First Kiss

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First Kiss Page 6

by Dawn Michelle

  After putting more than thirty minutes of work into her hair and makeup she put the burgundy lipstick cap on and slipped it into her purse. She looked up to take in the entire finished product.. "Am I really going to do this?" she asked the girl in the mirror. The girl grinned and nodded. Colin would have tripped over his own jaw if he'd seen her.

  "Oh my god," Beth whispered. She grabbed her phone and slipped it in her purse before finding her only sexy pair of boots she had. Nothing like she wanted, but they had a two inch chunky heel at least. She slipped her feet in them and forced herself out the door before she could have any second thoughts.

  She rode the elevator down and walked through the lobby of the dorm as fast as she dared. She needed the momentum to keep her going before somebody tried to stop her. All they had to do was talk to her and she might crumble. She kept her eyes up and her gaze locked on the door, ignoring the stares she felt from the handful of people in the lobby. She made it and nearly ran into a pair of girls coming in.

  "Hey, be careful!" One of them snapped at her.

  "Yeah, get your hootchie ass out of the way!"

  "I'm sorry," Beth stammered. "I'm running late, I didn't—"

  "For what, you're next trick?"

  The other girl gasped and held her hand out to stop her friend. "Holy shit, Beth? Damn, girl, you look hot!"

  "Beth?" Asked the aggressive girl with a stud in her nose and enough bling hanging from her ears to start her own jewelry shop.

  "Yeah, third floor. She rooms with Carla and Mandy."

  "Oh," Sparkles said. She squinted at Beth. "No way."

  Beth smiled. "I've got to go," she stammered. "Sorry."

  "You're going to freeze your skinny white ass off out there," Sparkles snapped.

  Beth hesitated and then shrugged. "I'll risk it."

  "Stupid bitch," she heard as she pushed out into the blowing snow.

  She walked with one arm up to try and shield her hair and makeup from the snow. It wasn't too bad, but it was snowing hard enough she figured they'd have a few more inches by morning. She made her way to her car and fell into it. She lay in her seat trembling. She wasn't cold, she was excited. She'd been called a hootchie! They thought she looked hot. Enough that Sparkles had felt threatened.

  Beth grinned and turned her car on. She used the lights and mirror to make some quick adjustments and then backed out of her parking spot. The blowing snow promised the drive was going to suck but she was okay with that. The longer she got to feel like this the better!

  Chapter 10

  "Hey there sweetheart, got your ID?"

  Beth sighed through her nose. She was screwed. She was only nineteen, not twenty one. The drive down I-94 and finding a parking spot in one of the casino parking lots was for nothing. Sure, the weather kept a lot of people in, but that didn't help her now.

  "You didn't ask last time," she whined.

  The bouncer looked at her and smiled. "Sorry, I have to check."

  She scowled and dug it out of her purse. She handed it to him and said, "I really want to talk to somebody in there. An employee, I mean."

  He grunted and looked at the ID. "You here about a job?"

  "What? A job?"

  "Yeah, a job," he said. "Because otherwise you're too young to come in and you look like you're not dressed for cold weather."

  Beth glanced up at the dark sky. She had to squint from the wind and then looked back at him. "It's not that bad."

  The doorman did a double take. "I see your belly and it's single digits out here! Girl are you drunk or on something?"

  "No sir, not on anything."

  He squinted and then shook his head. He handed her ID back to her. "So, what is it?"

  "Oh, uh, yeah, I need to talk to somebody. Um, about a job."

  He rolled his eyes. "Bartender can set you up with the manager."

  "Oh, cool. Thanks!"

  He waved for her to head in and he pulled the door shut behind her. He shivered and watched her as she walked through the entryway and through the swinging double doors that marked the club's entrance.

  Beth stopped and looked around. The lights were flashing and changing colors while a busty blond spun around a pole on the stage. Beth watched her for a moment, captivated by the play of colored lights on the dancer's skin and her skill and strength as she performed on the pole.

  She jerked when she realized she was standing in the middle of the club and had drawn the attention of a few tables. The dim light hid her blush as she turned and hurried over to the table she thought she and Colin had used last time. She sat down and glanced around, looking for a waitress. Not any waitress, but her waitress. Penny.

  "Welcome back to Paradise Lost."

  Beth jumped and was halfway out of her chair before she turned and saw Penny watching her with a smile on her face. Tonight she wore a white corset over what appeared to be a white fishnet bodysuit. Her horns were black and her nails were painted the same color. She wore white leather boots with heels that were at least four inches tall.

  "You remember me?" Beth breathed.

  The waitress nodded. "Where's your boyfriend?"

  "He's, uh, he's not my boyfriend."

  "I'm sorry to hear that."

  "No! I mean, he never was. We were just friends. That's all. I wanted him to have a good birthday."

  "Oh, that's nice," Penny said. "So why are you back?"

  "Didn't— um, I, uh," Beth sighed. "I don't know."

  Penny smiled. "I'm glad you came back."

  Beth's eyes widened. "You are?"

  Penny's teeth glowed in the fluorescent lighting as she smiled. "Of course. And you look good enough to eat tonight."


  Penny laughed. "Can I get you anything?"

  Beth's eyes widened. "Oh, one of your special drinks? Like last time?"

  Penny winked. "I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, enjoy the show."

  "Oh! I, um, I don't—"

  Penny turned and leaned down to whisper in her ear. She felt the cool breath caress her cheek and throat. "It's okay, I won't tell."

  Beth shuddered and turned. Penny was already several paces away. Beth's mouth hung open as she stared after the waitress. How had she moved so fast? She watched her and admired how the waitress floated across the floor in her difficult heels. Ember, Gwen, and even Crystal moved like sensual animals. Penny wasn't like that, she walked like the world belonged to her and, if she desired it, the tables and chairs would leap out of her way.

  She slipped behind the bar and said something to the bartender, then disappeared through a door into the back. Beth turned as the music changed to a punk song and saw a red head in pigtails on the stage. She had a tartan school girl skirt and white blouse on. Beth grinned, the classics never failed.

  She continued to watch the show as the blouse was unbuttoned one button at a time. After it came off the bra was next, revealing breasts that were smaller than her outfit had advertised. Beth smirked at the stripper's use of a push up bra. She was very attractive, but Beth was proud to note that she had bigger boobs.

  "Here you go, sweetie."

  Beth gasped, and spun. "How do you do that?" she hissed.

  Penny set the cocktail glass down and smiled at her. "Years of practice."

  "Years?" Beth challenged. "You don't look that old."

  Penny smiled and sat down. "When are you going to tell me what really brought you back?"

  Beth gawked at her and then glanced around. "Aren't you working?"

  "It's a slow night," she said. "So talk to me."

  "I am," Beth said. She smiled nervously. "I, um, I just thought this place was so cool. So different. Not what I expected. I wanted to see it again."

  "I see. Are you going to drink that?"

  Beth jumped and looked down at the drink. It had the same murky red color, almost like there was tomato juice in it. Was it some sort of bloody mary? Her tongue flicked over her lips, wetting them before she pressed the glass to it and tilted
it enough to spill the first crimson drops into her mouth. The metallic spice made her tongue tingle and filled her senses. Beth's left hand joined her right and helped her tip it up while she gulped the drink one delicious swallow after another.

  "You're hooked," Penny said after she lowered the glass.

  Beth stared at it. Her lipstick marks were on the rim of the glass. She licked her lips, capturing a few missing drops of the drink. "So good," Beth murmured. She turned and stared at Penny. The room seemed to swim for a moment behind the waitress. "What is it?"

  Penny winked at her. "It has many names: The fountain of youth, Elixir of life, and My favorite is First Kiss."

  Beth looked at the glass again. It wasn't like any first kiss she'd ever had. It was better. "I've never heard of it, but it's delicious. Can I have another?"

  Penny smiled. "Aren't you cold?"


  "That's how you came here, right? Just that skimpy jacket over half a shirt. And you're not wearing a bra, how naughty."

  "Oh my god!" Beth breathed. "I just— I dressed up. I mean, I wanted to look nice for— um, for going out."

  "I see," Penny said with a smile that made Beth's belly tingle. "So were you cold?"

  "Outside? No. Everybody says I should be. Me too, I'm from Missouri! Michigan is cold! But I wasn't."

  "And now?"

  Beth bit her lip and shook her head. "I'm warm."

  "Hot," Penny corrected with a wink.

  Beth gasped.

  The waitress laughed. "Beth, you lost a lot of weight this week, didn't you?"

  "Oh my god— I did! I think I had a bug or something."

  "Something," Penny agreed.

  Beth's eyes widened. She glanced around and then asked in a hushed voice, "Do you know what's wrong with me?"

  Penny smiled. "Who says anything is wrong with you?"

  "I lost thirty pounds last week! Sure, I'm happy about it, but I couldn't sleep. When I tried I had nightmares."

  "What kind of nightmares?"

  Beth bit her lips and then realized what she was doing. She grabbed her purse and fumbled through it until she found her lipstick and quickly rubbed it across her lip. She blotted it and then froze when Penny reached over and brushed her thumb under her lip, wiping off a smear. She pulled her hand back and smiled.

  "Nightmares, right," Beth reminded herself. "Um, you wouldn't believe me."

  "Try me."

  "Okay…um, Colin, the guy I was here with last time. I dreamed he tried to eat me at first."

  "Only at first?"

  Beth nodded.

  "What happened later."

  Beth reached for her glass and remembered it was empty. Her stomach twisted until Penny's hand closed over hers. She watched Penny's black tipped fingers curl around her hand and felt the cool pressure when she squeezed. "You," Beth breathed. "You happened. I mean, in my dreams."

  Penny nodded and let go of her hand. "What did I do?"

  Beth glanced down and at her hand, it felt like the waitress was still holding her. She looked up and saw Penny watching her. "I— I mean you, um, you saved me. From Colin. Then later, you seemed different. I don't really know. You were there, you scared me, but you had the horns and everything. Sometimes you changed too, like you were some kind of monster."

  "A monster? Monsters don't exist."

  Beth shuddered.

  Penny tilted her head. "What is it?"

  "I've seen monsters."

  Penny stared at her and then glanced around the bar. "Wait here."

  Beth started. "I'm sorry?"

  Penny rose and smiled down at her. She trailed her fingers across Beth's shoulder and across the back of her neck as she walked passed her. Beth moaned at the tingles her touch sent through her. "What's happening to me?" she whispered once Penny was too far to hear her.

  Beth waited, barely glancing at the black girl now on the stage with long dreadlocks swinging with each gyration she made on the pole. She didn't come here for the show.

  Penny returned, walking across the floor with another glass in her hand. She offered it to Beth and said, "Do you want this?"

  "Oh my god, yes!" Beth hissed. She reached for it but Penny pulled it out of her reach, teasing her. "Please! You were right, I haven't been able to drink anything all week that didn't leave me thirstier. I even had to force myself to eat."

  "Do you want to get out of here?"

  Beth jerked her eyes from the delicious looking drink to Penny's eyes. Her makeup made her dark blue eyes look so big and intense. "Get out of here? You mean like, back to your place? Um, I'm not—"

  "I don't know where we're going to go," Penny said. "I haven't figured that out yet."

  Beth frowned. "I don't understand. Are you even hitting on me?"

  Penny smiled. "Do you want me too?"

  "I don't know."

  "You don't? Or you're afraid to admit it?"

  "Yes, to both," Beth admitted. She let out a nervous laugh. "Oh my god, I feel like such a stupid kid. I've never done anything like this. I mean, come to a strip club alone? No way!"

  "What about falling for another woman?"

  Beth whimpered and looked away. She looked back and nodded. "Yes, I did. She didn't feel the same. I mean, she did, but not the same way. And she had a mat— a boyfriend."

  Penny tilted her head. "Interesting."

  Beth blushed. "I'm messed up," she admitted. "And whatever's in that drink is probably making me more honest than I want to be."

  "It is," Penny admitted. "But it's not what you think it is."

  Beth's brow furrowed. "It's not? What is it then?"

  "If you want to know more about me and find out about yourself, drink it and follow me. I'm going through that door," Penny said. She placed the glass on the table and pointed at a door that clearly read, "Employees Only," in glowing red neon letters.

  "Wait, why? What's in this? Is this like a ruffie or something?"

  "It's my blood," Penny said before she turned away and strode across the floor to the doorway. She paused at the doorway and Beth felt the words whispered in her ear, "The third drink will stay with you forever."

  Beth's jaw dropped as she watched the waitress leave her alone with the drink. She stared at it. Her blood was in it. And she'd already drank two glasses. That was what was wrong with her. Was Penny another werewolf? Was she being turned into one? Crystal had lost weight as her body changed. She'd slept like a rock at night though, instead of being unable to sleep.

  Beth whimpered and reached for the glass. She stopped her hand and shook her head while staring at it. She didn't ask for this. She didn't want it! She wanted to be normal. She wanted a boyfriend and a house and a dog and a cat and two kids. That was what she was supposed to want, wasn't it? That was what people expected. She'd turned her back on the crazy life of werewolves and beasts and witches and God-knew-what-else.

  Beth stared at the glass. She'd asked Crystal to change her. To give her blood and let her fight to be like her. The same reason she'd taken Chad's blood, so that she could infect herself and force Crystal's pack to help her and change her. But she'd done that to be with Crystal, not for herself. Not because she wanted it.

  Did she want this, or was she doing it for Penny. Beth shook her head. No, not Penny. She didn't know her. She'd seen her twice. Talked to her once. Barely. She took a deep breath and grabbed the glass. She had to steady it with her left hand before she lifted it. She licked her lips again and then tasted the drink again. Penny's blood. It was like gold and cinnamon and mint and cherries all swirled together.

  Beth's eyes fluttered open when she realized she was swallowing air. She licked the rim of the glass and then licked her lips. It was gone. The third glass. Her third drink. Her last. She set it down and stared at the empty glass. Beth took a deep breath and turned. The doorway awaited even though the rest of the club became blurry and seemed to spin around her. She felt lightheaded and warm. Not warm like when she'd been in the sunlight, but warm like she
was relaxing in a warm shower. Or maybe a hot tub, since she hadn't been able to have a hot shower all week.

  Beth nodded and began her walk into her future.

  Chapter 11

  The white wall shimmered and shifted. A panel slid down while another moved up. Above them the whiteness curled on itself, twisting like an albino snake. Beth let her breath out slowly, hissing as it slipped between her lips.

  She blinked until the wall stopped moving and she realized it wasn't the wall, it was the ceiling. The wall next to her bed met the ceiling, but that had just confused her. She stretched and rolled over, fumbling for where her phone would be lying on the floor next to her bed. It wasn't there.

  Beth frowned and looked around, squinting against the brightness. The blinds had been dropped over the window but they were glowing with the sunlight on them. That seemed odd. Why would they be so bright this early? The sun didn't even shine on them.

  She threw back her sheets and sat up. Her underwear had slipped up her cheeks and ridden up her ass last night. Beth leaned to her left and reached down to adjust them. Her hand slid over her hip and cheek before she realized she couldn't find her underwear.

  "Holy shit!" Beth hissed and jumped up. She looked down at herself and saw the black panties at her waist. They shimmered in the light coming from the blinds. She reached back and tugged the thong from between her cheeks. She held it out for a moment, struggling to remember where she'd gotten it and why she had it on. When she realized there was nowhere else for it to go she let it snap back into the crack of her ass.

  Above the mysterious thong she wore her white shirt— and nothing else! She never wore it without a bra and at least a cami under it. Except for last night, apparently. She stared down at herself and shook her head. What was she thinking?

  Beth's purse was on her desk and her red skirt lay crumpled in a pile on the floor. Her boots were next to the foot of her bed, one of them knocked on its side. She wouldn't have done that, she'd have taken care of them. The skirt too. And changed into proper sleepwear.

  She bit her lip and tasted the lipstick on it. That and something else. Something spicy. Maybe coppery. She sucked her lip between her teeth and ran her tongue over it, trying to taste more of it and understand what it was. It was gone, leaving nothing behind except a sense of familiarity. Like seeing an old friend she couldn't remember the name of.


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