To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection

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To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection Page 16

by Lindsay Downs

  “Well, that can answer one question, but why do you feel this person could have had something to do with the broken axel,” Robert asked of his wife.

  “This may be stretching the thread a little, but what if this individual wanted to delay our return to London, not realizing we were staying at the estate before continuing on. When we stepped out of the tavern right before the accident, and to you Robert what is the chance of that happening especially in a post coach, I saw this person crawling out from underneath the carriage. At first, I didn’t think anything of it until it broke leaving everyone stranded. As we were waiting by the wayside to learn what John Coachman found, which minutes later we learned it was a broken axel, this person rode by and glared menacingly at me.”

  “Why didn’t you say something at the time or at least send out an alarm,” Robert asked of her.

  “I wasn’t sure of what I’d seen with the stress of everything that’s happened. When I was relaxing in my bath the events came back to me.”

  Kristina watched as her husband sat back in his chair, then with the fingers of his hand stroking his chin as in thought. She next turned her attention to Donna who, much to Kristina’s amazement had assumed a similar posture. Now she knew her assessment of the situation had been correct. The only question, who employed this person? The French who had the most to gain? Or the English who didn’t want them revealed?

  After several minutes of uncomfortable silence, she knew a response had to be forthcoming from one or both. The answer she wasn’t sure she wanted to know as it could cast an unpleasant light on Lord Kersey.

  “Ladies, for the sake of this discussion shall we assume the person is in league with Williams.” When Kristina and Donna nodded their agreement, Robert continued. “If as you say darling, the axle was damaged on purpose to halt our progress it might be Williams or this individual knew we had found some, but not all the documents Lord Kersey had in his possession.”

  “Yes, and Donna by you arriving when you did he didn’t have time to search the entire room. I’d wager when I sketch the person and we show it to some of our staff at both townhouses someone will recognize him. What we need to do is return to London where we can hunt him down while searching for possibly more papers,” Kristina suggested.

  “Agreed, but before we even start out sister you need to send a note to Blair and Mrs. Raymond informing them not to let anyone in. I’m sure they won’t but we need to be sure. If we send it by rider it will arrive later this evening, much sooner than we will as I hadn’t planned on departing until day after tomorrow,” Robert informed them.

  Kristina and Robert left his sister to write the letter while they strolled out to the stables, found the master and informed him of the immediate need.

  “M’ lord and lady, I would suggest two riders on the off chance something untoward happens. This way the note will be assured to get through.”

  “I believe that would be the best suggestion considering the import of it,” Kristina said.

  “If you’ll excuse me then I’ll get the riders and horses ready to depart within the next few minutes.” The stable master bowed then returned to the barn.

  Returning to the office, they arrived as Donna put the finishing touches on the letter.

  “The riders will be here shortly,” Robert told her as they stepped in.

  “Wonderful,” she responded, passing over the folded paper.

  He then took a seat at the desk and quickly dashed off two missives, one for his housekeeper and the other in case the men needed to room on their return home.

  As promised the two riders, both well known by Robert and Donna, arrived.

  “M’ lord and ladies,” the older of the two announced bowing to them.

  “Tony, good to see you’re one of the riders along with Parks. I’ve complete faith you both will get through.” He then handed over the three letters with instructions.

  With the notes on their way and several hours before having to dress for dinner, Kristina rose from the settee and glided to the large windows overlooking the rear park.

  Keeping her attention focused on the flowerbeds, she asked, “Robert, since we have time would you care to show me the garden again?”

  “My dear, I was about to recommend exactly that,” he answered, coming up behind her.

  “If you don’t mind brother, while you both enjoy the flowers, I thought I’d relax as everything from the past few days is starting to tire me,” Donna spoke as she stepped over to the office door.

  “That’s perfectly understandable. If you wish I can have a dinner tray sent to your suite if you’re not up to dining with us,” Kristina suggested.

  “No, but thank you. I’ll join with you,” she told them.

  Hand in hand, Kristina let Robert lead her to the ground floor then toward the back of the mansion. As they were about to step out onto the flagstone veranda she heard someone come up from behind. Turning, she saw Mrs. Swanson carrying a bonnet and parasol.

  “M’ lady, you certainly hadn’t planned on going outside without at least one of these to protect you from the sun?”

  “Thank you for your concern,” she said. Taking them, she put the bonnet on tying the ribbon loosely under her chin. As she and Robert stepped out, she opened the parasol and settled the shaft on her shoulder so it shaded her even more.

  “My dear, if she hadn’t arrived in time to give you those trappings, I’d wager you would have gone without,” Robert said in a low voice.

  “You’re correct. I, along with Donna, survived our little excursion to Stratford upon Avon with only a small hat and neither of us were damaged. Actually, earlier on looking at myself in the mirror, I appreciated how the sun had tinted my face ever so slightly. If not mistaken, I appeared healthier than I looked before.”

  “Kristina, if that’s the case and you welcome the change then do as you wish with me standing beside you. As I mentioned to your parents I will never do anything that will or could stifle you.”

  “Thank you husband, now shall we enjoy the lovely afternoon with a stroll through the gardens? I also happened to notice when I was looking out the window an interesting structure at the center. Pray tell what might that be?”

  She let him guide her down one path then another bringing them closer to the building. As they walked along she studied the flowers and was pleased over the different varieties, many she knew while a few she didn’t. Once everything with his sister was resolved, she now knew she wanted to spend a great deal of time here. Even if it meant not being in London. Of course, with a husband she felt there wasn’t much need to be there.

  Over the years, she’d loved the time spent at the Crossington estate and now she finally had one she could call her own, well partially hers as it was entitled to Robert.

  As they stepped into the clearing in the middle of the garden she gasped at what was laid before her, what she could only describe as a small thatched cottage painted white. The door was painted in a rich red with windows on each side and under them flower boxes filled with pansies. She’d heard about them but this was the first time laying eyes on them. She loved how vibrant they were with all the different colours. Much to her amazement, several petals were multi-shaded. Next, she saw a brick patio with a wicker table and two chairs. If that wasn’t amazing enough everything sat in the middle of a pond on a small island. A finely planked and handrailed footbridge connected it to where they stood.

  “The late viscount had it constructed for his wife. When they traveled to the estate outside Tynburm, in Scotland, they took the coast roads and she fell in love with the houses on the islands. After returning from one of the trips, he had it designed and built while they were in London for Parliament. When they returned it was completed. She would come out here to read, paint or compose letters as it was her little hideaway. Later, at her request, he had a small kitchen, with fireplace, added to the back so she could make a pot of tea.”

  “This is absolutely beautiful. May we?” she aske
d then looked up into his gleaming eyes.

  “Most certainly as it’s meant for the use of the viscountess, which now is you,” he answered. Taking her hand Robert led her across the small bridge.

  “But why didn’t you tell me about this earlier? Granted we were only here for a short period but you should have,” she demanded of him. She then opened the door and stepped inside.

  Glancing around the main room, she gasped at not only the beauty but simplicity of everything. The walls were kept their natural light brown and blonde from the wood. The same went for the floor except parts were covered in plain rugs of mixed colours, all to compliment the walls. It was the furniture that had her most intrigued.

  Instead of furnishing one would expect of a viscountess, they appeared rustic and simple. A daybed was set along one wall while a plain table along with two straight-backed chairs occupied another. Under one of the front windows a pine desk sat with quill and inkwell set at the back of it. Beneath the other, a small bookcase already filled with books. The back wall opened into a small area where she noticed a cooking fireplace with a grate set in to one side.

  “Kristina, if I had would you have believed me. And to be honest, this is the first time I’ve ever been inside as it’s the exclusive domain of the viscountess. Even Donna has never been permitted to enter. The only two staff who may are Mrs. Swanson and your maid, Amanda. Anyone else has to ring the brass bell on the far end of the bridge then you come out to see what they wish.”

  Not skilled at painting, even landscapes, Kristina knew one thing she’d use this sanctuary for but decided to keep it a secret. Turning to face Robert she bestowed him with a soft smile, rising up on her toes, she wrapped her arms around his neck drawing his head down to hers.

  As lips touched, she warmed as his hands encircled her waist before slowly feeling them glide up, cupping her breasts. Moaning into his mouth, she cocked her head slightly thus deepening the kiss as he took his thumb and rubbed it over her nipple. What did amaze her, she started to feel dampness between her thighs, which she’d quickly learned as a good thing. Carefully, she turned so his back was to the daybed then slowly moved him toward it. When she felt him move a hand down to her waist, clasping her in his arms, she smiled around his kiss.

  “You little hoyden, you thought you could seduce your husband. Well, the tables look like they’ve turned on you,” he said while lowering Kristina onto the bed.

  “A wife can try, can’t she?” she whispered then she claimed his lips. Unfortunately, the panicked ringing of the bell interrupted any further romantic private interlude between them.

  With groans from both and a final kiss with a whispered promise to finish what had been started he let her up. After shaking the wrinkles from her day gown, she started for the door, Robert beside her. Opening it, she saw a frantic Sydney wringing his hands nervously.

  “You’d best be here to tell Lord Markson and I the mansion is ablaze,” she ordered.

  “It’s the next worst thing m’ lord and lady. Someone who claims to be from Bow Street is demanding to speak with you and take Lady Kersey into custody. I’ve got him cooling his heels on the front portico with four of the heaviest footmen and several grooms of equal stature guarding him,” the quivering man sputtered out in one breath.

  Kristina looked at him and wasn’t surprised at the fearful look in not only his eyes but on his face as well. With a glance to Robert, she accepted his nod to continue.

  “Take a breath then calmly return to the mansion. Lady Kersey will be in her suite. Have Mrs. Swanson wake her, if she’s napping, which I expect she is, then have her brought out here. This way we can hide her,” Kristina ordered in a calm voice.

  “Yes, m’ lady. I’ll arrange to sneak her down the servant stairs,” he told them.

  “Then, once she’s safely here, under guard have the person from Bow Street escorted to the formal sitting room,” Robert told him.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  “Shall we slowly return thus giving Sydney and Mrs. Swanson the time needed?” Robert suggested.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “I had thought we could go for a ride so you could meet some of the tenants, but with this laid at our feet I believe a tour by Mrs. Swanson of the mansion will be more suitable,” Robert recommended.

  “I agree ending at our suite for a detailed survey of the bed,” she answered.

  With her hand in his, they slowly made their way back to the mansion.

  Chapter Eleven

  With no intention of letting the interview with the runner last long, Kristina decided not to order refreshments for herself and Robert. Settled on a pale pink satin covered divan at the far end of the sitting room, she glanced over to him with a furrowed brow.

  “Do you believe this man knows or suspects we’ve been hiding your sister?”

  “I shouldn’t think so,” he answered.

  “It would be nice to learn Bow Street has done their job and apprehended the murderer so we all can get on with our lives.”

  “I agree and from the sound coming from the corridor we will soon be getting an answer to something,” Robert spoke just as the door opened.

  “M’ lord and lady, George White from Bow Street,” Sydney announced then stepped aside only enough to let the man enter.

  Kristina thought it interesting the butler only used the man’s name. This told her, and she suspected Robert, he had very little respect for the person marching down the room to where they waited. She gave him a non-committal nod to his bow and from the corner of her eye noticed Robert also barely acknowledged him.

  “You have our attention,” she ordered. This had been done on purpose to disorient him and, from the confused look on his face, it was working.

  “Out with it man. You’re wasting the Viscountess’ and my time,” Robert declared.

  “Lord and Lady Markson, I’ve been sent on orders of the magistrate to deliver this document to you,” he announced and started to hand over a thick envelope to Robert.

  “Do you know what it’s about?” Kristina demanded and found it interesting when White shook his head.

  “Now that you’ve done what you were sent here to do before you leave I’ve a question. How did you know we were here and not in London or enroute to Scotland,” Robert demanded.

  “We received information you might be here.”

  “And who did this come from?” Kristina queried then watched Robert read the letter. She found it intriguing his expression went from a scowl to a grin.

  “M’ lady, I’m sorry but I don’t know. I was given the envelope and told to bring it here, wait for a reply, then return with it to Bow Street,” White exclaimed.

  “The answer is the Viscountess and I shall return within the week and attempt to contact Lady Kersey to do the same,” Robert announced, standing then waved for Sydney to escort White out.

  Kristina waited until they were again alone before reaching for the letter. Studying it, she now understood the change in her husband’s expression, not to mention letting the man know when they were returning.

  “Well, this is good news finally, but why did you tell him we wouldn’t be returning immediately?” she asked, rising from the settee and joining Robert.

  “I agree, but what concerns me is who and how was the evidence found. Could this be a trick on their part to have Donna return only to be arrested?” Robert clarified his thoughts on the subject. Then continued, “That’s why I was specific as to when we would.”

  “First, let’s have your sister come back as she’s now, we pray, safe from the authorities. Then we can discuss about getting back to London,” she said with a lopsided grin.

  Robert was about to ring for Sydney when he stepped into the room.

  “M’ lord and lady, Mr. White is on his way and I took the liberty to send for Lady Kersey. Would you care for sherry and whisky?”

  “Thank you and we’ll have it in the family parlor as it’s more intimate and private,” she ordered.

  “Certainly, m’ lady.”

  “Your choices are perfect as we need to relax considering what we’ve only now learned,” Robert said.

  Kristina thought of countering his request for her and Donna then decided better as she happened to glance at the letter she was still holding and saw her hand faintly quiver. Why? She wasn’t sure except for the facts laid out in the letters she’d read. It wasn’t so much the words but the handwriting, which had her greatly concerned. She wondered if she should let Robert and Donna in on what she knew, or strongly suspected.

  All she knew, upon returning to the city, there would be a confrontation between her and this pompous, overbearing, arrogant and demanding gentleman. It would be one that would be best done in private she knew.

  “Certainly, m’ lord.” Sydney bowed and stepped from the room.

  With a nod to Robert, she accepted his proffered arm and together made their way down the corridor to the parlor. They arrived only moments before Donna.

  “Well, it would appear we have some interesting news for you,” Kristina announced. She then took a seat on the divan then patted it for Donna to join her.

  “I’m hazarding a guess it has to do with the letter you’re holding?” she asked while reaching for it.

  “Yes and you’ll find it very interesting as your dear brother and I did,” Kristina told her passing it over.

  “If it was as interestingly disturbing to you and Robert along with myself, you need this.”

  Once Donna finished reading the missives, Kristina handed the second glass to her.

  “You’re correct in that. I wonder why now this is coming to light and who the informant to the Bow Street Magistrate could be,” Donna enquired then passed the sheets to her brother.

  “Donna, I didn’t want to say anything earlier until we were all together but I’ve a suspicion who sent the magistrate the information. Right now, I’d rather not mention the name until I can confirm it, so please bear with me,” Kristina explained, hoping not even Robert would interrogate her as to who she was talking about.


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