Londyn Falls

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Londyn Falls Page 31

by Jennifer Domenico

  “I want you in my life, every part of it. Not just work. I want you here and I want you to meet my family. I want to take you to see Sara and I want Clara to know that you helped me.”

  “I’m here.”

  “I know.”

  We sit silently for several minutes. Finally, Luca stands and gets a fire going whilst I curl up on his sofa. Pulling a blanket from the hall closet, he sets it down on the floor in front of the fireplace and motions for me to join him.

  “Thank you so much, Londyn. For everything, but mostly for being you.”

  “Thank you for making me feel special.”

  “For as long as you’ll have me that’s what I’ll do.” He pulls me gently down with him. “I want to make love to you again.”

  I nod my head, knowing my poor body can barely take anymore, but wanting this connection between us more than anything.

  “This time I will be gentle. You must be getting sore by now,” Luca says.

  “Yes, a little, but I want you very much.”


  I lie back as Luca explores my body with his hands and mouth. I allow myself to close my eyes and grasp the magnitude of what has transpired between us since yesterday. Luca is in love with me. Me. Londyn Harper. Plain Jane from Essex. It’s almost unbelievable, but here I am, with the most phenomenal man I’ve ever met, showering my body in kisses. I hold him close as he enters me once again and tears of happiness slide down my cheeks.

  “Luca,” I whisper softly. He’s been lying in my arms sound asleep for the last hour and as much as I don’t want to, I need to go home and prepare for the work week ahead.

  Luca looks up at me and smiles, and then kisses my chin. “I’m awake.”

  “I should go.”

  He frowns and shifts in my arms. “I know I can’t keep you here indefinitely, but I am not ready for you to go.”

  “I’ll come back. You know that.”

  “Yes, I know. It’s selfish of me to keep you. I’ve barely let you sleep the last two days.”

  “Not selfish at all and I’ve had plenty of sleep. It’s just that we go back to work tomorrow.”

  “Yes.” Luca sits up and smiles. “I’m excited to see what working with you is like now that I’m not a pent up ball of sexual and romantic tension anymore.”

  I laugh. “You sure know how to hide your feelings. I hadn’t the slightest idea you felt that way about me.”

  “Do you write about me, Londyn? In your boodle.”


  “Were your daydreams about me?”

  “And my night dreams as well.”

  “I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to tell you how I feel. It’s an amazing feeling to tell you that I love you and to hear you return the sentiment.”

  “On that we agree.”

  Luca sighs and stands up. He extends his hand to me. I take it and we walk back to his bedroom where my discarded clothes have laid for two days. Luca looks out his bedroom window.

  “It’s snowing now. Why don’t you wear something of mine home? I don’t want you to be cold. I have a sweater and some sweatpants you can wear.”


  He pulls my naked body into his and holds me tight. “How many days will it be until I get to hold you again? Until our lips touch, until I taste your sweetness. How many, Londyn?”

  “Just a couple. I need a few days to recover,” I say, smiling. “You are, however, welcome to kiss me whenever you wish.”

  “Which will be a constant desire. I will have to exercise some self-control in your presence.”

  “You are very flattering towards me, Luca.”

  “You are most deserving, my sweet angel.”

  He opens his bureau and pulls out a pair of sweatpants. I put them on as he selects a sweater from his closet. I pull it over my naked skin and rub the soft fabric against me. Stepping into his bathroom, I spray myself with his cologne that sits on the counter. I just want to smell him a little bit longer.

  When I come out, he is dressed and sitting on the edge of his bed, holding my folded clothes in his hands. He smiles at me and it’s the best smile I’ve ever seen from him.

  “Ready?” he asks.

  “I am.”

  I walk towards him and he pulls me to him, kissing me deeply. If he continues to kiss me like this, I won’t be able to leave.

  “Let’s go,” he says, after leaving me breathless.

  I nod and we head out to his car after I gather my things and my coat. Luca focuses on his drive, saying very little to me. I do wonder what is going through his mind right about now. I pray there is not one ounce of regret. We pull up in front of my place and sit for a moment. Luca takes my hand in his and rubs it softly.

  “Thank you for spending the weekend with me,” he says. “I enjoyed every moment of it and I wait impatiently for when we can do it again.”

  “No regrets?” I ask bravely.

  “Only that I didn’t do this sooner.” He leans forward and kisses my lips, sweetly, at first. Then he pulls me closer and kisses me so hard, I feel a bit faint.

  “I love you, angel.”

  “I love you too, Luca.”

  “Sleep well.”

  “I will. Drive safely home.”

  “I will.”

  I make no attempt to leave, knowing that as soon as I do, this magical weekend is over.

  “I’ll take you back with me, my love,” Luca says.

  “God, I want to. I mustn’t though.”

  “The day will come when you’ll never leave me. We’ll spend every day of our lives together. I can’t imagine there will ever be a time that I don’t love you as much as I do right now.”

  I stroke the hair on his face, noting its intense softness. Luca’s eyes fill with tears, which tugs at my heart. I am bordering on speechlessness.

  “Luca, my love,” I whisper and kiss his lips. “My sweet, beautiful man, I adore you. I intend to spend my days making you feel safe and loved by me.”

  “Mission accomplished.”

  We kiss one last time and I force myself from the car. I walk up my stairs slowly, the light snow falling over me. A snowflake lands on my lashes and I blink it away. I turn and look back to wave and Luca blows me a kiss.

  Now inside my flat, I feel as though I am in a dream. I take a quick shower and put Luca’s clothes back on. This was, by far, the most incredible two days of my life. I scribble away in my boodle and end my entry with my final thought as I hear the front door open and Madeleine come in.

  Note to self: The term Professor Sexy Pants doesn’t even begin to do him justice.

  My phone vibrates with a text from Luca.

  Luca: I’m home.

  Me: I’m thankful for that. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

  Luca: The feeling is mutual. I love you. Goodnight, Angel.

  Me: I love you too. Goodnight.

  Madeleine charges into my room and plops on my bed. “Spill it, Harper. All the juicy details.”

  I laugh. “Oh Maddie, you simply won’t believe it.”

  THAT HAD TO BE one of the most incredible weekends I’ve ever had. When I sit and think about it, the magnitude of what happened hits me. I turn on my shower and put out my clothes for tomorrow. How I am going to keep my hands off of her at work, I don’t know.

  After my shower, I lie in bed, already missing my sweet angel. I do believe she was sent to me. Perhaps Sara does want me to be happy after all these years of misery.

  Rolling over, I close my eyes and try to sleep, but I can’t get the memory of Londyn’s sweet face out of my head.

  “I’m scared. I’m sorry…so sorry. I will. I promise.”

  I shoot straight up, breathing hard, my own voice shaking me awake. Looking around, I realize I am in my own house in my bed and the sun has just started to come up. I run my fingers through my hair and release a heavy sigh. That dream was so real. It took me a moment to understand that it wasn’t. I sit for a moment, remembering what happened. My
own words come back to me. I promise. I have to tell Londyn.

  I climb out of bed and head to the kitchen for coffee. My head is still reeling from the dream. I drink my coffee then prepare for the day. Looking down at my watch, I realize in just about an hour I will get to see her again. I cannot wait.

  I bundle up and get my bag. It’s a cold Boston day, but my heart is filled with warmth. I walk briskly to campus and wait for Londyn to arrive.

  “Good morning, Luca,” Londyn says as she walks in, a huge smile across her pretty features.

  “Hi.” I walk across the room and shut the door. “Please sit. I have something to tell you.”

  “Okay. Are you alright?”

  “Yes, perfect.”

  Londyn removes her coat and sits down. My thoughts are momentarily distracted by her appearance. When she left on Friday, she looked like a sweet, innocent girl. Today, she looks like a mature, sexy, very adult woman. In spite of the cold, she still wears a dress. I realize it wouldn’t be difficult to lift it up and taste of her once more.

  “What’s on your mind?” she asks, pulling me back from my indecent thoughts.

  “I had a dream last night I want to tell you about.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “It was about Sara. It was the strangest thing. She sat at the end of my bed and chatted with me for several minutes. She looked exactly the same as she did the day she died, same clothes and everything.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said that she was happy for me and that it made her sad watching me be so lonely and guilty all these years. It hurt her that I blamed myself and Nico for what happened. She said she always hoped I would find someone who could love me completely and that she knew it would be you.” I look up at Londyn, who dabs tears from her eyes with a tissue.

  “She said that I needed to let her go and put the past behind me.” My voice starts to break. “All she ever wanted for me was happiness and I have a chance to have that. She said no matter what, I should never let you go. She told me that this was the last time I would see her because even though she loved me, I needed to make room in my heart for you. She even said your name.”

  Tears stream down Londyn’s face, shocking me.

  “What’s the matter? Have I upset you?”

  “No,” she shakes her head. “Not at all. Luca, it wasn’t a dream. She came to you. She visited you. Don’t you see?”

  “Came to me?”

  “I believe she did. She wants you to be happy so much she had to tell you herself.”

  “You believe that can happen?”

  “I do, yes.”

  I stand and pace the office. “Saturday was the first night since she died that I didn’t see her face as soon as I went to sleep. I saw yours.”

  Londyn continues crying as my words sink in for both of us. “I was sure it was a dream, but when I woke up this morning, it was so real.”

  “It’s so sweet. She must have loved you dearly.” Londyn takes a tissue and wipes her nose. “Did you say anything to her?”

  “I did. I said I was sorry and that I wanted to move on, but it was hard. I told her that I was afraid loving someone else would make me forget her.”

  “What did she say?”

  “That she would always have a place in my heart, the way first loves do. She can’t offer her forgiveness because she never blamed me. All she wants for me is happiness.”

  “That is wonderful, Luca.”

  “It is.” I turn and look out the window for a moment then turn back to Londyn. “She gave me her blessing and just before she left she told me one last thing.”


  “She told me you would never leave me and that if I let you in, ours would be an epic love story. Her last words to me were ‘let her in.’ I promised her I would and then she was gone.”

  Londyn gasps. “Don’t you remember? You wrote those words in your book. Let her in. You wrote Sara’s words.”

  I realize it’s true. “Yes.” I shake my head. “This is incredible.”

  In telling her the story, it sinks in to me that I believe Londyn is right. That wasn’t a dream. Sara was there and she gave me her blessing. She released me.

  Emotion clogs my throat and all I want is Londyn in my arms. I don’t care that we are at work. I walk to her, pull her from her chair, and hold her. We kiss and I feel my heart merge with hers. I move away just far enough so I can see her face.

  “I love you so much, Londyn. Now more than ever, I realize we were meant to be. This isn’t a coincidence or a passing fling. This is forever.”

  “Forever,” she whispers before I kiss her again.

  A knock on the door startles both of us and I move swiftly away from her. Glancing at her before I open the door, I watch as she runs her fingers through her hair and wipes her nose. Then I open the door to see Ella.

  “Good morning, Professor. Is Londyn in yet?”

  “Yes, she’s here.” I hope my voice sounded normal and composed.

  Londyn walks around the corner. “Hi, Ella.”

  I almost laugh at how calm she sounds after what just took place.

  “Hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Ella says. “Your nose is so red. Are you alright?”

  “Oh yes, just fine. I was just getting in. What’s up?”

  “I wondered what you were doing for lunch. Dixon is on vacation today visiting some family.”

  Londyn starts to speak, but I interrupt. “I hate to ruin any potential plans, but remember that project I asked you to do? We have the planning meeting at lunch today and just a couple of weeks left of the term.” I am completely lying, but there is no way I’m giving her up this soon. I know I will have to let some normalcy return and that I can’t hoard her time, but today is mine.

  “Oh, yes,” Londyn says. “I almost forgot.” She turns back to Ella. “Sorry, I won’t be able to today. Duty calls.”

  “That’s cool. I have some work I could do, too and I could use the overtime. Just thought I’d ask.”

  “I hope we can catch up soon,” Londyn says.

  “Yeah, me too. Have a good day.” Ella waves and disappears down the hall.

  Before Londyn even has a chance to sit down, I’ve closed the door and am at her desk. She looks up at me with those blue-green eyes of hers and smiles.

  “Thank you for telling me about Sara,” she says as she sits.

  “Thank you for making me want to.”

  I kneel down and run my hands up her thighs and her breath catches.

  “Luca, you can’t do anything here.”

  “I know.” Leaning forward, I kiss her neck and push her dress up just a bit. “I want to see your panties.”

  She grins. “I’m not wearing any, only tights.”

  “Fuck,” I sigh. “That’s so sexy.”

  She pushes me back, playfully. “Go to your corner. There is plenty of time for love making later.”


  “Not today. You said you would be delighted to know how sore I am when I sit. Well, I hope you are happy now.” Londyn laughs and I do too.

  “Beyond happy. My whole world is changed because of you. I suddenly look forward to my future. Our future.”

  “As do I, Luca.”

  I stand and go back to my desk, but not before adjusting the very obvious erection I have. She reaches out and brushes her hand against it and smiles. I force myself to get away from her before I push her against the wall and slam my cock into her.

  “You have a meeting at ten this morning. I’ll print out the agenda for you,” Londyn says, reverting to all business. “Then you have a meeting with Professors Lance and Hernandez to talk about the summer abroad curriculum. You have three student meetings this afternoon for twenty minutes each.” She stands and smiles. “I’ll go get us both a cup of tea.”

  “With a bit of honey.”

  “But of course.”


  She turns back and looks at me with t
hat gorgeous woman-child look she gets.

  “You are everything I’ve ever dreamed of.”

  “Dreams can come true.”

  She turns and leaves and I sit back in my chair. Sara visited me? I know I need to take her words to heart and I want to. I want to let Londyn in. I want to make her happy and make her feel loved. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

  Londyn Harper is going to be my wife someday.

  I AM REELING FROM MY conversation with Luca. His dead girlfriend visited him and gave her blessing? This is huge. Monumentally huge.

  I prepare two cups of tea and wait for the water to heat up. I can’t even think straight. I have no idea what he has planned for lunch since that wasn’t previously discussed. He obviously just didn’t want me with Ella. Maybe there is a hidden place somewhere in this large campus for a stolen moment of passion. I giggle at the thought.

  “What’s funny?” Ella says from behind me.

  “Many things. How was your weekend?”

  “It was okay. I didn’t get to see Dixon so it was sort of boring. You?”

  “Boring as well,” I lie.

  “So, he’s got you working through lunches now, too?”

  “Yes. He’s trusting me with more and more responsibility now. I even graded some quizzes for him.”

  “Oh, that’s cool. A good sign that you are sticking around.”

  “Yes. Things are going well for you here?”

  “Oh, yeah. Professor Lance is awesome. I get a little bored sometimes, though. I actually told her I would like to sit in some classes with her. We’re going to start that next term.”

  “That should be interesting. Do you speak French?”

  “Yeah. I think it will be fun. She’s pretty cool.”

  “She seems to be.”

  “I’m glad things are working out well for you and Di Roma.” Ella leans against the counter. “Hey, so, I should probably tell you. There is a little rumor going around.”


  “You and your boss.”

  “In what way?”

  “Well, word on the street is that everyone thinks…” she pauses and looks at the floor.


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