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Stormy Satisfaction [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 16

by Chloe Lang

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Ashley’s attendants helped her get into her wedding gown.

  The past three months had been a mixed bag of frustration and wonderful—but mostly wonderful.

  Ashley shared the frustration of the entire town concerning Cindy Trollinger, who was still at large. Every lead the authorities researched fizzled out. Trollinger had been in Prague last month. When Interpol had arrived at the place she’d been renting, they hadn’t find her but found two corpses instead. But Ashley knew that Jason, Jena, Easton Black, and all the members of Shannon’s Elite would never give up the search for Destiny’s Most Wanted.

  I shouldn’t be thinking about Trollinger, especially today. Living with Nic and Sylas in Phoebe’s rental house had been wonderful, but this evening they would be spending the night in their new home that Lucas had designed and built for them.

  Tonight is my honeymoon.

  With Phoebe only coming into the office one day a week, she, Nic, and Sylas couldn’t leave town. Even with Erin doing such a terrific job, they needed to stay close because of the heavy caseload the firm was balancing.

  Ashley had to promise Phoebe she would take off the entire weekend. The only reason Phoebe hadn’t argued more was because of the trip to Hawaii that Nic and Sylas had planned for her later in the year.

  She actually was glad that her honeymoon was going to be in Destiny. She was excited to begin her new life in her new home with her new husbands.

  She stood in front of the full-length mirror and stared at her reflection. The off-the-shoulder gown with its beautiful beading was elegant and beyond timeless. “Wow.”

  “Oh my God, Ash. You look absolutely stunning.” Phoebe sat next to Erica.

  “So do you.”

  “You did a wonderful job picking dresses for the four of us. No one can even tell that Erica and I are pregnant.” Phoebe was five months along, and Erica was six. But Doc and Paris estimated that their delivery dates would be close together since twins usually came early. “And just look how glamorous Jena and Desirae are in theirs, too.”

  “And me, too,” Jena’s daughter said, twirling around. Kimmie was her flower girl.

  “You look very pretty, baby.” Jena kissed Kimmie on the forehead.

  Sylas’s mother—Ashley’s soon-to-be mother-in-law—entered the chapel’s dressing room. Brenda Hayes had blue eyes, just like Sylas’s.

  “My goodness, ladies. You all look so beautiful, but especially my Ashley.”

  Everyone in town had taken to Sylas’s parents and his two younger brothers.

  “Let me take a good look at you, Mom.” She grabbed Brenda’s hand and twirled her around. “I think you may steal the show today in this dress.”

  “I love the color orchid, sweetheart. Have you picked something old to wear yet?” Brenda asked her.

  “Oh my gosh. I forgot about all those things. I need three more—old, borrowed, and blue. My dress should count as new, right?”

  “Yes, sweetheart. I can help with the old part.” Brenda brought out the most beautiful necklace and earrings she’d ever seen. “I’m glad you chose orchid and white for your special day. These match your colors.”

  She took the jewelry. “Are these alexandrite?”

  “Yes. My colors were also orchid and white. Jim bought the necklace and earrings for me to wear on our wedding day. I’d like to give them to you now to wear for your day. That is if you like them.”

  “I absolutely love them, Mom.” She hugged her.

  “Good.” Brenda wiped her eyes. “I had three boys and now I have a daughter. Ashley, I want you to keep them until you have a daughter of your own.”

  “Our first tradition. I love it.” She put on the earrings and necklace and glanced at her reflection again. “They’re perfect. Thank you so much, Mom.”

  “We only have five minutes,” Jena said. “And you still need something blue and something borrowed.”

  “Here’s my pinkie ring, Ash.” Phoebe handed it to her. “You can borrow it. Just put it on your right hand.”

  They could hear the organ begin to play.

  Ashley started to panic. “Blue? Blue? There’s nothing in this room that’s blue.”

  All the women started digging in their purses.

  “Got it.” Desirae pulled out a blue headband. “Lift up your dress quick and step into this.” Desirae knelt down and pulled the band up to Ashley’s thigh, just opposite the other thigh, which had the traditional garter on it. “How does that feel?”

  “It’s fine,” she said. “Thank you, Desirae.”

  Sylas’s dad walked in. “My God, Ashley, aren’t you beautiful? I’m so lucky to get to walk you down the aisle to my boys.”

  “Thanks, Dad. You look very handsome.”

  “Not bad for a fifty-five-year-old goat. I took a peek at the chapel. It looks like a fairytale fit for a princess.”

  “Jim, we have the most beautiful princess with us,” Brenda said.

  “Ashley, I just came from my boys’ dressing room.” Jim and Brenda’s reaction to this wedding had surprised everyone.

  They weren’t from Destiny, but they were fully accepting and excited about the event. Her mother and father had passed and Nic had never had loving parents before. But now they both did.

  “I doubt Nic and Sylas are as nervous as I am.”

  “They’re fit to be tied.” Jim kissed the back of her hand. “Your two grooms look so handsome in their white tuxedos, sweetheart. They are going to take your breath away.” He smiled and turned to his wife. “Brenda, the ushers are ready to seat you.”

  “Just one second.” With her eyes welling up, Brenda gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Brenda left and Ashley, her attendants, and her father-in-law walked into the foyer of Destiny’s Little Mountain Chapel. Phoebe’s husband had designed it. So many weddings were performed here, which was on a mountain overlooking the town.

  The organist began playing the wedding march.

  Kimmie walked through the double doors down the aisle, followed by Desirae, Jena, and Erica.

  Phoebe squeezed Ashley’s hand and smiled. Then she followed her other attendants.

  “Dad, I’m nervous,” she confessed as the butterflies fluttered inside her.

  He took her hand. “Don’t be. I’m right here beside you.”

  She nodded and he offered his arm. She took it, holding tight to her bouquet of orchids and white roses.

  When the traditional tune that announced the bride’s entrance began to play, she heard everyone stand.

  When the doors opened, her eyes landed on Nic and Sylas, who were wearing their white tuxedos with their orchid ties.

  “Oh my God, Dad,” she whispered to him as they took each step. “Look how handsome my grooms are.”

  “I told you they would take your breath away, sweetheart. Besides, look who their dad is.”

  She smiled, knowing he was trying to help her relax a little. Brenda had been right. The room did look like a fairytale. She glanced at the people who had come to see her get married. Destiny had to be a ghost town at the moment, since it seemed everyone was here.

  Ethel, who was officiating the service, stood at the front. Ashley’s attendants stood next to Ethel. The groomsmen were on the other side. Sylas had chosen his two brothers, Kevin and Hunter, to stand with him. Patrick and Sam O’Leary were Nic’s groomsmen, who he’d become very close to since his intervention.

  Once she and Jim were standing in front, the music stopped.

  “Please be seated,” Ethel told the crowd, and then she addressed Jim. “Who gives this lovely bride to these two handsome men?”

  “I do. It is my pleasure and honor to do so.”

  Nic and Sylas took her hands, one standing on either side of her. Jim moved to the seat next to Brenda.

  Ethel began the ceremony. “We are here because the three of you have decided to join your lives. You come here with p
recious gifts—mature understanding, your love, your hopes and dreams, your trust in one another, and your faith in life’s meaning and purpose, resolved to share life’s experiences in enduring love and loyalty. The decision has been made in your hearts and minds, and we are here to witness the public expression of the commitments you have made privately to each other. Marriage is a relationship not to be entered into lightly or thoughtlessly, but reverently, soberly, with deep purposes and in the spirit of enduring love. Much is required of you three. Knowing this, do each of you wish to proceed with this marriage?”

  She and her grooms said “yes” in unison.

  “Nic and Sylas, will you take Ashley as your wife? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, and will you live for her, before all others, as long as you all shall live?”

  “We will,” they answered in unison.

  “Ashley, will you take Nic and Sylas as your husbands? Will you love them, comfort them, honor and keep them in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, and will you live for them, before all others, as long as you all shall live?”

  Trembling with joy, she answered, “I will.”

  “Gentlemen, please face your bride, continuing to hold her hands as a symbol of your union.”

  She looked into Nic and Sylas’s eyes and felt love bursting out of her for them.

  “Nic and Sylas have written their own vows.”

  “I get to go first, Ethel, because I won the coin toss,” Nic said.

  Ashley smiled as the crowd chuckled.

  “Ashley, when I look at you I am so proud and happy that you consented to be my wife. You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I love you. I promise that I will always be by your side, whether we have good times or bad times. I’ll be there when you’re sick to comfort you. And I promise that I am going to spend the rest of my life doing my best to make sure you always have a reason to smile.” Nic turned to Sylas. “You’re up, bro.”

  Once again, the crowd laughed.

  Filled with emotions from Nic’s beautiful words, she turned to the other love of her life.

  Sylas took her hands. “You took my breath away when you walked down the aisle with Dad.”

  That’s how I felt when I saw you and Nic.

  “How could a guy like me be lucky enough to marry someone as wonderful and beautiful as you? You have made me complete. We share the same dreams and goals for our life. I promise to always be by your side no matter what comes our way for the rest of our lives. We have such wonderful examples of what our future can be right here.” Sylas looked at Ethel, Patrick, and Sam. “That’s what I want for you, Nic, and me. I love you, sweetheart.”

  Ethel smiled. “Ashley has also written her own vows.”

  She faced Nic and Sylas and took hold of their hands. “Wow. You’ve made my dreams come true. You’re what I’ve always wanted. Two handsome, smart men. How could it get any better? I’m just so happy. I promise I will always love you and do everything I can to make you happy, whether the road ahead is smooth or rocky, whether it’s sunny or stormy, no matter what we face I promise to remain beside you. I love you both so very much.”

  Ethel said, “Nic and Sylas, please get the ring you have chosen for Ashley.”

  Patrick handed the ring to Nic and Sylas.

  “As you place the ring on Ashley’s finger, please repeat after me. With this ring…”

  Nic and Sylas placed the ring together on her hand. “With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting devotion, and the promise of all my tomorrows.”

  “Ashley, you have rings for Nic and Sylas.”

  Phoebe handed her the wedding bands.

  “Would you place them on their fingers, and repeat after me.”

  “With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting devotion, and the promise of all my tomorrows.”

  “Nic, Sylas, and Ashley, having declared your vows in the presence of these witnesses and by the joining of hands, now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the state of Colorado, I do now declare in the presence of those gathered that you are husbands and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  “Sylas gets to go first on the kiss,” Nic teased. “I lost that coin toss.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Sylas kissed her, making her toes curl. “You’re up, bro.”

  Nic grinned and pulled her in tight, pressing his lips to hers.

  They turned and faced their friends and loved ones.

  “It is with great pleasure and honor that I present to you Destiny’s newest family—Nic Walker, Sylas Hayes, and their lovely wife, Ashley Walker-Hayes.”

  The crowd came to their feet, applauding and cheering.

  Ashley marched down the aisle between her two husbands, feeling like she was on top of the world.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Nic looked at the outfit that he and Sylas had bought for Ashley to wear to Phase Four. The red vinyl skirt would barely cover her gorgeous ass. It allowed easy access to her sweet backside. The red, mesh bustier with its metal studs was perfect to show off her beautiful breasts.

  Ashley was taking a bath, getting ready for the evening.

  “Do you think she’ll like this?” Sylas held up the skirt and top.

  “I don’t know if she will, bro, but you and I sure will.” He put on his leather vest, which completed his club gear. After finishing Zac’s final lessons, he actually felt like a Dom, inside and out. “Tonight is going to be awesome, Sylas. I can’t wait to show her off on the main stage at the club.”

  “Me either.” Sylas laced up his military boots. His Dom gear was similar to Nic’s—leather pants and boots—though he wore a harness instead of a vest. “Don’t get me wrong. I love the private rooms. But seeing how excited she’s been since we told her what we planned to do has really lit my fire.”

  Nic smiled. “I was a little surprised that our wife was such an exhibitionist. Were you?”

  “I sure was, but I’m glad she is. She’s the prettiest sub in the whole club. I want to show her off.”

  Ashley came out of the bathroom completely nude, as they’d instructed her. She looked like a goddess, her skin golden and glistening.

  “Masters.” She got down on her knees, lowered her eyes, and clasped her hands behind her back.

  He stepped forward, pride swelling in his chest at the perfection of her submissive posture. He cupped her chin, guiding her to look at him. “What state are you in, sweetheart?”

  “Molten Lava Cake.”

  Most of the time, Ashley could only get out “Molten” during their play. By the time he and Sylas got her up on the main stage, he expected she might only be able to say the first syllable, “Molt.” That image made him grin.

  He recalled the day they’d chosen her safe words. He’d been so green in the life then. But green or not, everything inside him had responded to being a Dom from the very first lesson he’d taken from Zac. This life spoke to levels inside him that he hadn’t even known existed before.

  “On your feet,” he commanded her.

  “Yes, Master.” She stood.

  His cock responded by getting hard, but his wants would remain in check. All his focus was on Ashley. Her wants were what mattered. Once he and Sylas sensed that she was in subspace, then, and only then, would he give in to his own crushing hunger.

  * * * *

  Sylas put the bustier on Ashley, while Nic helped her into the tiny skirt. “Do you like your new outfit, baby?”

  She smiled. “Yes, Master. I love it.”

  Nic went into her closet and brought out her red stilettos. “These will go perfectly, sub. Sit on the bed.”

  She obeyed instantly.

  Nic handed him one of the heels. They each placed them on her delicate feet.

  Running his hand up her legs and feeling her soft skin, Sylas felt
heat pulse in his veins. He pulled his wife off the bed and into his arms.

  Ashley held on tight and looked at him with her gorgeous blue eyes. “I love you, Master.”

  “Sweetheart, how are you feeling about tonight?”

  “Anxious and excited, Sir. My molten lava cake is at least ten-feet tall.”

  “Just the way we like you.” He kissed her. “Nic, you’re driving tonight. I’m carrying our sub.”

  “What? No coin toss?” Nic laughed. “You got a deal, Sylas, as long as I get to carry her off the stage.”


  As Nic drove them to the club, Sylas could feel Ashley’s growing trembles. “You trust us, baby?”

  “Yes, Master. I trust you with my life.”

  He never tired of hearing her say those words. Trust. That was what the lifestyle he’d come to love was all about. He felt so confident now after completing Zac’s last lesson. The uncertainty when he’d first begun learning about BDSM was gone. I’m a Dom. I’m her Dom.

  He and Nic would continue earning her trust each and every day and night. Especially the nights.

  * * * *

  Every step Ashley took with her two Doms leading her to the main stage increased her temperature another degree. By the time she was walking up the stairs, she was on fire.

  The members of Phase Four were moving to the seats in front of the stage.

  They are going to watch me with Nic and Sylas. Oh my God, this is really happening.

  She’d been to the club many times, but tonight was like no other. She’d never been part of a scene on any of the stages. Her first time was to be on the main one. Excitement and nervousness rolled through her. She kept her eyes locked on her Doms. They would take care of her. They would keep her safe.

  As Nic guided her to the center of the stage, she heard the music that he and Sylas had selected begin to play. Tribal drums pounded out a beat that was mesmerizing, hypnotic, otherworldly.

  “Dance for us, sub,” Sylas commanded. “We want everyone to see how this beautiful body moves.”


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