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Private Arrangements

Page 13

by Brenda Jackson

  Whatever other thoughts she wanted to dwell on suddenly flew from her mind when his tongue snaked out and licked around the areola before it wrapped around a nipple, slowly drawing it into his mouth. She could feel the aroused nub swell even more in his mouth. She closed her eyes and felt her inner muscles clench, and she tightened her thighs together to stop the ache starting to build there.

  “Not so fast, baby,” he said, reaching out and sliding his hand up her thighs to her center. “I want to feel how wet I can make you get.”

  She recalled how he would intentionally get her wet just to taste her. She had found out that oral sex was something he definitely enjoyed, and by the time he’d finished with her, she had enjoyed it as well.

  She moaned the minute his fingers slid inside of her, moved around and plunged deeper as if seeking her moist heat. He touched her clit and began stroking it with his fingertips. Without missing a beat with his fingers, he released one breast and went to the other, giving it the same torment and pushing her even deeper into an aroused state.

  He placed her back against the rail as he released her and she didn’t open her eyes. She didn’t have to. She knew he had lowered to his knees in front of her to make good on what he’d said he intended to do. And when she felt the tip of his hot tongue slide inside of her, locking on to the clit his fingers had tortured earlier, she couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped her lips.

  She wondered how a man’s tongue could go so deep inside a woman. How did it know just what spots to hit to make her moan, whimper and groan?

  He released her, leaned back on his haunches and held her gaze. “You like that?”

  She drew in a deep breath, not once, but twice before she could answer. “Yes, and I see that you do, too.”

  He nodded slowly while he licked his lips. “Yes, but just with you.” And before she could decide whether he was telling the truth or not, he grabbed hold her of thighs once again, leaned forward and plunged his tongue back into her depths.

  She screamed when he began making circular motions with his tongue that had her grabbing his head to hold him there. Right there. How could he make the tip of his tongue feel so hot and find all her erotic places? Her G-spot was definitely taking a licking and then some.

  And then suddenly, he did something with his tongue when it caught hold of her clit, wiggled in such a way that made her scream. Luckily the sound was muffled by the noise from the party. She clutched his head tighter to her and he clenched her thighs, locking his mouth to her as a way to let her know he didn’t plan on going anyplace.

  And only when the last orgasmic spasm flowed from her body did he unlock his mouth from her. She was still whimpering uncontrollably when he gathered her up into his arms and carried her over to the chaise longue. She kept her eyes closed, listening to his erratic breathing.

  When she heard him removing his clothes, she drew in enough strength to open one eye and saw him moving toward her like she was his prey. Her gaze latched on to his aroused shaft embedded in a thatch of dark hair. It was so thick, so hard and so big the thought that he was about to use it on her sent sensuous shivers racing through her. She wasn’t worried about not being able to fit it in, since she’d done it before. But then she had been pretty sore the next day. Um, maybe now was not the time to—

  Before she could finish that thought, he reached out and effortlessly lifted her off the lounger. “Wrap your legs around me,” he said in a deep, husky voice. As if he’d spoken to her body and her body alone, it complied and her legs wrapped themselves around him, crossing her ankles at his back.

  “Mmm, I like your scent,” he said, nuzzling her neck before licking it, then moving from the base of her throat up toward her chin.

  “And I like yours,” she responded, throwing her head back to give him better access to her neck and throat. This had to be the longest quickie on record. But she had no complaints, especially when she was on such a pleasurable receiving end. She would have to do something extra special to him the next time, and for some reason she had a feeling there would be a next time, at least until she was no longer a novelty.

  She felt him spreading her thighs and when he eased the head of his manhood inside of her she couldn’t help but moan. “Mmm, we fit perfectly,” he said when he grabbed a hold of her buttocks and gripped them tight, pressing them closer into the curve of him.

  She was convinced the head of his engorged penis had worked its way right smack into her womb. “What’s next?” she asked, like there could be any other ending to what they were doing.

  He smiled and she thought he looked so doggone handsome, the way his lips tilted at the corners, and the way that mass of wavy hair on his head made him look wild and untamed. “Now, I’ll let your body know who I am.”

  She chuckled as she tightened her legs around him when he began walking. “I think you did that the last time. I could barely walk the next day.”

  A huge smile touched his lips as if he was pleased to hear that. She was tempted to pop him upside the head. But injuring him in any way was not at the top of her list. She needed him to finish this. She desperately needed him to finish this.

  “Let’s sit a spell,” he said, easing down on the padded bench.

  Sit? She raised a brow. Hadn’t he planned to take her against a wall or something? Evidently not as he eased down on the bench, their bodies still connected and facing each other.

  “Mmm, now I can look at you,” he said, staring into her face. “I want to see you come.”

  “Do you?”

  “Hell, yeah. And I want to see what I can do to you to get you prepared.”

  No sooner had he finished his sentence, his hands began rubbing her all over, starting at her thighs and then lifting her legs to move down her calves.

  He unwrapped her legs from around his back and lifted them high on his shoulders. And their bodies remained connected during the entire process. “How did you know my legs could get raised so high?”

  He shifted a little to spread his legs as she sat straddling his lap. “Umm, I figured as much when I saw how you moved around snapping pictures. Anyone who moved the way you did has to have agility down to a science. And you verified my assumptions the last time we made love.”

  She didn’t have to ask how she’d done that. It was during one of those positions he’d sprung on her. She had almost flexed her body into a bow to make sure he didn’t miss a thing.

  Jonas intruded on her thoughts when he began massaging her legs, kneading her knees and stroking her calves. “You’re tense,” he said softly. “Relax.”

  Nikki looked at him. She thought she was relaxed. Maybe he’d gotten her eagerness mixed up with tension. “I’m fine,” she said, when she really wasn’t.

  She was straddling his lap with her legs high on his shoulders while their bodies were connected…and she meant connected. If anyone were to see them now they would assume they were glued together, joined at the hips, thighs and definitely the reproductive organs.

  “Wiggle a little bit closer.”

  She didn’t think such a thing was possible, considering how close they were already. But she did so, which elevated her legs at a higher angle. “Oh.” She felt it. Elevating her legs made her pelvis tilt in a way that stimulated her G-spot. She felt it, all the way to her toes. The sensations had her slanting her bottom for another sensual hit.

  “Okay, let’s not get carried away, Nikki.”

  She met his gaze and giggled. “I like you, Jonas.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “You would now. But we’ve wasted enough time. I want to be looking in your face when you scream my name.”

  And without further ado, he began moving, lifting his hips off the bench as he began thrusting into her, holding her hips in place for every deep, concentrated stroke. She watched
him the same way he watched her and saw the intensity in his features as he made love her, increasing the pace with hurried precision, going deeper and deeper, faster and faster with piston speed.

  She screamed again when it became too much, the pleasure overtaking her, exploding inside of her and sending her entire body in a tailspin. And he didn’t take his eyes off her. She held his gaze and saw when it got to be too much for him as well as he bucked, once, twice and a third time, gripping her thighs tight, holding her body in place as he exploded inside of her.

  He ground his hips against hers as a groan was ripped from his throat, but he kept thrusting and she came a second time, calling his name as he continued to rapidly stroke her pulsing flesh. And the erotic waves finally washed over her, cutting her loose from such an intense ride of pleasure. She leaned in and wrapped her arms around him while fighting to regain her breath.

  “You are beautiful when you come,” he whispered while gently stroking her back.

  At that moment she didn’t care if he was lying and all he’d seen was an ugly face. On two different occasions he had surpassed all her expectations in the bedroom. He’d proved the real thing was a heck of a lot better than fantasy, but mostly that maybe her head knew what it was talking about when it would tell her to enjoy today and put away the foolish ideas of yesterday.

  “If we continue to stay connected like this, I’ll be tempted to go another round,” he whispered in her ear. The heat of his breath sent blood rushing through her veins.

  Nikki knew he was telling the truth. The man had the stamina of a bull. Like the one tattooed on his stomach. She was a living witness to how many orgasms he could get and give in one night. She shifted and noted he was still hard, probably hadn’t gone down. She looked at how her legs were hoisted up high on his shoulders and knew if she was going to get them down she needed his help. After all, he had helped get them up there.

  “Will you help get my legs down?”

  He smiled and she knew she’d made a big mistake. “Sure you want to go back to the party? Our contribution to tonight’s affair is over by now.”

  He shifted positions a little and she felt just how hard he still was. “We need to go back,” she said, not using too much of a convincing tone. But then how could she when he was still buried deep inside of her to the hilt and she was feeling him growing bigger and bigger. Her insides were already weeping in joy.

  “No, we don’t.” And then he leaned forward and took her mouth and the only thing she could think of at that moment was that she hoped the noise from the party continued to drown out her screams.

  Chapter 13

  “So where were you last night, Jonas? I looked around the party and didn’t see you anywhere.”

  Jonas paused in his packing to glance over at Gannon. “I was there, Gan. The only time I was missing was when I had to step out a few minutes for a bit of fresh air.”

  There was no need to tell his brother that air wasn’t the only thing he’d left the party for. And it hadn’t been for a few minutes. He’d been missing in action for a little more than an hour. After convincing Nikki to go one more round for the road, he had helped her redress before sending her back to the party ahead of him. He had remained behind to get his bearings and screw his head back on straight. He’d done neither. What he’d done was to remain on that padded bench, stretched out naked as a jaybird while staring up at the sky and remembering every vivid detail of their supposed “quickie.”

  He had closed his eyes at the memory of how good it had felt being inside of her, how her features took on a whole other look right before an orgasm hit her. He’d never seen anything so gorgeous in his life. Her gaze had held his, and his senses had almost gone on overload at the pleasure he’d seen radiating from her. All the while her inner muscles had clenched him, demanded from him something he’d never given any woman.

  And that’s when he’d come, exploding all over the place inside of her. Their union had been so explosive, so damn amazing, just thinking about it now had shivers running all through his body. When had mating with a woman done that to him? He should have been prepared for the strength of their lovemaking from the last time, but when it hit him again—that overpowering force that had practically transported him into another place and time—his mind, body and soul had been taken for one hell of a ride. It’d been one damn sexual transportation that had taken him to a whole new hemisphere, maybe another universe.

  When he had returned to the party a while later, he hadn’t had to worry about being missed. The place was packed. People were everywhere, wall-to-wall, with more trying to get in. He had looked around, but Nikki was nowhere to be found. He would have left the party in search of her if it hadn’t been for Mr. Fulton, who’d wanted to talk his ear off.

  By the time he’d been able to get rid of the man—who’d had one drink too many and was more than happy with how things had turned out—it was past three in the morning, and too late to go knocking on Nikki’s door. He figured she had to be as drained as he was. Instead he had gone to his own room, stripped naked for the second time that night and fallen in bed with Nikki’s scent still clinging to him. Not surprisingly, he had been awakened by a phone call from Gannon, who’d reminded him he had a flight to L.A. that morning. For once he had appreciated his brother’s call. Otherwise, he probably would have missed his flight.


  He blinked when Gannon snapped his fingers in front of his face. He glared at his brother. “What?”

  “Damn, man, where were you just now? I was talking to you and you zoned out like you were in another world and you had this downright stupid look on your face.”

  Jonas frowned as he zipped up his luggage. “You’re imagining things.” He checked his watch. “Look, I got to go. Thanks for coming and hanging out with me a few days on the Strip.”

  Gannon chuckled. “The visits to the Doll House and that brothel were worth the trip. Besides, other than those two days before the party, we really didn’t spend time together.”

  Jonas nodded. And only because those were the two days he had been trying to avoid Nikki. “Yeah, but we had fun.”

  Gannon would be returning to Phoenix later that day. Jonas would be catching a plane to L.A. in time to board the Velocity. That’s where he and Nikki would be meeting up again. She had an earlier flight, he knew, since she had a meeting with some Hollywood producer about a possible freelancing gig.

  He couldn’t wait to see her again. There was no reason to ask why. Didn’t matter. The woman was so in his system. And what they’d shared last night out on that balcony beneath the moon and the stars was nothing short of spectacular.

  He reached out to grab handfuls of his hair to bind it into a ponytail. He had decided at eighteen, much to his mother’s dismay, that he would not let another barber do anything more than give him a slight trim. It hadn’t mattered that his brothers had teased him mercilessly by calling him Samson. They still did on occasion.

  “Have fun while traveling the globe, Jonas.”

  His thoughts went to Nikki, and he couldn’t help but smile. “I’m going to try. What time does your plane take off?”

  “Around two. I’m going back to the Doll House to hang out with Quinton. He’s quite a character.”

  Jonas rolled his eyes. Yeah, that wasn’t all Quinton Hinton was. A damn bad influence topped the list. Gannon was a grown-ass man, but still, he couldn’t help warning his brother. “Don’t get into any trouble, Gan.”

  He didn’t particularly like the smile on his brother’s face when he responded, “Trust me, I won’t.”

  Nikki walked into the cabin she’d been assigned, still in a daze. She had read everything Jonas had given her on the Velocity, but never in her wildest dream had she seen anything so spectacular, magnificent and brilliant. It was as if she was on board the
starship Enterprise for a taping of Star Trek. Everything she saw was not just state-of-the-art; it had to be part of the future.

  Even this cabin, for instance, with an octagonal window that was right over the bed, giving her a sky view anytime she wanted it. There wasn’t a lot of space, but it was used efficiently, right down to the bed that conformed to the person’s size and weight. She’d heard the mattress was comprised of special fibers blended together that guaranteed a perfect sleep each and every time. Good, because she needed a good rest, she thought, yawning. She was still tired from last night.

  She couldn’t recall what happened without thinking about Jonas. The man was screwing up her head big-time, and her heart didn’t stand a chance of getting any talking points into the mix. Each time her heart tried reminding her that Jonas was not her Mr. Right, her head would counter, Maybe not, but he’s definitely a hot and tantalizing Mr. Wrong.

  Deciding she needed sleep more than anything, she was glad the aircraft wouldn’t be taking off for another three hours and that she wasn’t due to make an appearance until the dinner meeting in another five.

  Most of the other people who were on board—who’d been just as fascinated as she about the airship—were still walking around in awe. She had left the group to escape to her cabin the first chance she got. She knew Jonas was scheduled to be on board in a couple of hours, and she needed to pull herself together before seeing him again.

  Although she didn’t want to listen to her heart at the moment, she knew things couldn’t continue like this. Did she really want to become some man’s booty girl, a woman he could go to and get laid whenever he wanted? Granted, there was always something in it for her, but still. Didn’t she want more? Besides, booty girls weren’t the kind men wanted for wives.

  And that’s the point, Nikki, her head was saying. When are you going to accept that most men don’t want wives? If they did they would be knocking down your door. You’re everything any man would want, but that never put you at the top of their list, so chill. Have fun. Stop looking for Mr. Right because he’s not out there. Be smart and take what you can get. You don’t need a degree in psychology to know most men have issues that you wouldn’t want to be bothered with anyway, so why are you so stuck in that forever-after mind-set? Live today and let tomorrow take care of itself.


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