To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection

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To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection Page 21

by Lindsay Downs

  We need you to get to Scotland and the estate before Lord and Lady Markson do and start hunting out the other parties involved.

  You are also instructed to inform the senior staff to hide your presence and to tell them not to explain why the buildings have fallen into disrepair.

  Discretion and secrecy are paramount.

  Lord Jack Grills for the Crown

  With a sigh of relieved understanding, she turned to Robert. Now her brother’s behavior was understandable but still not called for. And for that he needed to learn he couldn’t do as he pleased.

  “How did you happen to come by this?” she asked Hamish.

  “One of the maids found it but after you and His Lordship went out riding, otherwise we would have shown it to you then. As for why now? We all knew Lord Rosewood would make his appearance known and to a degree anticipated your reaction for which we are truly thankful,” Mrs. Fairbairn explained.

  “He can be a bit difficult and to that end I feel very strongly that he needs to send a day or two in whatever uncomfortable accommodations he now finds himself. I believe hardtack and water or gruel should nourish him until he’s willing to make his penance,” Kristina recommended.

  “And I’m in complete agreement. Now, if we might have something to refresh ourselves then we’ll take a stroll in the garden,” Robert told the staff.

  “At once, m’ lord. I’ll have whisky and fresh tea delivered,” Hamish replied accepting a dismissal nod from Kristina.

  “Oh and send word to the head gardener we’ll wish to have him accompany us as we inspect the beds,” Kristina added.

  “Yes, m’ lady,” Hamish answered.

  When alone with her husband Kristina slid over then climbed into Robert’s lap. She could feel lightness in her heart as she wrapped her arms around his neck bringing his lips down to hers. Using the tip of her tongue, she slipped in, tasting the peaty flavor of the whisky he’d partaken of.

  His hand cupped her breast, then his thumb teased her nipple alive. Dampness warmed her inner thighs, and desire spiraled through her. She wanted her husband and could no longer wait.

  Against her desire, she separated her lips from him.

  “My dearest, I believe a nice dinner in our suite would be a marvelous idea for this evening,” she whispered.

  Chapter Five

  “Good morning, my dearest little one,” Robert whispered into Kristina’s ear as he covered her breast with his hand, then teased its nipple to peak. He hardened in excitement.

  “And to you, my loving husband,” she said softly, as her hand brushed across his finely haired chest before rolling into his arms.

  As their lips joined, he slowly slid his hand down to her silky soft stomach until his fingers touched her at the junction of her legs. Hesitant at continuing, as they’d never joined in the light of morning, he stopped, only to be encouraged on by her moan of pleasure.

  “Fear not an intrusion my husband as I’ve directed Amanda not to bother us until I ring.”

  “But, shouldn’t we rise as potential staff will be arriving soon?” he suggested.

  Tossing off the bed sheets, she smiled. “As much as I wish to lie here in bed, maybe even relive some of last night’s adventure, I believe you’re correct as from the sounds coming from outside we have quite a few already here,” she said.

  Robert followed suit then handed over Kristina’s dressing gown, which had ended up on the floor on his side of the bed. After shrugging into his bathrobe, he pulled the bell cord alerting Evan, who would tell Amanda, they were awake and ready to start the day.

  “Since I’ll be gone most of the day what do you think we should do with Ethan?” he asked.

  “As you well know neither of us truly had much time to think about him last night. Personally, I’d like to leave him where he is but I fear for the rats as they might enjoy his company too much.”

  “Agreed. Let’s get ready to start our day as it will be a long one for both of us. I do have a thought though, while helping with the interviews see what you can learn about those people digging for the gold. I’ll do the same while learning how to repair a slate roof,” Robert recommended. He gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose as she tilted her head back to look at him.

  “That’s a wonderful suggestion. Now I’d best step into my unused suite. I hear Amanda has entered and not seeing me will come in here.”

  “Yes and Evan is, if I don’t miss my guess, about to announce his presence to me. I’ll meet you in the small dining room,” he stated. With a light tap to her rear he sent her on her way.

  He watched as she slipped into her suite and his frowning valet stepped into the room.

  “What is it? You and Amanda have another argument?”

  “No, I wish it was that simple. Seems Her Ladyship’s brother, Lord Rosewood, is raising all sorts of a commotion for being in the dungeon. From what I overheard from a few of the footmen he’s threatening everyone, including Her Ladyship with arrest if not released,” he explained.

  Now, more than ever, Robert knew the man was exactly as Kristina had described him. He, and if Amanda was informing his wife of the same, then they’d have to do something about him and soon.

  He started pacing the room mulling over different options, none that appealed to him at the moment. They ranged from keeping him where he was to letting him go. With the last choice, Ethan would probably cause more trouble with his demands.

  On hearing Evan starting to set out clothes for the day he turned.

  “No, I’ll be working on fixing a roof or two so a sturdy pair of trousers and shirt. I’ll also want my old riding boots as they’ll be getting dirty and they are the most comfortable,” he told his valet before disappearing into his private room.

  Thirty minutes later, he strolled into the family dining room to see his bride already seated and breaking her fast.

  Detouring to the side boy, he filled his plate with roast beef, a healthy slice of salmon, three eggs and a piece of haggis. Turning back to the table he saw Hamish had already set a pot, coffee he suspected, at his place.

  Taking a seat he started eating while keeping a watchful eye on Kristina. From the way she was attacking her meal, somewhat unladylike, he knew her maid had informed her of her brother’s behavior.

  Not wanting to upset her any more than she already was he started eating. For the next few minutes the only sound heard was the scraping of silverware on china or the sipping of coffee or tea.

  As he cut into the haggis, popping it into his mouth, he noticed she was now staring at him. He wondered if it was how to deal with Ethan or what he was eating. Curious, he grinned as he turned to her.

  “Yes, my dear. You have something on your mind?” He tried not to chuckle thinking her expression was because of the Scottish meat he was enjoying.

  “How can you eat that disgusting thing? It looks horrible. But that’s not my main worry, it’s my brother. Amanda informed me Ethan is continuing to threaten the footmen. My concern is what to do with him. I fear if we let him loose he could and would do more damage than already done. I feel we need to investigate the condition of the estate and mining without him getting in the way.”

  “I’ve always loved haggis and haven’t had it in years. I would hazard it’s an acquired taste and if you don’t like it that’s all right with me. As for Ethan, the only thing I can think to do with him is something neither of us will like,” he told her.

  “That’s to let him out of where he currently resides?” Kristina said. She took a bite of egg on a piece of toast.

  “We keep him secured in his room until he tells us what he knows—which I’d venture is very little. After all, I’m familiar with these people even though I’ve not been here for years but they’ll talk to me while they will shut him out. From what Ethan’s directions say the Crown doesn’t know very much whereas between the two of us we can learn what’s needed,” Robert explained.

  “If I understand, you believe he’s on a fishing ex
pedition which will send the traitors to ground?” she said.

  “That is my feeling. After all, with the murder of Lord Kersey he could easily have come forward and laid the truth out for us. But no, he let us hunt the persons down only to appear at the last moment. Now, let’s finish breaking our fast as we both have a great deal to accomplish today,” he declared.

  “Which is one reason why we don’t get along. He’s always thought of himself first. At least I feel confident he won’t make an attempt to escape since he’s all talk and little action,” Kristina said.

  “Good, then I’ll have Hamish, with footmen, escort him back to his suite where he’ll remain under guard.”

  He then rang for the butler. Once Hamish came into the room, Robert gave him his instructions, the emphasis on keeping Ethan under guard.

  “I’ll see to it at once, m’ lord and lady,” the man bowed.

  “Oh and make sure he has a hip bath along with hot water for bathing and shaving. Once he’s cleaned, arrange for him to eat. I think an egg, toast and a very large slice of haggis,” Kristina said with a wide grin.

  “Excuse me, m’ lady, how would you prefer his egg prepared; poached, scrambled or fried?” Hamish enquired.

  “If we have pickled then that will match his mood, sour,” she ordered.

  “My dear, you truly can be cruel at times. Remind me never to get on your bad side,” Robert stated.

  “I will take care of everything, m’ lady,” the butler said.

  “Darling, I’ve better ways to punish you than you can even imagine. Now, as you mentioned earlier, let us get the day started.

  With a grin of understanding he tossed down the last of his coffee, rose then assisted his wife up from the table. With a kiss on her cheek at the doorway, they separated. He watched as she glided to the ballroom where potentially new, and old staff, awaited. Once she was out of sight, which was disappointing as he loved to watch the way her hips swayed when she walked, he turned and headed out the front door to the stables.

  As he made his way, he was pleased at the moderate stream of villagers and tenants heading into the castle. This told him they were in dire need of honest work for a fair wage, which he would make sure they’d receive. Once he reached the stable, he heard Glenn and Seamus talking.

  At least they weren’t arguing, which was encouraging.

  Instead of going straight inside, he detoured around to the back. He leaned against the barn side while he watched both men helping to load sheets of slate into a wagon. As he continued to study them he worried as the wagon began to sag from being overloaded.

  Looking past them he spied a dray. Levering himself off of the wall, he strolled over to them.

  “Gentlemen, even though I’m not sure if that word applies to you Glenn, from what I remember of your youthful behavior, might we harness several draft horses to that.” He pointed to the wagon.

  “M’ lord, I was only waiting for your permission as I’ve two Clydesdales harnessed and awaiting your word to hitch them to it. If you’ll give me a few minutes we’ll have another wagon ready to load,” Seamus told him.

  With the massive beasts hitched to the dray Robert watched while a groom drove the wagon up to the pile of slate. Not wanting to shirk his duty or promise, he got in line and helped pass the tiles along. Before he knew it the dray was piled high and ready to depart.

  “If you don’t mind I’d rather drive our team as I know you’re not that experienced with this type of wagon,” Seamus declared.

  “Sir, I was hoping you’d volunteer,” Robert said.

  “Then I suggest we be off as I had a chance yesterday, after you and Lady Markson departed to inspect nearby cottages. It would seem there are more in need of repair than first thought, so I do hope you’re ready for a hard day’s work. If your delicate hands can handle it?” Glenn announced.

  “I wager I will not only survive, without a doubt, the day but can also outwork you,” he stated. Since returning from Spain he’d not spent much time in physical labor so today would be a challenge for him, one he was up for.

  “Then shall we make it more interesting. The loser buys rounds at the Thistle and Rose at the end of the work day,” his friend suggested.

  After one of the hardest days working, even worse than when fighting the French in Spain, Robert wrapped an arm around Glenn’s shoulders.

  “All right, you win. The first pull of the tap is on me,” he declared leading several farmers, grooms and tenants, into the pub.

  “Robbie, I’ll never argue with someone who wants to buy me a tankard.”

  During the course of the day Robert had learned a great deal regarding the people involved in the mining, mostly from his friend. This led him to believe he might have been the individual who’d contacted Ethan by some route or other about the illicit dealings with the French. He’d also learned most of the workers were Irish, which came as no surprise but where and who was the head he’d not been able to find out, yet.

  “Then, so be it. Now drink up as I plan to put you under the table.” He then turned to the others. “And that goes for all of you.”

  Not surprisingly, his words brought laughter from everyone until he turned back to the barkeep.

  “For the next round add a pour of whisky to the black.”

  Much to his astonishment the proclamation silenced everyone.

  Chapter Six

  After a long day assisting in interviewing potential maids and kitchen help, only interrupted by a brief luncheon, Kristina decided a nap was definitely in order. As she started for the stairs, she glanced out the window and saw a Clydesdale-drawn wagon pulling into the forecourt. It came directly to the front portico and she noticed Seamus at the reins. Now curious as to why the wagon was here, she retraced her steps to the front door, where she was met by Hamish.

  “Do you know what this is about?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid I don’t but from what I am able to see, there’s someone lying down while another can barely sit up. I did hear, through my sources, His Lordship along with some of the workers, stopped into the Thistle and Rose earlier. You don’t think…”

  “Don’t even say it. I know Lord Markson would never get in his cups. The day must have been harder on him than thought and he’s only resting,” she firmly told the man.

  She waited until the farm cart stopped then was able to get a good look at the resting man. His snoring told her he was asleep. Beside Robert sat Glenn with a wide grin.

  “Thank you for helping him home. It would appear he’s not used to such hard work,” she said.

  “M’ lady, it wasn’t the hard work but the hard drinking after which that did him in. Seems he’s not used to the local ale we brew here.”

  “Not to mention the pours of whisky he insisted on adding to our tankards,” Seamus added with a crooked grin.

  With a disgusted groan, she stomped up to the dray. Now she needed to figure out what to do with him since she’d never dealt with a drunkard before. She did know men could sleep it off, but with him never being in this state before she didn’t know how long it would take.

  “Excuse me, m’ lady, it would seem this is the first time for Robbie to be like this. If I could make a suggestion, I know an easy way to sober him up,” Glenn told her.

  Considering the expression Glenn wore, Kristina wasn’t positive she should let him do as he suggested, then again whatever it was might teach Robert a lesson.

  Kristina stepped back while Glenn slid off then easily hefted Robert over his shoulder. She thought he’d take him into the castle, instead she watched him stride towards the stable. Wondering why, she started to follow when a hand on her arm halted her. Without thinking as to who had stopped her, she spun about on her heel to come face to face with Mrs. Fairbairn.

  “What?” she demanded of the housekeeper.

  “It’s just you might be surprised at what my son will be doing to His Lordship. One might call it payback for what Lord Markson did in their rancorous

  With a smile to the housekeeper, Kristina had an idea what was going to happen. If she was correct she couldn’t wait to see the end result.

  “Then, my dear woman, all the more reason I should be there, not to protect my husband but your son, which I didn’t know until this moment.”

  With a nod, Kristina and the housekeeper set out after the men but stayed far enough back so as not to disturb Glenn as he continued on his mission. Following them around to the back of the stable she saw Glenn halt in front of a very large water trough. Kristina watched as he lifted her husband high and sent him sailing, landing with a loud splash in the water.

  No sooner had Robert hit the water then he let out an ear piercing scream and bounded out of the tank.

  Sputtering and coughing from the water he’d swallowed Robert stood and shook the water from him, as a dog would do. “Glenn Fairbairn, I’m going to beat you into a pulp for that,” he called out before charging the man who was laughing.

  “You will do no such thing. When he brought you home you were passed out drunk, something I’ve never seen before and hope never to again. I gave him permission to do whatever was necessary to sober you up. Now apologize to Glenn then go to the castle and get bathed. We’ve a lot to finish doing today,” Kristina ordered, crossing her arms over her chest.

  She didn’t immediately follow him as from the angry expression he wore she could tell he wasn’t in the best of mood. Was it from drinking too much or from being tossed in the trough?

  “M’ lady, trust me when I say he will calm down and there won’t be a problem between you two. If anything, he’s more mad at himself for losing control at the pub. As for the dunking, let’s just say it’s payback for when he did the same to me in our youth,” Glenn explained.

  “Thank you. Now I should see to His Lordship.”


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