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Spirit of a Champion (Sisters of Spirit #7)

Page 11

by Nancy Radke

  Both Kyle and Hugo nodded.

  “Yes,” Hugo said. “And someone else does or they wouldn’t want to keep you from the doctors.”

  Hugo strode to the hotel room door. “I’ll leave now. Things are escalating. The commissioners assigned a new pair of doctors to the fight. Good going, Stormy. You have them worried.” He opened the door and left.

  Kyle walked over and locked it. He returned to sit opposite her. “Where were we?”

  She looked at him steady on. “You said you wanted to go into politics.”


  “Why?” she asked.

  “Well, because, I thought it would be a good thing to do.”

  “Do you have any strong convictions about things?”

  It was the first time anyone had challenged him to think about it. “Not, not really.”

  “Then stay out. Let people run who feel so strongly about returning this country to its founding principles, they are willing to die for it.”

  “Is anyone like that?” he asked, feeling skeptical.

  “Yes. The men who wrote the constitution were. They were signing their death certificates when they signed the Declaration of Independence. And they knew it.”

  “And also the people involved in the Civil War.”


  “But why is it important now?”

  “You like your freedom don’t you?” she asked.


  “Well, the bigger government gets, the less freedom people have. Some politicians see no problem growing government. Others want to shrink it.”

  “And you?”

  “Shrink it so that it goes back to being a servant of the people, rather than the ruler.”

  He nodded. “I think...No, I know. If I go into politics, I’m going to need your eyes.”

  “You need to use your own. And your ears. You can’t represent people if you don’t know what they need.”

  “You’re right. I’d like you to help me prepare, so when I do run for office, I won’t be naive about the issues.”

  “You want me?”

  “Yes.” He wanted her for many reasons. This was just one of them. The more he thought about it, the more he realized he didn’t want to go any further in his life without her next to him. He’d had plenty of time to think abut her this morning while he was out doing his road work. He could hardly wait to get into the car and come back to her.

  He tried to explain. “I see things differently when I’m with you. I feel like a whole new world opens up. Things I never thought about before. You truly care about things. You don’t just talk, you do something. I’d like to be like that.”

  “I’d think with your boxing that you were a doer.”

  “But I only channeled my energy into the ring. Everything I did was for myself. Winning the world championship was the most important thing in my life.”

  “Isn’t it still? Keeping it, I mean.”

  “No. Ever since I met you, it’s no longer important to me. It’s strange. I don’t care if I win or lose this fight.”

  “Why not? What happened?”

  He felt uncertain. He wasn’t used to considering why he felt one way or the other. Yet here she was asking him to put a reason to his feeling.

  What had happened?

  Stormy had come into his life and turned everything upside down. His unwavering focus on the title match had swerved off course and settled on her. She was now the focus of his life. And whatever she was interested in, he was interested in. He just might be falling in love with her.

  He suddenly realized how self-centered he had been most of his life. Stormy was the opposite and her strong personality was pulling himself out of his fixation on his needs and goals and redirecting them towards other things.

  “Well?” she asked when he hadn’t answered her.

  “I guess you made me realize that there are more important things in the world than winning a prize fight.”

  “Like my brother’s life?”

  “That and other things. Like looking for a girl to settle down with. Raising a family. Serving my state, or country.”

  “You don’t have a girl?”

  “No. Would you like the job?” He held his breath. He hadn’t planned on saying that. At least not until she had a chance to know him better.

  “Yes. I mean... I’d need to get to know you, but...”

  “But what?”

  “Are you sure? I mean, we just met a week ago.”

  “Is that all the longer it’s been? I look for you, everywhere I go. I forget the series of punches I’m supposed to be working on. I love to watch you, talk to you, be around you. You have moved the center of my universe from me to you. So...I guess I’d better ask, how do you feel about me?”

  “Nothing that overwhelming...I don’t think.” She stared at him. “But right now, you are the only man I’ve ever met that I think I could spend the rest of my life with.”

  “I’d like a daughter that looked like you, and crusaded for things like you do.”

  “Four boys that looked like you.”


  “At least. I never do anything half-measures. Like this is the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had.”

  “We could stop talking...” He stood up and she met him halfway across the room.

  Life would never be dull with Stormy, he realized as he kissed her with a joyfulness that she completely matched. He felt his happiness soar. She was his other half. She completed him. This is what he had been looking for. The loneliness of his life stood in stark contrast to the fullness of what life could be with her.


  There was a knock on the door. “Room service.”

  Stormy ran for the second bedroom and Kyle took a quick look around before unlocking the bolt and letting the service cart inside.

  “Thanks,” he said, tipping the young man. “I’ll set it outside when I’m done.”

  He set the lock, moved the cart to the table and opened Stormy’s door.

  “Come eat.”

  “I just did.”

  “That’s right. I eat four to five small meals a day, but I don’t expect you to.”

  “Save some of this for tonight and I’ll eat it while you eat at the other hotel. You don’t want to change your pattern.”

  “I wonder if I could take you as Granny.”

  “No. I’m not going to chance it. I’d love to, but Hugo told me my disguise wouldn’t stand up to much scrutiny.”

  Stormy sat down opposite Kyle as he ate, enjoying the companionship. That was what the room lacked. Kyle. The luxury had meant nothing until he had walked in and ignited the energy in the room.

  She sat back and just enjoyed watching him eat.

  Right now there was nothing she could do and it was useless to worry. So she’d enjoy these moments with Kyle.

  “What are you smiling about?” he asked.

  “I was just thinking how nice it is here.”

  “Yes. The Vegas hotels don’t waste any expense when it comes to decorating.”

  “I wasn’t talking about that. I could sit in a shack with you and still be happy. This room was nothing until you came.”

  He put his fork down and stared at her. “You feel it, too? It’s the first time I ever rushed back to my hotel. I cut my interview as short as I dared.”

  “You gave a reason?”

  “Just that I needed to rest.” He waved his fork. “When they said you were missing, nothing else was important, except to come look for you. The fight...well, it’s the first time I’ve ever had something more important. I didn’t care about it any longer. Actually, I still don’t.”

  “Kyle, you must. A boxer can’t win if his mind isn’t in the match.”

  “You want me to win?’

  “Yes. But I don’t want you to kill my brother. So I don’t know what I want.” She fidgeted with her hands, not knowing what she wanted.

  “So, if I fight your broth
er, and win, but don’t kill him...”

  Stormy bit her lip. “I don’t see what you can do. If you two fight...”

  Kyle shrugged. “I could avoid hitting him in the head.”

  “True, but that’s how you fight. Wouldn’t people wonder?” She would, if she were watching the fight as a spectator.

  “Let them.” He shoved back his chair. “I’m not going to kill him, so I need to talk to him.”

  “How? My dad won’t let him talk to you.”

  “Something has to be wrong. I’m willing to forfeit the prize fight, but he isn’t. He’s your brother. You should be more important than the match, to both him and your dad. So there has to be some leverage someone has on him.”

  “Hum. I bet Hugo could arrange a meeting.”

  “True. He seems to be able to do everything else.”

  Kyle pulled out the cell phone Hugo had given him and put in a number. “Contact me,” he said, and hung up.

  “So we wait for a call?”

  “Yes. Although I’ve learned that Hugo shows up when you aren’t expecting him.”

  “You’ve seen him around?”

  “Yes. In the middle of some thugs I know who work for some pretty tough men.”

  “That was quick. I wonder how he got in good with them so soon?”

  “I saw him with them several days ago, too.”

  “That was when I came back from their place the first time. With Perri’s car,” she said. “Before it blew up.”

  Kyle nodded. “He must have driven in soon after you did.”

  “He’s an interesting person.”

  “He’s got skills I don’t have. I thought I was pretty tough, but I’d hate to meet him in a dark alley. I doubt he fights with boxing rules.”

  “Probably not.”

  He stood up. “I should go. I don’t want to be late to meet with my sparring partner at the gym.”

  “Be careful,” she said, moving closer. She put her hand on his.

  He turned and pulled her into his arms.


  She didn’t wait for whatever he meant. She kissed him.

  Highly satisfying. Especially when he kissed her back.

  They drew apart, looked at each other, and kissed again.

  “Be quick,” she said.

  “Okay,” he said. “I still have to go. But I’ll be back before...”

  A knock on the door stopped him.

  “Who?” He pushed her toward the bedroom. “Hide.”

  Stormy raced into the room and pulled the door closed behind her. It was a good thing she hadn’t joined Kyle for lunch. There was evidence of only one person eating.

  She scurried behind the window curtains, standing on tiptoe, just in case someone came into the room.

  Kyle didn’t come get her, so she stayed hidden until she heard the outer door close. Even then she waited.

  Finally she went to the bedroom door and put her ear on it. No sound.

  She went into the bathroom and pulled on her wig, then looked into the sitting room. Empty.

  Whoever it was, Kyle didn’t want them to know she was there. Even the cart was gone.

  Her mind went back to that kiss. It was a good thing she didn’t have any lipstick on. She might have marked him.

  Looking around, she found the deck of cards and started playing. She could hardly wait until he returned and they could start up where they left off.


  Kyle walked down the hallway with Leon. It was the first time his manager had come to get him, since...well, since three matches ago. He knew Kyle liked his independence.

  It took all Kyle’s self control to keep from decking him. At the elevator, Hugo stepped out as they approached.

  “Hey, aren’t you Killer Kyle?” Hugo said.

  Kyle stopped, almost laughed as Hugo fished in his pocket and brought out a piece of paper. “Could I have your autograph?”

  Leon held the elevator door as Kyle took the paper. The movement brought him close to Hugo.

  “What’s up?” Hugo whispered, turning his back on Kyle’s manager.

  “I need to meet with Jerry. Privately,” Kyle said as he scribbled his name. “Can you arrange it?”

  “Yes.” Hugo raised his voice. “Thank you so much, sir. And good luck with the match.”

  Kyle laughed as he got into the elevator. Hugo had the sound of an enamored fan down pat.

  He shadowed-boxed as the elevator descended, in an extremely good mood. Things would only be better if he could talk Jerry into joining him for a dance. He had the feeling that his life had just begun.

  Driving back to his hotel that evening, Kyle saw someone on the side of the street waving his hands. Slowing down, he realized it was Hugo. Hugo had called earlier and asked when he was coming back. He must have been waiting for him.

  Instantly he pulled over and stopped.

  Hugo jumped in. “Around the corner,” he said, pointing.

  Kyle drove around. There was a car stopped there, with a flat tire. He recognized Jerry bent over, fixing the tire.

  “Need help?” Hugo asked, stopping his car. He motioned Kyle to come.

  “No. Just a flat,” Jerry said.

  “Hi, cousin,” Hugo said, walking around so that Jerry’s back was to Kyle. Hugo held up his hand and Kyle stopped, out of Jerry’s range of vision.

  “Hugo?” Jerry said, astonished.


  “What’re you doing here?”

  “Trying to find out why my cousin isn’t out searching for his sister.”

  “I’ve a fight. Against the world’s champion.”

  “Killer Kyle?”


  “That’s more important than your sister?”

  “No. But I have to,” Jerry said.


  “I just have to.”

  “You can fight Kyle some other time.”

  “Won’t make any difference. I’m as good as dead. I have to do the fight.”

  “Again. Why?” Kyle liked the fact that Hugo was persistent. Maybe now he’d understand Jerry’s death wish.

  “My contract. We signed it, dad and I, without reading it well enough. We were offered a huge amount of money for ten fights. I’ve done eight.”

  “Isn’t there a way out?”

  “No. We were blown away by the amount they offered. When my doctor said I shouldn’t box, they wouldn’t let me out. There was no medical clause in my contract. We didn’t realize it when we signed it. I have to do two more fights. If I survive this one, I’ll have to demand a re-match with the Killer.”

  “And if you don’t fight?”

  “I have to give back all the money. And I don’t have it. I’ve spent most of it. My house and cars and things for me and my family. I figure Amy will get my insurance. She can live on that.”

  “And your sister?”

  “They told me to get rid of her. Send her home or they’d kill her. She wouldn’t go! Now she’s dead. There’s nothing I can do. I tried to warn her. Tried to get her to leave.” Jerry began to sob. “She never would give up.”

  “You’re lucky to have her.”


  “Who threatened her?”

  “The two ‘bodyguards‘ the promoters assigned to me. They hardly ever leave my side.”

  “Were they around the day that Stormy had her accident?” Hugo asked.

  “No. No, they weren’t. They haven’t been around today, either.”

  “That’s because they had an accident of their own.”

  “Huh?” Jerry just looked at Hugo. Kyle wasn’t surprised.

  “You have something to say, Kyle?” Hugo asked.

  “Yes,” Kyle said, stepping out from the deeper shadows so that Jerry could see him.


  “Yes. Your sister wants for me to win, but for you not to die.”

  “Wants? She’s alive?” Jerry looked like he’d been handed the golden ri

  “Well hidden,” said Hugo. “And she needs to stay ‘dead’ until after the match.”

  “You’ve seen her?”


  “You! You were the one.... The police wondered about the credit card she was using. I thought maybe she had gambled and hit a jackpot. You gave it to her!”

  “Yes. She wasn’t getting any help from you.”

  “I was trying to save her life.”

  “Why didn’t you tell her the danger she was in?”

  “You don’t know Stormy yet. The worse it gets, the more determined she is.”

  “We’re finding out,” Kyle said.

  Jerry looked at him. “You say she wants you to win? That means we fight.”

  “Yes. But we fight our way. I don’t hit you in the head...”

  “I’ll go along with that.”

  “And you slump to the mat and act like you’re half conscious. Before the match has gone on too long. Otherwise they’ll wonder why I’m not hitting like I usually do.”

  “You want to do that?” Hugo asked Jerry.

  “Of course. I don’t want to die.”

  Kyle nodded. He didn’t want that either. “You can challenge me in a year or so and we’ll do the dance again. The gamblers get their money and you stay alive.”

  Jerry nodded, smiling, then looked at his flat tire. “Did you do this, Hugo?”

  “Certainly. Only way to get to talk to you. You always had someone around you.”

  “I think they weren’t too sure I’d go through with it. Especially once they tried to kill Stormy.”

  “Don’t mention her until after the match,” Hugo said. “In fact, wait until you all get back to Idaho. We’ll say she was helped by some campers who took her to their camp with them.”

  Jerry and Kyle shook hands. Thanks man,” Jerry said.

  “You’re welcome.” Kyle said. “I wonder. Would they let you box against your brother-in-law?”


  “Well, I’m thinking that if they won’t, we’re going to need to do a rematch fairly soon.”

  Hugo laughed. “I thought I was getting vibes from you two.” He grabbed the tire and he and Kyle helped Jerry change it.

  “I’ve been floating around the outskirts of these people,” Hugo said. “There’s a lot of money on this prize fight. They weren’t taking kindly to Stormy trying to stop it. I’m getting closer to the head man, but I’m running out of time. We need to figure out an alternate plan, to keep Jerry from getting killed. Short of killing the promoters, there’s not much I can do.”


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