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Private Melody

Page 8

by Altonya Washington

  “This is about Kianti,” Cube David guessed from his position at the opposite end of the rectangular table.

  “That’s right.” Therin nodded.

  “And if you’re here, that means she’s told you who he really is,” Winton Terry noted, glancing toward the man who sat next to him.

  Again, Therin nodded while looking toward Brody. “In light of that, I don’t see how any doctor worth a damn could allow his patient to self-medicate or in this case, not medicate.”

  Brody smiled, but waited until the server had set out milk for Cube and coffees for the rest, to the table. “If you know that, then you already know at least two other things about our lovely Kianti.” He dropped his elbows to the faux-wood-grained table. “She hates those pills with a passion and she’s not a woman who appreciates being told what she can’t do.”

  “To hell with that,” Therin growled, though he fully understood Brody’s words. “You’re her doctor. One she trusts enough to have travel with her.” He waved a hand across the table before laying it down. “You tell her there’s no wiggle room on that—take it or leave it.”

  The rest of the guys exchanged glances before joining in on a round of soft laughter.

  Khan tugged up the sleeves of his sweatshirt and cleared his throat over the remnants of his laughter. “You’ve obviously never tried to tell her what she can’t do.”

  Therin wasn’t amused. “This is her life we’re talkin’ about.”

  “Now hold on, man.” Cube pointed a finger in Therin’s direction. “Don’t mistake us. We care about Key’s welfare more than we do our own, but when it comes to this medical stuff…” He shrugged. “We take our cues from Bro. If he’s cool with lettin’ her do this, we’ve got to believe he knows she’ll come through it okay.”

  “Forgive me if I don’t share your certainty.” Therin massaged the bridge of his nose.

  “By my calculation you’ve only known her a little over a week.” Winton toyed with the rolled cuff of his sleeve. “Already such concern…”

  Therin’s smile emerged slowly. His light stare was dangerously probing as he regarded Winton. “What does that tell you?”

  Winton waited as their breakfast orders arrived. He glanced toward his colleagues then. “That tells me you’ve been charmed as totally and as easily as every other man who meets her.”

  Therin smiled, looking down at his platter, but didn’t dig in. “You’re chalking my concern up to momentary fascination,” he told Winton.

  “No man is momentarily fascinated with Key,” Khan said after washing down his food with a mouthful of juice.

  “She hasn’t had a serious relationship in a few years…that’s why,” Winton said. “Every man who meets her realizes she’s no momentary fascination. Unfortunately, that condition of hers rears its ugly head sooner or later and she has to choose between being happy and being alive.”

  “But dammit, that’s not a choice she has to make,” Therin snapped.

  “It’s not just about taking a pill,” Khan said. “It’s what the pills represent for her. She thinks of them as a badge of shame. She’s been tied to them her entire life. She’s a strong-willed person and to be…dependent on them is probably harder on her than the illness itself.”

  “Christ.” Therin pushed away his untouched plate, nodding toward Cube when he requested permission to dive in.

  For the next five minutes, Therin watched them passing salt and sharing food. He studied them each closely and eventually realization dawned.

  “You’re waiting her out, aren’t you?”

  “If it seems like a cop out, it is.” Brody spoke up then. “I’m not happy about it one damn bit, but to argue with her over it would aggravate things more than they already have been.” He bowed his head and massaged the area where his Afro tapered at the neck. “It terrifies me to think about her off of her medication.”

  The clatter of silverware and glasses slowly diminished as the rest of the guys stilled. Before now, none of them had heard Brody voice that particular concern.

  “I told her we’d be watching her like a hawk…if something happened, I’d insist on her forgetting this foolishness and begin her regimen again. I’m confident she’ll take them if she needs them. I have to be.”

  Therin cursed and buried his face in his hands as he inhaled deeply to cool his temper. The others seemed to lose their appetites as well.

  Khan was first to stand. “I’ll get the check. Catch you guys later. Mr. Rucker.” He nodded a goodbye.

  “Yeah, I’m outta here, too. Got some stuff to do.” Cube followed next. “Rucker,” he bid.

  “Good seeing you again, Rucker.” Winton extended a hand to shake.

  “Give us a minute, man,” Brody said when the waiter came to collect dishes. “Have you two slept together?” he asked once the young waiter had walked on.

  Therin propped a sneaker-shod foot to the chair Winton had vacated. Bracing a fist to his forehead, the resigned smile he gave was confirmation enough.

  “How was she when you left her?” Brody asked.

  A muscle danced along Therin’s jaw as it tightened. “She was sleeping, woke up before I left. Said she wanted to make me breakfast.” He smiled briefly on the memory.

  Brody picked at his bacon. “Did she tell you about her condition before or after you…?”


  “And I suppose you figured you could…keep yourself in check around her?”

  “The hell with you, doc.” Therin’s fist landed on the table. “I didn’t jump on her the second I met her. Hell, I didn’t even want to risk it—”

  “Exactly.” Brody straightened in his chair. “May I speak frankly?”

  Therin’s laughter drew a fair amount of attention. “Isn’t that what we’ve been doing?”

  Brody grinned. “Khan was right. What he said about not being able to tell her what to do. She’s got a way…an almost undetectable way of working things in her favor.”

  “That passion of hers?” Brody waited for Therin’s nod. “It’s evident in all she does. All, Mr. Ambassador.”

  The muscle began its wicked dance along Therin’s jaw again. “Are you speaking from experience, then?”

  “No. Not mine—others.” Brody ran his hand across the low afro. “Key’s last relationship was over three years ago. Things didn’t move nearly as fast there as they have with the two of you but they made progress. The first night they slept together, she wound up in the ER.”

  Therin went cold beneath his tan hoody.

  “Hmph. The guy could’ve used time in the ER himself—he looked ready to pass out.” Brody smiled. “I think he did when Cube got there.”

  “What kind of idiot do you think I am? You believe I’d intentionally overlook the risk and put her in danger?”

  Brody leaned forward, clasping his hands against the top of the table. “No. I don’t think that, and neither did her last two acquaintances—but it happened.” His voice softened. “What I’m saying is that in spite of best intentions, I don’t know a man alive who could take it slow and easy with a woman like that.”

  Therin’s words had failed then and he offered no argument.

  Brody regarded him for a moment before he stood. “I’d appreciate you not mentioning our chat with Kianti. She’d kill us slow if she knew we’d talked to you.”

  When silence met his request, Brody sighed and left the table.

  The waiter returned to clear the dishes, noticed the harsh look Therin wore and decided to return once the table was vacant.

  Therin stared unseeingly past the windows and wondered if it was too late to shut down emotion and back off from Kianti Lawrence. A host of responses filtered his brain—all of them telling him he was already hopelessly beyond the point of no return. He had never opened himself up to such a rush of emotion. In spite of the many women he’d known before, he’d never wanted to open himself up to such emotion. His fate was sealed, he knew it and he’d passed the point of caring.
  He felt the phone vibrate in his jean pocket and quickly checked to see if it was her. The sight of Vaughn’s name on the faceplate brought a frown to his face and he pushed the phone back into his pocket. He remained at the table for another half hour.

  Chapter 9

  The final phrase of the adagio silenced in the screened porch overlooking the sea. Kianti kept her second Baby Grand there and used that area for creating the bulk of her original pieces. After Therin’s sudden departure earlier that morning, she’d showered and headed out to the porch to…test herself.

  The fact that her activities with Therin Rucker hadn’t kept her passed out in bed for the remainder of the day gave her hope that change might be on the horizon. She spent the next two hours working at the piano and felt stronger instead of exhausted.

  When the rush of ocean waves filled the area with sound, Kianti closed her eyes and wondered if she was lying to herself. To prove or rather disprove it, she set out to focus—attempting to lock in on any sign of weakness or overexertion. She felt nothing negative and prayed the lilt of excitement beneath her breast would be the first of many.

  She wouldn’t push it, she promised herself and scanned the row of piano keys beneath her fingertips. Hmph, she thought. It’d be damned impossible to keep that vow, especially now.

  She’d never done anything so bold as to go without the medication she’d taken since childhood. The possibility of success looming near was something she wanted to eagerly embrace instead of approach with caution.

  The touch of fingers between her shoulder blades, left bare by the low back of the mosaic-print lounge robe, stirred another excited lilt below her breast. The incredible cologne Therin wore drifted past her nose and set her mind on memories of their erotic evening together.

  “Play something for me,” he asked, settling next to her on the long gray cushioned bench.

  After a moment’s thought to the piece she wanted, Kianti obliged. Her performance was admirable considering her true focus rested on what his hands and mouth were doing to her. They moved slowly, but with a definite purpose as his fingers strummed their own tune along her spine. One hand circled her waist in search of a front opening to the robe.

  Kianti gave herself up to the sensation of the moment. Closing her eyes, she allowed it to overwhelm her.

  “Keep playing for me,” he taunted when her fingers fumbled over the keys.

  Mercilessly, he caressed her to distraction. Kianti’s fingers faltered more as the piece neared closing. She gave in to the need swelling within her. Therin was weighing a breast while his thumb brushed the nipple with a touch so light it may have been imagined. She practically sizzled beneath it. Her head fell back against his shoulder as the notes silenced.

  “Don’t stop…” she urged when his touch traveled her thighs—higher until he was stroking her with a rich intensity that had her arching shamelessly against him. “Mmm…” She bit her lip on the sensation his middle finger evoked as it rotated deep inside her.

  Therin nibbled her earlobe then and subjected her to a triple caress that had her turning into his arms moments later. Without effort, he scooped her petite form across his lap. He made her straddle him as he kissed her. Kianti locked her arms about his neck and drove her tongue hungrily against his. She shivered again feeling the air touch her bare skin when he tugged the robe from her shoulders.

  The scene there on the sun-drenched porch lasted several seductive moments before Therin took her up with him and on to the bedroom.

  “Hurry…” she moaned once he had her on the bed and was slowly peeling away the rest of the robe.

  Therin ignored the order, preferring to take his time completing the task. He brushed his mouth across every part of her body he bared to his brilliant stare.

  Kianti did her best to free him of his clothes. Difficult, considering every part of her was weakened by his attention. Eventually though, Therin was definitely as affected as she was. Raising above her, he practically ripped the hoody and undershirt from his back. Meanwhile, Kianti took care of his belt and jean unfastening.

  “Hell…” Therin remembered and jerked open the nightstand drawer for a condom. As he searched for what he wanted, Kianti nibbled the angle of his jaw and cupped his sex.

  Then it was Therin who had become weak. He groaned and settled his handsome face in the crook of her neck to savor the feel of her hand moving up and down his length. Kianti took care of slipping the condom in place, an act which aroused him even more.

  Split seconds later, he was inside her and squeezing his eyes shut tightly as he mentally chanted the phrase—slowly… Again, he buried his face in her neck and tried to follow the order.

  Kianti made another helpless sound of need and tried to push Therin to his back. He wouldn’t allow it.

  “I want to be on top.” Weakly, she pounded her fists against his flexing pecs. “Please let me ride you.”

  “Please shut up,” he groaned just as his tongue filled her mouth and he lost the ability to restrain himself.

  He drew her leg across his shoulder. The added penetration was enough to silence Kianti as far as it related to issuing any demands.

  Therin felt his concern ebb when the rapid thudding of her heart began to slow.

  “What was that you played for me out there?” He kissed the top of her untidy head.

  “‘Stolen Moment,’” she said following a second’s hesitation, and focused in on her thumbnail grazing his collarbone.

  “Is it yours?”

  “I actually just wrote it—since we met.”

  Therin heard her sigh and he frowned. He cupped her chin until she looked up at him. “What?”

  “Nothing.” She took advantage of the moment to straddle him.

  He took her wrists and squeezed. “What?”

  Lying down atop him, she snuggled close. “That’s what this feels like—a stolen moment. Like we’re taking something we have no right to. With all of our responsibilities, my health issues, which have always made me feel that love and passion weren’t for me… Sometimes I feel like it could all be taken back.” She forced a laugh when he kissed her head again. “I hope I haven’t scared you by telling you that?”

  “Not a bit.” Silently, he admitted that her words mirrored his feelings to a T.

  “Therin?” She hesitated and smiled when he jostled her slightly to urge her to continue. “I think this is something I’d fight like hell to keep for as long as I can.” She scooted up to meet his kiss when he tugged.

  Kianti shook her head while scrolling down through her PDA. “Can’t believe I forgot this… A group at this club has a vocal trio out of New Jersey performing with them tonight.” She turned to fix Therin with apology in her tilting gaze. “They asked me months ago to sit in on piano.”

  Therin was already grinning as he watched her from the armchair he occupied. “It’s not a problem. I like Scottie’s. You don’t mind if I tag along, do you?”

  Kianti let the PDA hang limp in her hand. “Scottie’s?”

  “Unless your drummer friend would mind if you bring a guest along.” He winked and pushed out of the chair.

  Kianti leaned back on her dresser. “How did you—?”

  “I didn’t catch his name when I was there before.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Therin shrugged. “Well, I had them send you a drink. What’d they give you, by the way?”

  Kianti slapped his bare shoulder when he leaned next to her against then dresser. “Why didn’t you come and say hello to me?”

  “I was debating.”


  He bowed his head. “Whether to tell you I was there, ’specially after I saw you with your friend.”


  Therin’s sleek brows rose. “You guys seemed pretty close.”

  Kianti nudged his shoulder. “Are you jealous?”

  “Should I be?”

  “No.” She laughed.

  “Does your boy
Shelton know that?”

  It was Kianti’s turn to shrug then. “I guess so.” She smiled when he fingered the strap that had slid from her shoulder when she shrugged. “We’ve known each other a long time. Most we’ve ever talked about at length is our passion—music.” She folded her arms across the bodice of the lilac lounge dress she wore. “He’s one of the musicians I’m working with on the school I told you about.”

  “I remember.” Therin let his eyes trail her bare skin in a blatantly lurid manner. “I’ll bet he really enjoys those conversations.”

  Kianti threw her head back and laughed. “You’re crazy! Besides, there’s no chance for a love affair with my drummer friend anyway.”

  “Because he’s gay?” Therin’s tone was hopeful.

  She smirked. “Because of you.”


  Her gaze faltered. “You’ve got a little something to do with it.”

  “A little something?” he challenged, bringing his mouth to her ear and beginning a soft nibble of the silky skin beneath it. Kianti tilted her head, offering his mouth more room to roam.

  In one smooth, effortless move, Therin clutched her waist and pulled her from the dresser. Keeping her captive between his thighs, he cupped his hands around her neck and propped his thumbs beneath her jaw to bring her chin up for his kiss.

  A shuddery moan lilted from deep in her throat when his tongue enticed hers to a wet, passionate romp. Kianti linked her arms about his neck and brushed her firming nipples against his chest.

  Therin squeezed her hips, bringing her closer to the part of him that was hung low and hard for her.

  Kianti felt the proof of desire below his sleep pants and knew there would be no going anywhere except to bed if she didn’t resist…or at least try to.

  “I’ve got to get in the shower now if I intend to get to the club at a decent time.” She groaned when he ignored her and brought his hands round to cup and fondle her breasts. “You’re welcome to share it with me….”

  Therin looked at her then as though she had lost her mind. “Do you really intend to keep this date?” he asked, joining in when she laughed.


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