Never Trust the Rain (Destined for Love: Europe)

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Never Trust the Rain (Destined for Love: Europe) Page 8

by Laura D. Bastian

  She turned away from the castle and took his hand again. “I’m ready.”


  After another delicious meal, Duncan took her for a walk. She marveled at the beauty of the city, but his presence kept distracting her from the scenery. Every move and word from him brought him front and center to her attention. And she loved it, but knew she had to stop drooling over him. He could never be hers. The more time she spent with him, the more she wanted to have him in her life for a lot longer than this short trip would allow.

  Neither of them spoke about where the relationship might take them. It would be less than pointless to do so, but she’d never felt this way about a guy so quickly. Maybe the lack of pressure in a relationship allowed her to open up in a way she never had at home.

  Duncan walked at an easy pace, but she noticed he quickened his steps, pulling her a little faster with him.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  He tilted his chin toward the sky and she looked at the dark clouds approaching.

  “Ah. You’re afraid of the rain?” she teased.

  Duncan slowed down and turned to her. He put his hands near his hips with his fingers twitching like he was going to reach for a gun. With a terrible Texas accent he said, “Them’s fightin’ words.”

  Ami couldn’t help throwing her head back and laughing at his attempt. He shook his head and took her in his arms.

  “For that, I’m gonna make ye stay out here and brave the weather.”

  “I’m not scared.”

  Duncan nodded. “We’ll see.” He put his hands on hers and looked deep into her eyes. “And ye’ll have to do it without an umbrella.”

  Ami smiled and looked up at the sky. “Whatever.” She heard his appreciative chuckle and glanced at him. He was looking up at the sky too. She watched the differences in the clouds as they released the water they held. She had always loved standing in the rain at home and doubted this would be much different. Except it was decidedly cooler here in the summer than at home. The weather was still comfortable enough she knew it wouldn’t be horrible, and standing next to her own hot Scot would be just perfect.

  In less than a minute, the rain touched her face. It fell lightly at first, then began to increase in intensity. In another minute, her shirt was soaked and her hair hung dripping down the sides of her neck. She looked at Duncan, who only raised his eye brows at her. She laughed again. He shook his head and waited it out with her.

  She made it only one more minute before she felt the water pooling in her shoes. She looked around the street, seeing a few people running with umbrellas on their way out of the storm, obviously much saner than she was. She didn’t care. She’d never experienced this kind of rain before and wanted to feel it all. Duncan laughed and pulled her close, holding her in a tight hug. His body was warm and solid, and the vibration of his laugh as he held her sent hot shivers through her center.

  She clung to him, laughing at herself and the whole situation, marveling again at how fantastic it felt to be herself in front of him. To stand in the rain acting like a crazy person and not caring at all what he would think. And here he was, joining her in the frivolous action.

  Oh, how she loved him.

  When the thought hit her she gripped him harder, wanting to hold on to that fleeting sensation. He held her tighter and laughed again. She laughed with him, feeling the joy bubble up from deep inside. She didn’t know what to do about it, but for now, it was enough to just be with him. When she went back home, she could then consider her options. Jessie would be here for a while. She could always come back to visit.

  And maybe she’d discover, when she went home, that she didn’t really love him. That it was just a perfect summer vacation in a wonderful country and she’d be fine on her own again.

  That thought depressed her. She pushed it away, instead focusing all her attention on the moment. She shifted against him, looking up. As if it were meant to be, he looked down at the same moment, their eyes meeting before he bent his head to kiss her.

  The warmth of his face against her cold skin caused another shiver. She loved it. His lips were firm yet gentle while his hands resting on her waist indicated strength and power. She felt completely safe with him.

  From out of nowhere, the rain stopped. Ami was surprised when Duncan pulled away. She was so confused at the sounds of water hitting the pavement, yet she felt nothing hitting her from above. She looked up to see a bright red umbrella over them and someone putting the handle into Duncan’s hand.

  “Looks like ye need a bit of help,” was all they said before popping open a second umbrella and rushing off.

  “That was a surprise,” Ami said.

  “Aye, but very kind.” Duncan leaned down and rested his head against her forehead. “A much better fella than I’ve been. Molesting ye on the street in the rain all because ye wounded my honor.”

  Ami reached up, placing her hand on his cheek. “You’ve been perfect. Just like this day has been. And now I can say I’ve been caught in the rain, gotten soaked to the bone, and rescued by a stranger while kissing my knight who refuses to wear shining armor because it would chafe too much.”

  “How did I get to be so lucky?” Duncan asked.

  “I was just wondering the same thing,” Ami said.


  The days rushed by in a whirl. She was fast approaching her last week, and there hadn’t been a day since the rainstorm that she hadn’t been with Duncan. He’d come to visit her at Jessie and Chris’s a couple nights, doting on the baby each time he came. Ami couldn’t help thinking of what a cute dad he’d be someday.

  Jessie hadn’t said anything more to her about being careful with Duncan, and Ami wondered if she had accepted Duncan. It was more likely Jessie figured nothing would come of their relationship because Ami was leaving so soon. Ami managed to cope with the whole depressing idea by thinking about it as little as possible.

  With him stopping by, or taking her out, or texting on occasion, it was getting harder and harder to not think of him. Or of the sweet kisses they shared. And now she was rifling through racks of dresses searching for something that would work for a wedding.

  Jessie held up a red dress that would only reach to the knees and Ami shook her head. “Not my style. And I want something I’ll use again if I’m going to pay this much for it.”

  Jessie returned the dress to the rack and looked at a couple more, shaking her head without showing them to Ami. She pulled one out and held it up against her own body frowning. “I doubt I’ll ever be able to wear something like this again.”

  “Give yourself time,” Ami said. “You just had a baby.”

  “I know, it’s just hard to become something different. Even though I love being a mom, it’s hard to remember who I was sometimes.”

  Ami didn’t know what to say so she moved closer to her sister and wrapped her arm around her. “One thing I do know,” Ami said. “You’ll always be my favorite sister.”

  “I’m your only sister,” Jessie said.

  “And still my favorite.” She squeezed her tight for a moment before she rested her head on Jessie’s shoulder. “Thanks for inviting me to come visit and help out. This has been amazing. I’m sad it’s almost over.”

  “Me too,” Jessie said. “I wish I could get you to move here so you could be close.”

  Ami didn’t respond. They’d already hashed it out plenty of times before, knowing it would never really work for Ami to move. Her job teaching was important. She made a difference in the lives of the kids she taught and could never leave the school.

  “I’ll make plans to come out next summer,” Ami finally said.

  “You better,” Jessie said. “Or even for Christmas. Maybe we could convince Mom and Dad to come spend the holidays with us. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

  Ami smiled. “It would. We’ll have to look into it.” She turned her attention back to the dresses, hoping to get out of making any serious commitments because once Jes
sie got it in her head that things were going to happen how she wanted them, she didn’t deal well with any deviance.

  She pushed a dress to the side and shook her head. “I’m never going to find anything here.”

  Jessie lifted her head and studied her a moment. “Then why don’t we go to a bridal store and look for some fancy things there? They’ll have what you’re looking for.”

  “I’m not getting married. I don’t need a fancy dress.”

  Jessie smiled. “Yes, you do. And I know the perfect place. I went there once with a friend. And we have to play dress up at least once before you go home. Come on.”

  Jessie took her hand and practically dragged her out of the shop and straight to the car. They drove for a few minutes into the nicer part of town. Ami swallowed. The price tag that would come with a dress in this area might be a little scary. She could always just try them on. She didn’t have to buy anything and could go back to the other store on her own and get something more reasonable.

  When she walked in the door, she knew she was in trouble. The shop had cute little velvet chairs with heart-shaped backs and elegant scroll work on the legs. A woman smiled at them and approached as they walked in.

  “Welcome. I’m Victoria,” the woman said in more of an English accent than a Scottish one. “What occasion are we here for?”

  “A wedding,” Jessie said.

  “Lovely,” Victoria said. “This way please.” She took a few steps toward the back of the room with a huge open area and gauzy curtains lining the walls with gorgeous bridal gowns on mannequins.

  “Oh, not my wedding. I’m going as a guest. It’s more formal than what I packed for so I need to find something suitable.” She tried to look at Victoria, but a dress caught her eye. She took a few steps as if pulled to it like a magnet. Jessie followed her.

  “It’s gorgeous. You should try it on.”

  “No. That’s silly. I came for a completely different kind of dress.”

  “Yeah, but you didn’t know they would have the perfect dress here. You could always just try it on to make sure it’s the kind you would really want. For when the time comes someday.”

  Victoria looked Ami over and studied the dress a moment. “Your figure looks just right for it. Knowing the type of dress that looks good with your body is important.”

  Ami nodded. “I’ve always loved that style. Close to the body without all the extra fluff and frills. Elegant and calm with just a little fun.”

  “It totally suits your personality,” Jessie said. “Just try it. She needs to get your measurements to pick out the right size for the other dress anyway.”

  Ami shook her head, but when Jessie sighed and said, “Besides, I might not be able to help you shop for your own wedding dress. Let me see you try some on now,” Ami knew she had to give in.

  After Ami nodded, Victoria approached with her measuring tape and took her measurements. “Have a seat if you’d like. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  Ami turned to Jessie. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to try this on. We should have just stayed at the other shop.”

  “Never. I need this. And you’ll love it. Once you’ve tried this one on, we can look for the right dress for the wedding you’re going to.”

  Ami took a few minutes to look at some of the other dresses on display, but none of them had the same feel this one did. Jessie just moved closer to the dress Ami loved and looked at the price tag. “This isn’t bad. It’s actually cheaper than what I spent on mine.”

  “Really?” Ami said and moved closer, almost afraid to actually look at the price since that would mean she was more interested than just in the way it might look on her.

  Victoria returned in time to save her from looking, but when Ami saw the dress draped over her arms, almost reverently, she knew she had to try it on.

  Her fingers shook a little when she reached for her buttons in the dressing room. “Get a hold of yourself, Ami. It’s just for fun.”

  As she slid the dress on and pulled the short capped sleeves onto her shoulders, she knew this was the dress she wanted some day. It hugged her curves just right and needed only a few minor alterations. The skirt flared out slightly near the knees as it opened up more fully at the feet, but the material around her thighs wasn’t too tight that she couldn’t dance at her own wedding.

  The sound Jessie made when she first saw Ami step out of the dressing room confirmed it. Whenever she did get married, she wanted this dress.


  Duncan knocked on the door. Chris opened it with a smile on his face, not saying a word. Duncan wondered what was up. Then when he caught sight of Ami behind Chris, wearing a light lavender gown, he knew what the smile was for.

  Ami glided toward him, moving smoothly through the front room and Duncan lost himself to her. “Ye’re stunning.”

  Ami met his eyes and she smiled, making her own eyes sparkle. “You don’t look too bad yourself. I think a tux should always require a kilt.”

  Duncan heard Chris chuckle in the background, but he couldn’t bring himself to give Chris any more of his attention than that. He was too mesmerized by Ami. He watched as Jessie helped her put a light shawl over her shoulders, but instead of hiding the dress, it just enhanced the look.

  “Have fun,” Jessie said to her sister. She gave him a look that he wasn’t sure what to make of. He pushed it out of his mind and focused once again on the beauty with him.

  “Shall we go?”

  “We shall,” Ami said, putting her hand in his. He led her to the car and helped her in, wishing for a moment it wasn’t for a wedding of a friend. Yet it could never really be theirs.


  Ami took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, placing her hand in Duncan’s again as he led her toward the gorgeous old church where the wedding would be. The decorations were tasteful, allowing the architecture and the building itself be the center of attention from the outside. When they entered the doors, she felt the peacefulness of the church surround her. This was where a wedding should be. Joined together with the Lord in a marriage of love and devotion.

  Never did she think her trip would make her think of exactly what she wanted in a wedding for herself, but something about the place and the timelessness of the country made her look at her own life with a slightly different perspective. When she returned home, there were no prospects there for her to move any further in her dreams of becoming a wife and mother. So for now, she would just enjoy the experience and wait until she returned to her real life before she got depressed about her options.

  Duncan squeezed her hand before he let go to join a man in the doorway to the chapel. “Liam, it’s good to see ye.”

  “I’m glad ye could make it, Duncan. I don’t believe I’ve met yer lovely date.”

  Duncan smiled at Ami. “This is my good friend Ami. She’s visiting from America.”

  Liam turned to her and shook her hand. “Good to meet ye. I’m glad ye could make it to our wedding.”

  “Thanks for letting me come. I’m loving my trip, and ending it at a real Scottish wedding is wonderful.”

  “I hope ye don’t mind, but I need Duncan for a few minutes. Would it be all right if I steal him from ye for a bit?”

  Ami shook her head. “I don’t mind at all. Would it be okay if I take a look around? Or is there something I could help with?”

  “Go ahead and look. I’ll check with Lorna’s mum and see if she might be able to use ye if ye’re willing.”

  Ami smiled and nodded. “Sounds perfect.”

  Duncan moved over and kissed her cheek. “I’m sorry. I shouldna be long.”

  Ami let go of his arm as he walked away and then turned her attention to the church. The wooden pews looked polished and old. She placed her hand on a bench and trailed her fingers along the back of one as she walked to the side of the room, closest to the windows. The stained glass images on the side of the building were only in the crescent sections above the recta
ngular windows, but they added a beauty to the room she loved.

  She looked at the flowers lining the sides, resting in some of the window ledges and she leaned forward to smell them. As she stood up, she heard footsteps approaching and turned to see Duncan with a funny look on his face.

  “What’s up?”

  “Liam’s best man just woke up with the flu. He’s in a back room looking ready to die. Liam’s wondering if I’d stand in for him. It’ll be a bit more work than what I was supposed to do as one of the groomsmen.”

  “Awesome.” Ami grimaced. “I mean for you, not for the poor guy with the flu.”

  “Ye don’t mind?”

  “Of course not. More ways for me to watch and learn all about things here.”

  “Thanks, Ami.” Duncan took her hand and led her toward the front. “Ye’re so easy going, it makes life really easy for a man.”

  Ami glanced at him, wondering if that was a good thing or not. She didn’t want to be a problem, of course, but she didn’t want to be so easy going that a guy never did anything about her. She forced herself to not dwell on it. She was leaving in a few days. She didn’t need any extra drama or complications.

  “This is where ye’ll be sitting. The wedding starts in an hour. Do you need anything while I go help Liam with any last minute things?”

  “I can’t think of anything. You go be helpful, and I’ll just watch the guests as they arrive.”

  Duncan kissed her on the cheek again softly and she wished he would have lingered a little longer so she could sneak a real kiss. Wanting to do that in a church might not be the best thing. She looked up at the stained glass window in the front that took up most of the wall space and studied the images encased in the glass.

  She couldn’t help wondering if her own wedding would be in a place this beautiful, or if she’d hold it in some hotel or reception hall. None of the churches near where she grew up had anything close to this timeless beauty. She might have to have a destination wedding if she wanted something of this magnitude. Of course, an outdoor wedding had its own appeal.


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