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Zombie High: First In Class

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by Kevin Anthony

Zombie High

  By Kevin Anthony

  Copyright 2013 Kevin Anthony

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Zombie High

  Chapter 1 – Dead Frog Hopping

  It all started with a dead frog…well, supposedly dead frog.

  Monday morning and all the students at Harrison High were in class listening to the morning announcements.

  “Today the school will be getting pressure washed so all doors and windows will be sealed to prevent any incidents. It’s also a new era, a non-digital era. All cellphones are now banned from within the school and that rule goes for teachers and students. All important calls can be made at the free-of-charge payphones recently installed in the main office. And due to the latest budget, lunch will consist of oatmeal, carrot sticks and water. Enjoy your day.”

  Ms. Sissa formed a grin. “I love carrots.”

  The woman taught Spanish, Math and Science. Ms. Sissa was one of the few teachers who tried to keep a positive attitude during the budget cuts. Many of the staff was fired, the school internet was disconnected which meant when students needed to do research papers they had to use books or simply wait until they got home.

  Brand had only been here a week. This place could not compare to his old school.

  Ms. Sissa stood and motioned at the plastic containers on the students’ desk. “Alright, this morning we are going to begin with science. I’m very excited because we will all get to dissect sapos. Due to budget cuts some of your frogs might be lizards, but let’s just pretend. Students, reveal your subjects.”

  Brand removed the top from his container to discover he got a lizard. “Lame, I wanted a frog.”

  “Yo, Sissa,” Hector the football team captain blurted out. “My frog is sort of pale and looks messed with.”

  “That’s maybe because some of these frogs were dug from the garbage of a science lab,” Ms. Sissa explained.

  Hector poked at his frog. “Are you telling me you guys got us used dead frogs?”

  “Budget cuts, remember Hector?”

  “Ouch,” Hector screamed. “It just bit me.”

  The class started to laugh as Hector sucked onto his bleeding thumb. He took his pencil and started to stab his frog repeatedly. The laughter grew and Ms. Sissa clapped her hands as she did her best to regain the class’ attention and calm them down. It wasn’t long until Hector dropped to the floor and the classroom went silent.

  Brand stood from his seat. “Is he okay?”

  Ms. Sissa rushed from her desk over to Hector. “Up now, I have little time for your juegos.”

  The class remained silent as Ms. Sissa bent over and shook Hector. Either he was really good at playing dead or he was actually dead, Brand thought. The annoyance in Ms. Sissa’s face was replaced with concern as she checked Hector’s pulse. Soon her worry was expressed by quick Spanish sentences under her breath and cussing. Hector grabbed Ms. Sissa by the arms, lunged forward and dug his teeth into her neck.

  “Holy balls,” Another student shouted as his frog bit him also. “Mine’s alive too!”

  Hector set Ms. Sissa free and lunged at the girl closet to him. It wasn’t long before a bloody Ms. Sissa was attacking students also. Brand had seen many horrors movies but didn’t expect to be living in one. He grabbed his backpack, rushed from the classroom with other students and started for the exit. Brand arrived to a locked door, remembering the school was being pressure washed today.

  He faced the empty hall way and at the top of his lung shouted, “Zombies!”

  From the classroom, Hector charged out first followed by other turned students and Ms. Sissa. They started invading other classrooms and soon screams and cries for help started to spread throughout Harrison High. Brand needed to act quickly. He armed himself with a pencil and hid in the nearest locker. He would survive and this was the best way he could.

  Chapter 2 – Mommy, NO!

  “Mom, I don’t understand how you can’t feel bad about this move,” Brand complained.

  His mother kept her eyes on the road as they drove through their new town. “The rent is cheaper.”

  “But we had so much back home. Aren’t you going to miss your friends?”

  “I’m an adult Brand, taking care of my responsibilities matter more. The hospital here pays well and we got an apartment twice the size for almost half the price. We can always drive back home on the weekends or even video chat.”

  “I need my friends. They help with my webshow.”

  Colleen laughed. “They hold the camera. I’m sure you can find a new friend to hold a camera.”

  Brand’s mood soured even more as they drove past the high school he would be attending, Harrison High. At his old school he was well-known for his webshow. It was him usually talking about random topics and making fun of teachers. He never predicted he would be yanked from the midpoint of his tenth year and tossed into a new crowd of classmates. The only good thing about this move was that he had a reason to stall on uploads; he recently entered a bit of creators block.

  A loud bang against the locker awoke Brand from his memory and placed him back into reality. As he slowly parted his eyes he spotted a zombie, Hector to be exact, banging against the locker door. Brand instantly went into panic mode. He noticed that he couldn’t feel anything. His legs and hands were numb from being squeezed in the tight space for so long. If Hector broke into the locker, Brand knew it would end here.

  “Help,” He eked out.

  The sound of his voice only made Hector more aggressive. The zombie growled and started to bang his body against the locker. Brand noticed the lock inside the locker was coming loose a bit each time Hector collided with door. He tried to force his body to recover quickly, finally able to move his fingers a bit. Still, Brand knew he wasn’t prepared to defend himself. If he tried screaming again it would only make Hector more violent or even attract more zombies.

  Brand shut his eyes as a tear ran down his cheek. Under his breath he said, “Mom.”

  Hector’s growling went silent as his body collided with the locker door again. Brand opened his eyes to discover a pencil had been shoved through the zombies head. Hector’s limp body dropped to the left and behind him stood a fair-skinned guy with glasses panting heavily. A bit of blood was splattered on the white uniform polo shirt they all wore. The stranger opened the locker and Brand fell into his arms.

  Brand looked at him, gaining enough strength to wipe tears from his face. “Thank you.”

  “No, problem and I’m John.”


  John nodded. “The new guy, right?”

  “I guess so. How are you still alive?”

  John struggled to help Brand stand upright. “How about we talk and move, this hall isn’t safe.”

  Brand agreed with the plan and hung onto John as they fled from the hall.

  Chapter 3 - Vagina Boy

  “I’m an interesting person. I’m c
ool. I play the damn piano better than anybody in this town. I have a hot Spanish girlfriend in Brazil. I created a popular online game and people just love me on writer-central. I’m an interesting person, I’m cool,” John said as he stared into the bathroom.

  He couldn’t comprehend why he ranked at the bottom of the Harrison High social ladder.

  “Perdóne me, young man,” A female voice said from the right.

  John mind did a back-flip as the female voice echoed throughout the boys’ restroom. He glanced right. “Ms. Sissa?”

  “Do you care to explain why you’re in the girl’s aseo?”

  John looked around noticing all the pink stalls. “Crap, I walked through the wrong door.”

  Ms. Sissa pointed at his face. “Sweetie, wear your glasses. Sight is importante plus you look handsome in them.”

  John blushed as he slipped on his glasses from his pocket. “I’m sorry, ma’am.”

  She pointed to the exit. “Out, I have to tinkle.”

  John rushed from the bathroom into the crowded halls.

  “I knew it,” A passing Hector shouted out. “Johnny has a vagina.”

  As John and Brand passed the girl’s bathroom that memory drifted on the young piano player’s mind. A smirk formed as he thought about how good it was to kill zombie-Hector. The athlete put him through a lot of misery and John was honored to end his.

  “It’s seven o’clock,” Brand said as they passed a clock.

  “Yeah, we’ve been locked in all day and nobody hasn’t attempted to help us. I’m not sure if there’s been any contact with the outside. You’re the first person I discovered so far but I’m sure there are many of us out there,” John explained. “I’ve just been walking around trying to avoid getting eaten.”

  One of the main reasons the school was going broke was because the board spent the entire budget on rebuilding. This new building was three stories high, included a girls’ gym, boy’s gym, theater and an endless amount of classrooms for the special elective courses. It was easy to get lost in here but in this case easy to find a place to hide or campout until help arrived.

  “I think we should make it to the main office,” Brand suggested.

  “True, but it’s all the way on the other side of the building. I’m tired and hungry. We need to rest.”

  Brand’s stomach growled the moment John finished his sentence. “Yeah, the same.”

  John pointed at Brand’s backpack. “Any food in there?”

  “Yeah, a sandwich and some cream filled cookies. Not much.”

  “That should hold us over. If this day lasts any longer we might have to venture to the cafeteria.” John stopped at a door labeled ‘Music Room’. “I guess we can camp here. It’s actually my favorite class and I’m sure we can use the musical instruments to shield the door and as weapons.”

  Brand and John entered the music room to discover a guest awaiting them.

  Chapter 4 – Baby, Baby, Baby, Yeahhhhh

  John prepared for almost a month to make a name for himself at the school talent show. Not only did all the students take it very seriously, but also the town. A few years ago three students from the school ended up getting casted on US Got Talent after their performances went viral. John saw this as an opportunity to prove he was talented and finally climb the social ladder.

  Hector was currently on stage performing the popular song Hot and I Know It with the football team. They were wearing silly tie-dye outfits and doing crazy dance moves. The crowd was clapping and laughing. John noticed the local news cameraman kept his camera on their performance the entire time without bothering to show the crowd’s reaction. They were that entertaining that they were getting their full performance aired, John wanted that. He knew he wouldn’t get that if he performed this classical song he prepared to play on the piano.

  “Those fools,” Ms. Sissa scoffed as she walked beside in the backstage area.

  John glanced up at her. “The crowd loves it.”

  “Yeah, but that’s because you haven’t wowed them yet.”

  “You like my music?”

  Ms. Sissa nodded. “Yeah, I used to teach next to the música class. I’ve heard you play. Mr. Rodgers adores you.”

  “Really,” John’s face lit up. “He’s the best music teacher ever.”

  “It sucks that he’s sick tonight, but I know he would want to hear you play.”

  John never felt so proud to be himself. It was a nice feeling.

  Hector’s performance ended and he received a standing ovation. As Hector and the football team made their backstage they nearly ran over Ms. Sissa and John. After an introduction was made, John made his way on stage to a quiet audience. He sat down at the provided piano and cleared his throat.

  He started playing his song and he noticed a few seconds into the song people in the crowd were yawning. John glanced back to discover Ms. Sissa proudly smiling and encouraging him to go on. Her smile was encouraging but not enough to convince him that this was a good performance. John needed to switch it up, get the crowd’s attention, out do Hector.

  John switched the tune and sung out the words, “Baby, baby, baby, yeahhhhh.”

  He managed to sing and play the entire overly popular pop song. His performance ended and the crowd responded with laughter and boos. He sat mortified as everybody shared his performance on their phones and uploaded the videos online. John got the crowd’s attention, but he didn’t like it.

  He rushed from the stage and bumped into Ms. Sissa. ”Move,” He whimpered out.

  She shook her head in shame. “Sweetie, what were you thinking? Imagine how Mr. Rogers would’ve felt.”

  John did discover how Mr. Rogers felt. The man saw the video online and was highly disappointed. All of that didn’t matter anymore because inside the music room, tangled in a set of drums was zombie-Mr. Rogers. Brand stood still as John made his way over to the piano and started to play for his fallen teacher. He owed the man one last performance. The second he finished the classical tune, a teary eyed John glanced back at Brand.

  With a shaky hand Brand removed a pencil from his pocket, knowing what had to be done. “I’ll end his misery.”

  John looked away and lowered his head. He couldn’t watch.

  Chapter 5 – Meat on Bread, Genius

  Brand was very nervous about dinner tonight. He had some news for his mother that would bring back a memory of a man they lost. His father died three years ago after a bad mountain climbing accident. The man was filming a scene for his popular web documentary style show. Many days they got calls to the house from TV executives begging him to put his show on broadcast TV but he stayed loyal to the online format. Brand missed his father, but the man still lived on in his heart.

  “Mo…,” Brand set down his fork. “I’m starting a webshow.”

  She laughed as she sipped her wine. “No.”

  “It’s what I want to do. I want to be like dad.”

  “I said no,” She sternly repeated. “Do you remember how that show consumed his life?”

  “Yeah, but it’s what made my dad special from all other dads. He entertained many and I want to do so also.”

  “Brand you freak out at the sight of roaches. I can’t imagine you doing some of the crazy things your dad did.”

  Brand shrugged away her negativity. “I’m doing it.”

  “Fine, but then you’re going to find a way to pay the internet bill because I won’t support this decision.”

  Brand got his first job once he entered the ninth grade. He washed dishes at a diner and that helped him fund his webshow. As he would film, he conquered a lot fears. He talked about topics many considered taboo and he ventured into parts of town most of his friends ‘parents considered off limits. Today, Brand conquered another fear that he didn’t even know would be possible, he killed a zombie.

  John finished his half of the sandwich. He avoided look at Mr. Rogers’ body the entire evening. “That was good.”

  “My mom made i
t. She’s a genius at putting meat on bread.”

  John laughed. “Cool and also thank you for dealing with…well.”

  Brand nodded at Mr. Rogers’ body. “Him?”

  “Yeah. I couldn’t do it. He was a very good teacher and a friend of mine.”

  “I understand. So, how long are we camping here?”

  “We should move now. I don’t know if my music playing attracted zombies to this area.”

  Brand put on his backpack and stood from the floor. “Yeah, let’s try to hit the main office while we’re still full.”

  They left the music room, armed with some flutes they could use to defend themselves. Brand and John chatted to themselves until they made a left through a set of red double doors. Behind the doors waited an entire hallway of zombie-students. No time for dramatic screams, John and Brand instantly ran in the opposite direction as the hoard chased after them. They arrived to a dead-end that was blocked by a collapsed trophy case. Helpless, they started throwing trophies at the zombies.

  “Hey, down here,” A female voice shouted.

  They looked down to discover a blonde girl in a vent motioning for them to climb in. No other way to go, they quickly fled to the vent. Once they were inside, she closed up the vent the moment the zombies reached area. The zombie-students growled as they try to break in but the vent was secured.

  She pointed forward down the ventilator shaft. “Go, idiots,” She shouted.

  “Actually, it’s John and he’s Brand,” John clarified as he pointed to Brand and back to himself.

  “Awesome,” Their savior sarcastically said. “I’m Carey; now crawl before you become zombie Brand and John.”

  They listened to Carey’s command and started their journey through the tight, dark ventilator shaft.

  Chapter 6 – Two Big Babies

  Carey unscrewed the nails to a vent screen and exited the ventilator shaft coughing. “Alright, we’re safe.”

  Brand and John climbed out the vent and entered into a supply room that was barely stocked with school supplies.

  “Is this one of the teacher’s supply closet,” John asked as he surveyed the room.

  Carey took a seat on a box of paper. “Yeah, isn’t it obvious?”

  “They’re all located on the second floor,” John said. “We crawled that far?”

  “Wait,” Brand added. “Second floor? That means we’re further away from the main office and cafeteria.”

  Carey laughed as she lowered her head. “I can’t believe you guys. Typical idiots like the rest.”


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