To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection

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To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection Page 15

by Lindsay Downs

  “M’ lord, I saw these and thought they’d go quite well with dinner.” Donna held up several large onions.

  “Yes, I tend to slice them thin and fry them in a skillet with some fat. The crunch goes nicely with the tender meat of the fish,” Roland explained as he took one of the onions and started slicing it.

  Then Kristina realized what he was doing, pointedly talking about something else, not the problem that brought them to his doorstep. Yes, she was positive he was hiding exactly what, she wasn’t sure and now wasn’t the time to find out. That she and Robert would discover later, she was determined.

  Silently, Kristina along with Donna continued to prepare dinner while she let the two men sit aside and talk. What they were discussing she couldn’t hear but knew she’d learn from her husband later, in bed.


  From the moment she’d offered to clean the fish he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A lady of the ton doing the work of a cook or fishmonger. Having been a soldier, Robert knew how difficult it was to prepare a meal and here she was taking over the kitchen without a second thought.

  This helped to confirm his thoughts earlier about obtaining a cottage here at some point in the very near future. Maintaining the conversation with Williams while watching her, he couldn’t wait for that day to happen. Right now, they had the more pressing problem of freeing his sister from the threats of the authorities.

  “How long are you planning to stay here? I only ask as if we discover information pointing to someone we might wish to confirm it with you,” Robert asked. He was hoping to have the man reveal more about himself he’d not done so far.

  “I was planning on returning to my main estate at the end of the week then continue on to London,” Williams replied.

  Robert noticed there was a little stress in the man’s voice leading him to believe Roland might not do as he said. Now he had him while not wanting to reveal the man might have tripped up he rose from the chair he’d taken.

  “With your permission, I’ll assist the ladies in setting the table. It wouldn’t be fair for them to do all the work,” Robert told Williams.

  Over a dinner of grilled trout with parsleyed boiled potatoes and fried onion slices, Robert kept the conversation going as he asked about the town. He wanted to make sure it would suit them if he could convince his bride to purchase a cottage.

  With dinner finished and everyone helped to clean up they said their adieus to Roland then returned to the inn where they were staying. Donna started for the stairs to her room, but he stopped her with a hand on her arm.

  “No, let’s retire to the tap so we might talk about what we learned tonight. I’m sure you ladies noticed several inconsistencies in what he was telling us.”

  “I agree as the information is fresh in our minds,” Kristina said.

  Settling the ladies at a table in the corner, he waved for the bar maid. On her arrival, he ordered an ale for himself and wine for Kristina and Donna.

  “Would ye care for bread and cheese?” she asked.

  Not bothering to look at his companions, he nodded then waited for her to fill their order. Once everything was delivered and they were alone he took a strong pull from his tankard. Setting it on the roughhewn table, he looked at them and grinned.

  “You do know he was lying from almost the start, don’t you?” Robert told them.

  Kristina was the first to answer. “Of course. Thus we know not to trust anything he told us.”

  “Brother, I don’t understand. How can you be so sure?” Donna asked.

  “Robert, may I?” Kristina asked getting a nod of approval to continue.

  “Donna, think back, even when we told Williams how we were able to find him he didn’t seem worried or panicked. You knew he had a house here but wouldn’t it have made sense once we showed up he wonder why?”

  “Yes, it was as if he was expecting us. When you knocked on the door and met with an upraised hand holding the knife he resisted weakly when I ordered him to put it down,” Kristina explained.

  “That, plus I know his parents died from a carriage accident, not drowned in the ocean. Before we departed the Hampshire estate I looked him up in Debrett’s and found that out. I believe he wants us to think him innocent of the charges the agent found,” Robert said, then glanced to his wife.

  “And that story about receiving the incorrect estate accounting. No manager would make the mistake of sending the wrong report to his or her employer. Not to mention having to keep two sets of books in case he suddenly arrived. Tomorrow I believe we need to return to London, if for no other reason than to calm the nerves of Evan and Amanda.”

  “I agree husband for heaven knows what mischief those two have gotten into. And I’m positive Judy must be a wreck as I’ve noted how she dotes on you Donna.”

  “It’s more like trying to mother me. Now brother, where do you think we’ll find the necessary information?”

  “From my man of business who is above reproach. Once we get settled I’ll have him call on me on the pretense of wanting to review a few business options. Then I can enquire as to who is handling the Williams accounts. Once we have that information we can approach this man and demand answers,” Robert concluded.

  “Ah, but what if he refuses? What then?” Kristina asked.

  “Very simple. I send Evan to have a discussion with this man and as you know he’s never failed me yet.”

  “Then I suggest dear husband we retire for the night as tomorrow will be a long day for all of us,” Kristina recommended.

  Chapter Nine

  Hampshire Estate

  With his wife on one arm and sister on the other, Robert led them down the long drive to the mansion. The trip from Stratford upon Avon had taken longer than originally thought due to a broken axel on the public carriage.

  “I can’t wait to soak in a bath and change into clean attire. I’ll wager you both feel the same,” he said as they entered the forecourt.

  “I agree, my dear, however I wonder if Sydney will let you through the front door with the beard you’re sporting. Quite handsomely I should point out,” Kristina told him with a sweet brightened smile to her feminine features.

  “Yes, I know he’ll let your wife and me in as he should well remember how I used to return from some of my adventures about the estate. I wouldn’t be surprised if the butler doesn’t set several footmen on you,” Donna added with a giggle.

  “He’d best let me enter otherwise he will be searching out other employment without any references,” Robert teased.

  “Oh, relax. There’s no reason he won’t recognize you,” his wife told him then squeezed his hand.

  As they marched up the front steps, Robert was troubled when the door opened presenting Sydney with two burly footmen behind him. What bothered Robert was the scowl he noticed on the man’s face, which didn’t bode well for him.

  “M’ ladies, welcome home. As your maids are in London, Mrs. Swanson has assigned others to assist you. And you sir, thank you for seeing them home safely. If you’ll go around to the kitchen Cook will prepare a simple meal to send you on your way.”

  “Why thank you, Sydney. We most definitely need baths and clean cloths,” Kristina announced then turned to her husband. “Thank you, kind sir, for seeing us poor defenseless ladies home. Now, if you’ll excuse us.” She finished with a teasing grin and, linking arms with Donna, strolled into the mansion leaving Robert on the front stoop.

  Robert widened his eyes in disbelief as Kristina didn’t acknowledge him as her husband but stepped in leaving him standing in front of the footmen. Finally, at the foot of the grand staircase, he saw her turn, then say. “Sydney, at present he may not give the appearance of the Viscount of Hampshire, but trust me he is.”

  “As you wish m’ lady.” a grin came over his lips before he waved the guards aside then bowing him in. “M’ lord, what a perfect disguise. If not for Her Ladyship, I wouldn’t have known. Welcome home.”

  “If I wasn’t
so tired and filthy I’d most likely terminate you. Now, I need hot water for baths for the three of us then tell Cook we need something to eat in an hour. We’ll dine in my office as we’ve much to do before we depart tomorrow for London,” Robert called out to the hapless man as he stormed up to his wife.

  “When I saw you marching up the road I already alerted the kitchen to make sure water was heated and I’ve assigned a training valet to assist you, m’ lord, if you wish,” Sydney answered .

  “Good, but I won’t be needing assistance as I plan to dress casually.” He turned to look at his wife and sister, and from what he could tell, they were fighting back laughter. “Might I suggest ladies you improve your behavior,” he chastised them earning glares from both.

  “Yes, m’ lord,” they announced in unison then turned and swept up the stairs, arm in arm, giggling.

  The best he could do was growl and follow them to the second floor where Donna went left and he with Kristina went right to her individual suite.

  “Would you like me to wash your hair and back, my love?” he whispered as she stepped into her suite.

  “Husband, if you did we’d never get out of one of our suites and you very well are aware of that. Now, go get cleaned up and when you’re properly dressed come collect me so we can get back to saving your sister,” she pronounced.

  With a resigned shrug, but knowing she’d join him in their bed later, he entered his suite to be met by his temporary valet.

  “Welcome home, m’ lord. Your bath awaits and I’ve taken the liberty of heating a towel to help with softening the bristles so it will be easier to shave.”

  “Thank you, Ben is it?”

  “Yes, m’ lord. I’ve been working with Evan when here and Sydney has also been training me.”

  Robert knew from these references this man would be able to assist him for the next day or so. He then realized if what Kristina had told him was true between Evan and Amanda he could be looking for a replacement. At least this one knew how to address him properly, which was something Evan never did.

  Stripping out of his shirt, he tossed it into the open door where his dirty laundry went, then taking a seat on a chair he pulled off his boots then shrugged out of his trousers. With a towel wrapped around his waist, he stepped into his private room and climbed into the brass hip bath. As he settled against the tub back, he heard Ben enter.

  “M’ lord, which jacket would you wish to wear?”

  “None only a cotton shirt with buckskin breeches and riding boots. I’m not and I hope the ladies aren’t also dressing tonight,” he ordered.

  “Very good, m’ lord. A cravat or simple neck bandana?”

  “The second,” he informed Ben, then closed his eyes and let the water soak the aches away.


  Quietly stepping into her suite, Kristina saw her maid laying out undergarments on the bed. She was happy to see a dress hadn’t been selected.

  No need to tease him anymore than necessary. If this is what married life is like I only wish I’d met him a long time ago.

  “After my bath, I’ll wear the simple light blue dress with the modest neckline and the roses on the sleeves,” she announced, stepping further into the room.

  “M’ lady, forgive me for I didn’t hear you enter,” the young girl said.

  “Think nothing of it as I tend not to clump around like a man might. Pray tell what are you called?”

  “I’m Heidi. Mrs. Swanson has been training me to be a lady’s maid someday. Let me help you out of that filthy dress and get you settled in your bath.”

  Stripped of her clothing, Kristina slipped into the warmth of her bath and let the water relax her. Happy to be home, she closed her eyes and let the sounds of people working around the mansion enter her mind. Maids sweeping, scrubbing floors or polishing furniture while footmen brought logs to the different rooms or other heavy work.

  Outside she heard several birds chirping while a gardener or assistant called out directions.

  Next, she let the past days drift through her mind and in particular the discussion with Lord Williams. After the meeting with him and retiring to the inn, she’d agreed with her husband about what the man had told them.

  What did bother her, though, was the broken wheel on the carriage. Yes, she knew it could happen as it had to her on several occasions but after the last accident she’d learned to examine the wheels. At the first two stop for horse changes and to let the travelers stretch their legs she had before climbing into the coach. Both times she’d not noticed anything wrong until the third stop a day and half ago where she thought she’d seen something wrong with the rear of the carriage. It seemed to sag a little more than she’d noted earlier but didn’t give it another thought remembering one of the passengers was at least, she guessed, twice Robert’s weight.

  Everything had started out normally until a few miles down the road they’d hit a large hole bringing the carriage to a halt as the back end sank down. Ordered out by the driver they then learned the axel had broken so they’d need to return to the inn and wait until it could be repaired or replaced.

  With Donna and Robert, they’d trudged back only to be passed by a rider who looked vaguely familiar. As she let the hot water continue to relax her sore limbs, she suddenly remembered where she’d seen the man before.

  “Heidi please come here and quickly help me with washing my hair as I must speak with His Lordship,” she called out.

  “Yes, m’ lady,” Heidi said, stepping into the room.

  Thirty minutes later, gowned in the dress she’d requested earlier and her hair in a gentle braid trailing down her back, Kristina marched into Robert’s suite unannounced.

  “M’ lord, I do believe the journey home was made longer than necessary and not by accident,” she whispered as staff was in earshot.

  What she didn’t realize was her husband was sitting in a chair, head back on a rest and his valet was scraping his beard off. Immediately, she could feel her face warm on having interrupted him while he was being shaved, something she’d never seen. She instantly decided on learning how to do it so she could, if he was willing, perform this portion of his morning ritual.

  “M’ lady, it seems something has you in a panic,” he said waving Ben to a stop.

  “Yes m’ lord, as I see you’re in a delicate state with a blade near your throat, I’ll refrain from informing you of what I’ve realized for a few minutes.”

  “Thank you,” he said then set his head back.

  Kristina watched in awe and listened to the loud scrapes of the blade against his chin. Silently she slipped from the room back to hers.

  “Heidi, this is to stay between us, but what do you know, if anything, about shaving a man? It’s something His Lordship does daily and I thought it would be interesting to try to do on him.”

  “M’ lady, all I know is the blade is as sharp if not sharper than a surgeon’s and calls for a steady hand.”

  “Thank you. I’ll leave it up to m’ lord’s valet to assist in that particular portion of his morning routine.”

  What she left out was, she’d enquire from Amanda and if necessary the process as she had great trust in her. Minutes later the adjourning door opened presenting her husband, free of his whiskers. What she found interesting and exciting, he was wiping the last remnants of soap from his handsome face.

  With a nod to Heidi, she dismissed the girl then focused her attention on Robert.

  “Yes, as much as I enjoyed seeing you with the beginnings of a beard I do prefer you clean shaven,” she said. Stepping up, she wrapped her arms around his neck bringing his head down to her.

  “Thank you, my dear, as I prefer this appearance also. Now, what had you so excited you couldn’t refrain yourself?”

  Knowing time was of great import she immediately started, “The broken axel wasn’t an accident but planned. I would hazard to delay our return here or London so someone, and I believe I know who, can set events in motion to protect himself.�

  “I don’t understand as from what I was able to ascertain the accident was something that wasn’t unusual.”

  “I’d much rather explain my thoughts on the subject with your sister present. Then when I lay everything out I feel you and she will understand and agree with me.”

  “Yes so shall we adjourn to the office as I’m sure if she doesn’t await us she will arrive shortly?”

  Chapter Ten

  Settled on one of several settees with a sherry at her elbow, Kristina looked, with loving eyes, to her husband then his sister. Reaching for the tiny glass, Kristina took a sip, letting the tension build in the room, then returned it to the walnut topped rectangle table.

  “I don’t know if either of you noticed but when we went to Lord Williams’ cottage we were followed. I happened to see this man’s reflection in a few of the store windows. At first, I didn’t give it a thought until later on departing to return here when I spied him again.”

  “Darling, might he have only been going the same way?” Robert asked, knowing or at least suspecting the answer.

  “Normally I would agree with you except he made a point of attempting to keep his face hidden,” she answered confidently.

  Kristina watched while Donna took a sip of her sweet, tawny coloured beverage, but kept the glass in her hand.

  “Would you be able to sketch or describe him?” she finally asked.

  “I do believe so. However, you’re not going to believe it. As I said he made a point of not letting us see him and I do think he is actually a lady.” Robert and Donna gasped at this new revelation.

  “Slightly broad in the hips with thin shoulders. With mousy brown hair and a little fuller in the chest than a man would be,” Donna continued.

  “With an overfitting blouse, yes,” Kristina added.

  “That could describe the person I saw slipping down the servant stairs right before I found Bryce.”


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