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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 47

by Krystal George


  Just as her eyes opened the next morning, Aurora felt automatic excitement. She couldn’t blame herself for feeling this way, after all, just last night she had been named princess of Seraph. As far as she was concerned, her life could not be any more perfect. The next thing Aurora knew, she was overcome by a strong desire to head out and fulfill her father’s request to bring him the head of a rare silver dragon.

  Emerging from her bedchamber and starting to head down the hallway, Aurora came to the decision to check on her sister Everlista’s well-being. After all not only did she lose out against her in becoming princess, but the vampire she was so desperately in love with had almost had his existence ended last night.

  Making her arrival into her sister’s bedchamber, the first thing Aurora laid her eyes on, Everlista’s lying on her side, back facing her.

  “Are you okay,” she asked.

  “Please just go away I’m really not in any mood to do any amount of conversing with you Princess Aurora.”

  “Everlista I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah that’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one who isn’t able to call herself princess. Now please Aurora, honor my request and leave my bedchamber at once.”

  Staring at her sister, Aurora could not bring herself to believe being named princess was causing a clear riff between them. Well she didn’t have to stand there and take Everlista’s telling her to get out. Especially since it was her sister’s own fault she lost the chance to become it.

  “Everlista I’m sorry to say this, but if it wasn’t you and your vampire boyfriend conspiring to keep me out of our competition, you never would have lost the chance of possibly being named princess.”

  Continuing to keep her eyes focused on her sister, it was just seconds before Aurora realized saying this was a huge mistake.

  “Get out,” Everlista screamed, becoming animated, sitting up and turning to her, rage covering her normally attractive face.

  Fine Everlista you don’t have to tell me a third time, Aurora thought, not wasting a second obliging her sister’s demand and rushing out.

  Returning to lying down on her bed, Everlista almost instantly was struck by a sudden need to travel to the one person she knew wouldn’t let her down and getting up to do so.


  Miraculously, Everlista was met with no opposition all during the entire way of travelling to the section of Seraph claimed by vampires. It wouldn’t have mattered if she had, since she had enough confidence in her skills as a warrior to deal with one. This was maintained as she made her arrival at the Castle’s entrance and seeing no guards in front of it; allowing her to enter with no opposition.

  Not coming as one bit of a surprise, given this castle was home to vampires, the windows were blackened up as to prevent sun from getting in.

  As Everlista continued on toward where she knew Victors bedchamber would be located, having spent countless hours alone with him; it was just minutes before she was standing before it. Just as she prepared to make her entrance, Everlista was caught by surprise with the sudden arrival of a woman. Not a vampire, but an actual witch, and judging from the expression on her face, she wasn’t at all pleased by her being there.

  “Something tells me with you standing in front of Victors’ bedchamber, you must be his secret love,” the woman taunted.

  “Who are you,” Everlista asked as she turned to face her.

  “I’m the woman who’s replaced you in Victors’ life and I’m just days away from becoming his bride.”

  Everlista could not bring herself to believe what this woman had dared say this to her; no it just wasn’t possible.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Yeah I thought you might say that,” the woman said. “Come on inside and Victors will confirm it.”

  Setting foot into Victors’ bedchamber, the first thing Everlista saw, his standing at the window with his back turned toward her.

  “Victors this woman who I just ran into says she’s replaced me in your life,” she said. “Please don’t tell me it’s true.”

  “I could if I was able to Everlista,” he replied without turning to face her.

  Hearing Victors confirm what the woman just told her caused Everlista to feel pure, one hundred percent sadness to rip through her.

  “I don’t understand why would you do something like that to me?”

  “Because if I didn’t, she, her names Arleigha was going to use her magic to hurt or kill you,” Victors said finally turning toward her; depression and misery dominating his face. “I couldn’t allow that to happen.”

  “But I love you.”

  Instead of answering her, Victors once again turned away from her and resumed staring at the window.

  “I’m sorry Everlista, but that’s the way it has to be.”

  “But I can’t live without you in my life, it’s going to be miserable if we’re not together,” Everlista said as tears started stinging her eyes.

  And then she heard a feminine voice fill her mind.

  “My name is Alisa, I’m Arleigha’s younger sister, and I don’t want them to get married either. If you don’t want to lose Victors, I can transport the two of you somewhere where nobody will ever find you.”

  “Yes please do it.”

  Seconds later she and Victors disappeared from sight.

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  After Forever


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