First Kiss

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First Kiss Page 7

by Dawn Michelle

  Beth frowned and grabbed her purse. She rooted through it until she found her phone. Her messages were empty, nothing new since yesterday evening. No voice mails. No calls. No clues. She sighed and started to set it down when she noticed the clock on it. It was almost four in the afternoon!

  Beth dropped the phone and stumbled back. She caught her balance as she bumped into Carla's desk. She turned, surprised by how close it seemed. Her reflection in Carla's mirror caught her attention and drew her gaze. Her lips parted in a gasp that her chest wouldn't take.

  She turned to face the mirror fully and raised her hand to her face. Was that really her? The lipstick and eye shadow and wild hair? She'd slept in it, giving a fluffy eighties look, but she could tell she'd spent some time on it. She still looked better than she thought was possible, even after sleeping in her hair and makeup.

  "What did I do last night?" she wondered. She bit her lip to stifle a giggle. "Or who?"

  No, it wasn't sex. She was pretty sure she hadn't done that. She'd only done that once, sort of, and that left her sore for days. It hadn't been invited or welcomed though. He'd kept doing it though. Doing her, rutting like the animal he was. Over and over.

  Beth shook her head. That was a lifetime ago. A different girl. A southern belle wannabe. A stupid kid. She was older and wiser now. Maybe not more experienced, but wiser. Except how wise could she be if she couldn't remember last night? Or much of anything, really.

  She turned away from the mirror and grabbed her running pants out of her dirty clothes basket. She pulled them on over the strange panties and grabbed her shower bag. She needed to get cleaned up first, then she'd worry about the rest.

  Beth paused at the door and turned to look at herself in the mirror again. It wasn't just the makeup, she really was thinner. Sure, she had that morning after / walk of shame look, but she looked good. Pretty. No, not pretty, sexy. Hot. She caught herself smiling and turned away. That wasn't her. This. This wasn't her.

  Beth opened the door and stepped out. The conversation in the room died instantly between Carla and Mandy. They both rose to their feet but Carla did one better and charged at Beth. She slammed into her and knocked the wind from her as she stumbled back a couple of steps.

  Beth started to struggled until she figured out that Carla was hugging her. She reached around her roommate and hugged her back. It was an awkward hug. "Um, Carla, what's going on?"

  Carla let go and backed up. She stared at her and shook her head. "Holy shit, girl! You are hot! What did you do last night?"

  Beth's eyes widened. Carla didn't know? "Um, it's kind of blurry."

  "Did Colin like it?"

  "Colin?" Shit! What had happened with Colin? They'd gone out. A weird first date, she'd taken him for his birthday to a strip club downtown. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to pick out the details. There was a bouncer, a big black guy that was pretty cool wearing a knit cap because it was so cold out. She'd worn— She glanced down at her shirt. She hadn't worn this.

  "Beth? Is something wrong? Did he do something? Is that why some strange woman drove you home?"

  Beth gasped as a fleeting image of a dark haired beauty wearing something white flashed in her mind. It was gone before she could focus on it "Strange woman?"

  "Blurry isn't right, is it?" Mandy asked as she stuck her head around the corner of the bedroom door. "Did you get drugged? What's the last thing you remember?"

  Beth bit her lip and glanced at her phone on the desk. She picked it up and glanced at it. This time she focused on the date, not the time. It was January twenty fourth, not the seventeenth. She hadn't gone out with Colin last night— except Carla and Mandy thought she had.

  "Oh fuck," she whispered. Beth staggered back and sat down on the edge of Carla's bed. "What happened?"

  Carla and Mandy looked at each other and then her. Carla moved first and sat down next to her. "You don't remember? Are you sore?"


  Mandy stepped in and leaned against the door frame. "Yeah, like you had sex."

  Beth shook her head. "No. I feel good. I mean, my body feels good. I don't get it though, I don't look like this. I love it, but it's not me."

  "Beth, sweetie, you've been— what's wrong?"

  Beth stared at her. "What did you call me?"

  Carla looked at Mandy and then back at her roommate. "Uh, Beth? It's your name."

  "You called me sweetie?"

  "Did I? Okay. Is that bad?"

  "Do it again."


  "Yes, just do it. It sounded… weird. Familiar, like somebody else called me that recently. It's right there."

  "This is fucked up," Mandy said. "Beth, we need to get you to the hospital I think. Or maybe the cops."

  Beth shook her head and looked at Carla. "Please?"

  Carla shrugged. "Okay. Um, sweetie?"

  Beth stared at her and then sighed. "Nothing. Damn it. What is going on with me?"

  "You lost the weight last week. You haven't been sleeping well until that girl brought you home last night. She drove your car and left it downstairs. Then she left and I didn't see where she went."

  "What did she look like?" Beth asked.

  "You don't even remember that?" Mandy cried.

  Beth shook her head and blinked back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks.

  "She was tall," Carla offered. "Dark hair and these really blue eyes."

  Beth frowned. It sounded familiar, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't pull a face out of her memory. "What else? Did she give her name or anything?"

  "I forgot to ask her," Carla said. "I'm sorry. I thought you knew her."

  "I— I don't know. Maybe I do? Or did. What else?"

  Carla frowned and then snapped her fingers. "Boots! She had these wicked white leather boots. I don't know how she drove or walked in them, but she made it look easy."

  Beth's brow furrowed. Boots sounded right. She felt like they were right there, like a missing word on the tip of her tongue. "Fuck," she hissed. "I can't remember her."

  "What about Colin?" Mandy asked. "You didn't go out clubbing with us because you were hooking up with him."

  Beth shook her head. "Nothing. I don't know. The last thing I remember is going out with Colin, but that was a week ago. For his birthday."

  "When you sucked him off," Carla said.

  "I did what?"

  "You don't remember that either?"

  "I su— I gave him a blow job?"

  "That's what you told us."

  "Holy shit," Beth breathed.

  "So, um, what are you going to do now?" Carla asked.

  Beth shook her head. "Try to remember, I guess. I need a shower though."

  "I like the new look," Mandy offered. "Not if it means you're screwed up, I'm just saying you really look good."

  "Um, thanks," Beth blushed. Out of all the crazy that was happening to her she wondered if maybe it was worth it. She did look good. She felt good too. But it wasn't worth it if it meant she was being abused or going crazy.

  "Are you good to go to the showers?" Carla asked. "I can take you down."

  "No, I'm fine. I think. I'll ju—" Beth yelped as her phone rang in her lap. She stared at it and then looked up at Mandy and Carla. All three burst out laughing at her reaction. She picked it up and answered. "Hello?"


  "Colin?" she asked with a glance at her suitemates. "Hey, how are you?"

  "Good! Sorry again about last night. Like I said, I figured you weren't interested. Dick move, I know, but I'm going to make it up to you tonight, I promise!"

  "Oh, uh, okay. That's cool," Beth said. She turned to look at her roommate who was leaning next to her so she could hear what he said.

  "Did you find something to do, at least?"

  "Me? Um, yeah, something."

  "Cool. The party will start ripping around eleven or so, but you can come over any time. We should be ready after eight or so, if that's cool?"

"Eight? Yeah, I can be ready by then."

  "Awesome," he said. "Hey, I'm really glad things are cool with us. Nobody's ever done anything like you did for me before."

  Beth's eyes widened. She glanced at her friends and then gambled. "You've never had a blowjob before?"

  Colin laughed. "Not like that! I still can't believe that was your first. If you keep that up I'm going to be hooked!"

  "That good, eh?" Beth asked.

  "Ask him what part he really liked," Carla whispered.

  Beth scowled at her roommate and slapped her thigh. Mandy had to stifle a giggle with her hand.

  "Well yeah," Colin said. "That's not what I meant though. I mean taking me to that strip club. I mean, who knew you would be that cool. I hope it didn't weird you out too much. I know you said you were curious."

  Carla gasped and turned to stare at her. Beth ignored her. "No, it was cool. I'd never been, I wondered if they were like they are in the movies."

  "Oh, I thought you told me once you were curious about—"

  "Hey," Beth interrupted. "I was trying to tell my friends when you called but I can't remember the name of that place. What was it?"

  "You were telling your friends? Holy shit! You said you wanted to keep it quiet."

  Carla stared at her with her mouth hanging open. Beth closed her eyes and fought through the embarrassment that threatened to silence her. "I've been making some changes lately. You might be surprised."

  "Wow, I'll say! I mean, I think who you are is great, but now I'm really curious. Oh, um, Club Paradise, I think? Or something like that. I wasn't really paying attention to the name, you know."

  Beth forced a laugh. "I noticed."

  "Hey, I left with you."

  "Yes you did," Beth said. "Can I bring my friends by tonight? To the party, I mean."

  "Huh? Oh sure. The more the better."

  "Cool. I'll see you later then."

  "You bet. Can't wait!"

  Beth hung up the phone and turned to Carla. She was hit in the face with a pillow immediately.

  "You dirty slut!" Carla laughed.

  Beth sputtered and wiped the imaginary pillow dust off her face. "What's that for?"

  Carla pouted. "You took him to a strip club? You didn't tell me that!"

  "Like you wanted to go?"

  "Maybe," she said.

  "You said you're strictly dickly, remember?"

  Mandy held up a hand. "Wait a minute. I only heard half the conversation. What's going on?"

  Beth sighed. "Last Friday I took Colin to a strip club for his birthday. Club Paradise, but I don't remember much more than that."

  "You've been acting kind of funny ever since," Mandy said.

  Carla nodded. "So wait, does that mean you're bi?"

  Beth groaned. "I was curious. I'd never been to one before. Relax."

  Carla shrugged. "I don't care if you are, I'm just asking."

  Beth forced herself to smile. "Never slept with a girl, sorry to disappoint you."

  "What's this about a party?" Mandy asked.

  "Colin's frat is throwing one tonight. Omega Phi Sigma," Beth said. "You guys want to come with me?"

  Carla glanced at Mandy and shrugged. Mandy nodded. "Hellz yeah," Mandy said.

  Carla nodded. "Guess we're in."

  "What about Vanessa?" Beth asked. "Where's she at, anyhow?"

  "She had to go home this morning. She'll be back tomorrow," the Latina explained. "Are you sure you're okay to go out again. I mean, after last night. Last week, really."

  Beth nodded. "I feel fine. Better than fine, actually. I don't know what's going on, but I don't want to sit around and think about it. I'll just psyche myself out."

  "Are you going to dress up like you did last night?"

  Beth glanced down at herself. "Um, I don't know, maybe? I don't have many sexy clothes."

  "We'll hook you up," Beth said. "Right Mandy?"

  "Fuck yeah, you're too hot not to show it off."

  "Okay, thanks guys. I appreciate it," Beth said. She stood up and grabbed her shower bag again. "Guess I'll grab a quick shower. Oh!"

  Carla and Mandy watched as Beth moved to her dresser and dug through her top drawer. She pulled out a few different bottoms before she sighed and shoved them back in. She turned back to Carla and Mandy and shook her head. "Um, this is going to sound strange but—"

  "They're mine," Carla said.

  "Huh?" Mandy asked, glancing back and forth between the two of them.

  Beth's eyes widened. "I'm wearing your underwear?"

  "Holy shit!" Mandy blurted.

  "Shut it," Carla snapped at the girl in the doorway. She turned back to Beth. "You wanted something sexy and fun to wear. Something that didn't show panty lines. They're clean. I expect you to wash them before you give them back though."

  Mandy walked over and grabbed the elastic waistband of Beth's pants. She pulled it out and stared down at the black thong. "I'll be damned," she muttered.

  "Hey!" Beth yelped and tried to back away. Mandy didn't let go in time to stop her running pants from pulling down and falling halfway down her hips. Beth scrambled to grab them and pull them back up.

  "You took my advice!" Carla said.

  Red faced and glaring at Mandy, Beth was caught off guard. "What advice?"

  "You shaved!"

  "I what?" Beth gasped.

  "Your pubes, duh," Mandy teased.

  Beth pulled her pants back out and stared down. She glanced at Mandy and turned her back to her before lowering her pants and pulling the top of her borrowed underwear out. She had shaved. Everything. "Oh my god!"

  "Woah, I just suggested a trim, you went all in," Carla said as she leaned in for a look.

  Beth yelped and yanked her pants back up. She glared at Carla and then Mandy. "That's none of your business!"

  "Chill, sister," Carla said. "I got tired of shaving, I wax. Hurts like hell at first but it gets better."

  "No it doesn't!" Mandy said.

  Beth spun. "You do it too?"

  Mandy shrugged. "Sometimes. It never stops hurting though."

  "You get used to it," Carla said.

  "Bullshit, you like it rough."

  Carla grinned. "Sometimes," she admitted.

  "Oh my god," Beth said. She held her hand up and grabbed her shower bag in her other one. "I am not having this conversation. You pervs better be done by the time I get back!"

  "This from the girl who took her friend to a strip club and then blew him after," Mandy pointed out.

  Beth gawked at her and then shook her head as she stormed out. The sound of her suitemates giggling followed her out the door and down the hall. Beth couldn't keep herself from smiling.

  Chapter 12

  "Damn, girl! They are going to eat you alive. You do know this is a frat party, right?" Mandy said after she walked into Carla and Beth's bedroom.

  Beth looked up at Mandy and gave her a once over. Skinny jeans and a sheer blouse that she could see her bra through. It was cute and complimented her figure. "You look cute," Beth told her.

  "And you look like shark bait," Mandy replied. "You've got a guy waiting for you, remember? Give the rest of us a chance to get their attention."

  Beth finished touching up her eye shadow and turned to look at herself in Carla's mirror. Carla moved to the side and gave her a wolf-whistle. "Somebody is getting laid tonight!"

  "Stop it," Beth hissed. "I'm just trying out something different."

  "Girl, if those boys don't trip over themselves to get a piece of you, then we went to a gay frat party."

  Mandy shook her head. "I don't know, aren't you worried you're going to be tugging that skirt down all night?"

  Beth squatted down, keeping her knees together, and rose back up in a smooth motion. "Ta da, it's good," she pointed out.

  Mandy shrugged. "Just don't bend over unless you wore a hair net."

  "She shaved it off, remember?" Carla teased.

  "Oh my god! Knock it off you two! I though
t friends were supposed to be supportive?"

  "Bra's are supportive," Mandy said. "Friends let you know when you're about to make a mistake and then they let you do it anyhow."

  Beth frowned. "Is that what you think I'm doing?"

  "Maybe, I guess we'll find out," Mandy replied. "Either way, friends are also there to pick you up after you screw up."

  Carla huffed. "Girl, don't mind her. I got your back. You'll be fine."

  "Hello," Mandy challenged. "She's never gone out partying with us, don't you think she should take it easy on her first one?"

  "It's a skirt and a tank, what's the big deal?" Carla said. "You always party and talk the talk, but then you chicken out and give every guy the cold shoulder you meet. Maybe you should be the one being a little risqué."

  "I'm picky," Mandy argued.

  "And I like to experience new things," Carla said.

  "Such a slut," Mandy sighed.


  "Ladies, please," Beth said to calm them down. She turned to Mandy. "I won't get in over my head, I promise. But I want to live a little. I've been so introverted and now, for some reason, I just feel like getting out and doing something different. Right here, with you two, I feel comfortable. Out there, in front of a bunch of strangers, I'll probably want to run and hide in a closet."

  "I knew you were hiding in a closet!" Mandy teased.

  Carla laughed and, after a gasp of shock, Beth joined in.

  "All right, but I'll keep an eye on you," Mandy said. She looked down at the low heels Beth was wearing and raised an eyebrow. "What, no hooker boots to go with your outfit?"

  Beth looked down at her feet and sighed. "It's about eight blocks, I figured I should wear decent shoes. Boots didn't go with the outfit. I don't have much to choose from."

  "I heard, please take me shopping, what about you, Mandy?"

  Mandy nodded. "Hellz yeah. Tomorrow good? Shoe shopping is an awesome hangover cure!"

  Beth laughed. "Are you guys ready?"

  Carla gave her hair one blast of hair spray and pronounced herself complete. "Let's do this."

  They reached the door of the dorm room before Mandy spoke up, "Beth, grab a jacket, it's like literally freezing out there!"


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