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Darkness Of Truth (An FBI/Romance Thriller~ Book 6)

Page 25

by Kelley, Morgan

  “I’ll drop it off at the police station.”

  Elizabeth stood from the wall, breaking out the native language and wishing them all a really nice day, before walking out. Once outside Ethan was laughing at what had gone down.

  For once, Callen wasn’t.

  “Well we can forget about the Native FBI relations on this reservation,” Whitefox practically growled, climbing into the Denali.

  “Cal, I had to be tough.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I get it.”

  Blackhawk glanced over at his brother. “Why are you this riled up? You’ve seen Elizabeth stir up the locals before and you never cared.”

  The anger exploded from him. “Because this is my damn job, that’s why. I’m not the profiler like you, and I don’t solve it all like Elizabeth. This is the only thing I’m good at, and you just made it harder and frankly a joke out of it.”

  Elizabeth didn’t want him to be this upset. “Cal, I’m sorry,” she touched his arm. “I wasn’t making a mockery out of what you do. I was dealing with men that think because I have ovaries I’m less than they are.”

  “Forget it, okay?” he pulled his arm away. “You don’t get it, and I don’t want to discuss it. What’s next today?”

  Elizabeth tried to not let his words and anger hurt her. “I’ll text Julian and Tori to meet us back at the police station. We’ll regroup and then head out to the original scene. Julian wants to check it out, and I don’t want him doing it alone.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Callen stated, icily.

  Blackhawk’s eyes met Elizabeth’s in the mirror, and they shared a look. It was hard to ignore the pain Elizabeth was feeling, and once again, he was stuck between the two people he loved most in life.

  * * *

  Friday Afternoon

  Desdemona Adare was in very hard labor. It was over twelve hours, and she seemed to be pushing the last five of them. The baby simply didn’t want to come out. There was a point where she begged to have the child cut from her to save her the pain, but they couldn’t. Her baby was already down in her birth canal. It was now or never.

  With a few more pushes, she was beginning to feel really dizzy. Something didn’t feel right. The pain was ebbing and the waves of disorientation were coming more and more. Maybe she just had low blood sugar.

  “The baby is right there, Desdemona. You can do this,” cheered the nurse, as she held her leg, praying the woman could get the child out.

  Desdemona pushed again, and there was this tearing sensation as the baby exited her body. The gush of blood coated the doctor’s scrubs.

  “It’s a girl!” he declared, holding her up to see her little girl. Desdemona’s eyes filled with tears, knowing she did it, it was all over.

  As they took her daughter away, the room spun again, and she listened to the doctor barking orders at the nurse. Being a doctor, she understood what they were doing. As they massaged her stomach, trying to get her uterus to contract, everything began getting blurry, until she heard the words…

  “She’s hemorrhaging! Get the misoprostol fast!”

  Desdemona grabbed the one nurse’s arm. “In my phone is a cell number for the baby’s father. If anything happens to me, call him. His name is Callen Whitefox. Tell him to come get his daughter. No one will want her here. He works for the FBI.”

  The nurse tried to reassure her, telling her it was normal for this to happen.

  “Callen Whitefox,” she repeated again. “He’ll want the baby,” she whispered, the edges of her vision becoming burred with a gray haze.

  “It’s going to be okay,” the nurse promised.

  Desdemona knew the truth. This was the path her existence was meant to take, and why she didn’t end up with Callen. Her life was over, and she wasn’t going to see her child grow up. Now suddenly she was happy for the man that walked away from her. He wouldn’t suffer over her death, and he would be given a child. In that moment, she regretted the hate and anger. In those last few seconds, Desdemona wished she could take it all back.

  “Please call Director Callen Whitefox,” she whispered, her voice sounding further and further away, even as she kept repeating the same two names over and over.

  Callen Whitefox

  Callen Whitefox

  Callen Wh…

  And then there was simply blackness as life was snuffed out.

  * * *

  In front of Jeffery Hoppers home, they were met by his sister, preparing to leave. When Sara saw them coming, she already knew. You could always tell from the faces of the family.

  “He’s dead.”

  Tori stepped closer and took her hand in hers. “I’m really sorry, Sara.” She broke down the entire thing, explaining the same thing as she did to Gail. “We’re working on who took his life.”

  “Did he suffer?”

  Julian took over for Tori. “No, he didn’t.”

  She nodded, wiping her eyes. “Oh, I happened to be digging through Jeff’s things, and I found a journal he kept. It has a bunch of GPS coordinates and then quantities. I think it may be his locations for the truffles. Would it help you to have it?”

  This could aid them in tracking the killer, giving them another piece of the puzzle. “Yes Sara I would.”

  She started back towards the house, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Can I see him?”

  Tori shook her head. “It wasn’t a pretty death. You’ll want to remember him as he was before.”

  Sara turned, going back inside to find the book she’d offered them. The woman’s words kept playing over and over in her mind. How could hunting for a fungus end so badly?

  “You keep telling them that they didn’t suffer, but you won’t let them see them. What really happened, Agent?” inquired Duffy, “Or is this a cover up.”

  She pulled out her phone and pulled up the autopsy email and showed him the skinless corpses, staring at the camera.

  “Holy shit that’s disgusting,” he said, thinking he might throw up. “Some savage Indian is skinning the victims?”

  “Tread lightly, Jimmy.” Julian warned him. “We don’t know who’s doing this. Don’t go starting a riot and stirring up the outsiders to benefit your political campaign.”

  “I’m offended you even inferred that. I just need to keep the people of my town safe from the blood and skin hungry killer.”

  Tori’s phone chimed. “We’re heading back to the police station before going to the original crime scene,” stated Tori, pocketing her phone.

  “I’m coming too,” James Duffy insisted.

  Julian shrugged. “Why not? It’s been such a nice day with you. Why let it come to an end?”

  Sara came out just then, book in hand. Tori took it and handed the woman a card. “If you need anything, call me. Okay, Sara?”

  The woman nodded. “I’m going to go call my parents and tell them. Please catch the person that did this, Agent.”

  Tori nodded. “We plan on it.”

  The three sat in the police station waiting for the rest of their team to come together. They were silently going over tech reports that were waiting in their emails. At the knock on the door, they looked up. Christina stood there with a report in her hand, and as usual a smile on her face.

  “I found the feather information for you and something else you might want to know about. It may be important.”

  “Come in,” invited Elizabeth.

  “I ran the feathers, and they aren’t from an eagle at all. In fact, they aren’t real.”

  No one was expecting that. Blackhawk lifted his eyebrow. “They’re fake feathers? Is there such a thing?” he inquired.

  “Yes there are boss, and they’re made to look like whatever feather’s you want. In this case, the reason we thought they were eagle feathers, was because they are made to be dead ringers.”

  “Okay, so we have fake feathers?”

  Christina grinned. “Not only that, but on the last one, the killer got sloppy. He left me evidence.”

th grinned, wanting to kiss the woman. “What did he leave the smartest tech in the whole damn FBI kingdom?”

  “Glue residue.”

  No one spoke, as they waited for her to clarify what she was getting at.

  Christina started laughing. “Okay, here’s what I think. At your grandfather’s funeral, he was wearing that gorgeous headpiece, the one with all the white and black feathers.”

  They nodded. Right now it was housed in a display case in their living room.

  “I think our killer bought one of those cheap knockoffs online made of fake feathers and is taking it apart with each victim.”

  “We have fake feathers, glue and a warbonnet wearing wannabe?” Elizabeth’s head was spinning. This didn't make it easier at all. In fact, it added more confusion into the mix.


  Deputy Redwolf came to the door. “Ma’am, the council shaman is here and he wishes to speak to you.”

  Elizabeth stood. “Christina, stay here. I’m going to have samples for you. Okay?”

  She nodded. Anytime Elizabeth wanted her to sit and stare at the men, then she would willingly. It was like a coffee break but even better.

  “Christina, be a good tech and eavesdrop on the conversation for me,” asked Blackhawk. “If he gets nasty, or she goes for blood, let me know.”

  She nodded, obeying her boss. She’d do anything for Ethan Blackhawk, and that included sneaking a peek at the conversation that his wife was having.

  It might get her killed, but that was a risk she was willing to take.

  Elizabeth stopped at the desk, waiting for the man to acknowledge her presence. In the back of her mind, she heard Callen’s words and was going to play nice regardless. “You needed to see me, Shaman Tallman?”

  The relatively short man stood in front of her. His hair was free and his eyes were intently staring at her, as if seeking to find some hidden answer. “You requested these.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “I appreciate you doing this for us so quickly, Sir.”

  He nodded. “You seem more subdued. I will take it that the men in your life put you in your place, and you have been reprimanded.”

  It took everything to swallow her pride for the man she loved. “I was, and I apologize for my rudeness. It was inexcusable, and I shouldn’t have spoken to the elders of the council the way I did. I’m truly sorry and hope you’ll forgive me.”

  He nodded, glad to see that she’d learned her lesson. Women today were too brash and easily forgot their place. “Thank you. Have a good day, Agent.”

  She watched him turn and leave and had to take three breaths to clear her anger before turning. “Asshat,” she muttered under her breath.

  Christina stood in the door open mouthed. “Oh my God! I never thought I’d see this day happen!”

  Ethan rushed over and stared out, catching the last half of the conversation. He knew why she was doing it, and he loved her for it. Turning to his brother, he stared at him.

  “She just apologized to a man that insulted her. He’s still putting her down, and she’s swallowing it for you. I guess she does understand, Cal.”

  Christina shook her head. “It’s the end of the world. Some short Native man just handed the boss her ass, and she took one for the team. Wow!”

  Callen didn’t know what to say. The pressure in his chest lessened that she did respect his job and how hard he worked.

  Blackhawk saw her coming and scrambled back to his seat. He was still shocked. His wife didn’t back down to anyone, and this was a completely different side of her and scary as hell.

  Elizabeth walked in, blood pressure through the roof. “Run these Christina, please.”

  The woman scrambled away with a look of fear on her face.

  “What’s up with her?” she asked, rubbing the baby bump as her son went nuts. Obviously his blood pressure was up too.

  Callen pushed out of his seat and crossed the room to her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. Everything in him softened for this woman. His tough bad ass Elizabeth was sweet and gentle trying to protect his heart.

  Her arms went to his neck, as he deepened the kiss. Wow, and what a kiss it was too. Her blood pressure began dropping.

  Ethan cleared his throat as Tori, Julian and the sheriff walked into the room. Tori and Julian walked right past the couple, not even surprised.

  It was James Duffy that stood there in complete shock. He looked back and forth at the two men. One was her husband and one was kissing her. “I’m lost.”

  Callen broke away, looking down into her eyes. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Elizabeth nodded, knowing that they were back to being on solid ground again, and all was right in the world between them.

  “How did it go?” Blackhawk inquired, ignoring the sheriff and his statement. He was more than lost, but that was probably due to his family gene pool.

  Tori broke it all down for her boss and then handed him the journal. “Victim two was keeping GPS locations of his truffle stash. We might be able to use one of these to find the actual spot where he was abducted.”

  Elizabeth grabbed her sunglasses off the table. “I think while we still have daylight, we head out to the original scene and look at the surroundings again. I don’t want Julian out here alone.”

  He nodded. “Thanks,” he said, knowing he wasn’t exactly up for foraging in the woods alone with a killer.

  Blackhawk didn't want him in the forest either. “Let’s head to Julian’s house and get on the ATV’s.”

  They grabbed the journal, some water and were out the door. Once in the cars, Callen dug through her purse and pulled out the peanut butter. “Lunch time,” he said, grinning and handing her the jar.

  “Great,” she answered, taking it from him while Ethan drove them there.

  Callen was watching her intently.

  Elizabeth looked around. “What?”

  “I just wanted to tell you that I love you.”

  She grinned. “If you can make an apple appear to go with this peanut butter, I’ll tell you the same back,” she answered, teasing him.

  Callen reached into his pocket and pulled out a candy bar. “What do I get if I give you chocolate?” he wiggled his eyebrows, lecherously.

  She didn’t even have to think about it. “I’ll give you a baby- one that I have to push out of my body in intense pain and agony for hours. You get a son and progeny for my sugar fix.”

  He handed her the bar and laughed.

  “Score! That was like stealing candy from a baby daddy!”

  Both men stared at her, and then began laughing.

  There was never a dull moment.

  At Julian’s cabin, they all unloaded from the vehicles. Ethan handed keys to the sheriff, Callen and Julian. When Elizabeth held out her hand, he laughed and kissed her fast on the mouth.

  “Not happening, Baby,” he answered, slapping her on the ass as he walked past her.

  “For that I’m riding with Callen,” she called after him. He didn’t seem to care. Ethan continued laughing regardless. His wicked grin stole her breath, as she was once again reminded how lucky she was in life. The men made everything better.

  “Come on Angel,” Callen said, sliding back so she was able to sit in front of him as he drove.

  When she climbed on, she stuck her tongue out at Ethan and earned more laughter. Leaning into Callen’s body, she enjoyed the way he smelled. As she rubbed against him, and placed her hands on his thighs, she could tell he was enjoying it too.

  “I think Ethan set me up,” he said into her ear, only loud enough for hear. “I think he knew you’d tease the hell out of me, making me completely crazy.”

  Now she looked over her shoulder and winked.

  It was going to be a long drive out to the site.

  Julian waited by the next ATV as Tori grabbed the journal from the back seat of the Denali. As she walked over to him, Sheriff Duffy intercepted her.

  “Why don’t you ride with a real man? Trust
me when I tell you Julian’s a dead end. Maybe we can meet up later and have a few drinks.” Duffy’s eyes glittered, as he continued enjoyed tormenting his old employee. The day was getting better and better, as he twisted the knife a little more.

  Tori smiled at him and placed her hand on his arm, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. “You know what? I think I will ride with an incredibly sexy man.”

  Littlemoon tensed at her words, and yet he fought to stay calm, remembering what she asked of him. After what he did last night, he owed her that much.

  “Jules, can you give me a ride,” she purred, never looking away from the Sheriff. “Then later I’ll return the favor.”

  “Yes Ma’am,” he answered, the tension releasing from his body. “Front or back?” he inquired, watching her cross to him.

  “Back,” she said, hopping on and wrapping her arms around his waist. She leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Thank you for trusting me and not interjecting.”

  Julian nodded, enjoying her hands on his abs. Now if his entire chest wasn’t aching, he might have enjoyed her sitting in front of him, where he could enjoy her rubbing against him.

  Tori glanced back at the scowling sheriff. “No offense and for the record- I kinda dig those vile, savage Indian men. They make the sex so much more fun.” She may still be upset, but she refused to watch Julian be hurt by an asshole.

  Julian started laughing as he followed his bosses into the woods.

  The day was looking a little bit brighter.

  ~ Chapter Ten ~

  Friday Afternoon

  The killer stood in the trees not far from the ATV’s and watched, as the FBI headed back into the woods. Trouble had been escorted to the reservation, and there he was riding with them. It was his fault they were here. If the man just let it all go, then they wouldn’t be ripping the Rez to pieces to find him.


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