Just Ella

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Just Ella Page 7

by Annette K. Larsen

  “Your mother’s. She’s noticed your affinity for spending time out of doors and thought you would enjoy this.”

  I loved it. And I was glad we were here instead of closer to the maze. The maze wasn’t something I wanted to share.

  It took me a moment to realize we had stopped and my father was waiting for my reaction.

  “It’s divine.” I kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Father.”

  “You are most welcome. And now,” he said, taking my other hand into his, preparing to dance, “we shall commence this party in grand fashion.”

  The musicians, taking their cue from my father, started to play, and I was swept away into the revelry of my sixteenth birthday ball in very grand fashion indeed. There could be nothing so grand as being led about a dance floor on the arm of my father, the king.

  “You are a lovely dancer, Ariella.”

  I smiled. “Why do you sound surprised? We have all been taught the art of dance.”

  “Yes, but you don’t just dance. You breathe it. You’re a natural.”

  I blinked in surprise. “Thank you.”

  When the dance ended, he stepped back, bowing gallantly. “I suppose I’ll have to share you now. There seem to be quite a few gentlemen waiting for their turn.” He escorted me off the dance floor, leaving me with my sisters before extending his hand to my mother.

  “Princess Ariella?”

  I turned and saw an unfamiliar gentleman. I could tell by the decorations on his clothing that he was a prince, but I could not remember ever learning his name. I dipped into a curtsy.

  “Prince Terius, Highness,” he introduced himself. “Might I have the pleasure?” He extended one hand toward me and the other to the dance floor.

  “Of course.” I slipped my hand into his and let him lead me into the dance. On closer inspection, I realized he was very young, possibly my own age.

  “It’s a lovely evening,” he commented without looking at me.

  “Yes, the weather has been perfect.”

  “How are you enjoying yourself?” Still, no eye contact.

  “Well enough. And you, sir?” I asked in hopes of getting him to look at me.

  “I can’t find any fault with the celebration.”

  What an odd response. “Did you expect to?”

  “My standards are drastically higher than the average person.”

  I wondered if he included everyone in the realm of ‘average.’

  “But you approve?” I was trying to get a firmer grasp on our conversation and finding it increasingly difficult.

  He shrugged, scrutinizing the courtyard. “I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say that I approve.”

  I was starting to dislike this gentleman, but cast about for another subject. Dancing in awkward silence seemed like a worse alternative. “Have you met any of my sisters?”

  “Not as yet. I suppose I’ll end up taking a turn with at least one of them. They’re pretty enough that I wouldn’t mind.”

  There were no words.

  “And do you think you’ll catch anyone’s eye this evening?” he asked, his chin raised practically to the sky.

  “I beg your pardon?” I asked, trying not to sound as affronted as I felt.

  “I assume you’re doing your best to make a match this evening. It’s why my father encouraged me to ask for a dance.”

  I was glad he could not see my glare. “You think the point of the evening is for me to choose a husband?”

  He finally looked at me. “Of course,” he answered, his voice dripping with arrogance.

  “But I hardly know anyone here. Don’t you think I should get to know a person beforehand?”

  He shrugged, his eyes wandering away again. “In my experience, knowing someone before you marry them makes little difference.” In his experience? What experience could this runt of a man possibly lay claim to?

  “Well, I can assure you that at the very least, I plan on knowing whether or not I like a person before I marry them.”

  “That’s one way to approach it, I suppose.”

  I decided a change of subject was needed before I told this young man exactly what I thought of him. “And from whence do you hail, Sire?”

  Surprise crossed his face, as though I should already know. I hoped I had offended him. “From Saldine.”

  “So, you traveled quite a ways?”


  “I hope your return home goes very smoothly.”

  “Thank you,” he said without any conviction.

  I allowed the awkward silence to fill the space between us, and when the dance ended, we said only what was required for a polite parting. As soon as he stepped out of earshot, Marilee latched onto my arm, inquiring, “That was the Prince of Saldine, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes.” I sighed, still annoyed at him. “Prince Terius. He’s rather horrid, to tell the truth.”

  Marilee looked disappointed. “I had heard he was a bit conceited, but I hoped it wasn’t true. He is quite handsome.”

  “Yet painful to listen to.”

  “Oh, here comes another,” she whispered. I turned to see that, indeed, another prince was heading toward me. The night was sure to be taxing.

  Fortunately Prince Terius was the worst of the lot, and several of the gentlemen I danced with were quite pleasant, and very polite.

  The most interesting moment of the evening was dancing with Prince Goran.

  “What can you tell me about your sister Mia?”

  The question took me off guard. “Why do you ask?”

  “Your father made a point of introducing us.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “Really?”

  “She seemed embarrassed by it, and I wondered if you might know why.”

  “Yes. Well, to my knowledge, my father doesn’t usually try to foist us onto unsuspecting gentlemen.”

  He blinked in surprise. “That’s not what I meant,” he assured me.

  “I know, but that may be what she thinks.”

  “I wondered why she seemed nervous during our dance.” His sincerity and forthrightness were encouraging. He seemed very decent. I just hoped Mia hadn’t felt humiliated by my father’s actions. She had reached marriageable age a couple years ago, and I knew she was anxious to fulfill her duty and be wed. Still, none of us wanted to be manipulated into marrying. I hoped my father would allow us the time to choose on our own, but since none of us had married as of yet, he may have been getting anxious.

  I focused on my dance partner once again. “I’m sure she’s fine. She was probably just taken off guard.”

  He smiled at the reassurance and we ended our dance with a curtsy and a bow before he led me off the floor. He had certainly given me something to think about, but I found myself quickly distracted as Jeshua seized the moment and claimed the next dance.

  “I’m not used to having to fight for a lady’s attention,” he breathed in my ear, and I tried to pull back. I could think of no response polite enough to say aloud, so I pressed my lips together and focused on each colorful swirl of skirts as couples twirled around us.

  “I had anticipated that we would have a good deal of time together today, but have found myself gravely disappointed.”

  “I have many guests, Jeshua. I must attend to as many as possible.”

  “I am wounded, Princess,” he whined. “To think that you consider me just another guest.”

  Before I could retort, he continued. “But don’t you worry. I understand that you must appear impartial at an event such as this. I will simply have to make the most of our time together.”

  My stomach twisted as he pulled me closer, and I clenched my teeth, trying to gain some control over my emotions so I would not flee the room altogether. He did not say anything further, instead taking every opportunity to breathe in the scent of my hair, brush his chin against my cheek, and draw languid circles on my back with his thumb. I survived his attentions, but extracting myself from his presence took a concerted effort on my part.

  By the time my last partner took me in hand, I could feel my limbs starting to wilt. So much attention had pushed me beyond my limits. As I stood clapping along with everyone else at the dance’s end, I congratulated myself on holding my poise throughout and then rallied all my energies to continue smiling as I bade our guests farewell.

  Gretchen had fallen asleep waiting for me. She apologized profusely and freed me from my dress, allowing me to fall into bed, wondering when I might see Gavin on the morrow.


  Highest Bidder

  THE NEXT AFTERNOON, I found Gavin hard at work and settled on a nearby bench to read. I was lying on my back with my book held over my head, trying to concentrate on the words, but after fifteen minutes of going over the same two pages, I gave up.

  “Will you take me to the waterfall?”

  He leaned out from behind the bush he was pruning. “You know you don’t have to ask.”

  I rolled my eyes, annoyed that he would refer to my ability to command. “And you know that I do have to ask.” I sat up. “Do you have time or would it put you behind?”

  He took off his gloves and ran his fingers through his hair. “I always have time.”

  I grabbed my bag from under the bench and stuffed my book into it, glancing around to be sure nothing had dropped out. I threw the strap over my head and looked up to find Gavin standing a few feet in front of me, holding a single rose. I froze in surprise.

  “Happy birthday,” he said with a grin.

  I smiled and took the flower. “Thank you. Now what ever will I get you for your birthday?”

  He turned and started walking. “In order for you to get me anything, you would need to know my birthday.”

  “You’re not going to tell me?” I asked, sticking the rose in my hair.

  “It really doesn’t matter,” he said dismissively. I disagreed, but let it go. He was taking me to the waterfall, so I really shouldn’t be arguing with him just for fun.

  As he closed the door and let the ivy fall in place, he narrowed his eyes at me. “You aren’t going to jump in the water, are you?”

  I turned away, grinning at his concerns. “I can’t promise anything,” I called over my shoulder.

  He groaned, trudging behind me. “If you end up drenched, you’ll never get back into the castle without someone asking questions.”

  “Perhaps I brought a change of clothes.” I kept walking, resolute, thoroughly enjoying our sparring match.

  “And you’re just going to change out in the middle of the forest?”

  “What do you think I did last time?”

  His footsteps ceased and I looked over my shoulders, but didn’t stop. “Your brow is going to end up permanently creased if you keep frowning like that.”

  I hurried along, then blushed as I realized our conversation was not at all appropriate. Still, he seemed more concerned than shocked, so I tried to shake off my embarrassment. When I stopped at the edge of the trees a few paces from the stream he finally passed me by, shaking his head. I loved that I could exasperate someone so thoroughly.

  He turned back to me, his expression serious. “Ella—”

  “I’m not going to jump into the stream,” I finally admitted. It was fun teasing him, but I wanted him to relax. “That was not my plan for today.” I sank down to the grass, trying for a look of innocence. He just studied me. “You don’t trust me?”

  He hung his head and muttered something unintelligible, then looked up and sighed. “I’m going to gather some herbs for my mother.” He pointed across the stream. “They’re just over that rise, so it will only take me a minute. You’re going to stay here?”

  “I won’t even get the hem of my dress wet.”

  “All right.” His reluctance made my lips twitch upward. He removed his shoes, rolled up his trouser legs, stepped across the stream and continued up the slight rise. As soon as he was out of sight, I pulled my own shoes off. In accordance with my promise, I gathered my dress up around my knees, far out of the water’s reach, and slipped my feet in. I went carefully, being sure not to slip. I really didn’t want to get wet just then, so I watched each step and tried to make it across the stream using rocks as stepping stones. Halfway across, I stopped to contemplate my next move. The next rock sat a little farther and I wasn’t sure I should risk the jump. Before I could decide, I heard Gavin whisper, “What are you doing?” and looked up to see him scrambling down the rise.

  “My feet are wet; my dress is not,” I defended myself.

  “Shh,” he hissed, splashing into the water and scooping me up.

  “Gavin,” I objected.

  “Quiet,” he insisted. Dropping me on dry land, he pulled me behind him as he hastily grabbed up my satchel and our shoes. “Someone is coming.”

  My heart tightened and I ran with him behind two large trees growing close together next to the small cliff over which the water fell. I crouched down with him, my heart racing. If we were seen—if I was seen outside the palace walls—if Gavin and I were seen together—I did not want to imagine the consequences.

  We were each on hands and knees, crouched as low as possible. We watched as a group of men came over the rise. They were scattered, walking at a leisurely pace and talking. It appeared to be a hunting party on their way home from an afternoon of sport. My pulse quickened as I saw my father striding down to the stream, with Jeshua close behind on his left, and Jeshua’s father, the King of Tride, to my father’s right.

  They all crossed the stream easily, most sloshing through without a thought. It appeared that my father had arranged this expedition for some of the more important royals and nobility that were visiting for my birthday. I closed my eyes, praying they would amble right past us without pausing. But, of course, they took advantage of the stream. They dropped their gear and crouched to drink or splash water on their faces.

  My father came within a few paces of us and gazed out over the forest, appreciation in his eyes. Jeshua soon joined him, hands behind his back.

  “Your Majesty,” he greeted with less arrogance than I had come to expect from him.

  “Jeshua, how have you fared this afternoon?”

  “You know how much I enjoy a good hunting excursion.”

  “Don’t we all?” my father agreed.

  “Yes,” Jeshua answered. ”However, I have to admit that I have some ulterior motives.”

  “When does he not?” I muttered and heard Gavin stifle a laugh.

  My father just chuckled. “I had a feeling. You haven’t quite been yourself.”

  “Yes, well.” I couldn’t recall ever seeing Jeshua flustered before. “I would like to discuss the possibility of a marriage contract.”

  The blood drained from my face.

  “Ah.” Father seemed unsurprised.

  “Please no, please no, please no,” I whispered under my breath.

  “And which of my lovely daughters has your favor?”

  “Princess Ariella.”

  No! I clamped both my hands over my mouth to keep from shouting out loud and shook my head furiously.

  “Ariella?” This did surprise my father, and I hoped he would say no. “She’s barely sixteen, Jeshua. She is too young.” There was a hard edge to his voice, a warning.

  “Of course she is. I would not think of approaching her with this subject now. But I am also confident that my feelings will not change over the years to come. I would trust you to decide when the time is right.”

  “And if I were to ask her opinion of you, what do you suppose she would say?” I was grateful for the skepticism in my father’s voice and hoped that Jeshua’s charm would not win him over.

  “I think she would likely be embarrassed by such questions.” What? “She needs time to allow our relationship to grow, to gain confidence in her own feelings. That’s why I would not dream of bringing the idea to her now.”

  I stopped breathing in horror. He sounded so sincere, so horribly genuine.

  “I know that she is young
, but I also know that I want her by my side when the time is right.”

  His speech made my stomach burn. How could he believe such a thing? How could he be convinced that I had any interest in a relationship?

  A new voice spoke up. “You know our realms have had a solid relationship for several generations. Think how much stronger this would make us.” My heart pounded faster. It was the king of Tride. His support would lend even more weight to the suggestion. How could this be happening?

  “Is my suit acceptable, Your Majesty?” Jeshua asked.

  I wanted to see their faces but was afraid to move. I desperately wished for my father to say no. Even a tentative no, anything but –

  “Yes, Jeshua. I believe I will accept your offer. ”

  I was being crushed, suffocating under the weight of those words.

  “But you will trust me to know when the time is right.”

  “Of course, Sire. I would have it no other way.” Jeshua’s voice was all deference and respect.

  I thought of the farce my life would be if I were to become a princess of Tride, or a queen. I forced myself to swallow a sob as I huddled, listening to the ruination of my life.

  “Jeshua—” Concern was threaded through my father’s voice. “She does care for you?”

  “I assure you, Sire, we are well matched.” He hadn’t even answered the question.

  “They are well suited, I have no doubt,” Jeshua’s father spoke up. “I’ve noticed the way they watch one another.” Why did he have to interfere?

  “Well then, I look forward to the union.” My father’s voice had a ringing finality to it. I could imagine the handshake. It was done, just like that. It took no time at all. I heard them walk away, heard the murmur of voices as they continued to talk about the planned union. I hated that I could not follow and hear the rest, but I was frozen, unable even to take a breath.

  Silence enveloped me until the sound of their retreat was long gone. I pushed myself to my knees, gasped a painful breath of air, and finally released my sobs. The anger and hurt were so deep.

  My anger was for Jeshua—for having the arrogance and gall to convince my father that I cared for him, that I respected him. I had never felt as though I hated anyone up to this point in my life, and I certainly didn’t want to start now, but I couldn’t think of any other word to describe my feelings toward him.


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