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Her Dragon To Slay (Dragon Guard Series)

Page 8

by Julia Mills

  Rayne gave Kyndel no respite; he pushed into her harder and faster, gripping her hips, holding her to him to keep her head from bumping into the arm of the couch. He felt his balls draw tight into his body, his cock growing thicker and harder filling his mate completely.

  “Look at me, mo ghra’,” Rayne ordered with his limited breath.

  Kyndel’s eyes snapped to his. He took her clit between thumb and forefinger and pinched. They exploded together, each screaming the other’s name. The experience completely earth shattering. Rayne collapsed forward holding most of his weight on his forearms. Their breathing had slowed and he leisurely rolled them over so that she was pillowed across his chest. He rubbed circles up and down her spine, completely fascinated with the feeling of her skin under his fingers.

  “I have never felt anything like that,” her voice, little more than a whisper against his chest.

  “Neither have I, ce’adsearc, neither have I.”

  Kyndel began drawing patterns in the hair on his chest that matched the ones he drew on her back, already in sync. The feel of her hands on his chest another reassurance that they were meant to be. Even though he had just cum more than ever before, his cock was rising again. She moved, brushed her leg against his growing erection. Her head popped up, her lips in the shape of an ‘o’.

  “Again?” she questioned.

  Rayne pulled her up his body, crushing his mouth to hers as his answer. A kiss of raw passion and possession, he was branding her with his very lips. He placed his huge hand behind her head and maneuvered her where she fit the best. His tongue swept in her mouth taking control of even her breathing. Nothing in his very long existence had ever tasted as good as the woman in his arms. Rayne’s hands moved down her body until they reached her perfectly round bottom. Holding and kneading her gorgeous ass was sure to be one of his favorite pass times forever.

  Rayne received all the encouragement he needed as a moan slipped through her lips. He moved Kyndel so that his hard cock was pillowed on her stomach and slid his fingers between the cheeks of her ass until her reached her wet, swollen opening. His searching fingers found what they were seeking, entered her and began to swirl in and out of her gushing pussy.

  Kyndel could not hide the surprise in her eyes from him. He knew she couldn’t believe how excited she was again. He felt unparalleled pride that just a second ago she’d been draped over his chest almost unable to move and with just a little urging from his fingers inside her, she was dripping wet, rushing towards another orgasm. He kissed his way down her jaw, concentrating on the little sweet spot behind her ear. He sucked the skin between his teeth. Her inner walls contracted around his fingers drawing them farther inside as he watched her fight to hold back the orgasm threatening to erupt.

  Her legs slid to either side of his hips, dislodging his fingers from her weeping pussy. She sighed at the loss and almost immediately began grinding her steaming center against his hardened length. He relished the feel of her hot wet pussy rubbing against the steel of his erection. She rubbed harder and faster against him as her need continued to grow. Her pupils dilated until her beautiful eyes were all but black with a small ring of the beautiful emerald he would always associate with her, the need they were building racing to its peak. Every motion caused the head of his cock to bump her clit; she shivered at the contact, letting him know she was quickly approaching her climax. Her nails dug into his chest, she threw her head back and pussy milked his cock in earnest.

  Kyndel writhing against his cock with the complete abandon of a woman being thoroughly loved was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Her lovely breasts swayed in his face tormenting and teasing until he lifted his head and sucked as much of her tantalizing flesh into his mouth as would fit. He worried her hardened peak with this tongue and teeth and switched to the other, lavishing it with the same attention.

  “Oh, God, Rayne. More…please…more,” she pleaded. She begged for him and him alone. His cock jumped from the sound of her breathy pleas. His heart soared, her body knew only he could give her what she needed, what she desired more than her next breath. He knew she was aching and his every intention was focused on soothing her ache as only he could.

  Rayne would deny his mate nothing. He slid down a fraction, lifted his hips and drove into her welcoming channel. He entered her with such force that he touched the bottom of her womb. His complete domination of her sent Kyndel over the edge. She fell forward grabbing his shoulders. Her nails sank into his skin so hard he was sure she drew blood. He welcomed the marks, the marks of his mate. Her complete loss of control at his hands drove his excitement higher.

  “Rayne…oh God…RAYNE!” Kyndel screamed her continued release as Rayne moved in and out with no end in sight, bringing her down from one climax while building the next. Each stroke of his cock caused her channel to seize around him. Kyndel looked up, her eyes glazed with complete satisfaction. His chest filled with pride, he had put that look on her face. He had never experienced anything close to the feelings overtaking him. He thought his proudest day had been when he’d been accepted into the Dragon Guard but that was a pale memory compared to pleasing his mate.


  Kyndel stared at Rayne, completely dumbstruck. She had never seen a more handsome man in her life. Old feelings of inadequacy tried to creep in as all her nakedness was magnified by the sunrise peeking through the blinds on her windows. She was riding this man like a cowgirl, baring all that she was and he looked at her like she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Her vulnerability was pushed back by her amazement. It was as if he didn’t see all her extra pounds and abundant curves? Could it be that he liked what he saw? The look in his eyes said he really did and that he was going to keep right on looking. For the first time in her life, she felt like a true vixen and this man had made it possible. She bent forward, kissing and tasting his shoulder, his neck and his jaw.

  He rocked slowly, moving in and out of her. He seemed to be in no hurry to leave the warmth of being buried deep inside her. Their slow dance continued to the music of their heartbeats and the sounds of their bodies moving in unison. The walls of her pussy began to contract around him again while goose bumps broke out all over her body. She closed her eyes, “Mmmm, this is amazing.” He swiveled his hips as he moved in and out of her rubbing all the sensitive spots that made her writhe in pleasure. “Oh, oh, oh…Rayne…”

  She rotated her hips too, on every down stroke of his length. Their intricate lap dance made it hard for her to think of anything outside their own bubble in time. She needed a little more…something, she couldn’t think past her need. Her sex addled brain could not form one intelligent thought. She shifted just a bit forward and mewled as she found what she needed, “Oh, oh, oh, yes…”

  “Yes, ta’ mo chroi istigh, take whatever you need.” The smooth low tone of his voice just a little breathless from their lovemaking sent another shock of arousal through her.

  He began to move faster and deeper, angling himself so that every sweep in and out of her gushing pussy pushed the head of his penis against the bundle of nerves that sent her passion into overload. Their slow burn turned into a forest fire. Heavy breathing along with the slaps of sweaty bodies and their moans of pleasure bounced off the walls of her apartment.

  She pushed up until she was sitting almost erect with her hands palming his pecs. The change in position was all they needed. Their eyes locked and in the next second they screamed their release to the heavens. After several long minutes Kyndel collapsed, a boneless dead weight on Rayne’s chest. She fought hard just to catch her breath. As she lay there, waiting for her sanity to return she realized Mr. Macho Man wasn’t having an easy time of it either. She felt his arms come up around her and lock securely in place. Her heart clenched, she felt cherished. From somewhere deep inside she felt the reassurance that nothing bad would ever happen to her as long as this gorgeous man, who had just loved her as no other ever had, was around. She closed her eyes and
reveled in a feeling she hadn’t felt since her parents had passed away, the feeling of truly belonging.

  She knew her granny loved her and she loved her too. She was a good person and had cared for her granddaughter the best she could. When Kyndel went to live with the matriarch of their family after her parents’ car accident, both were grieving. Granny had lost her only child and at seventy-four years old had the responsibility of raising a soon to be seven year old little girl. And there were always so many other people. Granny took care of every stray and wayward soul that found her doorstep. She said it was her calling. Kyndel was proud of the truly selfless nature of her granny. But what she felt with Rayne was so incredibly powerful and much more all encompassing than anything her family could have ever given her and she’d only known him a few hours. She refused to believe it could be love but there was no denying the feeling of coming home, of completely belonging to another person, of unconditional acceptance. She also knew, as well as she knew her own name, that he had irrevocably changed her.

  She was completely satiated, content to let all the worries that would usually have her freaking out, just wait. Never in her life had she had sex like she’d just had with Rayne, not once but twice. Maybe that was the difference between having sex and making love. She stopped that train of thought dead in its tracks, there was that damn ‘L’ word again. Resigned to think about that later, she thought about the sex. She was sure she knew what an orgasm was before but now she realized she’d never really had one until this man. She was determined to enjoy every second of it.

  “What are you thinking so hard about, my little a chumann?” The vibration of his voice caused her to shiver.

  “Nothing, just enjoying this moment, right here right now, with you,” her answer came out more breathy than she realized and if she had the strength, she would have blushed at the healthy dose of satisfaction that came with those words.

  Kyndel propped her chin on her hand and looked at the man who’d given her more pleasure in the last hour than she’d experienced in all of her twenty-six years combined. He had a smug smirk on his lips. “Pretty satisfied with yourself, huh?” Kyndel teased with one eyebrow cocked.

  She watched him puff up with pride. He reminded her of a jungle man ready to pound his chest and yell from a mountaintop. She had to smile at his cockiness. He had most definitely earned it. The feeling of him buried deep inside her and the way he made her lose control was like nothing she’d ever imagined was possible. She gave herself permission to have a cheesy girlie thought, had she glimpsed heaven?

  Rayne chuckled and the rumble caused her pussy to clench and her nipples to bead. He continued to rub lazy circles up and down her back. His caress on her shoulders caused her already aching breasts to rub against the hair on his chest. The friction was delicious, causing her hips to grind against his stomach.

  “Does my mo ghra’ need her m’fhi’orghra’ again?” he whispered into her ear.

  “Did you slip me a mickey or something? I’ve never been like this in my entire life. I mean, I like sex. I’m not a nun or anything,” she chuckled. “But I’m in no way a loose woman, either.” She felt the heat from her blush on her cheeks. “I usually don’t even kiss on the first date. What is it about you? I feel like I’ve known you all my life. I’m comfortable with you,” she shook her head slightly. “And I’m not comfortable with anyone until I completely know them. Know them in the way that takes time, serious amounts of time. What is making my head swim is that no matter how I try to deny our connection, I can’t. What scares me even more is that I don’t want to deny it.”

  “Why is that bad, ce’adsearc?” he asked. She could actually feel his concern.

  “I’m not saying it’s bad, necessarily. I’m saying it’s confusing. Think about it this way. I got up this morning or I guess it was yesterday morning, ate my cereal, got dressed, went to work, put up with the bullshit, got off work and headed home. Was scared half out of my mind, tripped over you and now here we are. It’s a lot to take in, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, I can see why you’d think so.”

  “I’m not even going to think about how badly you were hurt and how quickly you healed. I know Granny’s liniment is good but damn that has never happened before.” She leveled her patented one raised eyebrow look at him, trying to be intimidating. After all, that look had scared more than one person but not Rayne. He just looked at her like she was adorable. If she wasn’t mistaken, he looked like he wanted to kiss that look right off her face.

  Kyndel felt the muscles under her hands begin to bunch and recognized the gleam in Rayne’s eyes. He meant to distract her again and as good as that sounded, she really needed to get some answers from Mr. Sexy as Sin. After all, he’d promised to answer all her questions when he was done resting. Well, he had obviously not been resting for the last hour or so. She had muscles that would attest to the fact that they had been truly worked out, so he could take the time to answer her questions.

  She jumped off Rayne and deposited herself on the far end of the couch, crouched with her back against the arm. Only when the gleam in Rayne’s eyes turned to heat, did she realize she was sitting there completely naked, arms crossed under her breasts, displaying them like an offering to the man that could make her pulse thunder with just a look. What the hell was the matter with her? She never sat around naked. No one ever saw her without at least some type of clothing on, she was covered at all times but with this man it didn’t even enter her mind. She was comfortable displaying her ample body for him. The look in his eye said he was enjoying the view. If his erection, growing by the second, was any indication, he really really liked what he saw. She snatched one of Granny’s handmade afghans off the back of the couch and tucked it around her, successfully covering her nudity.

  It was Rayne’s turn to lift his eyebrow and stare at her. She watched as his thoughts danced across his face. She had a feeling it had to do with concealing her nudity from. If the fire that was burning in his eyes was any indication, he would have her naked twenty-three and a half hours out of the twenty-four a day and the majority of those he would have his hands and other body parts touching her. He laughed out loud, confirming her suspicions about his thoughts. He crossed his arms over his chest, mimicking her early pose. She arched her eyebrow even higher indicating she wasn’t easily intimidated either. His smile grew and she bit the inside of her cheeks to keep from smiling back.

  Kyndel couldn’t take another second of their battle of wills. It was completely unnerving that he could sit there totally naked looking at her like she was Christmas dinner and he hadn’t eaten in a week. She did the first thing she could think of to stop their standoff, she blurted out some of the questions that had been running through her head since she agreed to bring a total stranger into her home, “Why do I feel so comfortable with you, Rayne? Why do I feel like I’ve known you my whole life? What is it that pulls me to you? This isn’t normal. I’ve never felt this way with anyone before. Not even my family. What it is about you that I find so irresistible?” Her questions came out like bullets. She couldn’t hold back, they were plaguing her. By the time she finished she was out of breath, she gulped air and looked at Rayne. All the questions she’d promised herself, just moments ago, not to worry about were now out there waiting to be answered. She sat trying to calm her racing heart, impatient for his response. She knew without a doubt, he could and would clear up all her confusion. It was just another thing she had no idea how she knew, but she damn sure did.


  Rayne pulled air into his lungs and thought for a moment. He stared into Kyndel’s expressive eyes, every emotion displayed for his inspection. It was his job to answer her questions and reassure her everything would be alright, better than alright, it was going to be amazing. All he had to do was make her listen and understand without completely freaking out or worse, calling the authorities before he could make her see reason. He took another breath preparing himself for the inevitable conv
ersation about to take place when Lance’s voice sounded in his head.

  “Rayne, we’ve got trouble!”

  “What’s happening, Lance?”

  “The hunters are closing in on your location. I don’t think they know you’re there. Your magic seems to be holding but they are covering three sides of the city and more are swinging around. I think they are on a fishing expedition but it’s still too close for comfort.”

  “Thanks for the heads up. I’m handling a situation here. We’ll rendezvous in one hour.”

  “Have fun ‘handling that situation’ there buddy boy! I felt a few spikes in your power earlier. Any details you care to share?” Lance had to cough to cover the chuckle in his voice.

  “I definitely do NOT care to share,” Rayne growled. “Don’t you worry about my situation. You worry about keeping those damn hunters off my ass.” And with that Rayne cut off communications with Lance laughing and Aidan asking what was going on. That pain in the ass better keep his mouth shut or Rayne was going to cause him some serious pain.

  “Rayne, are you ignoring me? Why aren’t you answering my questions?” Kyndel sounded incredibly annoyed.

  Oh shit, he’d completely forgotten Kyndel had no idea he was talking to his brethren or even that he could talk to them through mind speak. This situation was getting more complicated by the minute. He wished he had time to court her, ease her into his life slowly, so she could accept her changing world one step at a time but that wasn’t what fate had in store for them. It was going to be a crash course into a world she had no idea existed and it was going to be at a hundred miles an hour.


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