Book Read Free

Londyn Falls

Page 44

by Jennifer Domenico


  A few hours later, we say our goodbyes to the Saxton family. It was a lovely morning and I swear I could see Luca’s heart heal just a little bit more. In the car, he sweetly kisses my lips before he starts the drive.

  “Thank you for being there with me.”

  “It was my pleasure. They are lovely people.”

  “Yes, they are. I’ve been lucky. They’ve always been kind to me.”

  “I could tell it felt really good for you to be there with them.”

  “It did. I felt like I was honoring Sara’s memory. You know what else?”


  “I knew in my heart it wouldn’t be right to tell them about what really happened. I knew it wouldn’t do any good. I feel like I can move on from here.”

  “I think it’s best. I would hate for you to do more harm than good.”

  “Agreed. I’m sorry I burdened you with the knowledge.”

  “You didn’t. I think you needed to tell someone. You know you can trust me with your life, don’t you?”


  “Wild horses couldn’t drag it out of me.”

  “I’ve never worried a single moment about that.”


  “You’re an amazing woman, Londyn. It’s like you know what every empty part of me is and then you fill it with love. Every day I become a better, stronger, happier man. My capacity for love is boundless. Because of you.”

  “You always had it in you.”

  “Perhaps, but I needed you to coax it out.”

  I glance over at him and smile. “How long to your parent’s home?”

  “About an hour.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Not anymore.” Luca’s cell phone rings. “Would you answer it, angel?”

  “Sure.” I pick it up and see Nico’s name on the screen. “Hello?”

  “Hey, there! Is Luca around?”

  “He is. He’s driving.”

  “Could you ask him if he’s, um, thought about what we talked about? He’ll know what I mean.”

  “Yes. One moment.” I cover the phone with my hand. “He wants to know if you thought about what the two of you discussed. What shall I tell him?”

  “Tell him I have, he was right, and he has nothing to be concerned about.”

  I smile and repeat the message to Nico.

  “Tell him thank you for me. Tell him…” I press the speaker button on the phone so Luca can hear Nico’s words. “Tell him I said he’s the best big brother. I love him and respect him.”

  Luca’s expression softens as he listens to his brother’s words.

  “I feel the same about you, Nico,” Luca says into the phone. The brothers are silent for just a moment before Luca speaks. “We’ll see you soon.”

  “Yeah, see you soon.”

  We drive on, my hand resting on Luca’s. An assortment of opera arias play, filling the car with soothing music. I close my eyes and lean back against the seat. All of this seems like such a dream. I never thought I could get a man like Luca. Not just his looks, but also a man so accomplished, intelligent, passionate. He’s been so strong to endure the weight of his guilt all these years. He rose above it in so many ways. Now, I’m witnessing him dusting it off and letting it go. I’m watching him transform into the man he was always meant to be. And I’m going to be his wife.

  “What are you grinning about over there?” Luca says, causing me to open my eyes. “Another daydream?”

  “I don’t have those anymore, Professor. Why would I dream when real life is so much better?”

  He smiles and grips my hand. As we drive, Nessun Dorma, the song I heard him listen to on the first day of work, the song that makes him so sad, comes over the speakers. I study his face for a reaction. Instead of sadness, I see peace.

  “Do you want me to change the song?” I ask.



  “I have a new memory of it that is rather nice.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, that moment with your eyes closed, the most delightful expression on your face. You looked very much like someone should kiss you in that moment.”

  “I did?” I laugh softly.

  “Yes, at least that’s what I thought at the time.”

  “That’s very sweet.”

  “And then I remember your curiosity about the song. I could feel your desire to learn as we spoke about it. During that brief chat, I knew that you were unique and I was curious to see what working with you would be like.”

  “I was scared shitless of you!”

  Luca laughs. “I have that effect on people.”

  “You definitely do. It would be positively shocking for your students if they knew how warm and kind you really are.”

  “Don’t tell them.” He winks at me. “I’ve already softened up considerably.”

  “I don’t think you have. I think you’ve demonstrated compassion and there is nothing wrong with that. You still demand excellence from your students and that will never change.”

  “Compassion,” he repeats softly. “Something so many have had for me over the years. Perhaps now I can return it.”


  “I will enjoy very much not hiding my affection for you when the term starts.”

  “Well, I don’t think we can make out in the library, but certainly we can be seen together.”

  “Oh, I’m going to find a way to make that happen. We’re definitely making out in the library.”

  “Luca! We can’t.”

  “Yes, we can. Why not. There are all sorts of nooks in there to steal away to.”

  “You’re so naughty,” I reply, laughing.

  “Yes, I have lots of dirty thoughts when it comes to you.”

  “I’m a lucky girl.”

  “It’s me who is lucky.” Luca kisses my hand.

  A few moments later, we approach a bend in the road. “Here. This is where the accident happened.”

  I look out the window and sigh. Imagining that night, a heavy snow fall, pitch darkness, and slick roads, brings a tear to my eye.

  “Over there,” he points across the narrow road, “Is where I found her. The car was here.” He points the other direction.

  “Oh, Luca,” I whisper.

  “Every time I tried to drive over this road, I couldn’t do it. I felt sick to my stomach.”

  “How do you feel now?”

  “A little sad, but not sick.” He smiles softly. “I think I’m okay.”

  “Do you want to stop?”

  “No, I don’t need that. This is a tragic spot. It always will be, but I am not going to let it affect my life anymore.”

  “It will always be a part of you on some level and that’s alright. It made you who you are today and I love that man. I love everything about you.”

  “I know you do. You have no idea what that does for me.”

  “I think I do.”

  About ten minutes later, we turn left down a road. I can see the Atlantic Ocean just off in the distance. I love the houses in this area. So cottagey and sweet. We pull up in front of a blue home with cute white trim and a white picket fence in front.

  “It looks like a doll house,” I remark.

  “Ah, then fitting for my little doll.” Luca kisses my cheek.

  “You weren’t far from here when the accident happened,” I note sadly.

  “No. Ironic I drove so far and just before we made it that happened.” I rub his hand. “No more talk of sad things, angel. This is a happy day.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  We step out of the car and Luca gathers the gifts from the trunk. He glances over at me and chuckles.

  “You have a huge smile on your face.”

  “Do I? I was just thinking of waking up with you tomorrow on Christmas morning. Having a cup of tea around the fire and opening gifts. It’s a delightful thought.”

  “All my thoughts of you are.” He leans in to kiss me, but
as we begin the front door opens and I hear a woman’s voice call out his name.

  “Hi, Mamma,” Luca says walking towards her. She embraces him and kisses his cheeks a million times. She is exactly what I think of when I imagine an Italian mum. She’s a tiny thing, at least a foot shorter than her eldest son, and must weigh barely a hundred pounds. She has long black hair that is braided down her back. She wipes tears off her face as she stares at her son and it warms my heart.

  She peers around him and motions for me to walk over to them. When I do, she pulls me into her arms and holds me tight. I return her embrace as Luca smiles at us.

  “Come inside,” she says. I grin when I hear her heavily accented voice. “We have a fire going.”

  We walk into a small front room, where we hang our coats and pull off our shoes. As we travel down the long hall leading to the great room, I hear voices chatting. When we get there, Nico looks up and waves, and the beautiful woman sitting next to him, who I know to be Candace, smiles. A tiny little boy sits quietly at her feet playing with a toy car. Another man, who I assume is Luca’s father, sits in a reclining chair. When he sees his son, he rises and my hearts pulls when he wipes his teary eyes.

  “Luca,” he says, hugging his son. “We’re happy you’re here.”

  “So am I, Papa.” He turns to me. “This is Londyn. Londyn, my father.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Di Roma.”

  “My child.” He reaches out and brushes his fingers on my cheek. “No need to be formal with me. Call me Maurizio.”

  “Yes, sir, er, Maurizio.”

  Luca smiles and wraps his arm around my waist. We greet Nico and Candace and take a spot on the couch. Luca’s mum enters with coffee for us.

  “Here,” she says handing us the saucers. “You must be cold.”

  I take a sip and smile. “I’m quite warm actually.”

  “Was your drive alright?” his mum asks.

  “It was,” Luca replies. “I did fine.”

  His mum starts to cry again and Nico rubs her back. “I’m so happy. Both my children are here, and they both found wonderful women to love. It’s a beautiful day.”

  My eyes tear up. Luca’s family is so warm and loving. It makes me sad to think for so many years he wouldn’t let them in. But my sadness is quickly replaced by the warmth and joy that is happening now.

  “Where is Nonna?” Luca asks.

  “Upstairs napping. She’s been very tired lately,” his mum explains.

  Candace leans across the small end table to me. “It’s nice to meet you finally,” she says. “Nico said you gave him some good advice.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “It was my pleasure.” I look down at her son still playing quietly. “He’s very well behaved. What’s his name?”


  “That’s a nice name. Hi, Christopher.”

  He looks up at me and smiles. He has the longest, thickest eyelashes that frame his honey colored eyes. Actually, the more I look at him the more I think he looks like Nico. What an odd coincidence. When my eyes meet Candace’s again, she winks. Hmm.

  “We’ll open gifts after supper,” Luca’s mum announces. “Will you be spending time with your family, Londyn?”

  “No, my family lives in England. Well, except my brother and best friend. We’ll see them tomorrow.”

  “Well, if you couldn’t be with your own family, then we’re happy you can be with ours.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Mamma,” Luca starts. “I have an announcement to make.” He takes my left hand and lifts it. “We’re getting married.”

  Luca’s mum gasps and covers her mouth. His father stands and walks towards us, gazing down at my hand. Nico and Candace just smile.

  “Married?” his mum repeats.

  “Yes, married. I asked her Saturday night,” he says gazing into my eyes. “I was fortunate enough to receive a yes from her.”

  Luca’s mum begins to cry again and walks slowly to Luca. She brushes her fingers against his cheek and he stands, before pulling her into his arms.

  “I never thought this would happen for you,” she cries. “I never thought I would see the day.” She extends her hand down to me and I hold it. “Bless you, child. Bless you.”

  I can’t stop my own tears from falling now. Luca continues to comfort his mum as she cries. Luca’s father stands nearby, focused on his wife. Nico and Candace congratulate us.

  “Thank you,” I say quietly.

  Finally, his mum calms down and wipes her nose with a tissue.

  “Your nonna won’t believe this.”

  “Believe what?” a voice comes from the hallway.

  “You’re awake, Nonna,” Luca says, walking in the woman’s direction. She’s an older, miniature version of his mum. She must be less than five feet tall. Her gray hair is long and braided down her back. She’s a little heavier, but other than that, they are very similar.

  “Who is this girl?” she asks, squinting her eyes at me.

  “This is my fiancée, Nonna. Londyn,” Luca explains in Italian.

  “Fiancée? When did this happen?” She rubs her forehead. “Oh, I’m so confused.”

  Luca helps her to a chair and she sits, eyeing me like she doesn’t trust me. She lifts her glasses off her face and looks at me again.

  “You look like a doll,” she observes.

  “That’s been said to me a few times.”

  “Where are you from?”


  “Are you taking my grandson to England?”

  “No, ma’am. I live here in Boston.”

  “Oh.” She looks up at Luca. “You love this girl?”

  “Very much.”

  “Can she cook?”

  “No, not at all, but I can, Nonna. We won’t starve.”

  “A good woman cooks for her husband.”

  “I can learn,” I assure her.

  “Hmm. You’re not Italian.”

  “No, signora, ma parlo italiano correntemente. Ho studiato in Italia per due anni. Capisco gli italiani e la cultura italiana.”

  Nonna’s eyes open wide as I explain my understanding of Italian culture and my linguistic ability. This seems to do the trick as she settles back in her chair.

  “Va bene.”

  Luca smiles and squeezes my hand. “You approve, then?”

  “Yes, she seems like a nice girl.”

  “I promise I will take care of your grandson.”

  She eyes me again then smiles, revealing several missing teeth. “I believe you.”

  “Luca?” his mum asks. “Can you start your risotto? I have everything you need. We’ll eat at two.”

  “Yes, Mamma. Would you help me in the kitchen, angel?”

  “Of course.”

  We walk towards the back of the house with Nico, Candace and Christopher quickly following.

  “You won Nonna over. You’re golden now,” Nico says, laughing.

  “It took her a little longer with me,” Candace adds. “I think because I’m clearly not Italian and I don’t speak the language. You speak Italian, though. That’s fantastic.”

  “It obviously helped,” I reply. “Does your son speak much?”

  “Oh yes, we can’t keep him quiet most of the time. He’s just a little shy with all these new people. Once he warms up, you’ll be surprised.”

  “He’s adorable.”

  “Thank you.”

  Luca begins chopping some shallots and Nico helps him set up the ingredients, as Candace and I take a seat at the table. Christopher sits quietly on the floor. I enjoy watching the brothers work together. Their body language is relaxed and comfortable, a million miles away from the tension I witnessed that day back in August. Glancing at Candace, I see she’s watching Nico too.

  “I’m so glad to hear you two found your way back to each other,” I say. “Nico is terribly in love with you.”

  Candace smiles. “I know. He’s very different from when I left. He had so much growing
up to do. I always loved him, but I couldn’t deal with the bullshit, you know.” She covers her mouth for a minute. “I hope my swearing didn’t offend you.”

  “Not at all.”

  “You seem so proper.”

  “Not as much as you think,” I say, grinning.

  “Cool. We brought wine. Do you want some?”

  “I’d love some.”

  Candace stands and opens the fridge. She takes two glasses out of the cabinet and pours us each a glass of white wine. Handing it to me, she smiles.

  “We have an announcement to make today, too.”

  “You do? Are you engaged?”

  Nico looks back at us and smiles. The conversation captures Luca’s attention.

  “No, not yet,” Candace continues. “Bigger than that.”

  “Oh?” Luca says. “Do tell. We can keep secrets, can’t we, Londyn?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Well…” she pauses. “Nico, you tell them.”

  Nico clears his throat. “It should be fairly obvious if anyone is paying any attention at all.”

  “Is it about Christopher?” I ask.

  Nico grins. “You’ve been paying attention.”

  “What about him?” Luca asks.

  “He’s my son.”

  Luca sets the knife down on the counter. “Seriously? Your son?”

  “Yeah. I just found out last night. Well, I should say I just had it confirmed last night.” He looks at Candace. “I had a feeling. For one thing, he looks like me.”

  “I wanted to tell him sooner,” Candace explains. “But every time we spoke after I left, Nico wasn’t ready.”

  Nico nods. “That’s true.”

  “Did you know you were pregnant when you left?” Luca asks.

  “No, I didn’t know until I was nearly three months. I thought I was late because of stress. It’s happened to me before. Then I decided to go to the doctor and they confirmed I was pregnant. I called Nico that night and…” Her eyes shift to the floor.

  “And?” Luca asks.

  “A chick answered my phone,” Nico says, frowning.

  “I hung up and didn’t call again for months. It didn’t go much better then. I decided that I loved Nico and I loved this baby, and I would wait for Nico to be ready.”

  “How did you know he was?” I ask.

  “I didn’t,” she laughs. “I just couldn’t take it anymore. I would look in my son’s eyes and see Nico’s. I felt selfish that I was keeping them apart. I felt I at least needed to see if we had a chance.” She looks over at Nico and smiles. “As soon as we saw each other again, I knew it was going to be okay.”


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