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Mystery: The Cook's Comeuppance: A Duncan Dewar Mystery of Murder and Romantic Suspense (Duncan Dewar Mysteries Book 3)

Page 14

by Victoria Benchley

  "What do you think you're doing?" Duncan yelled, his voice a mix of panic and disgust.

  Both his mum's and Mondo's heads jerked towards him, but the chef kept his arms around Margaret.

  "Peasant, what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" the chef asked. "These English are so demanding," Mondo said to the ceiling, shaking his head.

  Duncan saw his mum's face flush as Armondo released her and she angled her body towards her son. It was then he noticed she held a long knife. He glanced at the counter and saw the piece of meat Margaret had been slicing. Shock receding from his brain, he realized the chef must have been teaching his mum how to butcher a cut of beef, or lamb, or whatever it was. She advanced several steps, knife still in hand, threatening. He noticed the same fire in her eyes he'd seen the other night.

  "S… S… Sorry," Duncan stammered and spun on his heel, making a quick retreat to the hall.

  There, he found Angela in an animated conversation with Sunny, while Angus and Frogo listened.

  He took his chair in time to hear Angela say, "You were at the Butterfly Gala in Mexico City in February, weren't you?"

  His former assistant didn't bother hiding the excitement in her voice.

  She continued as Sunny nodded, "You wore that fabulous gown from Chanel's Vienna show, the one with the butterflies down the back. Oh, you looked divine," Angela gushed.

  "But why weren't we introduced? I would remember your beautiful face, Angela dear," she said.

  "Oh, I wasn't there. I'm just an… an administrative assistant."

  Angela thought better of mentioning her new status as an insurance investigator.

  "Darling, it's administrative assistants that make the world go around. But, how did you know about my dress?" Sunny asked.

  "I read Carmen Digby's blog," she said in a conspiratorial tone. "He posted a picture of you, but never gave your name."

  "That's because he's afraid I might sue him! Carmen's a real hound. I don't even know how he managed an invitation," Sunny exclaimed. She added, "Are you a Chanel fan, Angela?"

  "Yes, I am, Sunny. I watch the shows each season on the internet. I thought the Vienna show was one of the most beautiful ever! Each piece was magnificent."

  "Sweet Girl, you must come out to the house this week. I'd like you to see my closet and pick out a few items for yourself. You're about my size," Sunny said, looking Angela up and down, "and with some alterations my clothes will fit you perfectly."

  "Oh, I couldn't… " Angela began, only to be interrupted by Sunny.

  "Of course, you can. I've got items I'll never wear again or that I've never worn. You see, I have to keep purchasing every season in order to retain my front row seats at the shows. So, I've got more than I could ever use. It's settled. I'll send the car for you tomorrow and we'll have lunch together," she concluded.

  Duncan hated the idea of Angela alone with Sunny.

  He was about to say that he already had plans with Angela when his former assistant said, "I'd love to. Thank you so much."

  The Vizcondesa now focused her attention on Angus.

  "And what do you do to stay busy back in Scotland?"

  "I run a mechanics shop."

  He didn't mention he owned three garages.

  "Oh, you might enjoy viewing my car collection. The center piece is a rare Pegaso Z-102B owned by the Vizconde, my deceased husband. The cars are housed in Madrid, but Frogo could arrange a tour for you," she said, glancing at Frogo.

  The director gave a vigorous nod, his mouth full with food.

  "You own a Pegaso touring coupé?" Angus asked, impressed.

  Pegaso manufactured the rare Spanish sports car from 1951-1958, producing somewhere around 100 vehicles.

  "I'd love to see that," he added.

  "It's unique in all the world. The Pegaso took first in its class last year at the Concorso d'Eleganza Villa d'Este on Lake Como," Sunny bragged. "I hope you'll have time to view the collection, Angus. I love to share it with fellow enthusiasts."

  Sunny Bentwell beamed, giving everyone a view of her bicuspids.

  "Angela, a break from all this testosterone will do you good," the chairwoman said, giving Angus's bicep another squeeze and raking her tongue across her top row of teeth before rising. "I'll give you a ring later tonight, Angela, and arrange a time for my driver to pick you up," she added.

  "Let me give you my number," Angela said before Sunny could leave.

  "No need," Sunny said, waving her hand. "I own the Posada."

  As Sunny departed, Frogo proclaimed with a full mouth, "My, but this is delicious!"

  Angela smiled after Sunny while Angus looked ambivalent. His mum's success and Sunny's preoccupation with Angela angered Duncan. He recalled Frogo's words regarding Sunny the first night they had dinner together, "She collects people." Is that what she was doing with Angela? He'd need to warn his former assistant.

  "Frogo, I think you need to have a talk with your chef," Duncan said.

  His tone must have been stern because everyone at the table stared at him.

  He continued, "I stumbled across him and the new sous chef in the kitchen. I do believe he was taking advantage."

  Frogo almost choked on his last bit of meatloaf. He coughed and spent several moments clearing his throat, stalling for time.

  "You needn't trouble yourself with personnel issues, but I'll speak to him, Duncan," the director said at last.

  Angus glanced at his brother and frowned. Angela appeared shocked. Duncan realized he should have spoken in private to Frogo. Casting aspersions on his mum's character was not what he intended.

  Taking one last sip of water, Duncan prepared to head back to his office when Chef Mondo entered the dining hall accompanied by Margaret Dewar. He shot a quick look to his brother and Angela that said, You don't know her.

  "Did everyone enjoy your meal?" Armondo asked his table.

  They all nodded or exclaimed how delicious everything had been.

  "Today, we served the food of our new sous chef!" Mondo proclaimed, nodding at Margaret and directing all eyes towards her with a wave of his hand.

  What does he want her to do, take a bow?

  Margaret Dewar was all smiles and humility as Mondo introduced her to each table, where more accolades were showered upon her meatloaf. She had taken the name Margaret Bell for this adventure, Bell short for Campbell, her maiden name. Campbell sounded Scottish and might be linked to Duncan. Just like her son, her years in the States had softened her Scottish brogue, so her voice didn't give her away.

  Back at his office, Duncan had Angus and Angela take seats. He needed to speak with them before they left for the day.

  "Angela, you need to be careful where Sunny Bentwell is concerned. There's something odd about her and frankly, creepy."

  "No, there isn't, Duncan. She's a lovely person," Angela said.

  "I have to agree with Dee on this one," Angus added his opinion. "She kept feeling my bicep at lunch. I felt violated," Angus said with a chuckle.

  "Can't you just back out of lunch when she rings you tonight?" Duncan asked.

  "I'm not backing out. I want to have lunch with her," Angela said in a huff. She glanced at Angus and added, "I'm getting out of here. I'll do my research from the inn."

  She stalked out of Duncan's office. Angus raised his eyebrows at his brother and trotted after her. Duncan exhaled. He didn't like this at all. He ran his hand through his hair, scratching the top of his head. Angela always saw the good in people. Sunny must make her feel the same way Nigel Carlyle made him feel. He recalled how he felt honored to know Nigel, upon first meeting him. Maybe Sunny and Nigel both collected people.

  Duncan tried to shake off the growing anxiety he felt regarding the case and focus on researching Sunny. He started with her various last names. Perhaps marriage records would reveal something about the chairwoman. Bentwell, Esperanza, Carlyle, Tormes, and Castillo were the surnames he knew of her various husbands. He's start with her current spouse, Roberto Ca
stillo and work backwards.

  A great deal of information regarding Roberto Castillo could be found on the internet. He currently resided in South America, where he had several business ventures. Sunny and her husband lived apart and had for several years. Mr. Castillo was a captain of industry. He married Sunny in 1999. He wondered if it was one of her longest unions. He found several recent photos of Roberto with various dignitaries and government officials from other countries. He was a handsome man, in his late sixties or early seventies, although a little thick around the middle. Investigating further, Duncan discovered Roberto was a widower when he married Sunny and had several grown children. Maybe that's what tore the happy couple apart. His offspring couldn't stand her.

  Not sure what order Sunny had married her men in, Duncan next searched the internet for information on Nigel Carlyle. Angela would do the bulk of the digging on the foundation's president. Duncan just needed marriage dates for his time line. He saw newspaper photos of Nigel's wreck at Le Mans. He'd crashed right after entering the Mulsanne Straight in a custom built Bugatti. Fortunately, Nigel's race car had not yet reached the 320 plus kilometers per hour speeds common on the famous straight-a-way.

  Later the Mulsanne would be altered by race officials to include chicanes designed to slow the speeds of over 400 kilometers per hour drivers were achieving there. The photos reflected the devastation Nigel somehow survived. It was June, 1977, and when Nigel was released from hospital in January, 1978, he married Sunny. Duncan found a photo of the couple emerging from a chapel. They appeared happy, even blissful, but by the end of 1979 that marriage was over too.

  He needed to fill the twenty year gap between 1979 and 1999 with husbands. He searched the internet for Bentwell. An Englishman named George Bentwell promoted auto races. Duncan searched, George Bentwell Le Mans, and found a link between the Englishman and Nigel. Sunny moved from Nigel Carlyle to one of his former sponsors, George Bentwell, but not before marrying Alfonso Esperanza in early 1981. Alfonso died of a heart attack in 1987. A year later, Sunny and George Bentwell tied the knot. Bentwell didn't make the grade, and the couple divorced in 1993. Duncan scribbled corrections on his time line while his computer beeped to inform him an email had arrived.

  He checked the time on the computer and was shocked to see it was after eight. He stretched his limbs without leaving his chair, yawning. He swiveled to look out the window behind his desk. In the distance, the eastern sky grew murky with shades of blue and violet. Duncan ran his hand through his hair and gazed at a spot on the horizon, beyond the rooftops of Manchiego. He'd need glasses soon if he did not begin to take more breaks from staring at a computer screen. He eased his right ear down to its corresponding shoulder and cracked his neck. He repeated the procedure on the left side, then rolled his head in each direction in a circular motion. He pushed his worries for Angela out of his mind and tried to enjoy the view from his office. It was a brilliant evening, or afternoon for the Spaniards.

  After a few minutes, he rotated his chair back towards his desk and opened his email. The message was from his mum and it read,

  Discovered something last night. Victim worked with Mondo at restaurant before coming to academy. Chef interviewed for position first, before Peña took job. She volunteered to assist him when he cooked as part of interview. Chef shocked when the position given to her. Betrayed. Felt he gave her a chance at the restaurant and then she stabbed him in back. After her death, he was offered post. Insists she only assisted him with chopping, etc. at initial meeting. Strike you as odd? Peña not gracious about taking situation either. Mondo very angry. Hope this is helpful. Delete after reading!

  Amazed at Margaret's quick work, Duncan contemplated what this information could mean. He would have to find out who else was present at Mondo's original interview with the academy. He popped over to Frogo's office to inquire, but the director had left for the day. His desk was cleared of all paperwork and his lamp turned off.

  Duncan decided to follow suit. He fought the urge to check on his mum, and instead packed up his computer and headed out to the casa. It was a beautiful evening and he enjoyed the stroll home. The sun sat just on the horizon and burned hot on his face as he walked west past the inn where Angela stayed. He kept his head down, shading his eyes from the setting sun. The cobblestones on the walkways and streets of Manchiego formed incredible patterns. Duncan noticed S curves snaking for meters, then rolling into the form of a nautilus. There were even herringbone patterns made from countless small, rounded stones angled this way and that. He wondered if people sometimes missed this hidden artwork while admiring the village architecture.

  A wonderful aroma hit Duncan as soon as he opened the door to the casa. He recognized cumin and some other spice with smoky undertones. Mary must be preparing dinner. The long day had worn Duncan out and he relished the idea of staying home for the evening. As he approached the kitchen, he recognized the voices of Angus and Angela.

  "Hallo," Duncan said.

  The two sat at the large kitchen table, chatting with each other and Mary, who moved in and out between the kitchen and patio. Angela's hair was a little wet and she wore a simple, short caftan, which Duncan guessed was a swimsuit cover-up. A pair of glasses sat on the bridge of her nose and her hair began to curl. Angela had natural curly, or frizzy hair, which she started straightening last year. That, and her switch from glasses to contact lenses, garnered the lass a lot of attention and boosted her confidence.

  "Did you have a swim?" he asked.

  "Aye, it was so warm we decided to take advantage of the pool," Angus replied.

  Mary entered the room and Duncan said, "Whatever you're cooking, it smells fantastic."

  "Thank you, Señor Duncan. The pinchos are almost ready," the housekeeper said, grabbing a tray of vegetables from the counter and returning to the terrace.

  "Discover anything on the case today?" Angela asked.

  Relieved that there appeared no hard feelings from earlier, Duncan replied, "Mum turned up something."

  "Really? Already?" Angus asked, shock revealed in his tone. He continued, "I talked to her on the phone earlier today. All she mentioned was the Destination Dinner she shared with Mondo last night. Did you know they hiked up a cliff and ate in some sort of cave slash restaurant? I'm surprised Chef Mondo could make the climb. Once there, they shared some sort of lamb dish and an expensive bottle of wine and then joined the other guests in an evening of song."

  Angus vibrated his head back and forth as if trying to shake the story from his brain.

  "How did they climb down after drinking a bottle of wine? That doesn't sound safe at all," Duncan stated.

  "That's the ridiculous part. There's a back way up there. They road little burros down the rear path straight into town. Not steep at all either. There was no need for all that Destination nonsense," Angus explained. "That's how the owner gets his supplies up to the restaurant as well."

  "Nevertheless, it is the hot new trend in dining," Angela chimed in, looking from brother to brother. She added, "So what did your mum find out, Duncan?"

  He took a taste of the red wine Mary had placed before him. In fact, the housekeeper moved in and out of the kitchen continuously while they talked.

  "She learned that Chef Armondo Berluca knew Ella Peña before coming to Manchiego," Duncan explained.

  Angela raised her eyebrows, encouraging him to continue.

  "They worked together at a restaurant. He'd given Ella a break, back in Madrid. She volunteered to assist him in the kitchen at his interview for the job at the academy. I gather the interview involved cooking something. Then, the academy hired her instead of him. He must have thought there was some kind of chicanery going on. Mum said he felt betrayed and that she behaved poorly."

  "So you think he had a motive to off her?"

  "Why are you speaking like an American gangster, Angus?"

  Duncan shot his brother a disapproving look.

  He continued, "No, I don't think Mondo offed Ella Pe
ña. He's too passionate to plan a murder like Ella's. He'd just beat you to death with a pan, on the spur of the moment."

  Angela burst out laughing and both brothers followed her example. Something about his statement made them all chortle.

  Duncan added, "I don't think he's capable of murder. Mondo blows up and blows over. I think the real question is why did Ella receive a job offer when she didn't even apply for the post? She wasn't as qualified as Mondo either. I've got to ask Frogo about that in the morning."

  "I'd… "

  Angela was interrupted when Mary entered the kitchen again with a platter piled high with pinchos, the small kabobs favored by the Spanish. It was one of the popular beef dishes they liked to cook on a barbeque. The large oval plate also held mounds of smoking, char-grilled vegetables.

  "Would you like to join us, Mary?" Duncan asked.

  "Oh, no, thank you. I must return home and cook for my family," the housekeeper replied, removing her apron. "Will you require anything else?" she asked.

  "No, but thank you for dinner. This looks brilliant," he said.

  "Ah, this is my family recipe. We buy the pinchitos, what you call spice rub, no? From the village butcher. He mixes paprika with cumin and the secret spices. My secret is the Amoroso sherry I add to the marinade. I hope you enjoy. Buenas noches," she added, heading for the door.

  Duncan served Angela from the platter before passing it on to his brother. He was hungry and couldn't wait to tuck into the succulent beef and grilled vegetables. Angus helped himself and handed the tray back to Duncan. The older brother piled the hot food on his plate, removed several chunks of beef from a skewer and was about to put one in his mouth when Angela said,

  "I'd hold off on asking Frogo about the chef's interview. His grandmother's maiden name is Esperanza and I'd bet he's related to Sunny in some way."

  Angela had made her own discoveries that day.

  - 14 -

  Jet Set

  Duncan vacillated all day between worrying about Angela and Frogo's possible involvement with Ella's death. He liked the director so much, he had never considered him as a suspect. He began to mistrust his own judgement, and dark thoughts about his last case flooded his mind. Maybe he was more trusting than Angela. He hoped she wasn't taking Sunny at face value right now.


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