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Grandma's Wedding Quilts_Prequel

Page 5

by Kate Cambridge

  “I know, Callum, Audrina is my grandmother.”

  “What? How do you know?”

  “I came to see her last night, and when I did, I found out the truth. I'm still struggling to comprehend it, to be honest.” Her voice wavered as she looked back at the hospital. “Callum, I remember her now and the quilts. She raised me for those first five years. I wasn't abused; I wasn't neglected. I wasn’t unwanted. She gave me away because she wanted to protect me.”

  “Oh, Hannah, how are you handling it? Are you okay?”

  “I'm not sure, to be honest. She's dying, and I desperately wish I had more time with her. I just want… more time.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I'm at the hospital with her.”

  “Text me the name of the hospital, all right?”

  “She might not be around long enough for you to send flowers.”

  “Just text me the name, Hannah, please.”

  “Okay, I will. Thanks for all of your help, Callum.” She hung up the phone then sent the text. When she stepped back inside of the hospital room, she found that her grandfather was asleep on the chair beside Audrina's bed.

  She stared at them, her grandmother covered up in the quilt made by Grandma Mary, and her grandfather beside her—both so frail, a reminder of how short and fleeting life could be.

  Perhaps if her grandmother had been allowed to keep her, things would have been different. Or maybe they wouldn't have. She didn’t really know how she felt about it all because she’d had adoptive parents who were loving and supportive, and she would not change that for anything. It was complicated.

  Yet, Hannah was grateful that she had the chance to know the truth before her grandmother died. As she sat down beside her again, she thought about the other quilts that were still out there somewhere. They belonged to family—her family—to people that she would never have known existed.

  As the hours slipped past, Audrina gradually stopped grasping Hanna’s hand. She no longer lifted her head or opened her eyes. Hannah longed for a way to magically make her stay longer, but she knew that Audrina's body would give out. As her breathing grew faint, Hannah hummed the song that she had forgotten the words to. When her grandfather heard it, he began to sing softly.

  “Softly sleeping, 'neath the love of those that left so long ago, softly dreaming 'bout the joy that only time can know, softly growing in the branches of an endless tree, rest now, little child, and remember to dream of me.” He smiled as he held Audrina's other hand. “Your grandmother used to sing it to you every night, as her mother sang it to her, and probably her mother before her.”

  “I'll remember, Grandmother, I'll remember. Always.” She squeezed her hand again, just as Audrina took her last breath, and peace flooded her face.

  “I think she's gone,” Hannah whispered, tears unbidden, streaming down her face.

  A nurse and doctor rushed in, and Hannah was bustled out of the room, and right into the arms of someone standing just outside the door.

  “Callum?” She stared into his warm green eyes as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “It's all right, Hannah, I'm here,” he comforted her as he led her to the waiting room.

  She nestled into his grasp as the tears continued to flow. When they finally subsided, he offered her a tissue and a tender kiss on the top of her head.

  “I'm so sorry, Hannah. I wish we had found her sooner.”

  “I know, Callum. Me, too.”

  “Hannah—” Callum and Hannah turned toward her grandfather as he sat beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “You gave her so much peace. You have to know that. She's spent her life wondering about you and wanting to see you again. This was the greatest gift you could have given her.”

  “Thank you.” She wiped at her eyes. “But it's not the only gift I can give. I am going to make sure that every one of those quilts is found. I'm going to make sure that Grandma Mary's family has the chance to reunite again. It can’t end here.”

  “I think that's wonderful. If there is anything I can do to help, all you have to do is ask.” He offered her his hand. “I'm Benjamin, by the way.”

  “Benjamin, it's nice to meet you.” She shook his hand, and then stood, pulling him in for a hug.

  “Can you forgive me, Hannah? Forgive us?” He held her close.

  “There's nothing to forgive, Benjamin. You and Audrina gave me a beautiful life. You did what you thought was right, and it was.” She gazed into his eyes. “Now I have the chance to get to know you, and hopefully through you, Audrina.”

  “Yes, I would love that.”

  A nurse walked up to Hannah with the quilt folded in her hands. “I thought you might want this.”

  “Yes, I do. Thank you.” She ran her fingertips along the patches and pulled the quilt to her chest. As hard as it was to lose Audrina, she had a promise to keep, and there was no time to spare.

  As Callum and Hannah left the hospital together, he took her hand. “I'll drive you home.”

  “I have my car.”

  “I want to drive you.” He brushed his fingertips along the curve of her cheek, which was still damp with tears. “You’ve been through a lot, Hannah. Let me see you home safely.”

  “What about your car?”

  “I can find a way to get it home later. Don't worry about that now. I just want to make sure that you are safe.”

  “Always protecting me.” She smiled through fresh tears.

  “I always will, if you'll let me.” He opened the car door for her. The words didn't set in until he was already behind the wheel and driving down the road. Were they meant in friendship? When she stole a glance over at him, she noticed his cheeks were flushed. Was he blushing?

  They were a half-hour from home when her cell phone rang. The moment she saw the name, her heart dropped. “Hello, Dr. Wagstaff.”

  “Can you tell me why someone matching your description took something from the museum last night without authorization? I told security it couldn't possibly be you. I told them that you would never do that because it would be stealing. Please tell me I'm right.”

  “I'm so sorry, Dr. Wagstaff, I can explain.”

  “Put her on the speaker phone.” Callum insisted.

  “What, why?”

  “Just trust me, she's going to want to hear this.”

  “Dr. Wagstaff, I have Callum Jones with me; he's been helping to trace the history and family line of the quilts. I'm going to put you on speaker phone, so you can hear what he has to say.”

  “Unless it's an explanation for you losing your mind, I'm not sure I want to hear it.”

  Hannah cringed as she pressed the speakerphone button.

  “Hannah was able to verify, with the last living relative, the authenticity of the quilt. Which is going to mean a lot, when you put them on display in the museum.”

  “What do you mean? Why would I display the quilts?”

  “We are on our way to the museum, Dr. Wagstaff, and I’ll tell you in person. Are you available now?”

  “I don’t have time to waste on old quilts, Mr. Jones. Is this really important enough to meet in person?”

  “Yes, Dr. Wagstaff, it is. We’ll see you in ten minutes.”

  * * *

  “Yes, it’s true and verifiable with the documents I have uncovered, Dr. Wagstaff. These quilts were made by the illegitimate daughter of a prince whose name I guarantee you are going to know. Having just one of the quilts will be enough to generate funds for the museum, but if we can manage to get them all, it will save the museum not just for this year, but for the foreseeable future.”

  “This is just too incredible. Who is it? What's the name of the prince?”

  “I’ll provide you with all the documentation you need as soon as we have uncovered the other quilts, but until then, I suggest that you keep all of this information completely confidential. You can imagine what will happen if word gets out and competing museums try to find the other quilts first.”

sp; “Hannah, how long have you known about this?” Wagstaff asked, her tone slightly less hostile than it had been.

  “I’m just finding out right now. I’ve been at the hospital saying goodbye to a—to my grandmother. Callum came by to share the news with me, but she died before he had the chance. Then you called, and well, the rest is history.”

  “Well, this is a lot to take in. Excuse me while I make a call to have additional security added to our night watch. Callum, I have your promise that this information will remain in the strictest confidence?”

  “Yes, of course, Ms. Wagstaff. I consider myself to be working on Hannah’s behalf, and thereby the museum’s, as well.”

  “Very good. Hannah, why don’t you take a few days off, and let’s regroup on Monday, shall we?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “And Hannah, I’m sorry for your loss. I truly am.”

  Hannah fought back the tears that threatened to spill yet again. She managed to croak out, “Thank you.”

  * * *

  “Callum, I have to be honest, if I didn’t know better, I would think that was all a lie just to protect me.”

  At his look of shock, Hannah quickly clarified. “Don’t get me wrong, I know you would never lie, but I have to be honest—this is all a bit difficult to believe.”

  “I’m sure it is, and that’s why I double and triple-checked my source; it's the truth. It looks like you weren't so far off with your childhood dreams of being a princess, Hannah. Several times removed now, but royal blood flows through your veins.”

  “That's incredible.”

  “I still need to go through the official verification process, and in light of the fact that Grandma Mary was an illegitimate child, it’s very possible it will remain buried, but it will be a lot easier to do that if we can find the rest of Grandma Mary's descendants, along with the quilts. We have a big job ahead of us.”

  “We do?”

  “We do. Partners?” He looked over at her and rested his hand on top of hers.

  “Absolutely.” She smiled in return.

  “If we're going to be working together, I should confess something.”

  “Really? Do tell,” she laughed, as he pulled into the parking lot of the museum and put the car in park.

  “Hannah Quinn, I've had a crush on you since college, and I'm tired of waiting for you to notice.”

  “Waiting for me to notice? Are you kidding?” She laughed, hopeful.

  “I’m not kidding, and let’s stop waiting.” He leaned across the seat and kissed her.

  All the questions and thoughts of princes and princesses fled her mind, as the passion behind his kiss met its match. A blazing horn startled them both, as Malcolm slammed his car door, giving them two thumbs up on his way past the car.

  Hannah grudgingly smiled through her embarrassment, suddenly aware of their joined hands, resting on Grandma Mary’s quilt.

  She couldn't help but wonder at the power of the quilt, created with so much love, so many lifetimes ago.

  About the Author

  Kate Cambridge is a bestselling Amazon-author writing sweet romance books with strong women and strong men, often coming together in ways you least expect, with a thread of humor, hope, and faith throughout. A voracious reader and lifelong writer, Kate left the corporate world of training and project management to begin her own marketing agency, where the pull to do what she truly loved finally won. And now she writes!

  JOIN the CHOICE READERS list for advance notice of book releases, and special pre-launch and launch-day pricing! Be one of the FIRST to know what happens next to Elizabeth and her Suffragette friends!

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  This is Kate’s first book in with the Sweet A Book Club authors. Please also check out her Suffragette Mail-Order Brides Series.

  See all Kate Cambridge’s books at:

  Suffragette Mail-Order Brides Series Books

  (Each are written to be standalone, so you can read them in any order, although Beginnings is truly the beginning of the series and the catalyst behind Elizabeth’s choice to start the Choice Brides Agency. If you can read them in order, please do.)

  Book 1: Beginnings

  Book 2: Elizabeth

  Book 3: Margaret

  Book 4: Susan

  Book 5: Lydia

  Book 6: Lucy

  Individual Books (Part of the Sweet Clean Book Club.)

  MAE'S CHOICE: A Sweet & Clean Historical Frontier Western Romance

  MAUD’S DEVOTION: A Sweet & Clean Blessed With Babies Mail Order Bride Romance

  Grandma’s Wedding Quilts, Book 5

  Monica’s Mystery

  * * *


  I am grateful for my amazing husband — for his encouragement, support, humor, patience, and love. He is my favorite person on the planet. I am blessed.

  * * *

  If you don’t want to miss even one of the sweet historical or sweet contemporary books to follow, please join the CHOICE READERS Updates, where you’ll be the first to know when a new book launches at a fabulous same-day special launch price, as well as notices of contests, ARC opportunities, and more!



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  The Women’s Suffrage Movement impacted the rights and equality of women all over the world, and continues to impact women today. I am eternally grateful to the women who led this movement, at great sacrifice to themselves and those they loved; grateful to the men who supported them, and for the fact that they never gave up despite incredible adversity. May we never take that for granted.

  ~Kate Cambridge

  The Sweet Americana Book Club

  It’s an honor to collaborate with all the women authors in the Sweet Americana Book Club, part of the Sweet Americana Sweethearts blog.

  Please visit the Sweet Americana Book Club group page to connect with each author and find out what’s happening with new author series collaborations.


  More About The Series:

  Grandma’s Wedding Quilts-The Prequel #1 - Kate Cambridge

  The greatest inspiration is often born of desperation.

  One year ago Hannah Quinn scored her dream job, and now the fait of the museum she loves will rise or fall on her next exhibit. But wait... there's a problem. She doesn't have a clue what her next exhibit will be!

  When a trunk with two quilts is donated to the museum, Hannah's boss thinks she's wasting her time chasing down the history of the quilts, regardless of their beauty; but Hannah persists. She knows there's something special about these quilts, and a story that demands to be told.

  Little does Hannah know, her friend Callum, a researcher and consultant, plays an unexpected a role in her investigation that leads to questions and discoveries that threaten the foundation of all she holds most dear.

  Will her desperation to discover the story of the quilts cause her to lose the very thing she loves the most - or will the secrets she uncover lead her to more than she ever dreamed?

  Author Page:

  Purchase Link: My Book

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  Kizzie’s Kisses #2 – Zina Abbott

  Running from hostile Indians attacking Salina, Kansas, feisty Kizzie Atwell runs into freighter Leander Jones traveling the Smoky Hill Trail. He is as interested in her as his stallion is in her mare. The two join forces to prevent the Fort Riley Army captain from requisitioning their prize horses for the cavalry. Wi
ll the bargain they make to save their horses lead to a more romantic bargain sealed with a kiss?

  Amazon Page:

  Purchase Link: My Book

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  Jesse’s Bargain #3 – Kay P. Dawson

  Thanks to a gunfight, Cora now needs to get to Kansas, and Jesse needs a new trail cook. Left with no other choice, she joins the cattle drive headed north, with a man who isn’t happy to have her along. They have miles of trail ahead of them - and a lot that can go wrong along the way.

  Amazon Page:

  Purchase Link: My Book

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  Meredith’s Mistake #4 – Amelia C. Adams

  The summer Meredith turned eighteen was filled with romance and laughter - two young men sought her hand, and she chose the one she thought would make her the happiest. He certainly was the most handsome, and the wealthiest, and could offer her the most pleasant life. But that turned out to be a mistake . . . one she would regret for a very long time.

  In a strange twist of fate, now she's being given a chance to set things right. Will she be able to live down her past, or will her foolishness keep coming back to haunt her and keep her from ever being happy with the man she loves?

  Amazon Page:

  Purchase Link: My Book.

  * * *

  Monica’s Mystery #5 - Kate Cambridge

  Monica has to leave home, fast. Her parents are planning to marry her off and although all her friends are marrying, that is definitely not what she wants. She’s seventeen, an amateur sleuth, and sees no reason why she can’t join the ranks of the local lawman, or even become a Texas Ranger, should she choose! What will happen when she visits her best friend in Texas, only to find herself face-to-face with a handsome Texas Ranger, and knee-deep in territory she has no idea how to navigate?


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