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Page 16

by Rachel Martin

  Running over and over in her mind was Ashley. She had been so close to him. Why oh why didn’t she seize the opportunity and just call out to him when she had the chance? What was she going to do now? Go back to the Estate? Go back to the compound? Go home? One thing she knew for sure was that she couldn’t keep walking like this. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked at it. Should she call someone out here, show off her electronics. She opened the knife. She was ready. Just let them try. But who to call. No way am I calling my family. Never, never, never. She dialled Elise:

  “Hey Lise,” she whispered into the handset, “sorry I’m taking so long…. I’ve been following Ash… I don’t know, some Estate… had to go by train… a few stops… no not that far…. Yeah, I’m coming back now… You all still around… OK… yeah, I’m coming… I’ll be a while yet though… I’ll call you when I’m at the tube, OK… yeah… we still doing that thing tonight?… Right… good… OK… please come meet me… I’ll call you when I’m close… yeah, see you soon… bye.”

  The world seemed even more silent and deadly when she emerged back into her grim reality. Why did she follow him? Why did he have to be so awkward? Why did he have to piss Marc off so much? Why didn’t she tell him earlier? She shook her head and tried to focus. All she needed to do right now was get back to the tube. To not be scared, she held the knife before her. This was her chance to be a real woman. She opened up maps on her phone, turned around, and began slowly walking back to the thicket. She would have to tell Ashley tomorrow.

  A low humming, airy sound was approaching. She turned off her phone and stood perfectly still in the darkness. It grew louder and louder. It was a car. She stepped back away from the kerb. The car Ashley had disappeared in earlier, re-emerged right in front of her, it was like a miracle. He drove straight across the crossroads just ahead of her. He was driving really slowly too. It was a sign. Before she knew what she was doing, she was chasing it.

  She saw him turn towards a block of flats. She ran as hard as she could to catch him up. As she approached, he was parking up in an almost deserted car park. Tramps were scurrying away in all directions, not wanting to see anything, not wanting to be seen. She hurried closer. There were other people in the car. She stopped running, crouched, and watched. They sat in darkness, then the driver retrieved something from the boot and got back in the driver’s seat. What the Hell? She crawled closer and squinted into the windows. Is that the woman that was with the Meades on the train earlier? Oh my God, is that the Meades? What are they doing? She crept closer; she was almost on all fours. In the shadows, the figures in the back of the car started moving about. The car rolled into motion. She followed. The doors opened, four shadows got out. They skulked towards the building’s entrance. She knew the one leading was Ashley, she would recognise that swagger anywhere. He stopped outside the building and began fiddling about with something on the wall. She heard the doors open. They filed inside. As she tiptoed passed the car, she noticed someone was still inside, sipping on a beer can, their face completely covered up. The last one disappeared into the building. She ran to the door. Just as it was about to swing shut, she managed to stop it with her foot. What the Hell am I doing? she asked herself, over and over. Her heart was racing, her thoughts were focussed and clear. Follow, follow, follow. This was her calling. She was meant to be here. She absolutely knew it. That’s why she didn’t call out to him in the thicket, that’s why she followed the lights, that’s why she had all that cider. She was being a rebel. This was more exciting than the first time she followed the labyrinth of the tube under the compound. Her body was shuddering with anticipation and glee. She stood still and let the door close quietly behind her. She heard an elevator door shut. She crept around and watched the floor lights flash, six, seven, eight, all the way up to twenty, the penthouse apartments. She pressed the button and called for the lifts.

  What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? Mum and Dad will be furious. Good, I want them to be furious. Anger subdued the fear and excitement. The bing of the lift opening broke her train of thought and beckoned her to become one with its interior. She pressed twenty and waited. It seemed like she was ascending through the guts of some living entity. The heat and pressure rose as she rose. She felt like she was inside a bubble, slowly but surely rising through a thick mucusy tar. Every moment was lengthened as though it were a piece of infinity caught in an eco-system of a new reality. Her reality bent the time around her, causing her to feel and understand each individual thought and emotion as if it lasted a lifetime. Nothing that had happened in her life before this moment could compete with this. She lived a thousand lives in that lift each floor a symbol of a century. Sweat beaded on her brow and dripped onto the silver metal floor. The lift stopped.

  The door seemed to crack open slowly as if it were being crow-barred open by someone investigating a crashed alien spaceship. It was opening cautiously, nervously, an inch at a time. Why was time slowing down? It was tempting her more and more. She remembered sitting on her Father’s knee, out in the garden, it was dusk, there was an owl, it had the most stunning aquamarine eyes. They looked at it, and it looked back at them. There was a sadness inside it that she didn’t understand until now. It hooted. It flew into the air and disappeared. Her Father had kissed her cheek. She had been so happy, so safe in the knowledge that this was her world, and the opportunities were endless. Lies, all lies. Right now all she wanted to do was see that owl again. What other feelings can be aroused by the captivating beauty of an animal whose understanding is so completely removed from her own. She knew she would never know. The natural world was almost completely eroded. She needed to see Ashley. The doors finally opened. She ran out onto the landing and stumbled forwards, she pressed her hands against her knees for balance. This was all too exciting. She breathed deeply, her heart was racing, continually detonating TNT over and over inside her. She recovered slightly, stood up and headed towards the double doors. Through the window she could see the four of them standing in the corridor, they were holding guns and knives. Ashley had his ear against the door. He started signing something to them. The largest stood in front of the door, a second later he booted the door and they disappeared inside. What the…? She stood with her back against the wall. This was mad. Totally crazy. Completely and utterly exciting. ‘Oh my God, Oh my God’. She had to know more. She pushed open the double doors and crept into the corridor. She could hear shouting. She crept closer to the doorway. There was crying. Voices, talking. She crept closer and closer to the doorway. Ashley was shouting. What was going on? She inched closer still. The door was buckled. She glimpsed through the gap. She felt the colour and excitement drain from her. She completely deflated. Oh no, she thought. Is this real?


  As the lift climbed up through the building, Jack felt his blood moving about his body with more ease. The oxygen was flowing to his brain much quicker and faster than it had ever done before. Everything was becoming clearer. His thoughts were becoming more and more lucid. More vivid. Visions of the Canadian border filled his mind. Escape, escape, escape, and freedom. This was how he used to feel before a game. Alive, excited, ready for the fight, ready for the kill. But this was even better, this was illegal, and this was real. Whatever happened in the next ten minutes really mattered. His life was about to have an injection. He and Mia were going to do something that actually would change their lives one way or another. He couldn’t believe that just a few hours ago they were discussing something like this and now it was actually happening. What are the odds? Whatever happened, he knew that it would bring them even closer. He looked down at her. Her beautiful baby blues were shining out through the balaclava. Her red lips looked even more luscious through the mouth hole. He wanted to kiss them. Somehow, it suited her. He loved the way she rocked the criminal look. He was even more attracted to her like this. She gripped his hand. He felt her nerves. He squeezed her hand for reassurance. The lift opened.

  They foll
owed the pale-skinned youth down the hallway to door number two-zero-five. They stood outside it:

  “When we get inside, me and you,” the youth whispered and pointed to himself then Mia. “Aim the guns at his head. You tie him up with this.” He handed Zach some duct-tape.

  They all nodded. He put his ear against the door and listened.

  “He’s watching tele.”

  Zach put his ear against the door.

  “Yeah he’s watching that old classic Scarface, I think,” Zach whispered, and laughed, nervously, silently.

  “He thinks he is Scarface. I told you, he’s too comfortable, too sure of himself.”

  “I can hear talking,” Zach whispered.

  The man listened again.

  “Yeah he’s got his girlfriend with him,” he whispered.

  “Yeah that’s definitely a woman’s voice,” Zach concurred. “Sounds like he’s starting to get it on with her.”

  “Really,” Mia whispered, putting her ear against the door. She laughed into her hand. “It does. They must be alone.”

  “Perfect,” the youth whispered. “OK. Good. Just like I told you.” He paused.

  They all breathed deeply in unison, there were all trying to fill themselves with courage.

  “Are you ready?” He asked.

  “Yep,” Jack said.

  Adrenalin flushed through Jack's veins. He was ready. He was able. He was willing. He was finally being the man he was supposed to be. He stood back, breathed deeply, lifted his huge size thirteen boot, and kicked in the door. It immediately cracked and gave way under his strength. The youth and Mia rushed passed him:

  “Don’t fucking move,” the youth yelled. “Get your fucking hands up, or I’ll put a bullet in your head.”

  Their victim’s gingerly raised their hands. They all stood staring at each other. The dealer had been sitting on a black leather sofa with his back to the front door, and he was with his girlfriend. They had been watching a massive 100-inch tele. But now they were standing up facing the intruders, the sofa stood between the four of them and their victims. Jack glanced around the flat. Whoever said crime doesn’t pay was a moron. Marbled floor, modern décor, everything was pristine. It was even a few degrees cooler in here, and much less humid. Mia was aiming at the woman, and the youth was aiming at the dealer.

  “You,” the youth motioned towards Zach. “Put those chairs back to back.” He quickly flicked the gun over to point towards the chairs, then re-aimed it at the dealer.

  Zach rushed over to the breakfast bar and did as he was ordered.

  “Now very slowly…” the youth continued.

  The dealer began bending his knees almost imperceptibly, hands lowering.

  “Don’t even fucking think about it… Hands behind your head. Now. Thread your fingers… both of you… Good… Now come out where I can fucking see you…” He flicked the gun in the direction of the two chairs.

  They slowly started stepping out from behind the sofa.

  “Do you know who the fuck I am?” the dealer said calmly. “Do you have any idea who the fuck you’re messing with?”

  “Shut the fuck up,” the youth yelled.

  “You’re making a huge mistake.”

  “Shut the fuck up. I won’t tell you again.” He began pulling the hammer back on the gun. “Tie them up.”

  Zach grabbed the dealer’s arms and wrapped his hands together behind his back. He shoved the dealer into the chair and taped him to it. Then he wrapped the women up and tied the two of them together. The woman started crying.

  “Don’t worry baby, I’ll get us out of this.”

  “I told you to shut the fuck up,” the youth said rushing over and pistol-whipping the dealer.

  The dealer looked up at him, blood dripping from his eyebrow, there was a deep muted anger in his eyes. Sweat was rolling down his face. The youth tested the tape by tugging on it. He seemed happy. They were stuck tight.

  “Where’s the money?”

  “What money?” the dealer growled.

  “Don’t get smart with me…” the youth said lifting the gun for another whipping. “Where the fuck is it?”

  The dealer said nothing. The youth stood up straight.

  “Fine,” he pointed the gun at the woman and pulled back the hammer. “Where’s the money.”

  He tapped the woman’s head three times with the gun as he said the last three words. The woman started screaming and shaking trying to get free, “tell him, please tell him.”

  The dealer still said nothing. The youth started tapping her head even harder.

  “Kill her, I don’t fucking care.”

  She started shaking furiously and crying.

  “Gag her,” the youth ordered.

  Jack grabbed the tape from the floor, where Zach had dropped it. He was calm, he had found his peace. His heart rate was normal, he was finally living in the right frequency. He pulled open the tape and stuck a piece over her mouth, “be quiet, and you’ll be fine,” he told her with a tap on her head.

  “Give me your knife,” the youth snapped at Zach.

  Zach handed it over. The youth put it to the dealer’s throat.

  “Tell me where the money is?”

  The dealer said nothing. The youth pressed the knife against his throat harder, blood began dripping down from the blade. He pulled the knife away and showed the dealer his own blood on the knife.

  “You can either tell me and live or not tell me and die. You lose the money either way,” he quickly slammed the blade against the dealer’s throat again, just enough for him to feel the pressure.

  “It’s in the bedroom under the bed.”

  “You go get it,” the youth shouted at Zach.

  The youth handed the knife to Jack then walked over to the sofa.

  “Now what were you going for?” He crouched down, there was a ripping noise. He stood up holding a double-barrelled pump action shotgun. “Nice, very nice,” he said as he turned it over in his hands. “Clever having it taped under your coffee table,” he said looking up towards to the dealer. “Bet you wish you hadn’t jumped out your seat now.” He chuckled and checked to make sure the gun was loaded.

  He looked up grinning, shoved his hand-gun into his belt, and aimed the shotgun. Zach returned with a silver metal case.

  “The code?” the youth ran round to the dealer pushing the shotgun into his chest. “The code, now.”

  “Five, seven, two, one,” he spat.

  Zach opened the case. He started laughing, he pulled out a few bundles, most of them were £50s.

  “There’s gotta be at least a million and a half in here, just like he said, maybe more,” Zach said.

  “You better run,” the dealer said.

  “Tape his mouth,” the youth said walking towards Zach to see for himself.

  Jack obeyed.

  “All our troubles are over,” Zach was still laughing, staring at the money. The youth stood behind him, shotgun lowered, aiming at the floor.

  “Is that all of it,” the youth roared aiming the shotgun at the dealer again.

  At that moment there was a shrill scream from the broken door.


  They all spun around. The gun exploded in Mia’s hand.


  The explosion reverberated around the room and grew louder and louder deafening everyone. The seconds ticked away as if they were stuck in a vacuum. Ashley could almost see the air compressing against the trajectory of the bullet as it flew out of the gun and towards the girl. They watched on helpless as it smashed into the slender frame of Sadie. Her body crippled and flew backwards. For a moment her hands and feet seemed stuck in place, until her whole body fell to the floor, limp and lifeless. This was not supposed to happen. This was not part of the plan. Why was she here? How? The room fell into a silence none of them had ever heard before. No one moved, no one dared speak. The girl coughed.

  “Sadie,” Ashley rushed to her side, pulling off his balaclava.
  The dealer roared under the tape, what sounded like: ‘You’. Ashley ignored him. Ashley pulled up her T-shirt. There was so much blood pouring out of her. He pushed his balaclava onto the gaping wound and grabbed Sadie’s hand and smiled at her.

  The smaller man ran to her side as well. He dropped to his knees beside her, “Sadie, Oh my God, what the Hell are you doing here?”

  “What, you know her?” Ashley snapped looking at him.

  “What have we done, what have we done,” the man kept repeating over and over, rubbing his temples.

  The man was about to remove his mask, but the other man shouted: “Don’t,” he dropped his gloved hands to his side.

  “Ashley.” Sadie coughed.

  “Get her some water,” Ashley shouted.

  The man jumped up and rushed to the kitchen. Ashley held Sadie’s hand and brought his face closer to her face to hear her weak voice.

  “Yes, Sade’s.”

  “I came to the Estates looking for you,” she said, looking up at him intently.

  The smaller man came back and started dripping water into her mouth. She coughed violently. Blood was spewing out of her mouth now.

  “Stop it,” Ashley shouted and pushed the glass away.

  “Ashley, I had to meet you. I wanted to get you out of the Estate.”


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