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Her Dragon To Slay (Dragon Guard Series)

Page 12

by Julia Mills

  “Yes, it’s a very good thing,” Royce laughed, “Don’t look so worried, Rayne is the best man I know. He’ll protect you with everything in his power and that is truly saying something.” He patted her shoulder and she was once again amazed at his sheer size. “Now let’s get this stuff packed up. It’s looks like they are ready to head out.”

  She knew things happened for a reason, had always believed that, but she never would have imagined she would be marching beside six of the most elite the Dragon Guard had to offer, on her way to only God knew where. Hell, she had never imagined dragons were real! Thinking about everything she had learned in the last twenty-four hours, all the ways her world had changed and most importantly about the incredibly sexy man she felt an unexplainable and irresistible attraction to she was reminded of something her granny used to always say, “Buckle up baby, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.”


  From the way Kyndel’s brow was furrowed and her teeth were worrying her bottom lip Rayne knew she was deep in thought. He’d caught bits and pieces of her conversation with Royce while they were preparing to leave the park. He knew some of it had shocked her. They may not be officially mated but he was quickly learning his mate’s body language and the different tones of her voice. There were even times he felt little nudges in his mind and knew that if she was aware of what to look for, Kyndel would recognize the feelings too. Their souls had already recognized each other. They were reaching out to their mate, their completion. The ceremonial words of his people may not have been spoken but he and his fiery haired beauty were quickly bonding, regardless.

  After two hours of walking, the incline to The Pointe began. Rayne called to his men through mind speak to pause for a moment. He needed to get Kyndel to drink some water and try to ease her tension. He could not bear it any longer; she was torturing herself about things he could help her understand. He pulled her into his side, calmed merely having her those few precious inches closer to him. “Come over here, love, let’s get a drink before we trudge up this hillside.”

  They sat on a large rock, a little way from his men. “Now, Mo chroi, what’s causing all this stress?” He held her enchanting face between his hands and lightly rubbed the tension from her brow with his thumbs. She leaned into his touch.

  “Royce told me how old you are and how long you’ll live. He also told me how important your mate is to you.” If possible, she tensed even more. “Rayne, I just met you a little over twenty-four hours ago. How can all this be happening? It is so overwhelming. I’m not someone that trusts this easily. Hell, like I told you before, I never even kiss on the first date and we did a whole lot more than kiss.” She paused for a breath and raised that one brow at him again. He’d never get tired of her mannerisms.

  He felt her nerves as she rushed on, “I mean seriously, Rayne, this is crazy. I'm traipsing off with you like I’ve known you forever. Trusting all that you’re telling me and let’s be real here, everything you’ve told me is something out of a sci-fi or a fantasy movie.

  “Then Royce tells me that when we're mated I’ll live as long as you and that could be one thousand years! And the thing that’s making all of this even harder is that if I don’t become your mate, you'll spend all those years, almost nine hundred more of them alone, without love. But how can this be love? How can this be anything? I just met you!”

  He watched her struggle to catch her breath and get her emotions under control after her little speech. The look of pleading and utter confusion in her gorgeous green eyes was more than he could stand. He leaned closer and laid his lips on hers, caressing slowly from one corner to the other. This was a kiss of reassurance, commitment, one of true love. When he felt the tension leave her body, he slowly pulled back, opened his eyes and marveled at the beauty that was his mate. Her face in his hands, eyes closed, lips parted ever so slightly, trusting him, whether she realized it or not, to give her answers to all her questions. In that moment Rayne saw every one of the reasons why the Universe had made her for him. He’d known from the moment he saw her she was his. He knew he would move heaven and earth to be with her.

  “Mo ghra’, I know everything is happening so fast. If I had it my way, I would court you slowly, giving you time to come to terms with each revelation before dumping something else on you but it didn’t happen that way for us.

  “I understand you learned things from Royce that I should’ve told you and I am sorry, evgren. I’ve been so concerned with the hunters, getting you to safety and returning to the clan, to ensure everyone’s safety, that I haven’t been as thorough in my explanations to you as I should’ve been. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  She relaxed the rest of the way against him and he thanked the Universe she had a forgiving soul but he couldn’t resist teasing her just a bit. “And I must admit, just having you close, short circuits all my brain function. Nothing else matters as much as getting my hands, mouth and other body parts, close to you, preferably while you’re naked and sweating beneath me.”

  Kyndel swatted him on the arm. He grinned at the faked irritation on her face. No longer able to resist, he dragged her onto his lap and kissed her until she was breathless. He hoped he'd answered enough of her questions to put her concerns to rest at least until they reached the safety of his clan. Her safety was a constant concern; he needed her as far away from the threat of danger as he could get her. She straightened her back and squared her shoulders as they headed back to their group. He let her get just a few steps ahead so he could admire the sway of her beautifully rounded hips. He was truly a very very lucky man.

  And just that quick his concentration was pulled back to the threat against them. “Rayne, do you feel that?”

  “Feel what, Lance?”

  “Open your senses! There’s a horde approaching!”

  Rayne kept moving and opened his senses, far and wide, frustrated with himself that he had been so focused on Kyndel, he had neglected to continually sweep the area.

  Lance obviously picked up on his self recrimination. “Give yourself a break, dude. You just found your mate. We’re here to cover your back.”

  “Yes, but I am the Commander.” He said for himself as much as his brethren. “Oh shit! You’re right. 50 or 60, definitely men, one has some serious magical power, they all smell of deceit and hate. Fucking Hunters!” He seethed with anger.

  Rayne opened his mind speak to all the Guards. “We have incoming, less than a mile out. Fifty to sixty hunters. They have someone with serious magical power with them. Pick up the pace. We have to get as close to the peak as possible before we take flight.”


  Kyndel felt the men tense, the air surrounding them immediately thick with it. Before her next breath, she was thrown over Rayne’s shoulder, traveling so fast she had to close her eyes to keep from losing her dinner down his back.

  “Rayne put my heavy butt down. What the hell is going on?” She yelled into his ass.

  Rayne swatted her behind, “You will not call my mate heavy and we’re getting away from a pack of hunters that are trying to keep us from reaching The Pointe.”

  “I promise you will pay for hitting my ass, Commander,” Kyndel promised through clenched teeth. “I appreciate that you can move a one hundred times faster than I can, but a little warning before the caveman/Superhero routine would be nice or the next time I’m not going to hold back from throwing up all over your back.”

  Rayne chuckled which in turn made her chuckle. “I will keep that in mind, mo chroi, however I do hope the next time I throw you over my shoulder, we are naked and you’re not protesting.”

  “Alrighty children, as much as I’m enjoying the Love Fest, it appears whoever has the magical ability in the group following us can also enhance their speed. They’re doing a damn fine job of closing the distance and I don’t like it.” She could hear the frustration in Lance’s voice. “How in the hell did they know where we were?” Lance questioned. “We
were all shielding.”

  “Can’t you just change or transform or go all dragony and take off?” Kyndel asked.

  “Yes, we could and we will if it comes to that but our dragons’ wing span is over 30 feet each and most of us are at least twenty feet tall. That’s a lot of dragon in very close quarters. Not to mention if we all take off at the same time, this close to the ground, we could cause serious damage to the landscape, which is never our intent. That’s why we’re trying to get to The Pointe; it has several levels and great elevation for lift off. However, now that may not be possible.” He gripped her legs tighter and seemed to move faster.

  “They seem to be picking up speed again, Commander,” Lance yelled from the rear of the pack.

  “Things must really be dangerous for Lance to sound so serious and call Rayne Commander,” Kyndel thought to herself.

  “Alright men, we’re going to get to the ledge there on the right about halfway to the top. It appears there is a cave and several outcroppings where we can take a defensive position.” She heard the steel of command in Rayne’s voice. “Aidan, I want you to bring your dragon forward first. You're the quickest to flight and sleekest in the air. We may need your speed if things progress as I fear. The magic wielder in the bunch is the one we need to identify immediately and then the asshole that is leading this merry band of fuck ups.”

  Kyndel had never heard Rayne sound so deadly before. She guessed the Commander that had won so many wars or battles or whatever they called them was coming to the forefront. It was reassuring and more than a little sexy. She had no business getting turned on right now but this man just did it for her, plain and simple, no denying it. She was in so much trouble. She was actually falling for the big galoot. Now they just had to make it out of this alive so she could see where all of this was going.

  They made it to the ledge as Rayne had instructed. He sat her down at the opening of the cave and turned to address his men. “Aidan, head up to the highest lip and call forth your dragon. I’m hoping they'll think we’ve all transformed and it will give them a reason to hang back. Make sure you’re ready to bring your dragon fire if need be, and most of all keep all your senses sharp. We have no idea what the magic wielder is capable of.”

  “Yes, Commander,” and up he went.

  “Royce, get the swords and shields. We’ll fight as men for a long as we can. Aaron and Lance take the shelf right below us. You’ll transform only if Aidan takes flight. I want to avoid calling any human attention to us, if possible.

  “Royce and Devon, you’ll stay here with Kyndel and I. You’ll call your dragons if Aaron and Lance take flight. I’ll be the last to transform.”

  She was completely enthralled watching Rayne give orders to all his men. It was obvious they had done this hundreds maybe thousands of times. They worked together like a well oiled machine. He turned and placed his hands on her shoulders gripping tightly. “Mo chroi’, I need you to do whatever I say without question. I know that won’t be easy for you, but in this case it’s absolutely necessary. You have to trust my expertise in this. I’m sorry you’re once again in danger because of me but I will keep you safe. When we get out of this, I’ll make it up to you in more ways than your beautiful mind can imagine.”

  Kyndel didn’t realize he had been using his enhanced abilities to walk them deep into the cave while he was talking to her. When he finished talking, he crushed his mouth to hers. She felt as if she was being branded with his promise of a lifetime of love, passion and security. He poured so many emotions into that one kiss, he showed her with his actions where his words failed. She felt his love for her everywhere. She knew with all certainty that he would die to keep her safe. His domination tripped her over the edge and the last piece of herself that she had been holding back came barreling to the forefront. She submitted to him completely. Before her eyes were open, he was gone. She was left with a flash light in her hands and lips swollen from his kiss.

  She could hear him, along with his men, preparing for battle. “You better not get yourself killed, Rayne MacLendon! I swear I will kick your ass if you do!” she yelled, knowing damn good and well he could hear every word. She imagined his cocky grin and smug chuckle and felt the smile spread across her face. Argh! That man drove her mad! And she couldn't come up with one reason why that was a bad thing.

  She felt reassuring warmth spread over her, the same feeling she got with Rayne’s arms around her. It was like he was right there with her. She could hear him outside the cave but she could not deny what she felt. With all the crazy shit she had been through and learned in the last twenty-four hours, nothing surprised her anymore.


  They were all in place. Rayne knew his men could handle the hunters they could see ascending the hillside. They were coming just as he knew they would. Three separate lines of zealots covered in black from head to toe. They all appeared to be human, so he focused on each individually. “Finally!” He thought to himself. The magic practitioner was leading the group in the middle, heading straight to him. This zealot with his enhancement was using his magic to increase the hunters speed. The ones heading in Aidan’s direction seemed to be reluctant to move at the rate the magician was pushing them. They were actually attempting to dig their feet into the grassy earth of the incline. He wanted to yell out, “You should be afraid idiots.” But now was not the time for fun

  Aidan was the fiercest Guardsman Rayne had ever seen, even more so after the loss he had endured. He knew from all the time they had spent together that Aidan felt he had nothing to live for, except his twin. His old friend fought without reserve, in dragon form he would rain destruction down on the hunters. Rayne appreciated the fact that they recognized the danger they were being pushed headlong into. It was almost comical to watch as they fought against the magic being poured into them. Some even stumbled in their attempt to slow their climb to the ledge where Aidan was waiting but the one wielding the magic propelled them on.

  Rayne told Aaron and Lance that the leader of this pack was at the front of the group heading their way. The arrogant way he marched toward them, so sure of his superiority, was a dead giveaway. He was the one in charge. Well, he was in for a rude awakening. The two Guardsmen he was about to meet had trained together since they were old enough to walk. They knew what the other thought almost before he thought it and what move he would make almost before he made it. If they weren't such ignorant assholes, Rayne would feel sorry for the hunters as they marched to their certain demise but they’d chosen their path in life and it would end here, in death, today. If they weren't stopped they would just keep coming. There was no way he could excuse the fact that they'd come after his mate and his men but still the waste of so many lives was something he carried with him every day of his life.

  “Take the wizard out first,” he mind spoke to Royce and Devon. “He’s enhancing their abilities. We have no clue if he’ll be able to disrupt our dragon magic. I don’t want to take any chances, not with Kyndel here. Fight to win.”

  “We always do, Commander,” his men answered in unison.

  Rayne felt Aidan take flight followed by the magic from Aaron calling his dragon forth. Lance stayed in human form for the moment. Apparently they had a game plan and he would not interfere as long as they took care of the enemy. But if anything went wrong, he would take it out of Lance’s hide.

  Because they had been together so long and he was their Commander, as long as all of his men left their minds open to one another, Rayne could see and hear everything that was happening during the battle through their eyes. Dividing his attention between each of his men and what he was doing was a skill he had honed early in his command.

  Devon was perched on the edge of their landing with his bow cocked. He was the best archer Rayne had witnessed in all of his one hundred and nineteen years. He let the string go. The arrow rang true but was repelled by an unseen force. Now he knew at least part of their game plan. The magician had erected some type of protectio
n around the hunters. He looked down and saw that apparently only the group traveling with said wizard was protected as Lance’s sword ran straight through the hunter attacking him and Aaron’s huge talons had already beheaded two, ready to take another down. Lance had moved on to the leader but he was evading the Guardsmen’s strikes. Not to worry, Rayne had faith in his men. He returned his attention to the troop at his feet, while continuing to monitor his men.

  “Call your dragon Royce, your magic is older and stronger, we need to take that bastard wizard down as quickly as possible. “ He sent directly into the powerful Guardsman’s mind.

  No sooner had he commanded it, than a majestic royal blue dragon with green scales throughout, stood by his side. Royce’s dragon definitely mirrored the man; he was at least five feet over their average of twenty feet tall and weighed at least 1500 pounds, but what made Royce’s dragon the most impressive were the six foot tail spikes running the entire length and pointing in every direction from his almost thirty foot tail. Not to mention he wielded the oldest and most potent magic of all dragon kin.

  The sight of Royce’s dragon caused the magician to stumble. Devon used that split second to fire another arrow. The magician was quick. He ducked at the last second, leaving the arrow to tear straight through the hunter behind him and land in the next inline. The remaining hunters stepped over their fallen with no regard of the loss and raced forward with the wizard in the lead.

  He saw Lance as he held his broadsword, still facing off against the human pack leader. Rayne heard him tell Aaron to go help his brother. He also caught the thought running through his pain in the ass brethren’s mind, Lance knew Rayne would kick his ass when this was over for disobeying orders, not once but twice. Definitely something they would deal with after the battle had ended. In any other situation Rayne would have laughed at Lance’s actions but he was a little too occupied with the SOB’s hell bent on their destruction. He was also all too aware that Aaron was worried about his brother fighting alone causing him to take unnecessary chances. They all worried about Aidan but knew they had to let him work through things on his own. He smiled despite the fight all around them as Lance reassured all that were listening that he could handle one treacherous bastard, pack leader or not, always the showboat.


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