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Page 5

by Shyla Colt

  “You talk a lot of game.”

  “And I back it up too. Haven’t you learned that by now?”

  She stared out the window, refusing to meet the gaze boring into her.

  He’d taken the car to accommodate her purchases. It was a thoughtful gesture that made her melt. Lefty didn’t do nice, or he hadn’t.

  This whole situation is a recipe for disaster.

  Lefty did what he wanted, when he wanted, with who he wanted. Thinking he could change

  at the drop of a dime would be stupid. Men were creatures of habit. She knew that better than most. The thought of putting enough trust into one person and to love him made her sick to her stomach. In her life, men had become synonymous with one of two things, pain or pleasure. The pleasure was fleeting and the pain damn near stole her soul.

  Lefty held his tongue as they left the car and walked into the boutique done in shades of

  black and red.

  A brunette in a pair of skintight leather pants and a black half top with the words Dueling Devils scrawled across it in white graffiti font walked from behind the counter. “Hey, Lefty, how’s it going?”

  “Pretty good, Autumn. How are you?”

  “Can’t complain, business is doing well.” Autumn fixed her brown eyes on Gia. “What can I

  do for you two today?”

  “Gia needs a new wardrobe.”

  “No, she doesn’t,” Gia piped in while shaking her head. “You don’t have to buy me that


  Lefty rolled his eyes. “Okay, half a new wardrobe.”

  Gia opened her mouth.

  “Close those sexy lips of yours, baby, this is non-negotiable.”

  She gritted her teeth, not about to get into it in front of someone she didn’t even know.

  Besides, it’d be a losing battle. Lefty was stubborn like that. He can’t expect anything from me when he’s already had it all. First lesson you learned on the streets, there’s no such thing as gifts.

  It was a mistake she’d only made once.

  “Half a wardrobe, got it,” Autumn said. “What does she—you like to wear.” Autumn

  glanced from Gia to Lefty.

  “Oh, this is his show, I’m just here to be entertained.” Gia smirked, giving Lefty a cool


  “Gia thinks I don’t know her. She couldn’t be more wrong. I know she’s closer to a size

  eight, but needs a ten to contain that ass I love so much.”

  The truth, in his words made her look at him with wide eyes.

  “I want to see skinny jeans, skirts, sexy tops, and sexy as hell but practical shoes. Baby girl is on her feet all day putting in long hours at work. Make sure you don’t dress her like a club whore. She’s a boss running things.” His gaze stayed trained on her own.

  Is this how he sees me? The picture he painted surprised her. He’d been paying close attention. It thrilled her more than it should. No man had ever taken the time to do anything like that.

  Autumn laughed. “This is a first. Follow me, guys.” She lead them over to a comfy black

  couch. “Gia, you have a seat. Lefty, you come with me.”

  Gia sank down on the black sofa and tried not to squirm. She’d already experienced Lefty

  every way possible, yet this felt too intimate. In need of a distraction, she studied the store. It wasn’t what you’d expect from a biker owned establishment. The clothes ranged from club wear like booty shorts and leather to everyday jeans and t-shirts. Someone has good taste. She eyed a few of the casual shirts with edgy designs with approval.

  Demon was smart as he had legit business all over the place. It kept the Feds off his back and the money cleanish. Not that anyone in Newsom complained. There were worse clubs to have in your town and they knew it. The Dueling Devils kept a low profile, for the most part.

  Any trouble that came their way tended to be from others trying to come into Newson and invade Dueling Devils territory.

  “Are you ready, Gia? I want to see your ass in some of these jeans.”

  Lefty’s voice drew her back to the present. “Don’t get your hopes up. If I don’t like it, I’m not wearing it.”

  “You’ll like it.” He sat down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “And

  every time you wear it, you’ll remember just how well I know you.” He trailed his fingertips down her arm.

  Gia wanted to slap the smugness off him. Mostly because he was right. “We’ll see.” She

  faked the confidence she didn’t have and stood.

  Autumn lead her to the fitting rooms a few feet away. “I didn’t know Lefty had an old lady.”

  “He doesn’t,” Gia argued.

  “Hah, I don’t think he’d agree with that statement.”

  The amusement in Autumn’s tone made Gia roll her eyes. “Well, he’d be wrong.”

  “Hmmm.” Autumn wisely kept her mouth shut. “This is your room. If you need anything,

  just let me know.”

  “Thank you,” Gia said, stepping inside the black fitting room. She closed the velvet curtain behind her and browsed the selections hanging on hooks. The brilliant reds, oranges, and lime greens made her smile. “Fuck.” He was right. She’d wear these and love them. I am in such trouble.


  “You talk to her?” Demon asked, nodding to Gia who was out back with Ardy talking

  wedding plans.

  “Yeah, we’re going to give some bullshit information and see if her contact is


  “And if it is?” Demon took a swig of his beer and watched him with narrowed eyes.

  Lefty rubbed the back of his neck. “Then we know it’s a dead end and we’ll send someone

  in to do some recon in person.”

  “Stay on top of this.”

  “I am. I have to be.”

  “What does she think Mylandra’s end game is?”

  “Fresh flesh, foreign flesh. She says they pay top dollar for it.”

  “Jesus, shit, man.” Demon ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t have the stomach for that

  shit. I don’t know how you deal with humans like they’re fucking cattle.”

  “I know, brother.”

  “If she knows Gia is here, why wait?’


  “Over what?”

  Lefty glanced out the back door, feeling like he was revealing a secret. “She wasn’t happy with her for leaving.”

  Demon’s eyes went wide. “She was a working girl?”

  “They don’t give them much of a choice there.”

  “Jesus fuck, dude.”

  “Yeah. It was bad, man.” Lefty sighed.

  “She talk about it to you?”

  “I don’t think it was intentional, but yes. I felt like puking at what it did to her mind. All I could do was stand there and look at her like a fucking idiot.”

  “What could you say?” Demon asked. “Sometimes, the best medicine is silence and some

  give a fuck.”

  “Give a what?”

  “You know, showing you give a shit. You smart ass.”

  Lefty smirked. “Yeah, I know.”

  “You tell her your story?”

  “No, it’s not time for that.”

  “Better make it soon. Bitches think you’re lying and the shit goes downhill.”

  “You a fucking relationship guru now?”

  “I’m trying to help your ass out. You’re chasing after her like a fucking puppy. I can’t have my VP losing all his cred.”

  “I already went down in the history books. I taught all you mother fuckers how to be


  “Keep telling yourself that when you’re getting shot down repeatedly by Gia.”


  Demon gave him a smirk. “True. How’s that whole thing coming along?”

  Lefty shrugged. “Sometimes, I think I’m making progress and then she shuts
down again.

  Given what I know about her past, I get it, but she’s driving me insane.”

  “You’re handling her with kid gloves and shit. It’s weird, not like you.”

  “There’s something about her. I need to figure this shit out or it’s going to haunt me,” Lefty admitted, continuing to gaze at her through the glass.

  “I know the feeling.” Demon kept his gaze trained on the window behind him.

  Lefty made the sound of the whip and flicked his wrist.

  “Hey, my old lady is marrying me and having my baby. If I cater to her it’s because I want to keep having sex and not lose my balls. Pregnancy hormones are no fucking joke.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “You don’t want kids?” Demon asked.

  “I don’t know. I like other people’s kids. I don’t know about my own. We aren’t there


  “Things have a way of escalating quickly, best to have a game plan.”

  “Just because you couldn’t wait to sperm Ardy down doesn’t mean the same will happen to


  “Uh-huh, have fun picking yourself off the floor when she gets done knocking you on your


  “Says the man planning a fucking wedding.”

  Demon narrowed his eyes. “Keep it up and I’m going to give you a shit run.”

  “Alright, truce?”


  “Good, do you know what Ardy expected us to talk about today? I mean, what the fuck is

  Ardy expecting us to figure out?”

  “Fuck If I know, brother. I’m just going to show up and walk down the aisle. It’s not that deep. I mean, hell, Flow is officiating. And it’s on our own land. What’s left to fuck up?”

  “I don’t know, but her death glare was pretty wicked,” Lefty noted.

  “Do yourself a favor, man, if you get married, elope.”

  “I think a part of you is enjoying this.”

  “Claiming my woman in front of everyone, including her bitch ass parents? Yes. All the

  bullshit that goes with it, no.” He rolled his eyes. “Only reason I’m putting up with this shit is because I’m only doing it once and Ardy deserves normal shit.”

  “You’re totally into her.”

  “I better be. I’m giving her my last name and a kid, never thought I’d be doing that shit


  “You going for a team or what?”

  Demon shrugged. “I like kids, she likes kids. I can afford it, so we’ll see.”

  It was strange seeing his friend so relaxed and happy. Before Ardy, Demon had a storm

  cloud around his head and a perma-scowl on his face. She’d mellowed him out. It was a good look.

  The door opened and they both turned to see a windblown Dani stalking forward with

  narrowed eyes. Demon had known her since they were kids. “I take a vacation and all hell breaks loose? You decide to throw a wedding and I’m not the first person you call? What the fuck, D?”


  Lefty snickered.

  “Hey, you aren’t off the hook either.” Dani pointed at him. “You have my number.”

  “Hey.” Lefty held his hands up. “This is between you two.”

  Dani returned her glare to Demon.

  “Shit happened fast. I wanted you to stay where you were to keep you safe.” He looked very unapologetic as he explained this to his childhood friend.

  “What the fuck ever. Where’s Ardy?” Dani asked, placing her hands on her hips.

  Demon pointed to the window. “Outside.”

  She glanced over. “What the fuck is she doing here? Are you kidding me right now?”

  “Hey, it’s not what you think, Dani. Jesus shit. They’re friends.”

  “Does she know?” Dani hissed.

  “Yes, Dani, and if she didn’t, you know the rules.”

  “Knowing them and liking them are two different things,” Dani growled.

  “God, you came back bitchier than when you left. Where’s Deuce?” Lefty said.

  “Fuck Deuce,” she sneered. “I’m going to go say hi and grill this bitch. Someone has to look out for my girl, Ardy. Especially since she’s part of the family.” She then walked off like the tornado she was.

  Demon let out a low whistle. “I’m guessing shit didn’t go well with Deuce.”

  “They’re always off and on. What’s the difference?” Lefty observed.

  The door opened and Demon’s young daughter stood there while holding her crotch. “Gotta

  pee, Daddy,” she crooned while zooming through the kitchen.

  Lefty looked at Demon and they both burst into laughter.

  It felt good to laugh. The cold shoulder Gia kept giving him was starting to get under his skin. He didn’t have to try with women. Maybe this was his payback for his mistreatment of them. The one woman he actually wanted…couldn’t offer him anymore than sex. The joke

  wasn’t lost on him. He turned and peered out the window.

  Gia looked like a fucking angel. Her white sundress stood out against her brown skin. Her

  golden-kissed curls cascaded down her back, framing her oval-shaped face. Her full lips were free of lipstick and curved upward in a genuine smile.

  This is what I want with her.

  There was a whole other woman lurking inside her, waiting to be set free. He wanted to tap into that and guide her into the sunlight. She didn’t belong in the dark where her memories held her prisoner. The nightmares she suffered from hadn’t ceased and he didn’t miss the weight being shaved off her frame. The demons never left you alone until you faced them. He knew that firsthand. There were cracks in her armor. Small tokens of esteem they never talked about. She cooked their meals, did their laundry, and showed him the softer side of Gia he’d only glimpsed before in small doses. It was torture seeing more of what he couldn’t lay claim to.

  She turned her head and their gazes connected. There was an unspoken connection.

  Gia gave him a tentative smile and his stomach flipped. He’d been taking a different

  approach with her and hanging back. That ended tonight. She thrived under pressure and

  remained in her comfort zone until she was challenged. Y ou need a catalyst, girl, and I have no problems stirring shit up. He broke their stare down, planning in his head. Tonight, everything would change.

  * * * *

  They walked into the house and she glanced back at him nervously. “You’ve been pretty

  quiet, is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine, Gia. I gave you time to get settled in. It’s been a week. You’ve had time to get your head together and shit is progressing the way it needs to. Tomorrow, you’re going to tell Nan where you’ll be and we’ll wait to see if she takes the information back to Mylandra.

  Tonight…you’re mine.”

  She scoffed. “I keep telling you I belong to no one.”

  “See.” He gripped her throat, rubbing the erratic pulse in her neck with his thumb. “That’s where you’re wrong, baby.” She licked her lips and he groaned. “If I put my hand under your dress and push aside those pretty panties you have on, I know you’ll be soaking wet. Because you know I’m going to make you feel good. Your mind might protest, but your body knows who you belong to.” Her chest heaved. “Look at you right now. Any other man who tried this would be on the floor.” He tightened his hold, adding pressure to her windpipe. “But you trust me, don’t you? Say it, Gia.”

  Her eyes widened. “Say what?”

  “Tell me who you belong to.”

  “Me,” she rasped.

  He clucked his tongue. “So fucking stubborn.” He tightened his hold minutely. Her body

  tensed. “You want me to take you to the edge to prove a point, Gia? I could.” He released her.

  “But I want your submission to be completely voluntary.” He took a few steps away from her and turned to meet her co
nfusion filled gaze. “Are you coming to the bedroom, or are you going to deny yourself just to spite me?”

  She nibbled her bottom lip and took a few steps toward him.

  The small gesture spoke volumes. Little by little, he was chipping away at her defenses.

  Tonight, he planned on cracking the code to the bank. She reached his side. He placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her with him to the bedroom he’d begun to think of as theirs.

  “Take your panties off and sit on the edge of the bed.”

  She watched him with eyes full of caution, but complied.

  The slight bend in her will meant everything. He was getting through to her. “Pull up your dress. I want to see that pretty pussy.”

  She barred her neatly shaven pussy and he licked his lips. “I can already taste that sweetness in my mouth. Spread those lips for me.” Her hands shook as she pulled them apart. He strode over and knelt in front of her. “Look at how you glisten.” He trailed a finger through her moisture. “Look at how your cream coats my finger.” He sucked his finger into his mouth and hummed. “Delicious. But I think we can make you wetter than that, don’t you? Roll over and show me that ass.” She moved down on all fours and he ran his hands over her smooth skin.

  She pushed back toward him.

  “You like it when I play with your ass, don’t you, baby?” She remained silent. He slapped

  her ass cheeks and she cried out. “Answer me, Gia. You like it when I play with your ass.”

  “Yes.” She clutched the sheets and circled her hips in the air.

  He licked her smooth skin and she bucked her hips. Nipping at her flesh, he worked his way down to her center. He cupped her ass, massaging as he buried his face between her legs and licked her slit. He hummed, and penetrated her wet center with his tongue, beginning a slow rhythm. She thrust back, requesting more, and he brought his hands up to pin her body to the bed.

  He’d come to realize sex was a language to her. After all she’d been through, he understood why it was how she communicated. Tonight, he was going to make sure she understood she

  wasn’t going to get what she wanted until she admitted to herself and him that this was so much more.

  “Oh, Lefty.”

  He pulled away. “Say my name.”


  “That’s right, baby,” He nipped her ass and returned to his meal. When his name became a


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