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Addicted to a Dirty South Thug

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by Shan

  Addicted to a Dirty South Thug


  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Prologue - When It All Fell Apart

  Chapter 1 - Khian Prince

  Chapter 2 - Cuba

  Chapter 3 - Daelan

  Chapter 4 - Deonna

  Chapter 5 - Khian

  Chapter 6 - Amber

  Chapter 7 - Cuba

  Chapter 8 - KaeDee

  Chapter 9 - Deonna

  Chapter 10 - Khian

  Chapter 11 - Cuba

  Chapter 12 - Daelan

  Chapter 13 - Amber

  Chapter 14 - Khian

  Chapter 15 - Cuba

  Chapter 16 - Deonna

  Chapter 17 - Daelan

  Chapter 18 - Cuba

  Chapter 19 - Khian

  Chapter 20 - Daelan

  Chapter 21 - KaeDee

  Chapter 22 - Amber

  Chapter 23 - Daelan

  Chapter 24 - Cuba

  Chapter 25 - Khian

  Chapter 26 - Daelan

  Chapter 27 - Cuba

  Chapter 28 - Deonna

  Chapter 29 - KaeDee

  Chapter 30 - Khian

  Urban Books, LLC

  300 Farmingdale Road, NY-Route 109

  Farmingdale, NY 11735

  Addicted to a Dirty South Thug Copyright © 2018 Shan

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-9458-5500-9

  eISBN 13: 978-1-945855-01-6

  eISBN 10: 1-945855-01-0

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

  Distributed by Kensington Publishing Corp.

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  When It All Fell Apart

  October 2009

  Baby, you’re my everything; you’re all I ever wanted.

  We could do it real big, bigger than you ever done it.

  You be up on everything; other hoes ain’t never on it.

  “Nigga, that was the lick of the fuckin’ century. We for sure ’bout to come up off them birds we just copped. This may could be the last time we have to hit a lick, though, for real,” my bae Rue yelled over Drake’s “Best I Ever Had” as it blasted over the radio.

  I was sure he thought that my sister and I would be too busy jamming to the music and couldn’t hear him, but my ass was always eavesdropping. Shit, I knew what my nigga did for a living, and he kept it dirty. Anytime he talked about his business in front of me, I was sure to keep my ears open. I never knew when some shit he did would come back on him, and if and when it did, I wanted to be ready. That nigga wasn’t about shit and was always taking somebody’s stuff for a come up, but I loved that nigga. He was my nigga. We had been together for four years since I was fourteen years old, and since then, Rue had become my everything. I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

  My parents had tried everything to keep us apart, but you know love ain’t never steered a bitch clear from danger and only lured her right in. I was addicted to Rue. Everything about him screamed that he was a bad boy, and my parents knew that, but I just had to have him. His thug persona was what made it so easy for him to talk me out my drawers at such a young age and have me going against everything my parents told me. I would sneak out at night, skip school, lie, and steal just to be with Rue. It was only right, because if I didn’t, another bitch would, and that I wasn’t having.

  Everything was cool, though, now that I had turned eighteen. My parents told me I could no longer stay with them being that I was grown, and I understood and wasn’t going to dare fight them over it. Rue quickly opened up his two-bedroom apartment to me, and life was grand for us. No matter how he got his money, he made sure we didn’t struggle or want for anything, and I couldn’t do nothing but respect him for that.

  “Cuba, bitch, I have something to tell you,” my sister Alaska said as she whispered into my ear, only loud enough for me to hear her over the music. I looked over at her light brown skin, and even in the night light, I could see that she was flushed. Whenever she was nervous or stressed about something, her cheeks would turn red, and right about now, they looked like they were burning with fire.

  Alaska was a year older than me, and even though she was old enough to make her own damn decisions, my parents blamed me for her dating Bry, who was Rue’s best friend. True, if it hadn’t been for me dating Rue, Alaska and Bry wouldn’t have met, but Alaska did what the fuck she wanted to do. Shit, to be honest, she was nowhere near as innocent as my parents believed her to be. She was a bad girl and had always been that way. I was the good girl that fucked around and fell in love with a thug, and it fucked me up how they were always in my shit about turning Alaska and making her become rebellious.

  How the fuck is that my fault? I thought as my face involuntarily scrunched up into a frown. I quickly shook that shit off. No matter how hard they tried to make me out to be the villain and tear my sister and me apart, we wasn’t having that. I loved her to the death of me, and I knew she felt the same.

  I brought my attention back to Alaska. She was looking like she was struggling to get whatever it was off her mind. She looked ahead to make sure Bry couldn’t hear her, and then brought her attention back to me. We had just left the State Fair of Texas on some double-date-type shit and were now cruising through the South. Everything had been good between all of us, so I couldn’t imagine what could be wrong with Alaska. It was around ten or eleven at night, and the streets were wet from the light drizzle that fell from the sky. I had a bad feeling in my gut, but I couldn’t tell if it was because I felt like Alaska was about to deliver me some bad news or something else. I guess maybe Alaska felt the tension radiating off my skin, because she reached in her purse and pulled out a fat-ass blunt. Just looking at how much weed Alaska had packed into that ’rillo had me rolling my eyes. That bitch loved to get high. If my parents only knew that it was Alaska that got me started on smoking that purple, they would have a fit.

  “Alaska,” I said as I scooted across the back seat, leaving her with practically no room to breathe. “What, bitch? Tell me what the fuck is up already. You looking all nervous and got me scared over here.”

  She swallowed hard before she took a pull off the hay and handed it over to me. I did the same, but only I didn’t take in as much. It was some good, too, because it had me in a coughing fit the minute it penetrated my lungs.

  “Got damn, bitch,” I said, choking, and decided to hit it again.

  “I’m pregnant,” she said, and my eyes bucked wide as hell. I looked up toward the front, and the fellas were too busy whispering about their own problems to be concerned with what was going on back here. I looked back over at Alaska, and she looked so damn scared.

  There goes that feeling again, I thought as I looked through the back window. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, but I just didn’t feel right. I pulled at my shirt, suddenly feeling hot.

�Cuba, did you hear me?” Alaska said a little too loud, because Rue’s nosy ass was now looking dead at us through the rearview mirror as he drove. As soon as he took his eyes back to the road, I looked over at Alaska, and she had tears running down her face.

  “Damn, I know Bry be fucking up, but I didn’t know it was that bad,” I said to her, and she shook her head.

  “Remember the guy I started telling you about the other day? The one I said I was falling in love with—” Alaska started, but her words were cut off when the glass from my window shattered. It seemed that every time she brought dude up, we were somehow rudely interrupted. We all ducked down, shielding our heads, but for Bry, it was too late. I briefly looked up as his head bounced forward, hitting the dashboard, and then to the side before it rested against the passenger’s side window.

  I saw the blood, but I didn’t even have time to completely process what was going on before I felt the car nicking something in the road and flipping over. Both Alaska and I were jerked around a few times before the car finally came to a stop.

  “Fuck! Y’all okay? Cuba!” Rue called out from the front of the car, but I was slow to come to. My head was spinning, and my leg was on fire. It didn’t feel like it was broken or anything like that, but I was too out of it to tell.

  “Aye, yo, Bry! My nigga, you good?” Rue asked him, and although I knew that he was no longer with us, I held onto my breath and waited, hoping that he would say something.

  “Bryson!” Alaska screamed. Her voice was jittery, but for the most part, she seemed okay. I grabbed at her hand, and she squeezed mine and held it inside of hers. “Bryson!”

  “My nigga! Say something, bro!” Rue yelled, his voice shaky. He reached over to shake Bryson, causing his whole body to fall forward.


  “Get out the car! Get out the car!” Rue barked, panicky, just as bullets began to rain our way.

  “Alaska, get out!” I screamed at her, but she didn’t budge.

  We were posted up in the middle of the damn street, but we weren’t dead, and I wasn’t about to lay down without putting up a fight. Luckily, we had landed back on all four wheels and wouldn’t have any issues getting out this muthafucka. I climbed over Alaska, quickly pushed the door open, and brought her ass along with me. I could tell she was in a state of shock, but we had to get the fuck up outta there before we were all dead.

  As soon as I looked up, Rue was running around the car toward us, but the bullets that hit his back took him down to the ground. My eyes bucked as I let Alaska go and ran toward him. I could feel the tears as they ran from my eyes and down my cheeks. I couldn’t believe this shit was happening to us, but this was how it was in the streets. That good bullshit never came without a good dose of karma.

  “Rue, get up!” I yelled at him just as the gunfire seemed to cease. Once I made it over to Rue, I rolled him onto his back, and immediately, he looked into my eyes. I could see that he was scared, and I didn’t know if I should be too. I didn’t know if he would make it, but I knew one thing was for certain, and that was I was willing to die with him. Shit, what was life without Rue in it? I no longer gave a fuck about anything going on around me at that point. Fuck ducking and dodging bullets; they needed to take me, too.


  “Cuba, help me get him out of the car,” Alaska cried, snapping me out of my reverie. It seemed that she had come to and was finally aware that shit was going down, but what she was fighting for no longer mattered. I loved Bry like a brother, but that nigga was dead, and my Rue was all I was concerned about.

  “Cuba, baby, I love you . . . and . . . I know you love your nigga, but you and Alaska . . . need to go. Sounds like them boys is close,” Rue breathed out, and I looked around, because he was right.

  I could hear the sirens, Alaska crying over Bry’s dead body that she had managed to drag out of the car, and the music from the shooters’ car. Although I was ready to die if I had to, I was starting to second guess that thought when the shooters’ car came to a halt and the muthafucka in the back seat jumped out and barged in our direction. I thought maybe he was coming to finish Rue off, but when he headed for Alaska, my heart stopped. He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her away from Bry.

  I didn’t know what the fuck was going on. Slowly, I crept away from Rue to try to get to Alaska, but I was quickly grabbed up by another nigga that I didn’t even see coming.

  The one that had grabbed Alaska left her sitting where she was and made his way over to Bry. When he pointed his pistol at my nigga, I knew he was about to do him dirty. Shit was fucked up, ’cause Bry was already gone. What was the point of that? When he pulled the trigger, Alaska jumped up and ran at him. The shooter turned toward her, forcing her to stop and back away from him. I panicked. His face was fully covered, but . . . the way his eyes bored into Alaska made me rethink what this was all about. I had assumed this was on some payback shit for something Rue and Bry had done. They stayed ganking some dope boy’s shit, and Rue had always told me that one day, his time would come. For that reason alone, I tried to stay ready, but shit, I wasn’t prepared for this—especially not anything that involved my sister.

  What the hell did Alaska have do with this shit? I pondered as I watched the shooter stare at her like he was hurt about something.

  “Yo, nigga, hurry up and let’s go! I know you hear them sirens,” the one holding me yelled as he loosened his grip and finally let me go.

  “Alaska!” I yelled out and made my way in her direction. Momentarily, she turned her head to look back at me. Fear was written in her eyes. I reached my arms out for her to run to me, but instead, she turned away and took her attention back to the shooter that was near her.

  He brought his pistol up and aimed it at Alaska. I was only a few feet away from her, but that little distance seemed so far away when he pulled the trigger and bodied my sister right before my very eyes.

  * * *

  12 hours later

  “Cuba Lance,” a short, fat, and wide white dude said, slamming a stack of papers right next to my head as I rested it against the table. I picked my head up and looked at him with a frown smeared across my face. I could smell the bullshit seeping through his pores. “My Cuba, my Cuba . . . what a pretty name for such a pretty young lady. How are you feeling, Ms. Lance?”

  “I’m ready to go home. I’ve been here for hours already. Did they say anything about my sister . . . about Rue?” I questioned, already halfway knowing their fate. Another detective walked in and came and sat beside his partner, but I ignored him and continued asking the questions that I needed some answers to. “Can you tell me why y’all still got me here? Have you talked to my parents? What are they saying about Rue and Alaska?”

  “Cuba, I’m Detective Jameson with homicide and major crimes, and this is my partner, Detective Madison. How are you feeling?” the second detective asked me as he pulled out a pen and pad.

  “I’m fine. Damn, man, just tell me what’s going on. What’s going on with my sister and Rue? They’re dead, right?” I panicked and began to cry again. It seemed like that was all I had done since everything had gone down. I didn’t even know why I was asking. I knew they were gone and suddenly became mad that they had left me there all alone. How was I supposed to deal with shit if they were no longer around? I would be so lost without Rue and my sister there to hold me down. I needed them.

  “Rue’s going to be fine. His condition was critical, but doctors updated him to stable a few hours ago,” Detective Jameson told me, and I sighed.

  “My sister?” I quickly asked.

  “She’s . . . well, she’s not as good. She’s hooked up to machines right now that are breathing for her. Did you know that she was four months pregnant?” Detective Jameson asked, and my eyes dropped to the table as I went deep in thought.

  Alaska four months? That can’t be possible, I thought as I wondered why, if she was that far along, that night was the first time she was telling me.

  “I k
new . . . she didn’t tell . . . I knew,” I stuttered. “Is she going to be okay, though?”

  “Crazy thing is, the baby survived, and the doctors convinced your parents that Alaska has a slight chance of surviving, and as long as there is oxygen being pumped into her body, her baby has a chance at surviving as well. I guess we shall see,” Detective Madison, said nonchalantly.

  “Okay,” I said sadly, not sure how to take any of what he’d just said.

  “But we have a problem, little lady, that we need you to clear up for us,” Detective Madison said.

  “Rue is saying that the dope stuffed under the seat belonged to you,” Detective Jameson bluntly stated.

  “What?” I questioned. “What dope? Rue would never say that. I don’t know anything about no dope.”

  “He also said that he believes you’re responsible for everything that happened out there last night, which would explain why you’re the only one that escaped everything with just a few scratches,” Detective Madison said before lighting the tip of a cigarette.

  I laughed, but nervously. They had to be fucking with me. I had been with Rue far too long for him to do me dirty like this. We were each other’s heart, or at least he was mine. I would never set him up, or let alone my damn sister, and Rue knew that. Nah, these muthafuckas had to be playing with me. This had to be their way to try to get me to give up Rue and Bry, and shit, I just wasn’t about to do that.

  “Rue would never say anything like that. I know what the fuck you’re trying to do, but it ain’t gonna work with me.”

  “Cuba, you’re young. Still a baby. You have your whole life ahead of you, and I would hate to see you get caught behind trying to protect some young punk who don’t care about you like maybe you thought he did,” Detective Madison said to me.

  “I’m not protecting anyone. I don’t know anything about any dope, and I didn’t set nobody up to be killed.”


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