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Warlock's Way [PUP Squad Alpha 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Abby Blake

  “Such pretty panties,” he said a moment before he tore them from her body.

  “Hey,” she said on a sigh as the material fell away. “They were my only pair.” Considering that she’d been carefully washing them and only actually wearing them every second day for the past ten days, it was probably a fitting end for them.

  “Don’t worry, princess. Wilson and I have decided we prefer to have you naked anyway.”

  “Oh,” she said as that delicious liquid heat rolled over her body once more.

  “Ready for your spanking, Amber?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” she went to say. But the sentence was cut off midway by a hard slap. She gasped at the pain, too shocked by the sharp sting to react in any way. The second was worse, and she would have moved away if Wilson hadn’t chosen that moment to pull her shoulders down and fuse his lips to hers. She could feel his fangs scraping over her lips as he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth.

  The third and fourth smacks were just as painful, but it was the fifth that had her gasping for a whole different reason. Amber’s pussy started to clench rhythmically, her juices spilling onto her thighs as the blows continued. She could feel her clit swelling, throbbing in time with her heartbeat as the spanking went on and on.

  She started moving into the blows, her motion controlled by instinct, by need. She arched her back, moaning into Wilson’s mouth as Darian’s hand landed against her swollen pussy lips, the sting incredible, the arousal almost shocking. “Good girl,” he said as he slid his hand through her folds, caressing the slippery flesh a moment before he slapped her even harder. His fingers found her clit, and she broke the kiss with Wilson, screaming as her orgasm took hold, rampaging through her body, shaking her to her core. The sensation went on and on, rocketing through her as Wilson pushed her down, his cock thrusting hard into her as her orgasm spun out of control.

  He groaned, gripping her hips tight as he lifted his cock up into her pussy over and over. Darian continued to caress her ass and thighs, the soft touch over supersensitive skin doing nothing to cool her arousal.

  And then Wilson rolled, and she was suddenly underneath him, his cock pounding into her, his actions frantic as his mouth opened over her throat. She wrapped her hands around him, holding him close, caressing him gently as she urged him to take her blood, to feed from her throat.

  He groaned, his teeth scraping over her skin as climax spun closer once more.

  “Please,” she whispered. He made a strangled sort of noise, but then his teeth closed, his fangs puncturing the side of her throat, her orgasm slamming through her as he began to suck. Bright lights swirled through her mind, aching completion swelling through every inch of her, pounding, streaming, flooding her senses. She could feel his cock pulsing, his cum filling her, his frantic need finally lessening as he licked lazily at her neck, both hungers sated, at least for the moment.

  Wilson rolled again, arranging her exhausted body over the top of him once more. She lay there gasping for air, waiting for her world to stop spinning, basking in the afterglow of amazing, earth-shattering, life-altering sex.

  She’d almost forgotten about Darian until she felt a soft kiss to her brow.

  “That was beautiful, princess. Get some sleep. I’ll stay on watch for a couple more hours.”

  She nodded, somehow knowing that he wouldn’t make love to her until Wilson was more alert. Even in the midst of incredible sex and emotion, her men were keeping her safe. She went to sleep with a smile on her face and Wilson’s heart beating in her ear.

  Chapter Four

  Darian moved about the cabin trying to make dried soup and ration packs a little more palatable. He’d collected some of the edible plants and fruits from the jungle earlier in the day, but he wasn’t really sure how adventurous Amber was with her eating. Grubs and insects might be a good source of nutrition, but they certainly weren’t for everyone.

  He heard her slip out of bed, but it put a smile on his face that she immediately came to him and wrapped her arms around his middle. She rested her head against his back.

  “Good morning,” she mumbled sleepily.

  He laughed quietly. “Good morning. It’s about four in the afternoon, but since you and Sir Snores-a-Lot slept most of the day, I suppose you can classify it as morning.”

  “Oh, sorry,” she said quietly. “I didn’t mean to mess up your schedule.”

  “It’s okay.” He turned in her arms, gathering her against his chest. “Six-hour shifts are hard to sustain for two weeks straight. I was going to suggest to Wilson that he sleep days and I’ll sleep nights for a few shifts, just to recharge, but you kind of beat me to it.”

  “I suppose I did,” she said with a soft giggle, but then turned serious. “I’m glad he fed.”

  Darian pushed the hair away from her neck, checking that Wilson hadn’t left any damage. The small, mostly healed wounds looked pretty good considering how hungry Wilson must have been.

  “Did you enjoy it?” Darian asked curiously.

  She tucked her face into his chest and nodded. It was quite a contrast to the woman they’d met two weeks ago. Amber was still bright and curious and obviously used to relying on herself, but she’d also quickly accepted that she needed their help. It had been a relief to be able to do his job without the massive, time-wasting fight that he’d gotten from some other clients. Considering that he hadn’t really been very nice the day they’d met, he was grateful for her unwavering trust in his ability to protect her.

  “Why can’t vampires feed on warlocks? I mean,” she said, lifting her head away from him to look into his eyes, “I got the impression that humans and warlocks are very similar in a genetic sense.”

  “We are for the most part, except that there is something in our blood that is toxic to vampires. It won’t kill them, but it’s a very uncomfortable experience from what I’ve been told—kind of like swallowing a bottle of drain cleaner.”

  “Ouch,” she said with a shudder. “So vampires can only drink human blood?”

  “As far as I know,” Darian said with a shrug. He’d worked beside vampires for years, but their dietary habits weren’t something they’d discussed in intricate detail. He sensed Wilson’s movement rather than saw it, but a moment later the vampire was pressed up against Amber’s naked back. She seemed quite comfortable with her nudity. Not that he’d given her a choice. Her underwear was destroyed, and he’d managed to hide the rest of her clothes. In his mind he’d made the excuse that it was too damn humid for clothing in the jungle, but the Dom in him knew that keeping her naked was for his own enjoyment. And of course he’d used his warlock skills to create an environmentally controlled field around the cabin so he couldn’t really use the heat as an excuse either. It was a pleasant temperature inside no matter how humid it was on the other side of the walls.

  Wilson nuzzled her neck, breathing deeply before confirming what Darian had said. “Yes, sweetheart,” he said, “humans are a vampire’s only source of food. We can share vampire blood, but ultimately it’s human blood that gives us nutrition.” He swept the hair away from where he’d bitten her earlier and pressed a kiss to the pale flesh. “It’s been a long time since I fed from the source. I’d forgotten how pleasurable an experience it was.”

  “Settle down, Romeo,” Darian said in a tone of voice he hoped both of his companions realized was friendly. “Let me feed the lady first. She slept through lunch.” He pressed a kiss to the top of Amber’s head and turned back to the meal he’d been preparing. Considering that he hadn’t even had sex with the woman, the feeling of somehow finally being complete was a little surprising.

  * * * *

  “It’s okay to bite me again if you’re hungry,” Amber whispered to Wilson. Her offer wasn’t entirely selfless. She’d never experienced a climax quite like the one she’d had when Wilson had bitten her. Already her pussy was clenching with need.

  “I should be all right for several days,” he said as he led her to the small d
ining table in the middle of the room.

  “Oh,” she said, feeling ridiculously disappointed. She took a seat, only then realizing that she was actually naked. Strange how easy it felt to be sans clothing around these two men. But then a thought popped into her mind. She dismissed it as nonsense, but the “knowledge” simply wouldn’t go away. In the end she ground her teeth together and asked the question anyway. “Can vampires have children?”

  “No,” Wilson said, sounding surprised by her train of thought. “New vampires are made, and since the change freezes a person’s physical, mental, and emotional development we have laws against turning children.”

  “So you’re sure you can’t father children.”

  “Positive,” he said immediately, but then a frown crossed his features, and he glanced at Darian, who had stopped what he was doing. He shook his head as if he couldn’t really believe his own train of thought.

  “Dragon-shifters are different. They can father children with other dragon-shifters. Vampires cannot impregnate vampires.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” It probably wasn’t nice to be so annoyed, but it felt like they were talking in code. “What’s a dragon-shifter?”

  “Sorry, princess,” Darian said as he brought the food to the table. “Brody is a dragon-shifter. Basically it means he can morph into a huge, dinosaur-like, fire-breathing creature with wings.”

  Wilson grimaced but added, “His wife, Ava—she’s also an Oracle’s receptacle—is pregnant with his child, a dragon-human hybrid. It’s not supposed to be possible, but well, Ava obviously didn’t get the memo.”

  “But vampires can’t have offspring at all?”

  “No, to create a fledgling a vampire must first ingest the human’s blood and then feed them their own. It’s the mixing of the blood that begins the genetic changes. But a vampire is never actually a parent. There’s no familial or DNA connection.”

  Amber nodded. Inside her head she knew the information they were giving her was true, but she couldn’t quite shake the feeling that it didn’t pertain to her. Somehow she was different.

  “What is it, Amber?” Darian asked. “I’ve seen that look on Ava’s and Kali’s faces. Chances are that whatever thought is popping into your head it’s correct.”

  Amber smiled, grateful for his confidence, but not convinced that the stuff she “knew” wasn’t a load of gibberish. It was very strange to somehow know things without knowing how she knew them.

  “Okay, bearing in mind that I’m quite possibly insane, I think that I can actually fall pregnant to Wilson. I don’t know what that means, since there is no precedent for a baby vampire, but I think maybe we should start using condoms.” She smiled at Darian, trying to cut the tension a little. “I’m hoping you have some in that magic bag of yours that’s still under the bed.”

  “I do,” Darian said with a nod. “I also have a whole lot more things in there that you might find interesting.”

  “Oh, like what?” she asked, grabbing at the chance to change the subject. The possibility of becoming pregnant to a vampire was one discussion she would never have thought necessary and was quite happy to have it over and done with. They’d use condoms. Discussion closed.

  “Eat, princess,” Darian said with a grin, “and then I’ll show you.”

  She nodded, lifted the warm cup of instant soup to her lips, and managed to swallow without gagging. She was quite certain that once this protection stuff was over she’d never drink soup again, hot, cold, instant, or otherwise.

  The “salad” was tastier, but Amber refused to think too hard on what was actually in it. She was just grateful that it didn’t seem to contain any of the bugs she’d been half expecting. It was strange how the protein bars she’d once described as tasting like pulped cardboard could seem like a treat now.

  She managed to finish everything Darian had given her, surprisingly hungry considering how little blood Wilson had actually taken. She’d felt no ill effects at all.

  “Finished?” Darian asked with a smile. She nodded and went to say thank you, but he cut off her words with one stern look. His demeanor suddenly seemed different, the change a little confusing until that pesky skill of “knowing” stuff reared again and she realized that he’d gone into “Dom mode.” Nervous about what it meant, but more than willing to explore the attraction between them, Amber waited quietly for his instructions. “Good girl,” he said, touching her face gently. “I want you to straddle Wilson’s lap and offer him your throat.”

  “It’s not—” Wilson began.

  But Darian cut him off. “It is necessary. You’ve gone a long time without feeding. The sip you took earlier wasn’t enough, and we both know it.” Wilson seemed ready to argue, but he must have seen something that Amber had missed because he breathed out heavily and nodded in agreement.

  Amber couldn’t quite believe the arousal coursing through her. It wasn’t just the thought of being bitten again. It was also the orders Darian was giving her. Somehow, despite spending her whole life fighting to be seen as a capable and independent woman, Amber was more than willing to please Darian by doing what he asked. It was probably something she’d need to think about later, but when Wilson helped her climb onto his lap facing him, her pussy wide open over his groin, her naked breasts brushing against the leather of his jacket, her brain short-circuited and all she could do was feel.

  Wilson held her close, his cool touch only making her feel hotter. Darian gathered her hair in one hand, exposing her neck, and angling her head close to Wilson’s mouth. She could feel her pussy pulsing, her juices dribbling onto her thighs as Wilson traced his tongue over her collarbone and Darian caressed her spine.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she felt Wilson’s teeth scrape across her neck. Everything inside her tensed, her thighs quivering as both men drew out the moment, held her captive, enthralled, waiting.

  And then Wilson bit down, his fangs puncturing her skin, the strange mix of pain and arousal coursing through her blood. She shook all over, her body teetering on the verge of explosive orgasm. Wilson wrapped his arms around her thighs, pulling her closer, rubbing his leather-clad cock against her clit as he sucked harder against her throat.

  “Don’t you dare come, Amber,” Darian said in a deep voice.

  She made a sound of surprise, unable to form coherent words of protest. But then Wilson moved her lower body away from him, and lazily caressed her throat with his tongue. She whimpered her need, unable to move out of the vampire’s grasp as her body shook with unspent arousal.

  “Good girl.” Darian used his grip in her hair to angle her head to one side. “Relax, princess, and let Wilson’s saliva heal the wounds.” She could already feel the strange tingling from earlier, but this time it did nothing to ease her down from her frantic state.

  But then something incredible happened. Something she’d had no idea she was capable of. Without anything more than the hand in her hair and Wilson’s lips on her throat, orgasm burst within her. She moaned as wave after wave of heat pulsed over her, through her, around her. She could feel her pussy grasping at nothing, tensing and releasing, aching for a thick, hard cock as her climax went on and on.

  Finally, completely spent, she sagged against their grip, her body boneless, her mind fuzzy, and a feeling of lazy euphoria swirling through her.

  “Thank you, princess,” Darian said with a laugh in his voice, “for giving me the chance to teach you about discipline and punishment.”

  “Teach me what?” she asked, not truly comprehending his words thanks to the pleasant afterglow of her orgasm.

  “Discipline and punishment,” he said as he dragged the leather bag from under his bed.

  “Do you know much about the BDSM lifestyle, Amber?” Wilson asked as he held her close.

  “Some, I think, I mean, I ‘know’ stuff, but I don’t know how accurate it is.” She blew the hair from her eyes and tried to think clearly enough to explain herself. “It’s like I have all this informa
tion streaming through my brain—kind of like a hundred different radio stations all talking at once. Sometimes I can tune in to the stream of information I need. Most of the time I don’t even know where to begin looking. It’s actually quite distracting.”

  “If you think that’s going to get you out of being punished, princess, you have another think coming.”

  She sat up in Wilson’s arms and gave him a wry smile. “Sounds like I’m in big trouble.”

  “That it does,” he said with a nod, “but just in case that brain of yours is a bit late in delivering the information, you should know that all you have to do is refuse. Darian won’t do anything without your consent.”

  “That’s right, princess,” Darian said as he held up something that looked like a lace-up, leather wrist bracer that a warrior might wear into battle. “All you have to do is say a safe word. Just say the word and everything stops.” He held out a hand and without any real consideration as to the consequences of her actions, Amber placed her wrist in his palm. The smile he gave her was well worth whatever was to come.

  “What word do I need to say?” she asked as he watched him lace up the wrist brace on her arm.

  “Pick one,” he said with a smile. “Something that you wouldn’t normally say in general conversation. Something that tells me you definitely want to stop, and is not just a word you might say if you’re frightened, or in pain.” He cupped her face with his warm hand. “This sort of sex can be very intense. It’s okay to call a halt. Even though I’m about to punish you for coming when I told you not to, I want you to enjoy the experience.”

  She gave him a half laugh. She wasn’t sure she’d enjoy being punished, but she’d found the spanking quite a lot of fun. She was willing to at least explore the idea of Darian’s chosen lifestyle.

  “Choose a safe word,” he ordered as he helped her to her feet.

  “Grasshopper.” She smirked at him, and he laughed, obviously following her train of thought.


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