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Liam's Mate

Page 4

by J. S. Scott

  “Heard you were a vampire whore, but that can be overlooked, as long as you come from the Taylor line. You’re attractive enough and probably could be adequate in bed with some training,” he told her flatly, moving closer as she backed into her living room to get away from him.

  Regan froze, taken aback by his blunt words. Of course he didn’t care, as long as they produced a good lineage. She was a Taylor, he was a Spencer. Two prominent families that were both direct descendants of mage royalty. No matter that neither of those so-called aristocratic families had two pennies to rub together; they would make blue blooded babies.

  Her stomach rolling in disgust, Regan put out an urgent calling spell to her sister, hoping Sasha would bring Nathan along with her. She was going to need help getting this repugnant, vile male mage out of her house. For some unknown reason, he already thought he owned her, and he obviously wasn’t leaving by request. Tom was older and male, but Regan would be damned if the vile creature would be disrobing her for inspection. She’d already gone through that at the hands of the council. No way was some beady-eyed, drunk, male mage pawing her like she was property and nothing more.

  Her ass hit the couch and she groped wildly to come up with something, anything to bash him on the head hard enough to stop his progress. Her hand came up with a flower pot of artificial stone. Not as heavy as she would have liked but…

  The flower pot stopped in mid-swing as a low, menacing growl came from the other side of the room. Regan’s head jerked to the bedroom door to see Liam, dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans, his eyes red, his face nearly unrecognizable, and completely ready to go in for the kill.

  “Liam?” Please hear me. Don’t kill the revolting mage. He’s not worth the backlash.

  The carnality of the noise rose to a menacing snarl and Regan reacted. She swung the pot with all of her strength against the head of the unsuspecting Tom Spencer, and it was hard enough to knock him from his feet. As he sprawled to the floor, Regan threw herself over Tom as she pleaded, screaming, “No, Liam. Don’t do it. He’s not worth it.”

  Her fingernails dug into the leather of Tom’s jacket as Liam sprung, trying to yank her from Tom’s body as he growled, “Kill. Protect.”

  Just as she was about to give way, the pressure released and she heard several voices screaming curses. She couldn’t decipher exactly what voices were hurling what violent oaths, but she relaxed slightly as she recognized Nathan.

  Stumbling to her feet, Regan quickly took in six additional bodies, three male, three female, in her small living room. Nathan, Ethan and Rory had a hold on Liam, while Brianna, Callie and Sasha looked on in horror as Liam suddenly broke his brothers’ holds and rushed for Tom.

  “Jesus Christ! He’s like a vampire on steroids.” Nathan grunted as he tried and failed to hold Liam again with the help of his brothers.

  Regan’s living room was utter and complete chaos as the brothers struggled, trying to keep Liam from getting in any more hits on Tom, who was still sprawled on the carpet in shock.

  Regan lunged toward Tom, ready to throw herself on top of him again, but Sasha, Brianna and Callie held her back, away from the flying limbs of the and thrashing bodies of the Hale brothers.

  “He can’t kill him. He can’t kill him.” Regan tugged, trying desperately to break free, but her sister held her back, grasping her tightly around the waist to keep her from running forward.

  “Stop, Regan,” Sasha told her in her severe, big sister voice. “Let the guys handle this.”

  It really didn’t look like the guys were handling anything. Fists were flying and Liam was coming out on top, repeatedly making his way back to Tom in his furious attempt to snuff out his life.


  The whole room rocked from the booming order and everybody stopped whatever they were doing, including Regan. She tried to move, but she was locked into place, frozen, unable to even twitch her little finger.

  Holy hell. What now?

  If she could have moved, she would have instinctively stepped back from the form that suddenly appeared in her line of vision, a man who meant business and radiated power that pulsed through the entire room. Shit. He was massive. Strangely enough, he moved his hugely muscled body with the grace of a dancer, strolling casually over to Liam and placing his hand on Liam’s shoulder. “Time for you to cool off, my friend,” the voice was still powerful, but Regan swore she heard a twinge of empathy in the statement.

  Liam vanished without another word, leaving the man to lower his arm. “I believe it’s safe now. You will all stay calm.”

  “Where’s Liam?” Regan demanded the moment she could speak again. “What have you done?”

  She stepped in front of the strange male, craning her neck to see his face. His expression was as hard as stone. He didn’t look any older than his mid-thirties, but his eyes gave away the fact that he was ancient. They spoke of knowledge, infinite knowledge and endless wisdom. Definitely vampire, with his signature brown eyes and dark hair that was cut almost military short, making his sharp features appear even more severe than they already were.

  The black jeans that molded to his lower body, the black steel-toe biker boots and a black t-shirt just added to his menacing demeanor, but Regan scowled up at him, determined to find Liam.

  The big mans lips twitched slightly as he answered, “Your mate is safe, some place that he can’t hurt himself or anyone else.”

  “I want to see him,” she demanded, frantic to find out if Liam was really okay. He hadn’t exactly looked normal, sane or safe for that matter. “And who in the hell are you? And why did you move him?”

  His lips twitched again as he stared down at her from his elevated height. “So demanding, little one? I will eventually take you to Liam, if you still want to see him. He isn’t exactly-” he hesitated before adding, “himself right now.” He placed his beefy hand on her shoulder and Regan felt an instant calming sensation. Her pulse slowed and her body relaxed as he continued. “I am known as Daric, Prince Of The Vampire Healers. I was your mate’s mentor and teacher in his youth.”

  Nathan, Ethan and Rory instantly dropped to one knee and bowed their heads as they all uttered in unison, “Your Highness.”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, get up.” Daric’s booming voice rose as he removed his hand from Regan’s shoulder and motioned for the brothers to rise. “I’m not into all that royalty gibberish. You are all fierce warriors and don’t need to kneel for anyone. Call me Daric.”

  Regan nearly smiled. Daric actually looked embarrassed.

  “With all due respect, Daric, where is my brother?” Nathan asked as he rose to his feet, Rory and Ethan rising at almost the same time. “And how in the hell did he get that strong?”

  “Why are you calling Regan his mate?” Rory inquired in a confused voice.

  “She’s my intended mate,” Tom squawked from his seated position on the floor, finally finding his voice.

  “You..” Daric’s eyes were intense as he glared at Tom, “are leaving.” Daric flipped his hand as though he was batting away a fly and Tom disappeared.

  Regan didn’t bother to ask where Tom had been sent. She really didn’t care. Even for a mage…he was disgusting.

  Daric walked slowly towards the Hale brothers, his hands clasped behind his back. “To answer Nathan’s question, Liam has always been strong, but his power is usually put into his healing.”

  “I’ve never seen him….like that,” Rory gulped as he tried to comprehend the fact that Liam had an enormous amount of power. “He’s my twin. I should have known.”

  Daric stopped in front of the three brothers as he remarked, “There are a lot of things that you all should have known, but Liam thought it was in your best interests to remain ignorant of some of the facts of his life.” He looked at each brother as he added, “I disagree. I think being informed is the best protection for all of you.” He waved his hand in the air, “Watch and learn.”

  Regan’s eyes were riveted to the i
mages that sprang forth. It was almost like watching a big screen television suspended in the air.

  Liam’s life rolled by, scene after scene, while seven pairs of eyes stayed glued to the images, with gaping expressions on all seven faces.

  Daric had to explain some of the scenes as they played, but Regan knew about most of them and some, like the backlash experiences, she had actually witnessed up close and personal.

  Good or bad, Liam’s secrets were being revealed.

  Chapter 5

  The screen disappeared as the last episode of backlash flashed away. Daric eyed Rory as he asked quietly, “Not the grand life that you imagined your twin had, is it?”

  Rory shook his head, his expression wistful, “I always thought he was the lucky one. Now I realize he wasn’t.” Rory sighed as he continued, “I always imagined he went away to a grand adventure when he was gone for long periods of time when we were young. I was jealous.”

  “In reality, he went away for weeks at a time for healer training. It’s not a grand adventure. It’s hell. You’ve seen some of it,” Daric replied.

  “Yeah…I guess I was really the lucky one. I had a childhood. I had friends. And I had Ethan and Nathan.”

  “Being a healer is a load of responsibility at a very young age and it’s a lonely life. There is nothing grand about it,” Daric remarked gravely.

  “I still don’t understand why he didn’t tell us about the backlash,” Nathan muttered, obviously irritated.

  “Because he feared that if you knew that he would pay with pain for killing a fallen, you wouldn’t call him when you were in trouble. He didn’t want to take the risk of losing one of his brothers,” Daric commented quietly. “He was protecting you all in his own way. He never wanted anyone to know about his pain.”

  Regan squirmed, feeling guilty that she did know, but kept Liam’s secret.

  “Don’t,” Daric said sternly as he gave her an understanding look. “You’re a good mate and kept Liam’s secrets as he requested. You honor him.” He crossed his arms over his massive chest. “I, however, am a prince of my people. I have no such qualms about blurting out his life story if I think it’s for his benefit.”

  “Liam’s found his mate. He’ll get his soul and a partner. He won’t be lonely anymore,” Callie exclaimed in wonder. Callie and Brianna were both grinning, but Sasha’s expression was cautious and subdued.

  “Liam has a soul. Mating is different for a healer. It’s a blood bond.” Regan murmured absently, knowing that Liam could never truly be her mate.

  The room erupted with chatter, questions all being asked at the same time. Daric held up his hand and the room quieted, allowing him to explain the basic mating rules of the healer.

  “Holy shit!” Rory exclaimed loudly as Daric finished. “So it really is a miracle that Liam and Regan found each other.”

  “Liam found his mate because it was meant to be,” Daric answered with a shrug of his mammoth shoulders. “He’s the first deserving healer in a very long time. He put his people first and served long and tirelessly. He deserves his mate.” He shot Regan a stern, knowing glance as he finished.

  She fidgeted nervously, her voice nearly inaudible as she admitted, “I can’t mate with him. The league of mage assassins will kill him if I do.”

  “That’s bullshit. Liam needs his mate. You can’t just abandon him,” Nathan snarled. “It’s not like we can’t protect you.”

  “Quiet!” Daric shouted abruptly. “Don’t judge her.” He gave Nathan a sharp glance as he waved his hand. “Watch.”

  The big screen television returned, but this time the image was of the incident that Regan had gone through with the council. Daric concealed her nudity, but he didn’t tone down the violence of the attack and subsequent painful branding.

  Regan turned her head, trying to block the images and stay deaf to her own tortured screams. She rubbed her hip, still feeling the burn, still smelling the burned flesh. “Please, Daric. Stop,” she choked out as she turned pleading eyes to the prince.

  The images immediately disappeared, but six sets of eyes watched her.

  “Where was Regan’s protection during that episode?” Daric asked sarcastically as he turned his gaze to Nathan. He sighed loudly as he shook his head. “You are a brave warrior, Nathan, but your temper and rush to judge can sometimes cloud your common sense. Had you planned better the other night and not rushed in to eradicate the mass of fallen while being led by anger, Liam probably wouldn’t have needed to kill. You’re smart, but rash when it comes to killing the fallen.”

  “But-” Sasha rushed to defend her mate.

  “No, Sasha. He’s right,” Nathan said grimly. “My hatred of the fallen consumes me at times. I need to get control of it. I can dust the bastards without being stupid. I should have planned better. I should never let my anger and resentment consume me to the point where I put any of my brothers at risk. It won’t happen again.”

  Daric’s mouth turned up slightly in an approving smile. “Well said, warrior. You have reason for your hatred, but let common sense be your guide and you will get the best revenge.”

  “I’m so sorry, Regan. Sorry we weren’t there for you. If I had known, we all would have protected you. I understand you were just trying to protect Liam and I’m sorry we couldn’t keep you from suffering.” Nathan spoke quietly. “Will you mate with him?”

  “I don’t know,” Regan answered honestly. “I love him. I want to. But I’m afraid of the council’s revenge. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to Liam.”

  “Why didn’t the league of assassins come after me when I mated with Sasha?” Nathan asked curiously.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I do,” Daric answered. “Regan is a possible weapon against the mage. They need to keep her in the mage circle. For her, the council is willing to risk the wrath of the vampire by sending in the league of assassins.”

  “What do you mean?” Regan answered with a perplexed expression.

  “If you had looked very closely at your mating mark before it was defiled, you would have noticed a very tiny sword being carried in the claws of the dragon. That sword is a sign of a protector, a very rare mating mark for a vampire. It means if the mating is ever completed, the female mate will become a protector of the vampire, able to protect the vampire against harm from her people. You, my dear Regan, will always have the power to protect yourself or any of your vampire kin against the mage.” Daric finished and laid his hands on Regan’s shoulders in a gesture of comfort.

  “How?” Regan questioned, shocked by Daric’s incredible revelation.

  “You will be able to spell the jewelry you make with a spell of protection after your mating. Mating will release your power as a protector.”

  “Oh, God. I can protect Liam. And Nathan. And…everybody,” she sputtered wildly, hardly daring to believe it was true.

  “Yes. You can truly make your choice without any other influence,” Daric smiled down at her like he was speaking to a treasured child.

  “I choose Liam,” she exclaimed excitedly. “I’m just not sure he will want to choose me,” she muttered in a more restrained tone. “He still has the option of rejecting me.”

  Daric’s eyebrows rose almost to his hairline as he said wryly, “I don’t think that will be a problem. He’s in such a desperate state right now because he cares too much. However, it might be hard to convince him, but now that you’ve made your choice, I hope that you can. He’s past the point of no return, Regan. You need to reach him or he will not survive.”

  Regan’s heart stuttered and she could feel the palpitations begin as her gaze shot to Daric’s sad eyes, “What do you mean when you say he won’t survive?” she asked breathlessly.

  “If he can’t reject you, which I already know he can’t, and if you don’t mate within the next few days, he will die. Liam needs to either mate or reject. He can’t reject you because he wants you. On the other hand, he thinks he has done you unforgivable h
arm and doesn’t want you to take him as a mate out of pity. It will take some convincing.”

  Regan felt fear wrap its icy hands around her heart, but she shoved it away. Failure was not an option. “I don’t know all of the details for the mating,” she gave Daric a pleading look.

  “And I will be glad to explain,” he told her patiently. “In private,” he added, giving everyone else in the room a get-lost-now look that no one would dare to ignore.

  Regan hugged everyone quickly, giving her sister Sasha a extra squeeze. “Don’t let him go until he does the deed,” Sasha whispered urgently in her ear before she and Nathan transported away, followed by Ethan and Brianna.

  “Tell him I’m sorry. Tell him…I love him. Please don’t let him die,” Rory said in a low, graveled voice filled with remorse as he hugged her tightly.

  Regan pulled back and looked into the face that looked so much like Liam’s as she answered, “I will. But he knows, Rory. And he loves you. More than you know.” In a stronger voice she added, “You can tell him yourself later. That stubborn vampire is going to be mine. Lord help him.”

  Rory gave her a ghost of a smile as Callie wrapped her arms around him and they faded away.

  Regan took a deep breath and turned to Daric. His face was solemn as he looked down at her and put his hand lightly on her hip. Slightly confused by his action, she started to pull away as she felt a mild burning sensation under his fingers. “You’re fixing my mark.” Understanding dawned and her face lit up as he pulled his hand away.

  “It’s already fixed,” Daric corrected her arrogantly.

  “Thank you, Daric. Thank you. I hated the brand. I missed Liam’s mark so much.” In her excitement, Regan jumped up and threw her arms around his thick neck in gratitude, and planted a loud, smacking kiss to his cheek.

  He patted her back gently and Regan could have sworn she saw a slight blush as she pulled away from him. The big guy wasn’t such a hard ass after all. “You care about Liam.”


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