Book Read Free

Londyn Falls

Page 38

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Yes. I respectfully ask for your blessing and I’d like to speak to your father, if I may.”

  “My blessing?”

  “Yes. I wish to marry your sister.”

  Devon sits back in his chair and rubs his forehead. “This seems very fast. Does Londyn share your affection?”


  “How long has this been going on?”

  “We started as friends and it built from there. We’ve only been romantically involved since right after Thanksgiving.”

  “I see. Well, Londyn is a grown woman. Why do you need my blessing?”

  “You’re her brother and her only family in America. You’re obviously close. I think it’s important and proper to have her family’s support.”

  “You’re going to ask my father for her hand?”


  “Well, Professor, I must say, I’m quite shocked. I sensed a deep affection between you when you stopped by during the holiday, but I didn’t anticipate it would be this. All I want for Londyn is happiness. She deserves a man who will put her first in his life and value her for the person she is.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. Londyn has changed my entire life. She is everything to me.”

  Devon studies me for a moment before offering his hand to me. I shake it.

  “Your feelings are obviously genuine. If it is what Londyn wants, then it is what I want, too. You have my wholehearted support.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Harper.”

  “Call me Devon. After all, it sounds like we’ll be family soon.”

  “How do you think your father will react?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. He is a stoic man, not always prone to demonstrate emotion. He was impressed with you after chatting a bit. I think as long as you express your intention as you did with me he will understand how you feel about her. Asking him will certainly earn points. You are a true gentleman, Professor.”

  “Luca. After all, we’re almost family.” I smile. Standing, I shake his hand once more. “I’d appreciate your discretion in this matter. I’ve spoken with the dean, but it’s not exactly public knowledge. And I haven’t told Londyn that I’m speaking with her family yet.”

  “I will wait until Londyn announces her news.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Please take care of her. She’s a sweet, trusting soul. I never want her to lose that.”

  “I promise.”

  Walking away, I stare at the paper with Londyn’s father’s number on it. It’s evening in London. If I’m going to make this call today, I need to do it soon. I walk back to my office planning what I’m going to say. After that, I can look forward to my evening with the love of my life.

  I WAIT FOR LUCA RESTLESSLY as I pace the front room of my flat. One day without seeing him and I’ve practically gone mad. I’m happy I took his advice and spent the day doing girl things with Madeleine. It kept me pleasantly distracted. Now, she’s sound asleep on the couch and I’m waiting for my love to show up. I look back at my packed bag and smile. I boldly packed several outfits, my favorite teacup, a package of proper British tea, and my boodle. I hope to spend most of my free time wrapped in Luca’s arms. I hear a knock at the door and rush excitedly to answer it. Luca stands before me, smiling big, and holding a bouquet of fresh flowers.

  “Hello, angel. I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too. Are those for me?”

  “No.” He steps inside and kisses my cheek. “They’re for Madeleine.”

  “I’m sorry? You’re buying my friend flowers?”

  “Yes. Read the card.” He hands it to me and I open the tiny envelope. As I read the words, a smile spreads across my face.

  “Oh, Luca. That is so sweet of you. She doesn’t mind that you take all my time. She’s happy for us.”

  “I’m sure she is, but I felt I should address it since I plan to take so much more. I hope that soon, you will live in my house exclusively.”

  I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. “You are wonderful,” I whisper.

  “Inspired by you.” Luca glances over at the sleeping Madeleine. “Rough day?”

  “Long day. We shopped like we won the lottery. It was actually quite fun.”

  “Do you have new purchases to show me?”

  “Perhaps,” I reply, grinning.

  “Ah, you’re still a coy little thing sometimes.”

  “Maintaining a touch of mystery is good.”

  “Well, you definitely have my interest.” He walks over and sets the flowers on the coffee table in front of the couch. “Shall we go?”


  Luca takes my bag and smiles. “I’m glad you packed a bag. It means you’re staying awhile.”

  “Yes, I am. As long as you want me there.” I step out into the foyer as Luca follows. I shut and lock the door and when I turn, Luca is standing very close to me. He lifts my chin gently and gazes into my eyes.

  “I never want you to leave. You know that.”

  “I do know that. I may have to leave a few times before it’s permanent.”

  “I know.” He takes my hand as we walk downstairs. “I had a productive day. Now that you’re in it, it’s complete.”

  “You’re very sweet to me. What are the plans for the evening?”

  “I’m going to feed you, then make love to you, then we’ll talk a bit, then I’ll make love to you again. When you can’t take anymore, I’ll hold you in my arms while you fall asleep. Then I’ll try not to stare at you and when I can’t keep my eyes open anymore, I’ll dream of you.”

  I look up at him and smile. “Could you possibly be any more romantic?”

  “Yes, I can be. Just you wait and see.”

  “Now you are being mysterious.”

  “It will all be worth it.”

  “I have no doubt.”

  We step outside and Luca holds the car door open for me as I slide in the passenger seat.

  “May I make an observation?” I ask.

  “Of course.”

  “Well, I imagine that you are well paid for your position at Harvard, and of course the books and speaking engagements.”

  “I am.”

  “You have a beautiful home and your clothing is exquisite. The art around your home is obviously high end and you have impeccable taste.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So, I can’t understand why you have such a humble car. It seems you would want something expensive and European to match the rest of you.”

  Luca glances at me as he puts the car into drive and pulls out onto the street.

  “That’s an astute observation.” He reaches over and rubs my hand briefly. “I love luxury cars as much as the next guy, but the one thing I’ve never wanted is to be flashy. Now that you know my past, I’m sure you can understand how it was difficult for me to accept my good fortune. I didn’t feel I deserved nice things for a long time. Slowly, I’ve learned to enjoy the finer things, but I still try to keep my outward lifestyle rather low-key. My house is the same as everyone else’s from the outside. My car is simple.”

  “Your girlfriend is simple.”

  “Oh, there you go again, downplaying your beauty. I don’t like it when you say things like that about yourself. There is nothing simple about you. You are the most exquisite part of my life and I want you to believe that too.”

  “I’m not good at that. I’ve always felt a little plain. I’ve never liked makeup much and I’ve been far more interested in literature than Louboutin.”

  “Ah, but you know what those are. You would look amazing in them, I bet.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Why don’t we find out? You’ll need a formal gown for Angela’s party.”


  “Yes. She goes all out every Christmas.” He glances over at me. “I imagine this will be the first time I truly enjoy myself, knowing I will have such a beautiful woman on my arm.”

  “You flatter me

  “It’s true and I won’t let up on you until you realize it.”

  I stare out the window as I think about what he’s said. Somewhere inside of me, I know I must be somewhat attractive to get his attention. Luca is a stunning man and he chose me. The insecure part of me believes he is attracted to my mind and simply tolerates the rest of me. I decide right here and now I will work on these deficient feelings of mine. He deserves a confident woman.

  “I’m trying, Luca.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you happy winter break has started?”

  “I am now. Normally, I dread the breaks. My work was the only thing all these years that kept the darkness away. When I couldn’t work, I wrote, which was essentially the same distraction.”

  “I hope you will continue to write the book you showed me.”

  “Definitely. I have even more inspiration now.” Luca pulls into his driveway. “Do you like it here, Londyn? Could you live in this house with me?”

  “I love it here. It feels like home. It has since the first day I stepped inside.”

  “It doesn’t bother you that you didn’t choose it with me?”

  “Not at all.”

  “I wondered if you’d be happy here.”

  “I am. It’s a lovely home and frankly, I’d be happy wherever we lived as long as we were together.”

  “Sometimes I feel like it was haunted for years by Sara.”

  “Had she ever been here?”

  “Oh, no. I didn’t own this back then.”

  “She didn’t haunt it. She was in your mind and your heart. That’s not the same thing.”

  “No, I suppose not. We should go inside. It’s cold out.”

  “I agree.” Luca walks in front of me and is acting very excited. “What are you up to?”

  “A surprise.” He opens the door and lets me step in past him. I gasp when I see the scene laid out in front of me.

  Looking back at him, I cover my mouth.

  “Are you pleased?” he asks.

  “How could I not be?” I reply, breathlessly. In the sitting room, a roaring fire is burning and a large blanket is spread in front of it. On it sit two dinner plates and wine glasses. Two candles sit in the middle on a small tray. Classical music plays softly in the background. I’m surprised when a woman enters the room from the kitchen, smiling at me.

  “May I take your coat, Miss Harper?” the woman asks.

  “Sure.” She helps me out of my coat as Luca removes his. Taking my hand, he leads me to the sitting room and we sit down.

  “I’ll be right back,” the woman announces.

  “Thank you, Ellen,” Luca says.

  “Who is that?” I whisper.

  “My helper for the evening. I wanted all my attention focused on the two of us.”


  Ellen returns moments later with dinner and sits the platter between us. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me, Luca.”

  “Thank you.” Luca pours two glasses of wine and hands me one. He raises his glass and I join him. “Londyn Harper, thank you for coming into my life and being who you are. I can’t imagine going back to the way things were before.” He clinks my glass and we both take a sip.

  I watch as he serves each of us. Everything is so romantic and beautiful, I feel as if I’m in a dream, but I know I’m not. This is real. I stopped dreaming the moment Luca first kissed me.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Just how wonderful all of this is.”

  “I have more.”

  “It isn’t possible.”

  “Oh, but it is. I assure you.”

  A tear rolls down my cheek suddenly and I wipe it away.

  “Why do you cry?”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve never been as emotional as I have been lately.” I take a deep breath. “I’m just so happy and astonished and blessed. I am so lucky.”

  Luca moves closer and pulls me into his arms, kissing the top of my head. “We are both blessed. It’s okay to be emotional. I was today.”

  I look up at him. “Why?”

  He pulls me upright and brushes away my tears with his thumbs. “After I spoke to your father.”

  I gasp. “You spoke to him?”

  “I did. After I met with Devon.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It was very important to me that I had your family’s support and blessing. I wanted them to hear directly from me how I feel about you and what my intentions are.”

  “I haven’t told them anything about our relationship.”

  “Yes,” Luca smiles. “I know that now.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I told them both that I loved you and I wanted them to know that I would take care of you. I told them that you mean the world to me and they can trust me with your heart.”

  More tears fall as I listen to his sweet, romantic words. “How did my father react?”

  “He admitted he was surprised, but he said he could tell you were fond of me and if it is what you want then he supports it. Devon said the same thing.”

  Shaking my head, I wipe my face. “I can’t believe you did all that.”


  “It’s so old fashioned and…”



  “It matters to me that we do this the right way. My entire hesitation in getting involved with you in the first place was making sure it was right. First and foremost, I never wanted to hurt you.” He takes my hand in his. “I meant everything I said to your family. You are my everything. I love you and I will protect your heart until my last breath.”

  “Which I pray is a hundred years from now,” I say, repeating his earlier words to me.

  “You’ve given me a reason to live again, truly live, and I won’t take another moment for granted.”

  “I love you, Luca.”

  “Like a library?”

  I finally laugh. “Like a huge, historic library.”

  “I’m a lucky man.”

  I look down at our untouched dinner. “It’s getting cold.”

  “Let’s finish eating then I’ll tell Ellen she can leave so I can make love to you all over this house in privacy.” Luca kisses my hand.

  “I couldn’t ask for a better evening.”

  “Hello?” Madeleine answers her phone with a sleepy voice.

  “Maddie, it’s me.”

  “What’s up? What time is it?”

  “Ten. I need to go shopping.”

  “Need to? Okay, what have you done with my Londyn?”

  I laugh. “It’s me, I swear. I need a proper ball gown and shoes.”


  “A Christmas party.”

  “Really? How fun!”

  “I know. I have nothing suitable and Luca says it’s very fancy. Will you help me?”

  “Does a fat kid like cake?”

  Laughing I reply, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “You bet. What time?”

  “Luca will drop me off in an hour.”

  “Are you going back there tonight?”

  “Yes. Tonight is your date with Dev?”

  “Yes. Oh, Londyn, I’m so nervous.”

  “Don’t be, Maddie. Just be yourself. He’ll love you as I do.”

  “I do hope so.”

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay. I’ll get ready.”

  I finish my call just as Luca enters the room with a cup of steaming tea.

  “Everything alright?” he asks.

  “Yes. Maddie is going on a date with Devon tonight. Their first ever.”

  “You don’t say?”

  “She finally asked him out after all these years. I hope it works out for them.”

  “It wouldn’t bother you? Your best friend and your brother?”

  “Not in the slightest. I love them both dearly and I would love to see them together.”

  “Do they have much in common?” he a
sks, as he sits on the bed next to me.

  “Not that I can tell, but they do seem to have a connection. Two people don’t always have to be as similar as we are to find love.”

  “No, indeed not.”

  I sip my tea. “It will be fun to shop today. I want to find something beautiful and worthy of you.”

  Luca leans forward and kisses my bare shoulder. “You are worthy as you are.”

  “Thank you. I want to look impressive, though. I’ll be meeting so many new people.”

  “Yes, you will.” Luca smiles a mischievous grin.

  “What are you up to?”

  “Not a thing.”

  “Hmm, I don’t think I believe you.”

  “But you trust me?”


  “Then everything is fine.” He kisses my nose. “Shall we climb out of this bed and start our day?”

  “If we must.”

  “We don’t have to. You can cancel your plans and I’ll go back to making love to you all day. Fine with me.”

  I laugh. “As lovely as that sounds, I need to find a dress in case it needs alterations and you need to write. I’ve taken you far away from your work.”

  “I’ve been more than willing.”

  I start to move from the bed, but Luca pulls my arm. “Kiss me again, angel.”

  I comply and lean in for one more amazing kiss. Every time our lips meet, I’m astounded.

  Climbing out of bed, we take a quick shower and dress. When I come out of the bedroom, Luca has made the bed and is sitting in a nearby chair.

  “Ellen is coming back today to clean. It will be nice and tidy when you return.”

  “When will the upstairs be finished?”

  “I have no idea.” He chuckles. “I’ll take you up there tonight if you’d like.”

  “I would.”

  “This is your house too now. You know that?”

  I am silent for a moment.


  “Yes, I know. I feel very comfortable here.”

  “Good. Are you ready?”

  “I am.”

  AFTER DROPPING LONDYN OFF, I swing over to Jake and Priscilla’s house. They know I’m coming, but they don’t know why yet. My guess is they’ll shit a brick when I tell them. Pulling into the driveway, I step out and ring the bell, laughing when I hear the barking dogs.

  Jake opens the door and hugs me as I step in. “Good to see you.”


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