “No! I won’t allow you to kill our daughter!” Joyce screamed out.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Tim raged. “That thing is nothing but a damn freak science experiment!”

  “No she’s not...she’s...”

  This was as far as Joyce was able to get, as without warning, Tim wildly jumped up, startling her. Causing her to accidently fatally shooting him in the chest.

  “Stupid bitch,” were the last words Tim spoke as his life expired.


  “Do you really have to leave?” Julie asked a few days after the shooting and trick or treating for the last time. “I mean, there’s no problem with your father’s death, given Police Chief Clarkson believes your mother was acting in self-defense trying to protect him from killing you. And besides that, my life is going to really suck without you in it.”

  “If we stay here, sooner or later, agents of the U.S. Military are going to find me and forcibly take me back,” Kimberly replied, slight sadness present in her voice.

  “Yeah, we’ll I’m sure going to miss you,” Julie then said, feeling tears starting to well up in her eyes.

  “Likewise,” Kimberly replied, tears also starting to develop in her hazel brown eyes.

  “Julie if it’ll make you feel any better, I promise to write you nearly every day when my mom and I get to where we’re going.”

  “Yeah you’d better do that,” Julie replied.


  A few minutes later, Julie watched silently as Joyce and Kimberly drove away, wondering if she would ever see them again.


  Letter postmarked November 19th, 2004


  Hey Julie, I just thought I’d write and guess what, I’m doing all right! I know you can keep a secret, so I’m going to tell you where I am, Darkwood, Massachusetts. Guess what, I met the most incredible guy. Rick Evans-Zolkowski while I was roaming through a town grocery store, Mel and Johns. His parents are dead, and he’s being raised by who he says is his Mom’s best friend. Her name is Gabrielle Milton, and age hasn’t looked down upon her, despite her getting on in years. She’s tall and gorgeous, and if she wanted to, she could become a fashion model. The only thing, when I met her, Gabrielle acted all nervous, like someone or something is after her. Well, even if I don’t write again remember we’ll be best friends forever.

  Kimberly Masters.


  By Kim Stevens

  ©2014 by Kim Stevens

  Standing in the girls’ restroom, I was washing my hands when the door suddenly flung open. “Oh, hey, Mindy!” my best friend, Scarlett, said, stumbling to the vanity. As the door slowly closed, I saw the flash of a red-and-white Letter jacket.

  I smiled. “Hey.” I watched as she gathered her hair into a side ponytail. “What were you up to?”

  Scarlett smirked. “Ah, I was…studying?”

  I shook my head, leaving the restroom.

  Wandering the halls of Ravenswood high, I noticed several colorful banners announcing an upcoming football game between our Ravens and the neighboring football team, Hudson Hellhounds.

  Pulling my locker door open, I smile, taking in a handful of photographs: my very first cheerleadin
g session, my squad, and me cuddling with my boyfriend, Josh. I was the Captain of the Black Ravens and Josh was the hottest quarterback in school.

  Seeing girls gazing at me around school made me feel like high school royalty. My life was perfect. My friends were there for me. And my boyfriend loved me. I felt invincible.

  “Mindy,” Scarlett said at my side. “What were you doing?”

  “Nothing.” she moved her gaze into my locker, eyes narrowing, taking in the photo of me and Josh. I thought I knew Scarlett like I knew myself but her expression baffled me.

  Turning from my locker, I felt someone bump into me. Stumbling back into the metal lockers, I heard Scarlett yelling at someone. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going, Nerd Boy!” she stepped closer to a gangly boy wearing a Green Lantern T-shirt. He flinched back.

  “Scarlett, it’s okay.” I hurry over, touching her shoulder. “No harm done,” I add, meeting his timid amber gaze. Scarlett growled sending the boy skittering away.

  “Nerds should be transferred to another school,” she fumed.

  Before I could utter a word, I saw Scarlett’s demeanor change. Following her gaze, I saw Josh striding down the hall wearing his Letter jacket.

  “Hello, ladies,” he said, pecking me on the lips. “Did I startle you, babe?” I smiled.

  “Hey, Josh,” Scarlett purred.

  “Hey,” Josh said, eyes locked on my face. “What have you been up to?”

  “Trying to avoid the Nerd plague,” Scarlett butted in. Josh turned his eyes to my best friend.

  “What happened?” he wrapped his arm around my shoulders; Scarlett’s expression darkened.

  “Nothing…” I started, but trailed off when Scarlett stormed off.

  “Were you hurt?” Josh asked, unfazed.

  I shook my head, confused by Scarlett’s attitude. Josh kissed my cheek, mumbling something about seeing me at lunch. As I watched him stride down the hallway, I noticed that every girl’s jaw dropped as he passed.

  Ambling toward the cafeteria, I heard a stampede behind me. Turning, I stepped towards the wall as a group of girls ran past. I was about to carry on to the cafeteria when a boy with acne rushed up to me.

  “There’s a fight,” he excitedly shouted, “at the chem. labs.” He sped down the hall hollering about the fight. Abandoning my thought of lunch, I head towards the chem. labs.

  Sunlight spilled through the bay windows, painting the floor in vibrant oranges and golden yellows. The same brilliant colors were highlighting the mass of cheering people ahead of me.

  “Fight! Fight! Fight!” the crowd chanted as I pushed my way to the middle; I see Josh facing off with the boy from earlier.

  “You think you can hit my girlfriend and get away with it?” Josh growled, stabbing the boy’s Green Lantern shirt. “You’re a nerd. Nerd’s don’t belong here in Ravenswood, they don’t belong anywhere.” When Josh shoved the boy, the crowd went wild with cheers and high-fives.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded, going over to Josh who was soaking up the attention.

  “I’m getting revenge for you, babe,” he boasted.

  “I don’t need revenge.” I spot Scarlett standing on the fringe of the crowd, smirking. Josh, leave it.”

  Josh shoved the by again, sending him into the wall. “He needed to be taught a lesson,” he said. “He’s lucky I don’t kick his ass.” The crowd roared with laughter.

  “Come on, Josh, let him go.” I touch his arm.

  “He needs a lesson,” Scarlett spat from the sideline.

  “He’s learnt his lesson,” I murmured.

  Josh looked at me, a sexy smile on his lips. “I was doing this for you.”

  I shook my head. “I would never ask you to attack another person,” I answer, glaring at Scarlett.

  Josh’s smile vanished, “don’t embarrass me, Mindy,” he warned. “Everyone’s watching.”

  I shot him a disgusted look before turning to the boy in the Green Lantern T-shirt. “Are you okay?” he’s wary and hesitantly nods, eyes darting from me to Josh.

  “Mindy?” Josh touched my shoulder.

  I jerked away. “I’ll see you later, Josh.”

  After the crowd dispersed, I stepped back, giving the boy some room. “I’m sorry…are you really okay?”

  He nodded. “I-I’m fine.” His cheeks flushed crimson. “I-I’m Cu-Cuthbert.” A small awkward smile surfaced.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Cuthbert,” I said. “Josh shouldn’t have done that.”

  Cuthbert shrugged. “I-It’s not the f-first time.”

  “What?” I frown.

  “Ah, Cuthbert?” a shy voice sounded from my left. When I turned, I saw a tall male and a shorter male timidly approaching. “Sorry to interrupt, but we have a chess game.” The taller one had bright red braces on his teeth and coke-bottle glasses.

  Cuthbert gave a short nod, stepping toward his friends who were eyeing my curiously. The shorter male removed an inhaler, taking two shots. “I’m Jed and this is Zachariah,” he said, boldly.

  “Hello,” I said, glancing at Cuthbert. “I won’t keep you from your chess game.”

  As the boys hurried away, Cuthbert started to follow, but turned, giving me a smile that warmed me.

  The cafeteria was buzzing with gossip as I stepped through the doors. I made my way towards my friends sitting at a table in the back corner. They were discussing the confrontation between Josh and Cuthbert.

  “Where you been, girl?” Caycee asked, running her fingers through Gabe’s, hair.

  “I was talking to a friend.” Josh mumbled under his breath as I sat beside him. When my cell rang, I pull it out of my pocket. “Hello?” I answer, turning my back to my friends.

  “Mindy, I need you to baby sit.”

  “But I have to prac-” I started before Mom cut me off.

  “Your brother’s more important than shaking pompoms,” she said harshly. “I won’t be home until late, so don’t wait up.”

  Sliding the phone into my pocket, I face my friends. “Sorry guys, but I can’t make it to practise after school.” Caycee smiled sympathetically. “Caycee and AshLee’ll have to run the practise.” Flicking my eyes to Scarlett, I catch her smirking at me.

  “Have you bought a dress for the Prom yet?” Caycee asked.

  “No, I haven’t.” I lean forward in my seat. “I haven’t even thought about it.”

  “It’s a week away!” Tierra cried. “I’ve had a dress on order since the first day of school.”

  “I need my girls’ help to pick a dress,” Caycee said. AshLee and Tierra squealed with delight. I laughed.

  “So do I,” Scarlett added, twisting a lock of hair around a finger.

  “You could turn up in your birthday suit, you’d look gorgeous,” Josh said, winking at Scarlett.

  Caycee looked at me, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged in response. As the others discussed the Prom, I felt hurt as Josh and Scarlett flirted in front of me.

  “Mindy, are you coming to find a dress for Caycee?” Tierra asked.

  “Sorry, bit I have to baby sit,” I answer.

  “You’ll be coming to my game, right, babe?” Josh asked, leaning closer to me.

  I jerked away, cringing inside. “I’ll try.” Scarlett huffed from across the table as the bell rang. “Caycee and Tierra will lead the Black Ravens on Saturday night.”

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