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Page 8

by Harlow, Melanie

  Lucas switched on a lamp, and I wandered deeper inside, turning in a full circle to admire the warm colors and classic décor, which was somehow elegant and masculine at the same time. The ceiling and moldings were white, but the walls were painted a warm taupe. Against the wall to the right was a brown velvet antique sofa, above which hung three large framed mirrors.

  Two huge, floor-to-ceiling windows faced the street, each bracketed with long chocolate-colored silk drapes held back by thick rope tassels. Taking a breath, I turned to my left and drifted into the bedroom area, which was behind an antique dressing screen.

  The double bed had a plain ivory, rectangular headboard that looked like it was upholstered in leather but I wasn’t close enough to touch it—yet. With my stomach jumping, I took in the wall behind the bed, which was papered in brown and white geometric shapes. The bold look was softened by a huge square print of a white rose hanging above the bed.

  I looked at Lucas. “Your mother has good taste.”

  “She does.” He laid his keys and wallet on a bench in front of the bedroom window. “Although I don’t think she’s stayed here in years. She and Sebastien have a townhouse over on the right bank. Mostly she keeps this for me.” He closed the drapes before turning back to me, and I gave him a sly look through lowered lashes.

  “Mama’s boy, huh? Baby of the family?”

  Lucas shrugged. “Not really. Maybe she feels guilty for leaving me to move back here when I was so young.”

  Nodding slowly, I wondered if he harbored any resentment about that. I’d have asked him, except he was coming toward me with a look in his eye that said I Do Not Want To Talk About My Mother Right Now.

  “Can I get you anything?” he asked. “A glass of wine?”

  “No, thanks.” My hands were gripping my bag, and I felt unsure of myself all of a sudden. I’d actually never had a one-night stand or even gone home with someone on a first date. Would this be awkward? Should I pretend I didn’t know what I wanted to do? Should I say what I was thinking or try to be coy?

  “You don’t look OK. You look nervous.” He tipped up my chin, his brown eyes soft and serious. “No pressure, Mia. We can just hang out and listen to records and drink wine, if you want. Or I can take you back to your hotel and see you tomorrow.”

  God, he really was handsome. How had I not seen it from the moment we met? And he was so sweet and funny and interesting, and right now he had way, way, way too many clothes on. My confidence returned.

  “Oh, no. You’re not getting off that easy.” I dropped my purse to the floor and threw my arms around his neck, crushing my mouth to his. He barely had time to wrap his arms around me when I pulled back slightly. “Well, I don’t know, maybe it will be that easy.”

  He laughed, putting his hands beneath my ass and hitching me up so my legs wrapped around his waist. “You are a fucking delight, princess. It’s like you know the dirty jokes in my head I’m too scared to make in front of you.”

  Giggling, I kicked off my flats and crossed my ankles behind him.

  “Never be scared to make a dirty joke in front of me. I have a surprisingly filthy mind.”

  His eyebrows lifted. “Really.”

  I nodded. “Are you shocked?”

  “Yes. But pleased.”

  Our mouths came together again, hotter and hungrier and holy shit he knew how to kiss. Now that we weren’t in a public place, Lucas kissed me in an entirely different way, his full lips opening wide, his tongue sliding between them, thrusting in and out in a way that hinted at what was to come.

  Pulling him tighter to me with my legs, I threaded my fingers through those dark curls, luxuriating in the feel of his thick hair in my hands and the gentle scratch of his stubble on my face. Had I really found it unappealing yesterday? Now I couldn’t get enough of it, and I was desperate to feel his weight on me, his bare skin on mine, his naked body between my legs.

  “I can’t believe this,” I whispered as his hot mouth traveled down my neck.

  “Me either. But I can’t say I haven’t been thinking about it all day.” His words were muffled against my skin and I felt the vibrations of his voice on my throat, sending another current of desire sluicing through me. He moved toward the bed and lowered me onto my back. “Give me one second.”

  I released my hold on him, and he straightened, ditched his shoes and shrugged out of his coat, which he tossed on the window seat. Now that he wore only the fitted t-shirt, I could better appreciate the lean muscularity of his upper body, which tapered to a trim waist. I slipped my jacket from my shoulders as well and tossed it over his on the bench. Then leaning back on my hands, I stared at his perfect ass as he opened a small armoire against the wall.

  Oh my God, he’s so fucking hot. And he’s been thinking about me like this all day? I felt giddy, like a teenager with a first crush. I needed to get my hands on him—it took all my willpower to stay on the bed.

  “Any requests?” he asked.

  “Take off your pants.”

  He grinned at me over his shoulder. “I meant music.”

  “Oh. Hmmmm.” I rested my chin on my shoulder. “Don’t you have an American Chick in My Apartment playlist?”

  “No, as a matter of fact, I don’t.”

  “Well then…you can choose.”

  I nodded, and a moment later, music pulsed softly from hidden speakers. Lucas turned around and took off his t-shirt, dropping it to the floor. No lie, I licked my lips, unable to take my eyes off his bare chest, tight abs, and naked back while he went into the other room to turn off the lights.

  He returned to the bedside just as my patience was at the breaking point, and he left the lamp on the nightstand burning.

  “Come here,” he said.

  On my knees, I moved to the edge of the bed, my legs quivering. I wanted this, wanted it badly, but it had been so long since I’d been with anyone besides Tucker…I was simultaneously ecstatic and terrified. Lucas cradled my face in his hands and kissed the tip of my nose. I could practically feel the heat radiating from his bare skin, and my hands ached to touch him.

  “We only go as far as you want to,” he whispered, planting kisses on each cheek, my forehead, my lips, and then bending to rub his lips on my throat.

  As far as I wanted to go? My mind exploded with all the far places I wanted to go with Lucas. Extremely far places. Places so remote I’d never even thought about visiting them with anyone else before.

  “Lucas.” I slid my hands up the sizzling skin on his chest. “My blouse hooks behind my neck. Stop talking and undo it.”

  Once he’d lifted my blouse from my arms and set it aside, he lowered his mouth to my shoulder and reached behind me to undo my strapless bra. Chills cascaded down my arms as cool air swept over my breasts. Finally we were both naked from the waist up, and Lucas wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, our bare chests pressed together. “You’re so beautiful.” His voice was reverent and raw at the same time, and his hot torso against mine made my blood go from simmering to molten.

  I slid my hands up his shoulders as his mouth slanted over mine. Lucas’s touch was warm on my skin, but I shivered when he moved one hand to my stomach and up my chest, brushing his thumb across one nipple. It tingled beneath his touch and I arched my back, desperate for more.

  “Oh God, your body,” he murmured, dropping his lips to the swell of one breast. He kissed his way to its peak and circled my nipple with his tongue before taking it in his mouth and sucking gently. My mouth dropped open, my breath coming hard. I have to get my hands on him.

  Running one hand down the front of his jeans, my core clenched when I felt how hard and thick he was. Slowly I rubbed my hand up and down the solid length of his cock through his pants and imagined what he would feel like inside me. It was enough to make me stop breathing momentarily.

  I reached for his zipper.

  But before I could get it down, Lucas looped an arm around my back and moved us lengthwise on the bed, bracing his arms at my
sides and settling his hips over mine. Then he kissed me again, setting fire to my lips and tongue as I widened my knees and slid my hands down his lower back.

  Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod. Just the weight of his hard, tight body between my legs was goddamn glorious. And when he started to move—

  Jesus, did I just yelp?

  I couldn’t help it. Gripping his ass, I pulled him into me, feeling his hard cock right where I needed it, even through two layers of underwear and two pairs of jeans. I gasped, bucking up against him, feeling more than ever like a teenager, about to go off just from this. We still had our pants on, for fuck’s sake. But God, I’m close already! If he just keeps the rhythm steady, keeps his dick right there, yes, yes, yes, yes, right there, maybe moves a little quicker… I yanked him into me harder and moved my hips faster.

  “Mia, Mia.” Lucas swept his lips across my cheek to my earlobe, which he took between his teeth for a second. “Slow down, gorgeous. I’m not in a rush.”

  “I know, but it just feels so good, and it’s been so long since I…I don’t want it to go away,” I whimpered.

  He picked his head up and looked at me strangely. “Don’t want what to go away?”

  “My orgasm.”

  “Your orgasm goes away?”

  I opened my eyes and peeked at him. “Well, let’s just say it’s only made a rare appearance during actual sex these last couple years. So when I feel one coming on, I—”

  “You feel one coming on already?” The pride in his voice was unmistakable.

  “Yes, so please don’t stop.” I kissed his chin, his jaw, his throat. “God, you smell good.” Burying my face in his neck, I breathed him in, digging my heels into the back of his thighs.

  “Mia.” Lucas took my wrists and pinned them next to my ears on the pillow. “Look at me, please.”

  “That’s not going to help me slow down.” But I looked up at his handsome face, my heart beating faster still as I took in the full lips, the straight nose, the long lashes.

  “Listen. I don’t know what kind of assholes you’ve been with before, but I promise you, your orgasm will not only make an appearance tonight, it will be the star of the show.”

  My nipples perked up even more. “Really?”

  “Really.” He slid down my body, trailing kisses from my lips down the center of my chest to my belly button. Then he unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, rubbing his mouth and chin back and forth just above the lace of my underwear. “In fact, I will venture to say that there may even be an encore or two.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Yanking the pillow from beneath my head, I smushed it over my face before screaming into it. Loud.

  The warm breath of Lucas’s laughter tickled low on my belly. “I haven’t even done anything yet.”

  “Yes, you have.” My words were muffled by the pillow, so I lifted it up slightly and looked down at him. “Yes, you have. You have no idea.”

  He smiled seductively before peeling my jeans and underwear all the way off, and I said a quick prayer of thanks that I’d kept my pre-wedding wax appointment. For the first time ever, I was totally bare.

  “Just lie back and relax, love.” He slid my legs apart, planting a kiss on my left inner thigh, then my right. “Tell me if something feels good and scream all you want.”

  My eyes were already rolling back in my head as I felt the tip of his tongue tracing the seam straight up my center. I clutched at the pillow over my face, clenching and unclenching my fingers as he did it again and again with slow, deliberate strokes. Then he flattened the entire velvet surface of his tongue on my tingling sex, licking me from bottom to top, savoring me as if I were the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted.

  No one had ever, ever made me feel this beautiful, this cherished, this out of my mind with desire. Tucker had gone down on me a few times, but somehow it had always felt like he was doing me a favor, which made it less enjoyable. I mean, knowing that he was probably more worried about getting a wet spot on the bed than getting me to come took a little something away from the experience. And he was always so tentative—like he was afraid to really go for it.

  But Lucas… Jesus Christ, Lucas was a new world.

  I moaned into the pillowcase as he swirled the tip of his tongue around my clit, not on it directly, just teasing little circles that had blood rushing through my lower body, the muscles tightening with need. He kept taunting me that way until I couldn’t handle the ache any longer and I threw the pillow aside. “Lucas,” I begged.

  But instead of hitting the target like I wanted him to, he slid one finger inside me, making me suck in my breath. “You taste so good,” he said, his voice low, almost a whisper. “Better than wine.”

  Smiling, I exhaled. “Impossible.”

  He slid a second finger in next to the first, moving them in some magical way that made my entire body nearly numb with pleasure, while his lips plucked softly at my hot, humming bundle of nerves.

  I looked down at him, nearly losing control at the sight of his dark head between my thighs, at the playful but hungry way he devoured me. “Oh my god, Lucas. It feels fucking amazing.”

  “Mmmmm. Good.” Then he zeroed in on the bulls-eye, flicking it with the tip of his tongue before licking me with one long, hard stroke, and then another, keeping a steady, driving rhythm with his hand.

  “Oh God, yes!” I lifted my hips to meet his thrusting fingers and hot tongue. Every muscle in my lower body tensed as he took me higher and higher. My hands clawed at the bedspread so fiercely I thought my fingernails might go right through it. “Jesus, Lucas! I’m going to come!”

  He moaned, the vibration sending me to the crest of the first wave, and I cried out. My head dropped back as he sucked on my clit and twisted his fingers inside me, pushing me over the top. Closing my fists in his hair, I screamed and throbbed and pointed my toes, riding out the longest, most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

  And not once did I worry about a wet spot.

  “I think I’m dead,” I said after my body had finally stopped convulsing. “You’ll have to bury me at Père Lachaise next to that president.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You should.” My eyes were closed, the silver stars still fading. “God, I didn’t even know an orgasm like that was possible.”


  I popped up on my elbows and look at him. The fact that his hair was tousled and his mouth was shiny and wet sent fresh lust careening through me. “And now I want another one. So come here. And leave your pants there.”

  He smiled. “This is one time I’m not going to argue with you, princess.”

  I watched, biting my bottom lip, as he undressed all the way and pulled back the covers so we could slip between the sheets. Once his warm, naked body was stretched out next to mine, I ran a hand down his chest and stomach and wrapped my fingers around his hot, hard cock. Willing myself to have patience, I went slow at first, planting kisses on his chest, in the crook of his neck, beneath his ear. I sucked his earlobe and pumped my hand up and down his long shaft. “And your body is fucking amazing, and your tongue—don’t even get me started on your tongue.”

  “Good, because I can’t keep it off you.” He brought a hand to my hip and slid it up to my breast, squeezing it, teasing my nipple with his fingers. Then he took it in his mouth, biting down with a force just the other side of gentle.

  Gasping, I squeezed his flesh a little harder, and he began to thrust into my hand, making me hot with impatience. “God, I can’t wait to have you inside me.”

  “Mmm.” He slipped his fingers between my legs, where I was already wet and warm and aching for him.

  “Lucas,” I rasped. Now.”

  “Shhh.” He plunged his fingers into me with a steady rhythm, sucking on one nipple and then the other until I felt the tension pulling low and tight inside me once more, and I knew if I didn’t stop him, I’d explode again in less than a minute. And it wasn’t that I didn’t want to—but I
wanted him inside me first.

  “Lucas.” I fell to my back and shimmied beneath him. “Please.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Let me get a condom.”

  “You have ten seconds.” I shut my eyes. “Nine. Eight…”

  By the time I got to one, he was centering himself at my core, and my entire body shivered with anticipation. I couldn’t remember ever having two orgasms in one night, but I believed if anyone could take me there, Lucas could.

  “Mia.” Bracing his hands near my shoulders, he pushed slowly inside, and I gasped at the way he stretched and filled me, at the way his unhurried pace allowed me to feel every sensation so fully. It felt so different, so good to have someone willing to take his time. Someone to care about fulfilling my needs, someone who wanted to please me.

  Someone who whispered my name in awe as he held himself deep within me.

  Actually, I think I did die. Because this feels like heaven.

  I turned my face to the side, fighting the urge to climax three seconds after he started circling his hips, grinding his pelvic bone on the spot that had me buzzing and twitching like a live wire.

  I’d never been with a musician before, but Jesus Christ…Lucas’s rhythm and timing were fucking phenomenal. Not to mention the way he moved, with perfect control and a muscular, predatory grace.

  “Oh my God.” Panting, I ran my hands all over his body, his arms and neck and back, his perfect ass, digging my fingernails into his flesh, my body on fire. “I’m trying so hard not to scream in your ear.”

  “I’ll be insulted if you don’t.”

  I laughed, and then cried out as he began to thrust harder and faster. A strangled moan sounded at the back of his throat, and I brought my knees up to take him deeper.

  “Oh yes,” I whimpered. “Yes, Lucas. Yes. Yes!” With each word, my volume rose, the storm within me raging stronger. “Oh my God! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

  And then, the most incredible thing in the world—Lucas’s ragged breaths became pants and then primal sounds and then loud, uncontrollable shouts every time he rocked into me, and I realized it was possible we were going to come together, like at the same time. Like in a fucking book or a movie!


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