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Tied to Trouble (Gamers)

Page 3

by Megan Erickson

  He was the kind of guy Owen shouldn’t like, but yet just the thought of Chad lit up his body like fireworks. He’d gotten a little hard this morning when he’d smelled the leather of his car seat, remembering the way Chad’s jacket felt under his palms. What the fuck was up with that? What was next, going to biker bars to get his leather smell fix?

  He needed sex. Or…something.

  Marley had been bugging him to make a Grindr account, but the thought of that nearly gave him hives. He’d never been big into the hookup culture. Although, now that he’d discovered this new side to him, maybe he should consider putting himself out there more. Except he couldn’t imagine any man other than Chad at the moment.

  From what Marley had mentioned offhand about Chad, the guy didn’t have a problem with hookups at all—with men or women. Not that it mattered, because Chad clearly thought Owen was uptight. And despite Owen’s big talk, he was a little uptight.

  Maybe not uptight so much as he liked things neat and orderly. And should they ever meet again, Chad would be anything but orderly, coming at him with that cocky grin and great ass, exuding that sexy confidence that all but dripped off his fine-smelling skin.

  The bastard.

  Owen shook his head, trying to rid it of the mental image of those sinful lips twisted into a smirk. He picked up his favorite red pen and stared down at the proof pages in front of him. He spent the next hour or so copyediting reviews for the latest Xbox releases, which was his happy place, really. Editing was systematic—commas here, change a word to house style there—and it calmed his nerves. Better yet, he was good at it. Great at it, in fact. So much so that he’d been promoted to Marley’s position as head of the copyediting team after she moved up to the assistant editor position.

  He had a team to run, and he was efficient at delegating. Work was important to him, because he didn’t really have much else. He had an apartment lined with bookshelves full of mystery books and graphic novels. Oh, and he had a fish tank. He didn’t entertain or go out, because everything about social activities made him anxious.

  He’d had boyfriends, of course, but only one serious relationship that ended over a year ago when he hadn’t been ready to take the next step. Tyler had wanted Owen to move in with him, which immediately sent Owen into a nervous sweat. Moving and getting used to a new place? Oh, hell no. And the thought of Tyler in his space was unsettling. So that was it. Tyler was done. Moving on with his personal trainer from his gym. Which was fine. Life was simple now.

  Or at least, it had been, until Chad weaseled his way under his skin with nothing but a two-minute conversation.

  How was that even possible?

  Owen rolled the red pen between his fingers. He should have walked away the moment those hazel eyes began their perusal. Because while he’d gotten the last word, he sure didn’t have the upper hand. Not when he was still this affected by their meeting days later.

  He hadn’t worn a bow tie today because just a glance at his collection had made him think about Chad’s words. But he brushed his fingers over his neck, wishing now he had the comfortable feeling of that fabric at his throat.

  What are you like once the bow tie and glasses come off?

  Owen didn’t know the answer to that question, and it scared the hell out of him.

  Chapter Three

  Chad ran his fingers over the spines of the books, tilting his head to the side to read the titles. It was Tuesday, his day off, and he’d woken up thinking about a new design program he wanted to try. He preferred physical books when he wanted to really absorb something, so here he was. At the bookstore.

  A mother was pulling her two kids from the children’s section, telling them it was nap time, while they dug in their heels to try to stay. The other week he’d told Marley to get on the baby making, because he’d make a great uncle. She’d rolled her eyes at him. As the family disappeared behind some tall shelves, Chad turned his attention back to the books.

  He pulled one out and frowned at it. Quark for Dummies. That sure fit how he felt right about now. A little over his head, but if he couldn’t figure out how to learn from a textbook, there was no way he was going to go back to school to get his graphic design degree.

  He shuddered, unable to believe he was actually considering it.

  But art. And design. And a career. And maybe a little bit of respect.

  With the book clutched in one hand, Chad made his way toward the front of the bookstore. His head was down as he flipped through the beginning pages of the book. Soft footsteps sounded on the thin carpet of the bookstore, and Chad stopped walking to look up.

  About ten feet away, browsing the mysteries section, was Bow Tie.

  Today, he was bow tie–less. But he was still Bow Tie. That same lean build, the glasses, the perfect hair, the great ass that looked spectacular in profile.

  Who was this guy? And why did just the sight of him make Chad hot?

  Chad shifted, and the keys in his pocket jingled.

  Bow Tie looked up, those blue eyes immediately meeting his gaze. Chad swallowed and tilted his chin up, refusing to look away. Although it was really hard to look this guy in the eye. Not while knowing that back home on his computer, his background was the Dapper Dick, which was the illustrated spitting image of Bow Tie.

  He discreetly slipped his book onto the shelf beside him, which—he risked a glanced—was for European travel. He silently apologized to the bookstore employees, but no way was he going to get caught with a how-to book in front of this guy. He’d probably be stuck in a two-hour lecture on how to run his life, because that just seemed like something this guy would do. He already loved to detail how he’d fuck Chad. Which, admittedly, was a more entertaining conversation. A shiver ran down his spine just thinking about it.

  The other man turned to face him head-on, squaring his shoulders slightly and setting his jaw. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned a shoulder on the shelf beside him. “Well, hello.”

  Chad scratched the side of his head. “Hey.”

  Bow Tie’s gaze dipped slightly and then snapped back up. “Break any traffic laws on your way here?”

  Chad frowned. “What?”

  Bow Tie cocked his head and his tongue peeked out to wet the corner of his lips. “On the way to the party, that was me you passed when you crossed the center line on your crotch rocket. Remember?”

  Chad blinked. “You were Turtle Toyota?”

  Bow Tie’s eyes narrowed to slits. “Turtle Toyota?”

  Chad shrugged. “Hey, I like alliteration.”

  “I’m not a turtle,” Bow Tie said, his face reddening. “I was following the speed limit.”

  “You were kinda being turtle-y.”

  Bow Tie’s jaw clenched. “Yeah? Well, you need to get a helmet.”

  “A helmet?”

  “What don’t you understand?”

  “Who died and made you my dad?”

  Bow Tie straightened, fisting his hands at his sides. “I seriously don’t like you.”

  “I won’t call you Turtle Toyota anymore if you tell me your real name.” Chad didn’t know why he asked, or why he felt like he needed to know more about this guy. Nothing more was going to happen between them. Bow Tie had said so, and damned if Chad was going to put his cards on the table first.

  Bow Tie’s nostrils flared a little, like he was going to tell Chad to go to hell. But then, softly, he said, “Owen.”

  Chad mouthed the name. It sounded familiar. Had Marley had ever mentioned this guy before? Owen. He liked the way his lips had to curl around the first syllable. The way it sounded a little like a groan. He shifted his weight to ease the growing situation in his pants. “I’m Chad.”

  Owen didn’t react. Chad thought his name was pretty decent, so the guy could at least acknowledge it. Instead those blue eyes shifted to the shelf beside Chad, and Owen frowned.

  Chad turned to see the source of Owen’s expression, and a shiver of apprehension licked down his spine.

nbsp; Oh, shit. The damn book.

  Owen lunged forward and picked up Quark for Dummies with a soft growl. Which was kinda hot, but Chad wasn’t going to go there right now. Not while the guy was about to go on a nerdy rant.

  “I don’t think there’s anything I hate more than when people leave books on the wrong shelves,” he said. “Don’t they know how irritating that is to the employees and the customers?”

  Chad nodded, eyes wide. “I know, what a dick bag.”

  Owen’s lips thinned. “It’s rude.”

  “The person who did that should probably be arrested.”

  Owen’s frown deepened. “Are you mocking me?”

  “No way. Something tells me mocking you about books is a serious offense.”

  Owen narrowed his eyes, looking pretty hot all pissed off and proper. Chad lifted his chin. “So what’re you doing here, anyway?”

  “I ordered my favorite author’s latest release, so I have to pick it up. Thought I’d browse a little first.” Owen raised his eyebrows. “What are you doing here?”

  “I just come to pick up hot nerds.” He waggled his eyebrows dramatically.

  Owen rolled his eyes, but Chad caught a flush that reddened his cheeks. Owen walked by him, heading toward the back of the bookstore, and Chad didn’t hesitate. He followed. He should have turned around, grabbed his book, and run the hell out of there. But all he could think about was making Owen as speechless as he’d made him.

  Chad wanted a little payback. And he also wanted his hands on Owen.


  Chad’s footsteps were right behind him. Owen could hear them, and he could smell whatever soap Chad used, and it was making him dizzy.

  He didn’t even know where he was going. He just had to…get away. Collect his thoughts. Figure out why this guy turned him on and infuriated him all at the same time. He stopped along the back wall of the bookstore and stared at the historical section.

  He didn’t read historicals.

  He cursed himself for visiting this stupid bookstore on his stupid lunch break. He could be safe in his office right now, eating a pepperoni Hot Pocket. But no, he had to pick up a book and run into the only guy he’d wanted to fuck in over a year.

  Owen closed his eyes as the heat of Chad’s body seared him from behind. Chad was standing close, really close, a kind of close that meant he wanted it to lead further.

  Something hard brushed Owen’s ass. It could have been Chad’s hands or his hip or, God forbid, his hard cock. Owen swallowed and closed his eyes, willing himself to maintain control.

  But it was difficult with Chad’s smell and heat all around him.

  And then Chad’s breath was at Owen’s ear, hot and wicked. “On Saturday, you sure got to talk a lot, but you wanna know what?”

  Shit, this was exactly what he’d wanted to avoid. A Chad who wanted payback. “What?” His voice sounded foreign in his ears.

  “I didn’t get to tell you how I’d fuck you.”

  Owen gulped. “Oh.”

  “And I’ve got all kinds of thoughts about it. Wanna hear them?”


  Owen nodded.

  Damn it.

  There was a pause, and that moist breath sent a shiver racing down Owen’s spine. “I’d have you kneel in front of me. I’d take off those glasses, because we wouldn’t want them to get broken, right? And I’d tangle my fingers in that perfect, slicked-back blond hair of yours, and tell you to open your mouth. And you would, wouldn’t you? You’d open for me if I asked.”

  Owen didn’t move, couldn’t move. Chad had rendered him motionless with just his heated words in his ear. He itched to bend his knees and do exactly what the man was describing.

  “And then I’d slip my cock between those lips, and you’d love it. You’d moan as soon you got that first taste of me. You’d love it, Owen. Fucking love it.”

  Yes. Yes.

  “But I wouldn’t come yet, oh, no. I’d fuck your mouth until your lips were wet and swollen. You’d be so fucking hard for me. And then I’d lay you on the bed. You’d grip the frame while I put your legs on my shoulders, bend you in half, and then fuck you until you didn’t know your name. Until the only word you could say was Chad. And when I was done, you’d look so fucked out, with your messy hair and clothes, everyone would know you just had the fuck of your life.”

  Owen’s throat was dry. His eyes stung because he hadn’t blinked for a good minute. He hurt so fucking bad, and now escape was the last thing on his mind. With his cock painfully hard in his pants and Chad’s words ringing in his ears, all he could think about was getting the man alone. Maybe naked. He risked a glance to the side. There was a door along the back wall of the store. Of course it was marked Employees Only.

  Normally, Owen would break into hives thinking about entering a door that was clearly marked as off-limits, but he wasn’t sure he was going to get through another day without the taste of Chad.

  He shifted his gaze back to the books in front of him as fingers curled around his hip. He sucked in a breath as the stubble on Chad’s cheek brushed his neck. “But that’s not going to happen, is it?” Chad asked. Those fingers were moving now, over the leather of Owen’s belt. “So sad to think about how hot we could have been together, ya know?” The fingers brushed against the front of his pants, right over his fly, and Owen couldn’t stop his hips—couldn’t fucking stop them—from surging forward.

  Chad’s hand froze, and then Owen’s earlobe was sucked into a wet heat. He groaned, as softly as he was able, as Chad’s hand cupped his hard, aching cock through his pants. “I knew it,” Chad said. “So fucking hard for me, O.” Chad pressed against his back, so Owen felt the other man’s hard length against his ass. “Feel that? I’m hard, too. There’s a door right there. What do you say we do something about this?”

  And then he squeezed Owen’s cock.

  That was it. That was all it took for Owen to mutter, “Fuck the sign,” and stumble forward.

  The door wasn’t locked, and Owen tumbled inside, Chad at his back. Owen flipped a switch that illuminated the small room to show they were in nothing more than a small supply closet. But it didn’t matter, because Owen’s back was against the closed door, and Chad was pressed against his front. Chad pinned Owen’s wrists to the wall on either side of his head and then…

  And then…

  They were kissing.

  Owen wasn’t sure when the kiss started, because it was like his lips had always been here, meshed with Chad’s, his tongue dueling with this irritatingly hot man.

  The kiss was half I want you so bad and half I’ve got something to prove along with a bonus I hate how much I want you.

  It was the best kiss Owen ever had. He flexed his fingers in Chad’s grip, testing it, as Chad ground against him, his thick, denim-clad thigh rubbing between Owen’s legs. The constant nudging on his balls, along his cock, was driving him insane. He couldn’t stop his hips from moving, didn’t want to, as he sought more friction, more heat, just more.

  He wanted more.

  With a swift move that he hadn’t even been sure he was capable of, Owen reversed their positions, turning Chad so his back slammed against the wall beside the door. Chad grunted, and his jaw hardened, but those eyes, those hazel eyes were still clouded with lust. And then those full lips, swollen from kissing, smirked. “Not such a turtle anymore, are ya, O?”

  “Quit calling me O,” Owen growled, biting down on the tendon along Chad’s neck. God, the man tasted so good, infuriatingly good, and Owen bit harder to punish him for being so tasty.

  “Make me,” Chad said, that smirk still on his face.

  And the only way Owen could think to wipe it off was to unzip Chad’s jeans and stick his hand down his pants. So that’s what he did.

  He wrapped his fingers around Chad’s thick length and stroked. Slowly.

  That smirk dropped from Chad’s lips as he thunked his head back onto the wall and let out a long moan.

  Owen kept stroking an
d sucking on the skin of Chad’s neck as he ground his own hips into the other man. The only sounds coming from Chad’s throat were moans as Owen worried his skin between his teeth and worked Chad’s cock with his hand.

  “Where’s that smart mouth now, Chad?” Owen said.

  Chad’s eyes fluttered, the long lashes brushing his cheeks. “Fuck you.”

  “Aw, you can do better than that, can’t you?” Owen couldn’t take it anymore. With his other hand, he unbuckled his belt and lowered the zipper of his own pants. Thank God they were the same height so Owen could wrap his hand around both of their cocks and stroke them together.

  Chad was watching the heads of their cocks as they brushed against each other in Owen’s grip. “Christ, you’re huge. What the fuck?”

  It was Owen’s turn to smirk, but it didn’t last long because Chad gripped the back of his head and bit down on his lower lip, sucking on it as their hips worked harder, faster. “How am I supposed to think of anything else now that I know you got that fucking monster in your pants, huh, O?”

  “You have a pretty dick, yourself,” Owen panted into Chad’s mouth. “Now fucking come, why don’t you?”

  Chad leaned back against the wall, his lips curled. “Why don’t you?”

  This fucker, with his messy hair and neck all red and mottled from Owen’s mouth. “You first.”

  Chad’s hazel eyes glinted. “You.”

  Owen let go of their dicks so he could spit into his palm, and then he gripped them again, stroking hard, and fast, twisting at the tip, swiping his thumb over the heads to collect the precome for more lube.

  Chad was flushed, his eyes half closed, clearly fighting the orgasm just like Owen was.

  “You cocky bastard, just come,” Owen said.

  Chad licked his lips and gripped Owen’s hip. “I don’t like to lose.”

  Owen didn’t realize until it was too late that Chad’s hand was down the back of his loosened pants, sliding down his crease, and then he pressed, just a light pressure of his finger.


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