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Dracula: Hearts of Fire (Dracula Heart's)

Page 15

by Albert Gallant

  A chickadee landed on Annie’s left shoulder and she remained perfectly still as she thought it was adorable, but that was when Eric attacked. He grabbed her purse and made a run for it, but he ended up on his back on the ground as she wouldn’t let go. It was like trying to steal a purse from a tank. Annie let him punch her in the face and it was like hitting a boulder. She picked him up as someone would a football and kicked him over the hedge. Then she stood on the bench and watched as he limped away, barely able to walk. Perhaps she had broken something in his heroin contaminated body, but if she did it was good enough for him. The moment she had touched him she discovered that she could in fact read his mind, but because he was human she had to be touching him. Was it some sort of strange vampire rule? Eric was a nasty piece of work and had hurt dozens over the years, some seriously. The way his mind worked was quite confusing to the old woman.

  Annie heard an awful scream, turning her head and trying to orient on it; she took off like a bolt of lightning.


  SITTING OUTSIDE AT ONE OF THE tables under the red Cornelia Street Café sign with white lettering, Lauren waited for Michael to show up. She was impatient and couldn’t wait to grab onto him and maybe never let go. After being apart from him she was hoping that they could take their relationship to another level. He had a particular pleasant scent and she wanted to lock onto it again. Although she continued to be affected by almost dying in that awful coffin, she had survived and it was time to get beyond it.

  Lauren looked right toward Bleecker Street and then left towards W4th Street. She glanced at her Bulova watch and wasn’t impressed with the time that had elapsed. Her beautiful gray blue eyes scanned the area, stopping at the Little Havana restaurant across the street, where about a dozen people were all entering at the same time. Discovering that he had been in New York searching for her, she had finally gotten word to Michael and waited impatiently for his arrival. Love’s pull was stronger than the most powerful magnet.

  “Come on Michael hurry up.”

  Because whatever wizard had taken her remained out there somewhere, it made her nervous. However he had gotten his hands on her, and she assumed that it was a HIM, remained a blank. She hadn’t a clue how she had ended up in that coffin; that was particularly worrying as she gave everyone in the area the once over. Being vulnerable wasn’t a good feeling. What would she do if she encountered that damn wizard? Should she fight or flee?

  “Come on Michael.” Lauren sat in one of the green chairs and had an opened bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne beside her on the table, drinking directly from the bottle. She was happy to be alive and would be happier to look upon Michael’s face. Lauren attempted to call Michael but got no answer. She could imagine a lot of things but it would only be her imagination at work and nothing factual. The day was starting to get heavier and she hoped for lighter moments before it came to an end.

  “Don’t tell me that you’ve been kidnapped as well.” The statement meant nothing until it came out and then it frightened her. What if whoever had had her trapped in that coffin took Michael just to get at her. It wasn’t a completely bizarre thing to consider, actually it made sense. Oh, how she wished she hadn’t said it, hadn’t thought it, hadn’t felt it. He could be used as bait to lure the sheriff back into the wizard’s magical hands, and as she considered it she realized that it would probably work. The level of anxiousness was rising and nothing would lower it except for Michael.

  She pictured him in a coffin and it tore at the fabric of her heart.

  When Michael was officially an hour late Lauren felt like pulling her swords off her back and slicing something; she couldn’t do it but she visualized it. Chopping things to pieces like as buzz saw. She tried to take a deep breath and relax but it didn’t work. A young black couple crossed the street, both so attractive that they looked as if they had jumped off the cover of a glamour magazine. The kids that they would produce would certainly be exceptional. Once on the sidewalk they kissed and she wanted to split them in two. Not really but they did annoy her. Finally, they made their way down the street and eventually out of sight.

  Tick tock, tick tock.

  Yet another disturbing scenario entered her mind. It had been a near death experience for her so what if she was experiencing some kind of emotional problems? Not a mental breakdown per se but there could be aftereffects that she would have to work through. Lauren was one tough lady but everyone had their breaking points. She faced death and conquered it but there could be repercussions. What if that horse hadn’t been there?

  Lauren would work through it. It would be better when Michael arrived. Michael’s face would comfort her. Michael presence would sooth her soul. But what if Michael didn’t show up?

  Again the red sheriff glanced at her watch.

  Lauren couldn’t get the law involved as Michael had only been missing for an hour and a half. That wasn’t really missing at all he was delayed. Delayed like a train that had been derailed? Was Michael now trapped in a coffin waiting for her to rescue him? That didn’t even make a smidgeon of sense or did it? Worrying about something that wasn’t factual was asinine. Stress was rubbed out of her forehead but quickly returned. She couldn’t search the entire city for him she simply had to wait. On the phone he had sounded anxious to see her, so where the hell was he?

  Tick tock. Tick tock. Time had slowed to the pace of a three-toed sloth.

  Her mind drifted back to the coffin, whoever had entrapped her was still out there and that was worrying on multiple levels. She would have to seek out another wizard to see if she could track down the bastard. Telling herself not to look at her watch was maddening. That watch was becoming the enemy. Lauren felt a little stupid at how she was overreacting. She was quite sure that he was on the way, but he should have been there by now. The street was examined in both directions, still no sign of him. Picking up the bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne she downed the rest of it, got up and started to pace.

  “Michael, where are you?” Lauren was now getting looks from a senior coupled at a nearby table; she noticed it but didn’t care. Perhaps she was acting a little irrational, talking to herself. Against her own judgement she checked her watch yet again, now almost two hours had passed. What if she never heard from him again? Never knowing his fate would forever haunt her.

  Michael was at a Men’s Warehouse trying on new suits. He had the choice down to two but had lost the connection with time.


  A DEAD BLACK BEAR was propped up against a fir tree, its lifeless eyes staring straight ahead. The eyes were small, round and widely spaced. Just recently killed it continued to look good, as good as a dead bear could look. Keith was happy to be in the company of the bear. He pinched the bear’s cheeks in an affectionate manner. The sick vampire brought it a large rainbow trout and put it in its mouth, then took the bear’s large paw and scratched the back of his head where it was itchy. He got satisfaction from hugging the bear but unfortunately it didn’t reciprocate.

  “Looks like it’s going to be another nice day,” he said to the bear.

  “Looks like,” said the bear. “I’m craving dandelions right now.”

  Keith blinked several times as he looked into the animal’s dark eyes. “Don’t think dandelions would taste very good.”

  The vampire looked puzzled. The tree that was ten feet to his left winked at him. His mind attempted to make sense of his surroundings. “Maybe I’ll go hunting for some honey for you later. Would you like that? I bet you’d like that wouldn’t you?”

  “Honey makes me fart,” said the bear. “I’d rather have a bottle of whiskey.”

  Keith stared at the bear. His mind went round and round. “Really? What kind would you like?”

  The fish fell from the bear’s mouth onto the ground. “Canadian club would be okay. Say Keith, does my ass look fat to you?”

  “Looks hairy. It looks to be about the right size for a bear. Hey, no matter what you al
ways have a bear ass.”

  The bear nodded and seemed happy enough with the conversation. “How many bears does it take to screw in a light bulb?”

  “How many?”

  “I don’t know I was asking you.”

  “Oh, I thought it was a joke.”

  “Keith, bears don’t joke, you should know that.”

  Keith sat himself down like a kid in the forest. “You’re my friend? Right?”

  “Actually, I’m not.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you killed me you jackass.”

  Keith’s crazy brain was trying to communicate with him the best way it knew how, but it was now quite aberrant. May as well have been a squirrel on a wheel trying to power a car. When a vampire went insane it wasn’t the same as when a human did. The brain, while being an extremely complicated thing for people was even more so for vampires. Bits of magic were colliding into one another in there. Hallucinations were just the beginning. Not much was known about insane vampires and no one was interested in doing that study.

  “Dead bears can’t talk.”

  “Now you just think about that statement,” said the Bear.

  Keith thoughts danced around in his head like live grasshoppers cooking in a frying pan. “You’re really not my friend? Because you know I really need a friend. Everyone needs a friend. Even vampires need reliable friends. Some people pretend to be your friend but then stab you in the forehead.”

  “Since I’m dead I’m going to stop talking now.”

  Keith blinked several times. “Did you see the Yankees game yesterday?”

  “I’d eat the Yankees if I could. I’m dead so I’m definitely going to stop talking now.”

  “Don’t make me punch you in your head again.”

  “I can’t hear you.” The bear made an unpleasant face and then started to sing. The song was country in style and rhythm. “The snakes crawl at night because they can’t walk, when the sun goes down, it’s gets kinda dark!”

  “If you’re not talking to me I’m not talking to you. I’m going to take a nap. Stupid bear.” Keith curled up into a fetal position and went to sleep.


  SHARPTON STOOD IN HIS OFFICE and stared down at the three vampires that were sitting in the black leather chairs opposite him. They all waited impatiently for Oblivion to show up. All three were brothers and excited about their new adventures with Sharpton, a well-known underground figure with lots of status. They were a seedy looking crew, as if they had crawled out of the bad part of the city. Meriwether, Alonzo and Bennet all had similar features, although Meriwether was a good three inches taller than the other two. They were blond husky fellows with long faces. None of them would be considered attractive to the opposite sex. Bennet’s heart beat for the first time in six weeks and it made him jump; the rush of endorphins was pleasant enough to the vampire.

  Sharpton stared out his window at the forest in the distance. His initial plan was to be the boss of the east coast with the feeble humans having to go through him. Now his plans and corrupt ideas were expanding. “He should be here shortly.”

  The siblings had been enthusiastic about being in the employ of Sharpton until now; they had no idea of why they had been summoned to his office. As far as they knew they hadn’t done anything wrong, or said anything nasty about him. They would fight to the death if necessary, but they were aware that Oblivion was a wizard and that he fought dirty. They were unaware that they would be associating with a wizard when they were approached to join Sharpton and the others. In their minds it was best to stay as far away from them as possible.

  Oblivion entered wearing a Brioni pinstripe suit with purple tie and a purple pocket square. He was carrying three beakers almost full of brown blood and a few added ingredients that were spelled; they contained two drops of Werewolf blood mixed with a small amount of slug slime. He gave one to each of the three brothers and they looked down into the beakers as if they contained dog snot.

  Bennet examined it with his left eye and was unimpressed. “What the hell do you want us to do with this stuff? It’s disgusting.”

  “I’m not drinking this shit!” said Alonzo.

  “Just smell it and then you can decide,” stated the wizard.

  They all took a sniff and were immediately hooked. It was the most wonderful aroma that they had ever encountered. They drank the stuff and wanted more, but there wasn’t any more to give them. All their eyes changed to a dull black, and they all now appeared to be deep into their own minds. Meriwether blinked and blinked as if he was having a reaction to the stuff. He then shook his head twice.

  The wizard faced Sharpton. “This is an experimental spell. I have no idea of how long it will last. It could be five hours or five minutes. It’s best that you send them on their way. But first I have to give them a little command as a test. Vampires, I want you to stand up and sit down seven and half times. Now.”

  Alonzo and Bennet were more than happy to comply, stopping half way down into their seat to make it seven and a half and held their position there, but Meriwether refused to budge. The concoction didn’t have the desired effect on him. Oblivion and Sharpton stared at one another. The vampire continued to blink repeatedly as his system fought the spell.

  Sharpton shook his head. “Why isn’t Meriwether complying?”

  “He must be resistant to the enchantment.”

  “Watch him!” Sharpton commanded Oblivion.

  Meriwether pulled his sword and tried to cut Oblivion’s head off, he missed but sliced open Sharpton’s left cheek. A single touch from the wizard turned his skin to dust as his bones fell to the floor. Oblivion now drained and frail also collapsed to the floor. The energy that he had expended to save his own life had taken a lot out of him; he would recover but it would take hours. Oblivion didn’t like that he was showing one of his weaknesses; he was a high level wizard but once his energy was depleted he was basically defenseless for hours. Sharpton could now kill him if he so desired; he immediately considered bringing his sword down upon the wizard’s neck. It wasn’t often that one got the chance to take out a wizard so easily.

  “Are you that weak that you can’t even stand?”

  “My strength will return in an hour or two.”

  “It’s a disturbing weakness. What guarantees do I have that when you return to your full power you won’t kill me to keep that secret? I should take your head right now.”

  Oblivion pushed himself back with difficulty to rest against the bookshelf; he appeared as if he had a bad case of the flu. He had used more magic than was necessary, but it was understandable with that blade wanting his head. “I need your resources and you need a wizard. Compliant wizards are few; you may never find another to do your bidding. All your plans would certainly be delayed.”

  Sharpton was undecided. If he didn’t kill the wizard here and now would that decision ultimately cost him his life? But he was correct in that wizards were usually uncooperative, having more interest in themselves than anyone or anything else. “Bennet, Alonzo, head off to Central Park and kill as many humans as possible, and be quick about it.”

  Without saying a single word Alonzo blurred off with Bennet behind him, their eyes scary and determined. Sharpton asked if Oblivion had removed the perimeter spell and he nodded that he had. He also said that he hoped the two brothers would not remember the death of the third. Sharpton sat behind his desk and stared off.

  Bennet and Alonzo found themselves in Central Park where just over a hundred young couples that had met on the Internet were having a picnic. Laughter and joviality were as abundant as alcoholic beverages concealed in plastic containers. Everyone had been looking forward to the get together for weeks. The planning and the emails had been abundant. Several couples had actually flown in from England. They were on fifty different style blankets and had just commenced to eat. Chongan, a small oriental man that was the organizer had just finished giving his speech of how he hoped that this one was the first
of many such encounters. That life was too short to simply stare at a computer screen all day.

  Alonzo and Bennet stood at the tree line and watched. The spell had already weakened slightly but unfortunately not enough to keep them from completing their mission. They were having a great time until the two brothers started taking their heads off. Then there was screaming and running, as they repeatedly blurred and killed without thought or consideration to their pleas of mercy. Heads hit the ground like so many dinner rolls being tossed. In less than a minute twenty seven were dead. Only one young man attempted to fight back when he realized that it was impossible to flee their swiftness.

  Throats were cut and the blood of humans splashed onto the green lawn coloring sections of it red. One poor fellow’s head rolled to his wife’s left knee, stopping there as if to bid her farewell. His mouth slowly opened as his muscles relaxed. His lifeblood squirted several more times out of his neck as she fainted.


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