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Mystery: The Cook's Comeuppance: A Duncan Dewar Mystery of Murder and Romantic Suspense (Duncan Dewar Mysteries Book 3)

Page 12

by Victoria Benchley

  Too bad I had to work, Duncan thought. Traffic began to bog down as he neared Madrid. Frogo recommended the easiest way to the airport. The academy's director wrote out explicit instructions regarding which exits to take and where to park.

  Duncan now merged onto the M-40 roadway which circled around the city. He'd switch to the M-12 and take exit 8 which would deliver him straight to the car park and Terminal 4. He hoped the shock of seeing his mum wouldn't be too much for Angus. He'd tried to tell him on several occasions that Margaret Dewar was coming to help him with the case. But something always got in the way. Last night, all Angus wanted to discuss was his road trip around Toledo. This morning, Duncan left before his brother awoke.

  Margaret had unique skills which would allow her to infiltrate the academy and perhaps discover facts he could not. She ran a successful small catering business from the family house in Edinburgh, and Duncan asked if she was willing to fill the vacated sous chef position. His mum told him she'd need a week to prepare and get things in order at home. She was looking forward to learning beside a real chef. Duncan warned her about Armondo's disposition, but his mum remained unfazed.

  "If I can raise four rambunctious lads, I think I can handle one temperamental chef," she'd said.

  He had concerns for her safety, but Margaret assured him there was no need to worry.

  "I'll be there in a sous chef capacity. If I learn anything about the case, it will be because I keep my ears open. No one is going to be looking at me as an investigator. It's really an amazing opportunity," she responded after giving it some thought.

  After much discussion, his dad had approved their scheme, and Duncan arranged the details with Frogo.

  He leaned on a pillar and awaited the appearance of his mum. Arrivals, Immigration, and Customs were all located on level one. Positioning himself outside of Customs, he kept his eyes trained on the glass doors separating him from disembarking passengers.

  A nearby screen flashed, Arrived, next to Margaret's British Airways flight number. Depending on the queue, she could show up at any minute. He went over the strategy and safety tips he planned to give her. The terminal was busy with crowds marching past his position.

  MAD, as some referred to Madrid's airport, was Spain's busiest, and today was no different. Barajas was 13 kilometers northeast of the city. Above ground trains transported travelers between four terminals and an underground system carried people to the city center in about half an hour. Legendary, Madrid's traffic was to be avoided by tourists at all costs.

  He had begun to mull over the shock Angus would feel when their mum showed up in Manchiego when he heard a familiar voice. He was in for a surprise of his own.

  "Hallo, Duncan."

  There, right in front of him, was his mum and Angela Smith, his former assistant at Lawful and General. Both women pulled small rolling suitcases. For a brief moment, Duncan remained speechless. He could not believe his mother would do such a thing. She'd backed off after he lost his job, but prior to that she had made it part of her life's work to match him with an eligible lass, preferably a Scottish one, usually one of her friends' daughters. Bringing Angela along to Spain was over the top. He didn't want to be saddled with her while he was getting to know Juliette. Oblivious to her feelings before, the knowledge that Angela cared for him as more than a boss burst upon him now, and the pressure it created was more than he could bear.

  He'd worked with Angela for years and never noticed anything out of the ordinary. Of course, he had not ever thought of his assistant in that way. She was just an office lass who got him tea, made phone calls, and arranged appointments. That changed with his last case as he began to witness her intelligence and analytical skills. She'd been promoted to an investigator since.

  "Can I speak with you?" Duncan directed at Margaret, his voice quivering yet sharp.

  His temples pounded as his heart rate increased with each moment, and he felt his neck turning red with heat. An unfamiliar rage towards his mum erupted inside, displayed in his tone.

  "Alone," he added.

  All the anger and frustration he'd dismissed during the last six months was about to explode. Margaret stared at her son as a peculiar expression formed upon her face, but said nothing. Under normal circumstances, Duncan would head for cover at that look. But now, he took no notice.

  "I'll go freshen up," Angela said, scooting off.

  She wasted no time exiting the awkward scene.

  He waited until she'd disappeared in the crowd before beginning, "How could you do this, Mum? You need to stop with the matchmaking. I'm not interested in Angela!"

  The volume of Duncan's voice rose as he spat each word at his mum, as did his ire. His face turned a deep red, bordering on purple. The crowds that earlier marched past him began to stop and stare at the apoplectic man abusing a lady.

  He continued without stopping for breath, "I'm already dating someone. I don't want her here. Why would you bring her to Spain? Stop trying to control my life!"

  His diatribe over, his gesticulations ceased. Duncan trembled and gulped for air. He had never spoken so to his mum in his life.

  Margaret straightened herself, raised one eyebrow and said, "And why do you think I brought her for you?"

  Gobsmacked, Duncan watched as his mum walked past him, head held high, through the crowd that had gathered to witness the show. Margaret remained the picture of dignity while Duncan resembled a maniac.

  Suddenly exhausted, he leaned back against the pillar, almost collapsing. Yes, it was a shock to see Angela, but where did all that anger come from? His behavior was inexcusable. Display over, travelers resumed their business and once again Duncan was left alone. He shook his head. Angela had been especially kind to him after he lost his job. In fact, she'd always been good to him. He felt incredibly guilty for the way he greeted her. He would need to apologize to both women.

  "Do you have control of yourself now?" Margaret asked.

  Duncan had waited for about twenty minutes before his mum returned.

  "I'm sorry, Mum. I cannot explain what happened. Please forgive me," he said.

  "It's all right. I know what happened. You were taking your rejection and pain out on me. I'll take it this once, but I won't have you mistreating Angela. I've got her settled in a café down the way with a cup of tea," Margaret pointed in the direction of the restaurant. "But you and I are going to have a talk before we join her."

  Duncan followed his mum to a row of chairs with a view of a runway. They sat in silence for a moment.

  "After your father said I could come, I began thinking. I knew Angus was here and how he felt about Angela. I knew Angela could utilize L&G's resources to help with this case and I knew she needed a vacation. Johan, nice as he is, has been pressuring her for a commitment. I think he wants to marry her, Duncan. I explained to her that a week or two in Spain, expenses covered, were hers, if she'd be willing to assist a little with the case. Nothing unethical, mind you. Glad to get clear of London for a few days, she requested a holiday and they granted it."

  Duncan nodded while his mum spoke. He felt so embarrassed for how he behaved, it didn't matter what her logic was for inviting Angela. He would go along with her wishes. He had no idea when and how his mum and Angela became so well acquainted. It must have happened over the past six months.

  Margaret continued, "You likely haven't noticed, but Angus has been going through a spiritual crisis of sorts these last few months. Duncan, you've been too wrapped up in your own problems to detect the changes he's made. I think Angela is what spurred him on to amend his ways. She needed to get away and think, and Angus needs this opportunity to show her the man he's become."

  Huh? Angus seemed pretty much unaltered to Duncan, but who was he to stand in his mum's way? She was here to help him with his case after all, and had dropped everything to come. This whole Angela thing was confusing. When he thought about it, his brother had been attending services at the kirk more often, but that hardly meant Angus was
in crisis.

  "Are you collected enough to join us in the café now?" His mum interrupted his thoughts, assuming he'd understood and accepted all she had relayed.

  "Yes, I need to apologize to Angela."

  "Good. We'll all have a cup of tea and then you can carry our bags to the car," Margaret stated.

  * * * * * *

  The drive to Manchiego started off a little awkward. Luckily, they had the case to discuss. He would drop his mum off in the neighboring village closest to the academy where she would catch the bus to town, arriving alone. Quarters in the academy had already been arranged for her by Frogo. She would stay in one of the apartments vacated by an artist. Margaret had already booked a room at a small inn close to Duncan's casa for Angela. After he dropped her off, she would be a stranger to both brothers and Angela. His former assistant was to be a friend visiting Duncan from England for the sunshine.

  Back at the airport, he apologized for his behavior, giving as explanation the stresses of the case. He threw in the part about going to jail to evoke sympathy. At least he beat Angus to the punch, telling his mum first. Angela, gracious as always, accepted his excuses. Margaret kept quiet about his stint in the big house. That worried him.

  Duncan left his mum at the bus stop and hugged her good-bye.

  "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" he asked.

  "Of course. This is the most exciting thing I've done in a long time," she replied.

  "All right. I'll be at the academy when you arrive. If need be, I'll contrive an excuse to check on you."

  The pair waved at Margaret, who beamed in return, as they drove away.

  "Duncan, I didn't realize your mum hadn't told you I was coming. I'm sorry, I assumed you requested the help. I didn't want to say anything in front of Margaret, but I can always leave if my presence upsets you."

  "Oh, please don't feel that way, Angela. I'm sorry for my behavior. I took my frustration out on you and Mum."

  "I can take the next bus to Madrid, if you'd like. There would be no hard feelings, either," she said.

  He pulled the car to the side of the narrow country lane and came to a gradual stop. He glanced at Angela, who kept her face forward, but could see her lovely blue eyes brimming with tears. Why had he never noticed before how beautiful she was? Angus and Johan saw it. His brother and her current boyfriend both wanted her, and he cared about each of them. Duncan brushed a lone tear from Angela's cheek and then placed his hand back on the wheel. He fought the urge to pull her to him, kiss, and comfort his former assistant. But, he'd already failed to exercise self control once today and that folly had brought him to this, Angela crying and his own feelings scrambling in turmoil inside of him. He placed both his hands in a death grip on the car's steering wheel.

  "Angela, I'm not a good bet right now. That's all I can tell you. I could use your help and I'd like your company as well. But, I haven't gotten over Caroline yet, as much as I hate to admit it. Did Mum tell you Angus is here in Spain, staying with me?" he asked, hesitation in his voice.

  For a moment he wished his brother back in Scotland.

  "No, she didn't," Angela said, covering her mouth with her hand.

  Duncan let go of the steering wheel and placed a hand on the nape of Angela's neck, gently rocking her head back and forth in a playful manner.

  "Mum's full of surprises, ain't she?"

  After a short pause, they both laughed, which helped break the tense atmosphere in the car.

  "Come on, let me get you settled in Manchiego. Later we'll have dinner with Angus. If that's all right with you," he added.

  She remained silent.

  "Angela, that's all right, isn't it?" he repeated in a low, gentle tone.

  He felt a pinprick of fear that she might insist on leaving. Angela nodded without looking at him, and he pulled back onto the road towards the village before she changed her mind.

  * * * * * *

  After seeing Angela to her hotel, Duncan hurried to the academy. He gave a quick thumbs up to Frogo as he passed the director's office, and waited for his mum's arrival. With perfect timing, she turned up right at tea time. Alerted by the director, he headed to the dining hall on the pretense of taking afternoon tea.

  He grabbed a cup and saucer and strolled into the kitchen, worried about what he might find taking place and prepared to physically attack Armondo Berluca should he mistreat his mum. Sure enough, there she was with Mondo. Frogo stood at a safe distance, observing the meeting. The chef kept a respectable space between himself and Margaret, his countenance different from anything Duncan had seen before. Was Mondo flirting with his mum? That's what it looked like. He moved closer and caught the chef's eye.

  "Out Peasant! Mondo is busy," he declared.

  "I'm just in need of some milk and… " Duncan's voice trailed off as Armondo ignored him and continued speaking to Margaret.

  "If you think you can handle the pressure of Mondo's kitchen, prepare something now. I'm hungry. You have 45 minutes to cook a meal worthy of Mondo," the chef said with a sly smile.

  Duncan saw a brief look of panic cross his mum's face. Then she sprang into action as Armondo cleared out of her way. Margaret ran to one of the refrigerators, throwing its door open. She examined its contents for but a moment. She pulled something that looked like ground meat from a shelf and tossed it on the counter. Then, she removed eggs, a dark green large pepper, a handful of herbs in a water glass, and a block of cheese. Next she jogged towards a pantry and scoured its shelves. She returned carrying an onion, a box of soda crackers, a can of tomato sauce, a jar of olives, a box of salt and a jar of black pepper, all loaded precariously in her arms. Three minutes had passed.

  Margaret now began pulling open drawers, looking for utensils and other cooking implements. Placing bowls, pans, a cutting board and a rolling pin on the counter, she moved a small case from the table. Next she trotted to the stove and familiarized herself with its knobs, preheating the oven. She opened the mini-suitcase and Duncan spied a collection of knives. Those were new. She chopped the onion, pepper and herbs, which she placed in a large, stainless steel bowl. Next, she used the rolling pin to pulverize the soda crackers. His mum was a whirling dervish of activity as she cracked eggs, grated cheese and mixed ingredients together.

  Duncan pretended to have a quiet conversation over his tea with Frogo. Mondo took a seat and monitored all of Margaret's activities with great interest. Her back to the chef, he didn't notice the small spice packet she removed from a front pocket in her trousers. She added its ingredients to the bowl. In eight minutes, she assembled a meat loaf and had it in the oven. She washed her hands in a sink and turned to Armondo.

  "Shall we have a cuppa tea while we wait, Chef?"

  Mondo's face shown like the sun. It was then Duncan noticed his mum didn't have on her wedding band. What was she thinking? He'd never thought of his mum as an attractive woman, but Mondo must have. The bulky chef was Winkin', Blinkin', and Noddin' at Margaret. Duncan struggled against the urge to punch the big man in the nose. This was his mum after all. He watched as Margaret gave the chef a sweet smile. It was more than he could take, and he wisely removed himself from the kitchen, giving Frogo a subtle signal to stay. What would his father make of this behavior? Shocked, he marched back to his office in a foul mood.

  After drinking a cup of tea with the chef and Frogo, Margaret prepared a small salad to accompany the meal. Right at 43 minutes, she removed her dish from the oven.

  "Meat Loaf Manchiego," she proclaimed, placing a plate in front of the chef and then another before Frogo.

  Mondo grinned and waved his hand over the dish, sniffing the aromas in the steam rising from the meal. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the smell. Then, the chef took his first bite. Margaret awaited his opinion.

  "Mmmm," he proclaimed after his third bite. "Delicioso," he added, after his fourth. "We will share secrets in the kitchen, no?"

  The chef cleaned his plate with a few more bites. Margaret couldn't co
ntain her smile. A real chef appreciated her cooking! She wasn't about to share with him her secret spice packets that a friend mailed her from America each year. That stash of taco seasoning added an element to her dishes people didn't expect in Scotland, and it worked for her here in Spain as well. Delighted, Margaret shook Mondo's oversized hand.

  "Go ahead, get settled. You will start tomorrow at say, ten o'clock. Tonight, we will research a nearby restaurant, no?" the chef asked.

  "I'd love to," she gushed as Frogo cleaned his own plate.

  His mind elsewhere, Duncan tapped his fingers on the desk as Frogo entered his office.

  "It's working famously," the director whispered. He took a seat and continued, "At first I had my doubts, but she knows her way around the kitchen, and that meatloaf…" The director licked his lips and rolled his eyes heavenward before adding, "most impressive! She's a talented woman."

  Frogo's compliments didn't ease Duncan's state of mind. He scowled at the director.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Mondo better not get fresh with… "

  Duncan stopped mid-sentence as Frogo held up his hand between them.

  "The new sous chef will be treated as a professional at all times. Not to worry, Duncan," the director said in his best practiced tone before leaving the room.

  Frogo hadn't counted on this issue.

  Duncan fumed a few minutes more and then stole away to the apartment where his mum would be living while in Manchiego. He was careful to be sure no one saw him as he strolled into the hallway outside her quarters. He knocked before turning the knob. It was unlocked and Duncan pushed the door open and made his way inside, after checking to be sure he wasn't watched.

  "Mum!" he said, in a stage whisper.

  Margaret, who had been gazing out the window, jumped and spun towards Duncan.

  He continued, pointing towards the door, "This should be locked. Anyone could get in."

  "Don't do that!" she said. "You liked to scare me to death."

  He noticed his mum had changed clothes. She wore blue jeans and a bright floral tiered blouse with hoop earrings. Margaret's lips were freshly painted. Her appearance peaked his suspicions.


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