To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection

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To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection Page 20

by Lindsay Downs

  “What’s this about you taking a bride? When last we met you said you’d never marry after Becky rejected you,” Glenn jested.

  “Yes, but I was ten at the time and she was barely eight. I did promise to return for her.”

  “Yes, now years later and as it turns out she found a much better man to wed and settle down with.”

  “And pray tell, who might that be, for I know it couldn’t be you,” Robert answered with a grin.

  “Most certainly she did. My Becky is the raven-haired beauty to the right of your misses. Then, if you turn your attention to your horse and the mare you’ll see a devilishly, if I say so myself, young man holding them. That’s my oldest Robbie, named after you of course.”

  Robert studied the woman in question and on closer examination, realized she was the same young girl, now grown, not only in age but weight, to where she was pleasantly plump. Then again, Glenn had always liked his women a little heavy around the waist. Her hair was just as dark as he remembered and thick with tangles hanging down around her face.

  With a glance to the horses, Robert saw a spitting image of his old friend save the hair. Unlike Glenn, with dark blonde hair, his son had hair as black as Becky’s but with the same strong build as his father.

  With a wide grin Robert turned back to his childhood friend and the other two men with them.

  “You have a great family but that’s not why I’m here. I don’t know if you heard, but I’m now the laird of the castle. It’s a long story. When I saw the roofs of these cottages I knew something was wrong.”

  “Seems your Mr. Colin came to all the farms saying the viscount had reduced the monies being sent and we still had to send our shares in. Which we did, as he threatened to remove any who didn’t comply off their holdings.”

  “I can understand not wanting to lose your homes where your families have been for generations. I can assure you, though, my man of business continued to send the proper amounts each month,” Robert explained.

  “Then where’s the blunt going and what do you intend to do about it?” one of the other men demanded.

  “To begin with I, along with Lady Markson, will start to make things right with everyone.”

  Robert grinned when he heard footsteps behind him. “And, if I might add, rehire staff for the castle. I also heard you mention things started to turn bad a few years ago. If I may, do you have any idea why the change in Mr. Colin?” Kristina announced.

  Robert watched as the third man, silent until now, stepped up.

  “Yes, I believe so, m’ lady. It seems a farmer, while plowing his field, found some gold in a furrow. Instead of keeping the news to himself, he got a bit under the mahogany at the tap and blurted it out. Before we knew what happened, people from Glasgow showed up, fenced off the land and hired men to keep everyone away.”

  With a glance to his wife, Robert saw she wasn’t going to tell them the manager had slipped off to that exact city. Now he knew, or greatly suspected, Mr. Colin wasn’t the honorable man Robert believed him to be. Somehow, if the money sent was going into this pit in the ground he needed to figure out a way to pay for repairs to the cottages. But first, he needed to get some of them working and that he’d leave to Kristina.

  “Glenn, get the word out to the other crofters and the village. Any former maids and footmen desirous of honest work at a fair wage are to report to the castle starting tomorrow. Between Lady Markson, Hamish and Mrs. Fairbairn, they will do the selections,” Robert informed him.

  “Yes, and if any of the girls are either great with child or have one or more at home, that will not be held against them,” Kristina added.

  He gave his wife a warm smile and nod, as he knew what and why she had added that last direction. In many cases, a pregnant maid would and could be dismissed, but considering the conditions present he knew she was looking after the welfare of everyone. This, along with seeing her so easily converse with the women and children showed a new side of her. One which couldn’t be learned as a lady of the ton. He couldn’t wait until they had their own as he knew she’d be the perfect mother.

  With one problem in the process of being resolved, staffing, he now had to look at the major one, making the houses livable and safe. To that end, he turned to his old friend.

  “Glenn, of all the cottages under my protection which are in need of repair?”

  “Mine,” he paused and looked to the other men with him, “as with Peter and Colin are in need of a new roofs as water leaks in when it rains. However, I’m sure there are others worse off than me. I just don’t know who they might be as many have left the district for the city or Canada.”

  Stepping back so he could take a better look, Robert was disappointed to see it was made of slate, which could be hard to work with. He then remembered seeing several huge piles behind the barn. That got him wondering why they were there since from what he had seen the castle roof was in excellent shape. He then knew, without a doubt, where they would be best served.

  “Glenn, do you have a wagon and heavy horses to move slate?”

  “Yes, but why? There’s none within miles of here.”

  “Actually there is. I happened to notice stacks of it behind the stable.”

  “According to Mr. Colin, it’s for a new roof for the castle,” Glenn declared.

  “Then they are yours. From what I could see, there’s nothing wrong with the castle roof. Tomorrow, bring the wagon and we’ll load as much as necessary for yours and the other roofs. I’ll then see what’s needed on the other cottages,” Robert said.

  “With pleasure. Now I think you’d best take your bride home before she steals that little girl she’s playing with.”

  Not sure what he meant, Robert glanced toward the bench earlier occupied by Kristina. He smiled on seeing his wife sitting on the ground playing spillikins with a little brown haired girl. What made it more interesting, several young boys not only looked on but encouraged his wife on what stick to take next.

  Again, she amazed him at how easily she interacted with the children. Robert turned his head to Glenn and shrugged his shoulders.

  “I feel it would be better to wait for the game to finish,” he whispered to his friend.

  A short while later, as he watched, she lost the game. She looked up to him. “Robbie, might I be helped up?” she asked, with a giggle.

  He knew exactly why the snicker, because what Glenn had called him earlier. He didn’t care. It helped cement the relationship between them and the tenants, he was positive.

  Assisting her to her feet, he let her know it was time they returned home as between now and the morrow there was much to be done.

  The ride back to the castle took them past several other cottages, all in various stages in need of repair. Robert knew their short, a month at the most, visit was going to be longer and he didn’t mind.

  As they cantered along the path, side by side, he glanced to Kristina and saw a relaxed smile on her lips. He knew it was from both the ride but also work ahead for them.

  Chapter Four

  On the leisurely ride back to the castle, Kristina had convinced her loving husband to let her handle the interrogation of the senior staff.

  After surrendering their mounts to Seamus and a groom, she settled her hand in Robert’s as they slowly but with determination marched to the main portico. Stepping in, they were met by Hamish.

  “In thirty minutes have a whisky for His Lordship and tea for myself delivered to my parlour. Also have Mrs. Fairbairn and Cook join you at the same time as we have questions which need answers to,” she demanded.

  “And truthfully,” Robert added with the same strength in his word.

  “Certainly, m’ lord and lady,” the man sputtered out.

  Linking her arm with Robert’s, they marched up the stairs not stopping until they arrived at the viscounts’ suite.

  “I’ll join you shortly after I get the mud and dirt off my face and hands then change into appropriate attire,” she told hi
m. To cement her words she gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.

  Stepping into the viscountess suite a gasp of shock coming from Amanda didn’t deter Kristina as she strolled in. Going to her dressing table, she glanced at the image thrown back at her and understood the reactions from her maid and Hamish. Her face was streaked from muddy fingers and her riding habit was just as bad. Turning to catch a glimpse at the back of it she could easily see where she’d sat in a mud puddle.

  “What? I can’t get a little messy when out meeting with several of the local tenants?” Kristina snapped, immediately regretting her tone.

  “And of course they must have several children. Small ones I might add considering the size of the hand prints on your outfit,” Amanda said.

  “Yes, now help me out of my habit so I can get cleaned up then redressed in a plain day gown. His Lordship and I have a meeting with the senior staff shortly. There are questions which need answering and they should hopefully have them,” Kristina explained. She then started undoing the buttons on her blouse.

  “Would the deep blue one work or would you wish a lighter colour?”

  “No the first as that will be perfect and for my hair a simple braid coiled into a crown.”

  Stepping out of her riding habit, she walked over to her private room to wash up and take care of other needed business. On returning to the suite, she saw the gown with a clean chemise and fresh stockings laid out on the bed. Slipping into the dress she’d selected, while Amanda did her hair, she would be able to button it as it was done up in the front. This she knew Robert would appreciate as he would take great pleasure in undoing them.

  With a final look in the mirror, Kristina swept over to the door leading to the viscount suite where she suspected her husband was also changing. Knocking once, she didn’t wait for a response, opened it then stepped through and into his arms.

  “You look lovely, my dear,” he whispered.

  “Thank you and you’re as devilishly handsome as always. Before you get started in attempting to remove my gown don’t you think we should get answers to certain questions?”

  From the dejected look in his eyes, she knew she was right, about talking to the staff and undressing her.

  “Yes, you’re correct and as it’s getting close to the appointed time we’d best go. Wouldn’t do to keep them waiting,” he said.

  With her hand resting gently on his arm, they swept from his suite then down to the first floor. There they made their way to the viscountess sitting room. Stepping in she was pleased to see comfortable chairs and settee. They were all covered in various shades of green ranging from deep to light. This helped compliment the lime green wallpaper. A low, long table sat in front of the settee with several small round ones beside the chairs. On the floor, a deeply piled rug, depicting a forest scene, helped complete the picture.

  “Yes, I’m glad we chose to have the interrogation here. The colours even though pleasant and warming will also invoke a determination for answers,” she explained.

  “I agree and might I make a suggestion. Even though we’ve put a bit of fear and worry into them, we start by telling them about the new staff needing to be hired.”

  Kristina leaned back and smiled up at him then nodded as Hamish came to the door.

  “Come in and set the tray here.” She pointed to the table.

  She glanced past him to see the housekeeper and Cook slip in the room, with their heads down. This reminded her of the times she had been called into her parents’ presence after she’d misbehaved. Right now, she had to get them calm and knew the best way.

  Once Robert had his drink, she turned to Hamish.

  “Why don’t you get another tea and cups for everyone,” she said with a smile.

  “Certainly, m’ lady. I shan’t be but a minute.”

  Kristina was intrigued by the look she got from Robert. It was quizzical then faded into a smile telling her he understood.

  “Ladies, there’s no need to stand so why don’t you take seats,” Robert informed then.

  When Hamish returned with another tea tray for them, Mrs. Fairbairn poured cups for the staff while Kristina waited. Once they had their tea, she cleared her throat to gather everyone’s undivided attention.

  “Good, now starting tomorrow, and I’m not sure for how many days, we’ll be having former and new staff coming for jobs. Lord Markson and I have decided it’s needed to take the pressure off everyone here. Each of you will be interviewing your respective candidates and I will be assisting wherever possible. Also, even if a young lady is great with child that won’t detract from her gaining employment. After all, she will need to feed and clothe the child.”

  “M’ lady, if I could make a suggestion?” the housekeeper said.

  “Most certainly.”

  “If we have maids with child or already have them could we turn one of the larger rooms into a nursery. This way they could continue to work while knowing their little ones would be well cared for. I know several women in the village who would love to help out.”

  Kristina looked over to Robert and was happy to see he nodded his agreement.

  “Consider it done then. Once we know who will need the help we can discuss it further. Now, I’ll turn this gathering over to Lord Markson.”

  “Granted Lady Markson and I arrived later than planned last night and today we spoke with all three of you. I do know Her Ladyship talked with Cook about the staffing in the kitchen. What has us both upset is none of you explained why the castle is operating with so few people. Not to mention the conditions of many of the tenants’ cottages. I, correction we, demand to know why you kept this a secret from us? You had best carefully think your replies through as your current positions will greatly depend on what you say.”

  “That’s because I instructed them not to say a thing but let you find out the problems on your own,” Lord Ethan Rosewood announced.

  Kristina watched as he stepped into the room.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  She could feel her face heat from anger at her older brother for interjecting himself where not wanted. She knew, without looking down, her hands had fisted and she started to stand but a gentle touch halted her. Turning to Robert, she saw the same emotion in his eyes that she was feeling. Her only question, should it be dealt with man to man or should she say something. As silence continued, she knew it was she who had to deal with Ethan.

  “Hamish, I am your Mistress. You are to get footmen and bring them here then remove this thing from our sight. I don’t care if he’s locked away in the deepest, darkest, dampest cell or where. All I and Lord Markson desire is he to be gone from our presence post haste,” she ordered.

  “You can’t do that as I’m here on orders from the Crown,” Ethan answered back.

  “I don’t care under whose authority you are operating you’ve no right to give instructions to my staff. Do I make myself clear?” she screamed at Ethan.

  “My power exceeds your wants and desires, dear sister,” he replied back.

  Angered not only at his words but the cocky way he was grinning at her, Kristina bolted up and started to charge on him when a hand gripped her firmly around the waist.

  “Let me deal with him then you can have what’s left for I completely agree with you,” Robert whispered in her ear before releasing her.

  “No, he’s my brother and I’m tired of him meddling in things which aren’t his concern,” she answered back in the same low tone.

  “As you wish, my dear, for I shan’t deny you the pleasure.”

  Ethan, much to her annoyance, was still standing with a smug expression on his face and arms folded across his chest. Kristina looked up to her husband and nodded. Bearing down on Ethan, she glared up at him then with her open hand slapped him across the face, sending him staggering backward a few steps.

  Starting for him again, she felt Robert grasp her wrist.

  “I do believe I’ll save our discussion for later,” Robert annou
nced as two footmen stepped into the room.

  “M’ lord and lady where would you wish we take him?” the older looking one said.

  “For the time being, lock him in the dungeon and let him stew there for a while. If he complains as to his treatment or threatens you, ignore him,” Kristina told them.

  She watched as her brother tried to free his arms from the firm grip by the footmen. Knowing him as she did, all bark and no bite, Kristina knew he’d never succeed in freeing himself. As she observed him being dragged toward the door she wanted to laugh at his futile attempt to stand. Something he’d not be able to accomplish considering the strength of the two men and the speed they were moving.

  “Certainly, m’ lady. We’ll personally guard him.”

  With a nod of thanks, she watched as he was dragged from the room then turned back to the senior staff. She was amazed at the calm expressions all three now wore.

  “Wonderful, now we can get to the heart of the matter. With his threats hanging over your heads, we can understand why you failed to inform us of the reasoning. On the positive side, as mentioned, before this meeting was interrupted we’ll be going forward with repairing the damage caused by Mr. Colin and his neglect of the estate.”

  “And if I might add, none of your employment is in jeopardy as long as from this time forward you all are honest with us,” Robert told them.

  “Of course, m’ lord and lady. Maybe this will help explain why we didn’t inform you of what was going on upon your arrival or today,” Hamish said. The butler handed over a foolscap to Robert.

  Kristina watched as he read the letter, patiently waiting for him to pass it along to her. When he did, she was astounded at the look on his face, one of confusion mixed with anger. It wasn’t until she read it did she fully appreciate how he had reacted.

  Lord Rosewood,

  Under no condition are you to let this information pass to anyone, in particular Lord and Lady Markson.

  For the past several years, we’ve been keeping Mr. Colin under observation and now can conclude, without a doubt, he’s in league with the French. It would seem he’s been taking monies for the Markson castle and using it by way of investing in a seemingly innocent gold mine operation to funnel funding to our enemy.


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