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Connecticut Vampire in Queen Mary's Court

Page 8

by Hall, Ian

  “Your husband is in the Tower, madam,” I said, pulling at her trousers, yanking them down her legs and off to one side. “This morning, I will ravish his wife.”

  Again, the quivering bottom lip. “No, Please.” But blow me if she didn’t unfasten the ties at her neck, ready to remove her shirt.

  “Take it off,” I said when she paused. “This morning I will look at the body of a Queen, and after I’ve looked, I will plough her field.”

  She took the shirt off slowly, showing me her full naked glory. To my left I could hear sounds of rhythmic sex as Steve had obviously gotten a homerun.

  Lady Jane Grey proved to be a slender creature, white-skinned, almost willowy. She had a small, almost too thin waist, but her breasts were crowned with large rosebud pink nipples.

  I dropped to the ground beside her. “What do you say, my Queen?” I gently pulled on her breast, my fingers squeezing her nipple, pulling it away from her body. Jane gasped, throwing herself at me, her mouth seeking mine. But my initial hunger had been slaked the night before, I pushed her back onto the leafy bed, and traced my hand down her flat belly to the light down at her pussy. “What do you say, my Queen, do you need ploughed?”

  “Oh, yes, sire,” she panted. “My field is open to your hand.”

  She opened her legs for me, showing me her wet crevice. But I pushed past her sex, and around to her bottom.

  “Do you want me to plough?” I almost laughed at her obviously favorite word for sex.

  “Oh, yes, sire. Please plough your fingers into me. I need them. Please, please just stick something inside me!” But then her own fingers found the spot, and she began on her own; a very sexy sight, and in seconds her fingers were wet to the knuckle. Again, the woman seemed impassioned beyond belief.

  I kissed her breasts, chewed on her nipples, pushed two fingers into her eager mouth, and she squirmed like a snake in my grasp.

  Then her hand found my cock, and she inhaled heavily. “Oh, my God.” She pulled on me, urging me to join with her. “I need that.”

  “You need what?”

  “Your manhood, your member!” Her other hand joined in the tug of war, pulling at me, trying to close our distance. But her wet fingers were doing delicious things to me, pumping me, and I could stand it no more.

  With the hugest grin, I mounted the pronounced Queen of England, and without a trace of ceremony, I sank myself into her boiling cauldron and fucked her silly.

  Her legs locked behind my ass, pulling me further inside, and we rutted like rabbits for what seemed ages. When I came, she again joined me, and I fed from her neck for the second time in a day.

  I drank carefully, and to be honest, I felt tempted to offer my wrist, and turn her, she had been such a willing partner, but thankfully the moment passed.

  I stood from my conquest, and naked in the woods, soon joined by Steve, who carried Katherine to our bower, and deposited his charge next to mine.

  He arranged their arms and legs to intertwine, and they lay in an inspired pose, embraced in deep sleep.

  “I think I drank too much.” Steve looked down at his lesbian arrangement. “Couldn’t help it. That lady could fuck.”

  I considered the rabid inclinations of the two, and wondered if Fallon had anything to do with it all. I wouldn’t put it past him to what I had done; screw a Queen. I mean, if you got the chance, and you knew you’d get away with it, why not, right?

  We dressed, and stood watch over our sleeping prisoners. Steve went back to the inn and stole some blankets from the bedrooms.

  We made a love nest in the bower, and when the sun set, we lay down to sleep.

  The noises of the forest stilled as darkness fell, and I fell asleep, a naked ass in front of me, a Queen’s breast in my hand.

  Chapter 11

  August 13th, 1553

  To the Tower

  As the sounds of morning broke in the forest, I awakened to the ass of Lady Jane Grey being pushed against me. Now, I’m pretty fairly liberated in my quest for sex, but I had the presence of mind to pull myself away, even though I’d been aroused by the feeling.

  “Oh, Richard,” she moaned, turning her body towards me. “Just one more time?”

  I shook my head. “No, we better get moving, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover.”

  “So you intend to take us back to the Tower?”

  “Your husband awaits you there.”

  Her eyes clouded over slightly, and it gave me cause to crouch down to get answers to the questions building in my mind. “Lady Jane, did Fallon ever touch you?”


  “The Baron,” I said. “Did he ever touch you?”

  “Oh, it was indeed the Baron who discovered my wanton side.”

  I gave her a wry grin. “Yes, madam, he showed it to you.”

  “I did not know my true ways before him.”

  I leant closer, shaking Katherine’s naked shoulder. “Get up, both of you; it’s time to get ourselves on the road. Get dressed.”

  I walked off, leaving them to dress each other. Steve soon joined me, standing on the edge of our leafy dell. “What’s up?”

  “Fallon lifted their libido,” I said matter-of-factly. “It’s like they’ve been hypnotized. That’s why they’ve been like fuck-bunnies since we picked them up.”

  I must say, my time-travelling friend didn’t give much thought of regret, shrugging his shoulders. “So what do we do?”

  “We get out of here quickly; Fallon will be out looking for us.”

  “And about the libido?”

  “We have to throw a bucket of water over them.”

  “Can’t we wait a couple of days?”

  I gave him a hard stare, but it made no impression. “Can’t you think outside your dick?”

  “Hey, Richard.” He held his hands up, grinning. “I spent years getting nothing back in Connecticut, I’m just striking while the iron’s not.”

  And I could hardly be called an innocent in it all. I’d never come close to touching the moral high ground since I’d arrived. Even my own love, Lady Jane Winterbrooke had been sullied by Fallon’s contact.

  The girls announced themselves both reluctant to travel and very hungry. Hardly surprising, they’d both slept with vampires, and needed to get some energy. We walked out of the woods, back towards Taunton. At least the Vivary Arms had proven a known refuge with proven culinary content.

  But just as we neared the road, I heard the approach of horses. “Down!” I hissed, and pulled Lady Jane roughly onto the ground. On the road, no more than a hundred yards away, a troop of cavalry, all sporting Exeter’s colors rode past, heading into town. “Shh,” I encouraged, although I felt a Queen’s hand touch my crotch. Once they’d passed, I rose, and pulled her over my shoulder. “North. They’ve either tracked us on the ground, or our smell has given us away.”

  We ran for maybe thirty minutes, and found ourselves at a cliff, overlooking the sea. Sandy beaches ran either side.

  “Down to the beach!”

  The sea looked at mid to low tide, and I directed Steve to follow me, running in water no more than a foot deep. It proved hard going, and the women protested at the constant splashing, but our footsteps and traces of scent were being automatically removed as we ran. A few miles along the coast, we came to a small river, but I pressed onwards along the coast, getting as much distance between us and the soldiers as we could.

  We passed fishers mending lobster cages, and peasants digging in the sand for shellfish.

  Only when we met our third stream, did I allow us to walk inland, keeping our feet in the water for a good mile inland.

  I left the river at a stony area, knowing our wet tracks would soon dry in the sun. Lady Jane felt had felt limp on my back for some time; she’d either fainted or slept soundly. Either way, we needed somewhere to regroup, and something for the women to eat.

  A quick scout to the top of the nearest hill showed an abbey to the northwest, and we headed there.

bsp; No wall circled around the property, and monks worked in fields adjacent to the square towered church.

  “We were robbed on the Bristol road,” I said as the first monk approached.

  He crossed himself quickly. “We can be of little help, we have no money here. King Henry seen to that.”

  “Well, here’s hoping a new Queen can change that for the good,” Steve cut in, and we all nodded.

  “They didn’t get my small pouch, good monk,” I said, patting my pocket. “If you can feed the women, I’d be happy to pay.”

  Smiling for the first time, he led us to the church. “So Queen Mary rules?” he asked.

  “She does,” I said. “And it is said she’ll soon take mass for the first time.”

  He perked up again. “Oh that is encouraging.” Set upon a stove sat a large open pot, stirred by another, younger monk. “It is only vegetable stew, but you are welcome to a bowl.”

  I left the other three fussing over spoons, and led the elder monk away. When we were out of the kitchen, I pressed five gold coins into his hand.

  “My son…” he began in protest, but I held up my hand, and he quieted very quickly.

  “It is but a sign of the times to come,” I said, knowing that life under a catholic Queen would ease the restraints King Henry had bestowed on their lifestyle.

  We didn’t stay at the small abbey long, but at least the women had been fed, and rested, albeit lightly. We’d also dried out slightly in front of the stove, but my feet still walked in water inside my boots. The monk gave us directions to Wells, a cathedral town just fifteen miles away, and the name of the best roadhouse there. I’d kept track of the days, and we needed to stay out of London another two nights. As we neared the town, clouds scuttled across a blue sky, then gathered together, letting a light rain fall. By the time we’d found the monk’s recommendation, we were soaked again.

  But now we had rooms, not the best I’d been in, but they had locks on the doors, and comfortable beds. The elopement story worked again, and when we’d retired to the privacy of our first floor rooms and closed the door, I felt a little bit safer. By my calculations, we’d put at least fifty miles winding between us and Taunton.

  The servants lit a fire in our bedrooms, and we hung all our clothes in front of it to dry. In seconds the windows were covered in condensation, and the room smelt like old rotten socks. But there were also two naked people, one of whom seemed to be ready for any sexual act I could think of, and this time I had a relatively comfortable bed to perform on.

  By the time darkness showed through the window, we’d had each other twice, and I’d chewed on that delightful neck once more.

  I lay dozing, when I heard the clatter of horses’ hooves on the cobbled road outside. Now, I know we had rested in a way-house, and horses are common in 1553, but something alerted me to a higher level. I quickly pulled my warm trousers on, and reached for my sword.

  Just as the door got busted off its hinges.

  Lady Jane sat bolt upright on the bed, clutching the covers to her neck.

  I had little time to act, but I faced the first man with a well-delivered boot to the stomach, sending him backwards into his cohorts, where they all fell to the floor, smashing into the corridor wall.

  I grabbed the nearby bow, and fired quickly, catching the lead man, urged to his feet by his companions, high on the shoulder. Then I grabbed my sword, and ran at them. But it seemed they were rapidly losing the will for fighting, as their vampire leader dissolved in their arms, quickly leaving them with just his clothes and desiccated skull.

  They threw the rags away like something plague-ridden, and stood nervously.

  “Get gone!” I roared at them, brandishing my sword in their terrified faces. To my relief, as one they turned and ran. “Get dressed!” I roared to Lady Jane behind me in the room, then ran down the hall to meet Steve opening his door. “We’ve been discovered; we’re leaving.”

  The innkeeper pleaded that he’d not been involved, then looked rather embarrassed when we just walked past him.

  So again, in the darkness of night we hoisted the women onto our shoulders, and made off towards London. “To hell with Fakenham’s questions!” I roared at Steve, who ran behind me. “We deliver these two tomorrow!”

  Outside London, we paused and gave the women a good dose of ‘forget sexy’, ‘forget Exeter’s actions’, and ‘forget what we did’. Once we were happy with their countenance, we made them sleep, then whipped them back over our shoulders.

  “What if the Tower’s a trap?” Steve asked as we got nearer our destination.

  “Good question.” And I paused. “Follow me.” And I headed towards Westminster Palace, at least knowing the layout there.

  It took me the whole of the morning to collect two people of our size and two smaller ones to act as the girls. In the end, two guards from the palace would act as us, and two servants from the palace would impersonate Ladies Jane and Katherine. By mid-afternoon they were dressed in our clothes, and receiving our instructions, ready to travel to the Tower.

  “If something’s wrong, do you think it could go as high as Fakenham?”

  I shook my head. “If Exeter’s infiltrated at all, he’ll have kept it to the guard level. He can’t chance getting too involved; he’ll be thrown back to Connecticut if it goes wrong.”

  We waited until nightfall, and walked them out into the street. Wide-brimmed hats similar to the ones we’d first seen them in concealed the faces of the girls, and as long as they kept their heads low, they looked the part.

  Using one of the more nondescript coaches in the palace, we sat the real Ladies inside, with a burly guard on either side. With only one guard on top, and two more following on foot, I hoped to lose the impression of a heavily-guarded carriage. As I watched the whole package being put together in the palace courtyard, it seemed to me to be almost unnoticeable, yet still be heavily guarded.

  I nodded, convinced we’d done our best.

  We set the group of four decoys out into the street. Steve and I walked a good hundred feet behind the quartet, watching others on their route to see if they were noticed. The carriage carrying the real ladies would come after us, at least a hundred yards behind.

  I had almost begun to think we’d overthought the whole idea, when two men began to shadow our little decoy group, I nudged Steve. “It’s begun.”

  I looked back at the distant carriage, still following after us.

  We walked behind the strangers, and as our deception neared the gates of the Tower, the two men closed in.

  I could imagine our lead decoy; “We seek Fakenham.” He would say to the guard at the gate.

  Then as one, the two guards struck. They pulled the two decoy men aside, and pushed them against the castle wall. Two more guards appeared from inside the Tower grounds, and the two men following ran forward, grabbing the women.

  Swords sliced into our decoy guards’ bellies.


  A coach appeared from nowhere and came to a halt with a screaming of horses. The women were hustled onboard, then, taking as many of the conspirators as could grab a handhold, it rode away at speed. A very tightly organized snatch.

  Steve and I moved into the unguarded Tower as the ringing bells of the alarm began.

  Moments later, our own coach raced through the gates, into the safety of the Tower’s courtyard, and a turned out, alerted guard. Steve took one side, I took the other, barring their guard from coming too near.

  I waved my hands in the confusion. “We’re friends! Find Fakenham!” I shouted.

  The captain of the guard, once he’d got the gate closed, approached me. “What’s going on here?”

  “Find Fakenham, tell him DeVere’s here!” I stood resolutely at the carriage door.

  Then the small figure of my spy-master pushed his way through the milling guards. “What’s going on?”

  I bowed my head slightly. “I report an infiltration of the Tower guards, and a plot to re-capture the
Lady Jane Grey.”

  His eyes widened. “Give me room!” He roared at the guards behind him. “Back off, I say!”

  Once they’d shuffled back enough to give us privacy, he moved closer to me. “Do you have her?”

  “Inside the carriage sits Lady Jane Grey, and her Lady in waiting, Lady Katherine Hastings, Duchess of Huntingdon.”

  A grin slowly spread over his face. “Oh my, sir, you have done well. But there have also been events here in London.”

  “Oh, yes?”

  “Our diplomatic dealings have had an effect; Scheyfre has been recalled to Spain.”

  Oh boy did we have something to celebrate.

  Chapter 12

  August 15th, 1553

  Renard’s Mission

  “I say he moves beyond his bounds!” Fakenham ranted, pacing back and forth in the small room. “He openly courts the Queen for Philip of Spain!”

  Scheyfre’s recall suddenly seemed like old news. I felt unsure of the rank to give him, so gave him none. “We’ve got wheels in motion,” I said, trying to placate the irate spy master. “Once the Spanish get word their cypher route is compromised, they’ll be forced to recall the lot of them.”

  “It may already be too late. By all accounts, this fox has been raiding the chicken coop for some years. They are far too familiar just to be Ambassador and Queen. Their trysts are such that he almost describes the positions Philip will take her!”

  “Sire,” I pleaded, but in truth I thought my efforts wasted. “What do we care? The Privy Council will never accept Philip as sovereign.”

  “Yet the Spaniard twists and turns in our midst; one day pleading for Elizabeth’s release from London, the next demanding our own Queen follow Philip’s orders and execute all the prisoners in the Tower!”

  “We must retain our resolve, sire. Maintain patience.”

  “And not only do we have the Spaniards sniffing round our Queen’s hind quarters like dogs in heat, we have a new papal legate awaiting permission to enter England, this, this....”


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