To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection

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To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection Page 17

by Lindsay Downs

  “And to do that Kristina we need to return to London?” Robert said with a smile.

  With her sherry glass part way to her lips, she answered with a nod. She then turned to Donna beside her. “We’ve searched Bryce’s office and will the cellar. Can you think of any other place he might have hidden documents?” she asked.

  Kristina waited as her sister-in-law took a sip and, from the crinkled brow, she knew Donna was contemplating the question and an answer. After a few seconds, a smile told her there might be another spot.

  “Not too often over the past few years I would see Bryce go out to the back of the garden. At first, I thought he might be trying his hand at gardening but he never was dressed for it. Thinking about it he could have hidden documents there except the garden staff also used the building.”

  “No matter what, we will have to return but as this letter directly mentioned, with hints from the magistrates both townhouses are being watched. However, this person,” Robert halted to glare at his wife who refused to budge on her earlier statement. “doesn’t say by who but I suspect someone involved in Bryce’s death. He or she could be waiting for us to return so they can get whatever papers could convict them.”

  “Robert, in that case, I suggest we go through the front door. Let them know we’re back and not scared of them. It probably won’t throw them off their game but will add a bit of intrigue. Then, sneak out through the mews and go to your sister’s townhouse entering through the rear. If lucky, we can be in and out before anyone knows, except select staff,” Kristina recommended.

  “Yes, that would work and I can send Blair and Mrs. Raymond a note letting them know when so they can make sure the way is cleared,” Donna added.

  Kristina studied her husband while he evaluated what had just been spread before him. She knew it was very possible and get her back soon so she could deal with a particular person. Not to mention, it would let people know Donna wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone, which was important for when she returned to the ton after coming out of mourning.

  “If we are in agreement then we leave early tomorrow, which will put us in town for a late luncheon. I’d also suggest sister since Judy is at our townhouse and it’s safer you continue residing with us until everything is resolved. And on that, if there’s no discussion, we retire as the time to dress for dinner approaches,” Robert spoke.

  “Yes, and considering the looks we got from not only Sydney but Mrs. Swanson last night we had best be properly attired,” Kristina recommended sternly.

  “Agree. Shall we meet here in an hour?” Robert stood then assisted the ladies to their feet.

  At the appointed time, Robert awaited the ladies to arrive, in the family parlor. Even though they shared a bed at night, he and Kristina bathed and dressed in separate rooms. It had been his suggestion for he wasn’t sure he would be able to maintain propriety seeing her exposed. Then, there was the problem between his valet and her maid. It was more a love-hate-love association that neither he nor Kristina had an idea where it would lead. They both had voiced, to each other, hopefully not to the gallows when one murdered the other.

  Earlier Robert had sent instructions to the stables to have the carriage readied for an early departure for London.

  “M’ lord, would you care for a whisky or brandy while waiting?” Sydney asked.

  “Whisky,” he ordered.

  He watched as the butler stepped out of the room then immediately returned with a silver tray with the requested beverage.

  “Why am I not surprised you have everything ready? You wouldn’t be related to Evan per chance?” Robert demanded, aware his valet could and often did anticipate his needs.

  “Begging your pardon, m’ lord, but he’s my nephew. The reason you never met him before the army was his parents worked on an estate near Lands End. I was truly surprised to see he was in your employ as I suspected by now he’d have met with the hangman.”

  “Trust me there were several times I almost sent him to the devil but he did have talents needed which saved his neck,” Robert easily explained.

  “M’ lord, I hear the ladies coming down the stairs and if my ears don’t deceive me, they are talking in soft voices so I’d tread warily,” Sydney whispered, then slipped from the parlor.

  If anything Robert had learned from his years in the army, always trust those under him. Thus, if his butler told him to be careful then he would especially since the primary worry now was his wife and sister. Then again, compared to the French and Spanish those two women were more dangerous than any enemy he’d faced in battle.

  He watched as they, arm in arm, swept into the family parlor then bowed, which earned giggles from both.

  “Do I want to know why you both are in such wonderful spirits?”

  “Not unless you want me to retell about the time you let father’s prized stallion into the pasture with the mare from another estate and the end result?” his sister blurted.

  Robert could feel his face, not to mention his neck, heat in anger on hearing she’d let slip that particularly unfortunate event from his youth. Regrettable he didn’t have a story to share about her as she’d always been the perfect angel except—“Ah, but did you tell my wife of the time you went to the river, which wasn’t allowed without your nanny, and came back covered in mud,” he countered.

  “Of course not. But you must admit we did have a delightful dinner of fresh salmon,” she corrected him.

  “I must say it seems I had a very boring childhood, at least compared to you both,” Kristina quipped.

  Robert couldn’t help but notice her face colour and wondered if it was something she’d done, or was it her brother. Then he realized who had written the first letter, the one to the magistrate, Lord Ethan Rosewood. He now had more questions forming in his mind and no answers. Fortunately, he was saved from enquiring on hearing the dinner bell being rung.

  “Ladies shall we dine as tomorrow will be a long day?” he said as he offered his arms to escort them to the ground floor and the family dining room.

  During the dinner and later in their suite he knew it best to not voice his hint as to the informant was, lest he incur the wrath of his wife.

  Chapter Twelve

  After an extra-long day of traveling during which even Robert took a stint at the reins, they finally rolled up to the Markson townhouse.

  Glancing down at his wife who was leaning against his shoulder sleeping then across to Donna who’d only woken up, he waited for a footman to open the door. Carefully, he straightened Kristina then slipped out. He then reached in, collected her in his arms and carried her up their townhouse step. Against his better judgment, he avoided looking around to see who was watching. That, he suspected his sister would do without being instructed.

  As he stepped through the opened front door, he was greeted silently, by Bing and Amanda.

  “I’ll take her up to our suite where you can settle her for the night. However, I suspect she’ll awaken and desire something to eat as it’s been hours since our last short stop to change the horses and refresh ourselves.”

  “Then with your permission, m’ lord, I’ll notify Cook to start setting a tray for her. I suspect you’ll be wanting one also?” his butler asked.

  “Yes, thank you,” Robert answered. He then started up the stairs to the second floor with Donna following.

  Slipping into their suite he was met by Amanda, who he knew had raced up the servant stairs, laying a nightrail out on the bed. After he set Kristina down, he turned to be met by Evan.

  “After you get my wife settled, stay with her. If she should waken before I return make sure to send someone to inform me. Her dinner tray should be here shortly so make sure she eats,” he instructed Amanda, then refocused on his valet. “Follow me,” he ordered.

  “Aye, Captain.”

  Robert waited until they were safely in his office then waved Evan to the chair in front of his desk before heading to the sidebar. Pouring a brandy for each, he returned, h
anded one over to his valet then went around the massive oak piece of furniture and took a seat.

  “As you most likely know this house and the Kersey house are under constant observation. Right now, we’ve no idea and before you ask, which I know you wish to, I can’t tell you how I came upon this information. What we need is a way to slip away from here and into the Kersey townhouse without being spotted?”

  “Not a problem, Captain. If you can give me a day by tomorrow afternoon I’ll have everything in place,” Evan informed him.

  “Will you need any money to make it happen?” Robert asked.

  “First, let me ask you this. Are the people watching possibly spies or traitors to the Crown?”

  “From the way and from whom the information was delivered I’d hazard these people are,” he replied before taking a sip of his brandy.

  “Thank you, Captain. That’s all the information I need and with the people I’ll be recruiting that’s all they’ll need to know. For King and country they’ll help for an ale. Now, with your permission I need to get things ready,” Evan finished. Raising his glass to his lips, he downed the rest of his tawny beverage.

  With a nod, Robert dismissed him then took another sip of his drink before diving into the communiques, which had piled up on his desk while they’d been gone. Most of the letters were from friends wishing them well along with invitations to balls or other events, which bored him to death. Those he set aside for his darling wife to deal with.

  The last letter was from his man of business who made mention of the possibility of investing, at first, a small amount in the new invention-steamboats for moving goods and people. He’d heard about them through friends at White’s and was intrigued. Quickly he dashed off a response instructing the man to invest a hundred pounds, not a large but safe amount, and make sure he was constantly advised of the progress of the company.

  With a glance at the clock on the mantel, Robert realized he’d been working for over an hour with no word from Kristina. Finishing off the last of his brandy, he strolled from the office and returned to his suite.

  Entering, he was pleased to see his bride sitting in a comfortable deep blue chair, a robe over her shoulders, next to the fire. What made him even happier, she was dining on a sandwich, sliced turkey if he wasn’t mistaken, along with a glass of white wine. Set to the side a small plate of apple slices to finish off the meal.

  “My dear, I’m glad you’re awake and eating,” he uttered, stepping over to her.

  “I woke a few moments ago hungry. Thank you for arranging this light repast,” she said resting her head against him.

  “You’re welcome,” he answered.

  “Excuse me, m’ lord, here’s the tray Cook sent up for you.” Amanda carried it over from the window.

  He waited while she set it up then joined his wife.

  With a nod, he dismissed the maid then started in on his late night refreshment. Over the meal, he explained his plan for the next afternoon.

  “Do you think we might find anything else that could lead to the murderer?” Kristina asked, climbing onto Robert’s lap.

  “I’m hoping so. Now, shall we get to bed as the morrow will be an interesting day with new discoveries,” Robert announced scooping her up in his arms. He strolled over to the bed depositing her on it.

  “Good morning, my lovely wife,” Robert hissed, collecting her naked body onto his.

  “It feels more like afternoon, darling,” she answered, settling her lips over his.

  Minutes later the sound of feet coming down the corridor toward their shared suite interrupted their lovemaking. Separating his mouth from hers he gave her a crooked grin followed by a pat on her butt. “I think it’s time we rose as I hear Amanda and Evan coming down the hall. From their voices it would seem they’re in good spirits with each other today,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I wonder how long that will last? Can you hand me my robe?” she requested. She barely got it on as a knock announced their private staff’s presence.

  “See, I told you they’d only now be getting up. You should have listened to me and waited a little longer.” They heard Amanda declare through the door.

  Hearing Kristina’s maid snap at his valet, he chuckled, earning a glare from her as they stepped in.

  “We were wondering how long you two would behave toward one another before reverting to your nagging on each other,” Robert said. He then excused himself and walked over to his private anteroom.

  Now shaved and feeling better, he stepped back into their suite, not surprised Kristina was still in her room dressing. With a puzzled gaze the attire Evan had selected, well-worn trousers, slightly ripped shirt and work boots he knew everything was set to slip onto the Kersey grounds.

  “From what I see everything is all set?”

  “Aye, Captain. All I need is a nod from you and the people watching this house will be taken care of. Before you worry, yes they’ll be hurt but not killed. As you’re on your way to the Kersey townhouse I’ll send a messenger over and the men there will do what’s necessary. I’ve arranged for you to slip in through the door off the side street. It’ll be easier than the mews.”

  “Let’s do it right after we break our fast even though we’d planned on doing it later, this will throw everyone into confusion. Is Lady Kersey aware of the plan?”

  “Yes and Judy has the appropriate attire for her as does Amanda for Her Ladyship.”

  “Instruct Judy to have Lady Kersey use the servant stairs. This way no one will see her.”

  “Aye, Captain.”

  Robert waited until Evan left then finished dressing as his wife, now in a simple dress in a nondescript brown, entered.

  “You look lovely, my dear. Amanda explained everything?”

  “Thank you, and yes she did. Shall we go eat then see what we can turn up. Later I have a few things I wish to do at which point I’ll tell you who I believe alerted the authorities Donna was innocent,” she announced before slipping her hand in his.

  “Why won’t you tell me now? I might be able to aid you?” he said, then together they started down the rear stairs.

  As they continued to descend to the ground floor, he tried to study her changing expression, wondering if she would accept his offer or not.

  “Yes, but let me conduct one interview alone and if I don’t get the answers I’m looking for then you have my blessing to step in,” she answered.

  “Agree.” He glanced over to greet his sister who was at the sidetable selecting her breakfast choices. “You look ravishing. Exactly like I remember seeing you when you’d return home from tramping through the mud.”

  “Oh, you’re so impossible,” she spoke, stomping a foot.

  “Sister, we need to get together so you can tell me all the mischievous activities my husband did in his youth. I’m sure there are many which got him in trouble with the late viscount,” Kristina announced, as she stepped up to make her selections.

  “Kristina, I would be more than happy to. If my memory serves he tended to be locked in his suite at least once a week,” Donna said, before giving him a teasing smile.

  All Robert could do was moan knowing there was no power on earth that would keep the two apart and his bride learning of his youthful activities.

  “Stop with the complaining brother for I know fully well you’ll end up sharing secrets of my younger days with Kristina,” Donna called out over her shoulder, a plate of meat slices, eggs and toast in her hand.

  Later, with their morning meal out of the way Robert escorted the ladies to his office. There he called for Evan to join them to go over any last minute details. Once all the questions, except one, which still bothered Robert, were asked and answered Robert instructed his valet to set into motion everything on his part.


  Slipping into the Kersey townhouse garden from a side street, Robert looked around then grabbed for Kristina’s hand. The only problem, she wasn’t where she was supposed to be—beside him. Th
e soft sound of ladies walking on gravel brought his head to the right as his bride and sister slipped into a worker’s shed.

  “Can’t those ladies do as I ask,” he mumbled, then set off after them.

  Following them through a battered, faded white door, he came up short on seeing what they were staring at. Without a doubt, it had to be the most unusual, not to mention ugliest, mirror he’d ever seen. It was a piece of square glass with some sort of curly pattern radiating out from it.

  “Donna, please tell me Bryce didn’t spend a pence in that thing?” he uttered, stepping up behind them.

  “Husband, I agree it is without a doubt the most horrendous thing I’ve ever seen,” Kristina added.

  “That’s what I informed Bryce and told him it wasn’t allowed in the house. What did surprise me was how easily he agreed and removed it. Only later did I find it here once when I was searching for a pair of snips to cut a few flowers,” Donna explained. “He agreed on the condition so I let him hang it here.”

  “So, you think he might have hidden secret documents behind it?” Kristina queried, stepping up to it.

  Robert studied his sister’s face while she pondered the question set before her. He didn’t react as he watched her step up and lift if from the wall revealing a shelf with papers piled high.

  Elbowing his way past them, he grabbed the top one and opened it. As he read the words, he felt his face pale.

  “Yes. Lord Kersey was a traitor,” a male voice behind them announced.

  “What? No impossible. Somehow I would have known,” Donna screamed at the well dress gentleman standing before her.

  “Let me finish,” he pleaded, trying to escape the look of anger from Kristina.

  “Don’t you mean ruin another life as you tried to do with mine. Fortunately, I was able to escape you overbearing attitude,” Kristina snapped at her brother.

  “Sister, please-”

  Kristina bore down on him coming to a halt toe to toe with him then set fisted hand to hips, a glower on her face.

  “You will refer to me as Lady Markson or m’ lady. I am no longer your sister but a lady of the ton and expect to be treated with the respect due,” she demanded of him.


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