Perfect Murder, Perfect Town
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Regretfully, I tender this letter, and my police career, a calling which I loved. I do this because I cannot continue to sanction by my silence what has occurred in this case. It was never a level playing field, the “game” was simply unacceptable anymore. And that’s what makes this all so painful. The detectives never had a chance. If ever there were a case, and if ever there were a victim, who truly meant something to the detectives pursuing the truth, this is it. If not this case, what case? Until such time as an independent prosecutor is appointed to oversee this case, I will not be part of this. What went on was simply wrong.
I recalled a favorite passage recently, Atticus Finch speaking to his daughter: “Just remember that one thing does not abide by majority rule, Scout—it’s your conscience.”
At thirty-six years old, I thought my life’s passion as a police officer was carved in stone. I realize that although I may have to trade my badge for a carpenter’s hammer, I will do so with a clear conscience. It is with a heavy heart that I offer my resignation from the Boulder Police Department, in protest of this continuing travesty.
Detective Steve Thomas #638
Detective Division
Boulder Police Department
August 6, 1998
Sept. 20, 1998
Dear Alex:
It is with great reluctance and regret that I submit this letter of resignation. Even though I want to continue to participate in the official investigation and assist in finding the killer of JonBenét, I find that I cannot in good conscience be a part of the persecution of innocent people. It would be highly improper and unethical for me to stay when I so strongly believe this.
It has been almost 19 months since we talked that day in your office and you asked me to assist you in this investigation. It has turned out to be more of a challenge than either one of us anticipated. When we first met I told you that my style of approaching an investigation is from the concept of not working a particular theory, but working the case. Detectives collect and record information from many sources, analyze it, couple that with their experience and training and let “the case” tell them where to go. This process may take days, weeks or years, depending on the direction the case tells you to go. Sometimes you must investigate “many paths” in order to find the killer. It is not a political speed contest where expediency should outweigh justice, where “resolving” the case is solving the case.
Alex, even though I have been unable to actively investigate, I have been in a position to collect, record and analyze every piece of information given to your office in the course of this investigation. I believe that I know this case better than anyone does. I know what has been investigated and what hasn’t, what evidence exists and what doesn’t, what information has been leaked and what hasn’t. I am a detective with a proven record of successful investigations. I have looked at the murder of JonBenét Ramsey through the eyes of age and experience and a thorough knowledge of the case.
At this point of the investigation “the case” tells me that John and Patsy Ramsey did not kill their daughter, that a very dangerous killer is still out there and no one is actively looking for him. There are still many areas of investigation which must be explored before life and death decisions are made.
When I was hired I had no agenda one way or the other, my allegiance was to the case, not the Police Department nor John and Patsy Ramsey. My agenda has not changed…. I only desire to be able to investigate the case and find the killer of JonBenét and will continue to do so as long as I am able. The chances of catching him working from the “outside looking in” are very slim, but I have a great “Partner” who I’m sure will lead the way. There is no doubt that I will be facing a great deal of opposition and ridicule in the future, because I intend to stand with this family and somehow help them through this and find the killer of their daughter. Perhaps others who believe this will also help.
The Boulder Police Department has many fine and dedicated men and women who also want justice for JonBenét. They are just going in the wrong direction and have been since day one of the investigation. Instead of letting the case tell them which way to go, they have elected to follow a theory and let their theory direct them rather than allowing the evidence to direct them. The case tells me that there is substantial, credible evidence of an intruder and lack of evidence that the parents are involved. If this is true, they too are tragic victims whose misery has been compounded by a misdirected and flawed investigation, unsubstantiated leaks, rumors and accusations.
I have worked in this profession for the past 32 years and have always been loyal to it, the men and women in it, and what it represents, because I believed that justice had always prevailed. In this case, however, I believe that justice is not being served, that innocent people are being targeted and could be charged with a murder they did not commit.
The law enforcement Code of Ethics states it very well. My fundamental duty is to “serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, the peaceful against violence or disorder. To respect the constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and justice.” This applies not only to JonBenét but to her mother and father as well.
I want to thank you and the others in the office for the wonderful support and treatment I have received. You have a great D.A.’s office and the men and women who work with you are some of the most honest and dedicated people I have ever met. My life has been enriched because of this memorable time together. I have especially enjoyed working closely with Peter Hofstrom and Trip DeMuth, who also have dedicated so much of their lives to this case. I have never met two more fair, honest and dedicated defenders of our system.
Alex, you are in such a difficult position. The media and peer pressure are incredible. You are inundated with conflicting facts and information, and “expert” opinions. And now you have an old detective telling you that the Ramseys did not do it and to wait and investigate this case more thoroughly before a very tragic mistake would be made. What a double travesty it could be; an innocent person indicted, and a vicious killer on the loose to prey on another innocent child and no one to stop him.
History will be the judge as to how we conducted ourselves and how we handled our responsibilities.
Shoes, shoes, the victim’s shoes, who will stand in the victim’s shoes?
Good Luck to you and your fine office and may God bless you in the awesome decisions you must soon make.
Detective Lou Smit
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint previously published material and television broadcasts:
ABC: Brief excerpt from ABC World News Tonight on March 13, 1997. Used by permission of ABC News.
Associated Press: Excerpt from April 19, 1997, article pertaining to the Ramsey case. Copyright © 1997 by the Associated Press. Reprinted by permission of the Associated Press.
Boulder Weekly: Excerpt from May 15, 1997, article pertaining to the Ramsey case. Copyright © 1997 by the Boulder Weekly. Reprinted with permission of the Boulder Weekly.
Daily Camera: Excerpts from various articles from 1996 through 1998 pertaining to the Ramsey case and related matters. Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 by the Daily Camera. Reprinted by permission of the Daily Camera.
National Enquirer: Excerpts from various articles from 1997 and 1998 pertaining to the Ramsey case. Copyright © 1997, 1998 by the National Enquirer. Reprinted by permission of the National Enquirer.
NBC: Brief excerpt from the Today program and brief excerpt from the Tonight program. Used by permission of NBC.
Rocky Mountain News: Excerpts from various articles from 1996 through 1998 pertaining to the Ramsey case and related matters. Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 by the Denver Rocky Mountain News. Reprinted with permission of the Denver Rocky Mountain News.
The Denver Post: Excerpts from various a
rticles from 1997 and 1998 pertaining to the Ramsey case and related matters. Copyright © 1997, 1998 by The Denver Post. Reprinted with permission of The Denver Post.
Time: Excerpt from “This Murder Is Ours,” Time January 20, 1997, © 1997 Time Inc. Reprinted by permission.
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Aaholm, Leslie
Aber, James
Adams, Cindy
Adler, Peter
Ainsworth, Steve
Anderson, Christopher
Anderson, Robin
Andre, Kit
Ankrom, Larry
Annecharico, Elizabeth
Appelbaum, Matt
Archuleta, Mike
Armistead, Ellis
Arndt, Linda
Arevalo, Danny
Atherton, Jim
Athey, Tom
Auge, Karen
Baer, Richard
Bailey, Greg
Baird, Ron
Balkin, Diane
Ballard, Kimberly
Barbee, Jim
Barber, Pinky
Barcklow, Sue
Bardach, Ann Louise
Barnhill, Betty
Barnhill, Joe
Bartels, Lynn
Bartlett, Lanie
Beckner, Mark
Bell, Michael
Bellipanni, Joseph
Bennett, Robert
Bennett, Sue. See Jameson
Berg, Alan
Bernard, Molly
Bernhard, Suzanne
Berkowitz, David
Berkowitz, Steve
Beuf, Francesco
Beuf, Penny
Bird, Cordwainer
Bishea, Gregory
Bjelkovig, Richard
Blitzer, Wolf
Bouis, Elizabeth
Boyles, Kathleen
Boyles, Peter
Brady, Mrs.
Brady, Shirley
Brambila, Ron
Brennan, Charlie
Brokaw, Tom
Brown, Lee P.
Bruff, Hal
Brumfitt, Diane
Bugliosi, Vincent
Burke, Patrick J.
Burrus, Jim
Burton, Larry
Byfield, Jim
Bynum, Michael
Cabell, Brian
Caplis, Dan
Carson, Tom
Chase, Susannah
Chavez, Virginia
Christianian, Vahe
Christie, John
Churchill, Ross
Clark, Mary
Clayton, Joe
Cochran, Johnnie
Coffman, Frank
Colfax, J. T. See Thompson, James
Colin, Marc
Conant, Colleen
Correll, Ruth
Cox, Heather
Cox, William
Crouse, Jay
Cunningham, Lloyd
Curtin, Dave
Czopek, Michelle
Dailey, John
Danish, Paul
Danpier, Trish
Darden, Chris
Davis, Chuck
Davis, Gary
Deedrick, Douglas
Delgado, Kathy
DeMuth, Trip
Deters, Robert
Diana, Princess of Wales
Diekman, Francis
Dillon, Margaret
Dilson, Jacqueline
Dilson, Mara
Dobersen, Mike
Doherty, Christopher
Donner, Larry
Dougherty, Marilyn
Douglas, John
Dressel, Kathy
Duffy, David
Dunn, Patricia
Dunphy, George
Durgin, Leslie
Elbot, Charles
Eller, John
Elmore, Robert
Elowsky, Jay
Ensslin, John C.
Epp, George
Essig, Lynn
Etzkorn, Bob
Eustace, John Brewer
Evans, Clay
Evans, Det.
Everett, Michael
Faure, Tom
Fayed, Dodi
Fermeire, Adam
Fernie, Barbara
Fernie, John
Fish, Chris
Fisher, Curtis
Fisher, Peter Roy
Fix, Mark
Foote, Dick and Diane
Forbes, Renner
Foreman, Lee
Foster, Donald
Foster, John
Foster, Laura
Foulks, Angela
Frank, Barry
Frank, Lee
Franke-Folstad, Kim
French, Richard “Rick,”
Frey, Barbara
Frost, Tony
Fung, Dennis
Furman, Patrick
Gaines, James R.
Gaston, Cliff
Gedde, Jennifer
Gedney, John
Gentile, Don
George, Mary
Geroli, Natalie
Gibbons, Scott
Gibson, Kris
Gillespie, Terry
Glick, Dan
Glowinsky, Carol
Glynn, Mike
Goeken, Deborah
Goldman, Fred
Goldman, Ron
Gordon, David
Gosage, Ron
Grainger, Michael
Grant, Bob
Gray, William
Green, Chuck
Griego, LaDonna
Griffin, Kristine
Griffin, Pam
Grimm, David
Gudgell, Mike
Haddon, Hal
Hagan, Bruce
Hagmaier, Bill
Hale, Daniel
Hampton, Josephine
Haney, Tom
Hanks, Joann
Hanley, Tom
Hansen, Chris
Harmer, Jane
Harrell, Ken
Harrington, Frank
Harris, Art
Hartkopp, Barry
Hartman, Barrie
Harwood, Jack
Haun, Yvonne
Haus, Marilyn
Hayden, Julie
Hayden, Niki
Hayes, Dave
Henderson, Bud
Henderson, Sandra
Hendry, Jeff
Herrera, George
Hickman, Melissa
Hindson, Cameron
Hoffman, Dan
Hoffmann-Pugh, Ariana
Hoffmann-Pugh, Linda
Hoffmann-Pugh, Merv
Hoffman-Pugh, Tina
Hofstrom, Pete
Honey, Tim
Hoover, Jerry
Hopkins, Richard
Hopper, Cpt.
Hoverstock, Rol
Howard, Karen
Hubbard, Burt
Hudson, Jim
Hughes, Jim
Hughes, Michaela
Hunter, Alex
Hunter, Margie
Hunter, Virginia
Idler, Greg
Ingraham, Susan
Jackson, Brooke
Jedamus, Mary Lou
Jenkins, Jim
Jenks, Jeff
Jennings, Peter
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Lucinda
Johnson, Stan
Johnson, Tom
Jones, Bruce
Jones, David
Judge, Robert
Kaczynski, Theodore
Kaelin, Kato
Kaminsky, Glen
Kane, Michael
Kay, Jennifer
Keatley, Bob
Keck, Eric
Keenan, Mary
Keene-Osborn, Sherry
Kelley, Tom
Keyes, Thad
Kilpatrick, Tom
King, Larry
Kirschner, Robert
Kitchen, Sue
Kithcart, Jeff
Klaas, Polly
Klein, Joe
Klingensmith, Judy
Koby, Tom
Kohn, Jeffrey
Kolar, Jim
Kordas, Martin W., Jr.
Korten, Pat
Kostanick, Barbara
Kostanick, Megan
Krugman, Richard
Krupski, Alli
Kupperman, Bob
Kuralt, Charles
LaCabe, Al
Lacklen, Cary
Lauer, Matt
Laurion, Suzanne
Leach, Brad
LeBeau, Phil
Lee, Henry
LeFever, Susan
Leverentz, Gerry
Levin, Bruce
Lewis, Craig
Lewis, Forrest
Lickens, Sylvia
Long, Guy
Long, Sandy
Long, Stewart
Lucy, Virginia
Lynn, Bertha
MacDonald, Diane
Maguire, Pete
Mang, Pete
Mann, Gary
Manning, Elizabeth
Manning, Michael
Marino, James
Martin, José
Mason, Allen
Mason, Larry
Mason, Madeline
Matsch, Richard
McCaa, Cpt.
McCallister, Janice
McCann, John
McCartney, Bill
McCormick, Paul
McCrary, Gregg
McCullen, Kevin
McCutcheon, Roy
McGrath-Arnold, Barbara
McGraw, Cheryl
McKeown, Jim
McKinley, Carol
McLaury, Steve
McPhee, Mike
McReynolds, Bill
McReynolds, Janet
McReynolds, Jessie
McReynolds, Jill
McReynolds, Tristan
McVeigh, Timothy
Mears, Jennifer
Meese, Michael
Mendez, Jana
Merrick, Jeff
Merrick, Kathy
Merriman, Gary
Merritt, Jeralyn
Mertes, Larry
Meyer, Glenn
Meyer, John