Her Dragon To Slay (Dragon Guard Series)

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Her Dragon To Slay (Dragon Guard Series) Page 16

by Julia Mills

  Rayne cleared his throat and threw his patented scowl at his friend, who obviously thought he was a hell of a lot funnier than he actually was, letting him know that he was most definitely not amused. Lance laughed out loud, tipped his head very slightly and whispered conspiratorially, “Spitfire, I’ll finish this and catch you up on some other good blackmail material when you’re up and about.”

  Rayne growled low in his throat, a clear warning that Lance would not be talking to his mate alone ever. Lance just laughed all the louder, patted him on the back and told Rayne he would be back later.

  He took his seat at Kyndel’s bedside and grabbed her hand, rubbing little circles with his thumb across her wrist. He stared at her beautiful face willing her to wake up. It occurred to him that he was not nearly as jealous of the men coming to visit them or even sit with her while he left for the few minutes he could tear himself away as he had been a few days ago. It had to be because their bond was strengthening even without the mating ceremony and despite the fact she was unconscious. There was absolutely no doubt she was his. With that last thought he drifted to sleep for the first time in three days, slumped in an incredibly uncomfortable chair, holding the hand of the woman he loved, body and soul.

  When he woke she was still unconscious and the Healer was examining her. “Siobhan, this is the fourth day and she is still laying there. Do something!” Rayne was tired and frustrated, “I’ve given you all the time I can. I’m taking her to the human doctors!”

  Siobhan crossed the room and touched Rayne’s shoulder, “You know she’s getting better. You can feel it yourself. Her head wound is healing. We are keeping her nourished. You have to remember she has been through a lot in a short amount of time. Her mind and body are working hard to bring her back to you. You have to be patient, Commander.”

  “Patient? Patient you say? What the hell do you think I’ve been doing? I sit here day after day, night after night watching her, talking to her, holding her hand, praying to the Universe that she’ll come back to me. It’s been long enough, Siobhan, long enough. I need her to wake up… now.” His last words were spoken on a whisper. He crumbled into the same chair he had inhabited for four days and dropped his head into his hands.

  “Commander, this is not a battle you can wage or an opponent you can kill, you have to let the healing happen. Your Kyndel is a very strong woman. She suffered not only a physical blow but she’s had a lot to understand and accept. I believe that’s what she is doing and as soon as she has reconciled it all, she will awaken.” And with that she left to check on her other patients.

  Hours later Rayne was still at Kyndel’s bedside when Lance walked in. He was holding her hand to his face telling her stories of what he had planned for their life together. Thank the heavens Lance cleared his throat as the story reached an incredibly personal point. “Any change, Commander?”

  Rayne jumped to his feet and was in front of Lance in an instant, all his fear, anger and fatigue driving his actions, “Does it look like there’s any change? Would I be sitting here in this damn room like an impotent child if something had changed or if there was anything I could do?’ He ran his hand through his already terribly disheveled hair. “What the hell are you doing here?” His face was red, his breathing labored as he grabbed Lance’s shirt and began to shake the other Dragon Guardsman.

  He was taking all his frustrations out on Lance but he was just so afraid for his mate that he needed to blow off some steam so he lashed out at the first target he could find. Rayne pulled his brethren until there were mere inches separating their faces, “What have you done to find the traitor that did this to my mate?”

  “We can find no trace of him, sir.” He would thank Lance later for keeping it formal to help him wrestle his raging emotions.

  Before he could think, he had Lance backed against the far wall, his hand at his throat, “You will get your ass and that of every Dragon Guardsman in this lair back out there and find that piece of shit.” With every word Rayne squeezed harder and spoke louder until he was roaring.

  “Rayne, stop yelling, I’m trying to sleep over here.”

  Rayne didn’t even remember moving, the next thing he knew he was on his knees, beside Kyndel’s bed staring at her lovely face. “Mo chroi? What did you say?”

  “I asked you to be quiet. I’m sleeping, Rayne.” She opened her eyes and just like every other time she turned those beautiful emerald orbs on him, time stood still.

  He took her face in his hands and kissed her lightly on the lips, being very careful not to hurt her but needing the contact to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes again. She was smiling and her eyes were twinkling. Suddenly his world was right again. She was awake and she was smiling. Thank the Universe!

  “How do you feel, mo ghra’?”

  “I was fine until you woke me up trying to kill Lance. What does a girl have to do around here to get some sleep?” She cocked that one eyebrow at him again and he could not stop the smile that eclipsed his face. She was going to be ok. His beautiful mate was going to be just fine. “And why are you trying to kill Lance?”

  Rayne had the decency to look embarrassed. She turned her gaze to Lance and damn his friend, he shrugged his shoulders, “I’ll leave you two to talk. Glad you’re back with us, Spitfire.” He made an about face and left before she could get another word out.

  “How do you feel, my love?” Rayne asked again.

  “I have a little headache and other than being awakened from the best nap ever, I feel fine. Why?”

  “You were hurt and have been napping for four days.” Surprise overrode all other emotions on her beautifully expressive face. “Do you remember anything that happened?” By now Rayne was sitting on the bed leaning over with his face just inches from hers. He wanted to be as close to her as possible.

  He watched her face. It appeared she was searching for any memory of what had happened. Recognition flashed and her body shivered, he knew she remembered. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, held it for a moment and then slowly exhaled. He knew she was trying to be brave but could tell from the death grip on his hand, she was having a hard time controlling her emotions. When she looked back at him there was a fierce determination and something he feared to hope for, shining there.

  “I remember that jerk had a knife to my neck and was spouting off like a lunatic. He was going to slit my throat, I felt the knife dig deeper into my skin and then nothing.” She had a questioning look. “The next thing I know you’re trying to kill Lance and telling me that I’ve been asleep for four days.”

  He knew Siobhan would want to examine her to make sure everything was ok and that he should be rushing to tell his mate everything that had happened while she had been unconscious but he had waited four long days to look into her gorgeous emerald eyes and he wanted to savor this moment.

  “How do you feel, mo chroi? Is there anything I can get you?”

  “I have a little headache. Where is my backpack? There are some herbs in there. I can make a cup of tea that will take care of it.” Kyndel’s eyes were suddenly as big as saucers, “Did you say I’ve been out four days?”

  Rayne rubbed little circles on the back of her hand and tucked a little strand of hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear, “Yes, a chumann, you have been unconscious for four days.” He dropped the hand that had placed the hair behind her ears to her cheek.


  Held captive by his massive hands, she took a good look at his face. His beautiful violet eyes that usually sparkled and twinkled looked exhausted, he had big black circles under his eyes and his sexy stubble was long and scruffy, definitely needing some attention. She rubbed her fingers across his lips, let them explore over his jaw line and land in the little curls at the nape of his neck. “You look a little tired there, Commander,” she teased as her fingers drew little circles up and down his neck. “Did you sleep at all while I was out?”

  Rayne l
eaned into her arm, closed his eyes and she felt him draw her scent into his body. He spoke without opening his eyes, “I’m fine now that you’re awake.” He turned and placed kisses along the inside of her wrist.

  After a moment of just enjoying being together, his eyes rose and he speared her with the intensity she was used to from those violet eyes of his, “You scared the hell out of me, a thaisce. Even though Andrew is a crazy asshole, he was right. If anything had happened to you, if you were taken from me, I would cease to exist.’ He rubbed his stubble along her arm. “I’ll never let anything happen to you again. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

  Kyndel pulled him to her. She tenderly kissed and nipped the corner of his luscious lips. She worked her way to the middle, letting the tip of her tongue sneak out to tempt and tease. She made sure she showed attention to every inch of those incredibly kissable lips. It wasn’t until she felt the tension she had seen in his mouth and jaw completely relax and felt him exhale that she deepened the kiss. She loved this man or dragon or whatever he was. She loved him with every fiber of her being. It only intensified those feelings to know that he had stayed with her while she was hurt and unconscious. He had watched over her, made sure she was ok. He said he could not live without her and she believed him. Hell, she knew she didn’t want to live without him. He was a good man and he was hers.

  She moved her tongue along his, teasing and tasting everything that was purely Rayne, her mate. This wasn’t a frantic kiss of possession, this was a kiss of promises and assurance of the very long and happy life they would have together. They were both ok, they were together and life would only get better from here.

  The kiss grew in intensity, her hands wrapped in his hair, his hands massaging her ribs and his fingers rubbing the underside of her breasts. She scooted down to get his fingers on her breasts where she wanted them when the clearing of a throat brought their kiss to an abrupt halt. A growl rumbled from deep in Rayne’s throat and she did not even attempt to stop the giggle that bubbled up.

  “Do not growl at me, Commander,” Siobhan chuckled from the doorway. “I have to examine your mate now that she is awake. You do want to take her home, right?” She leveled her gaze at him, her grin apparent as she waited for his answer. Kyndel felt the power and respect this woman commanded by just her presence.

  “Yes, but you could’ve waited a few more minutes,” he pouted and she could have kissed him all over again no matter who was there, Unfortunately that would have to wait.

  “Oh, Rayne let her do what she has to.” Kyndel smacked his arm and winked at Siobhan, “So I can get out of this bed.”

  Rayne moved to the opposite side of her bed. She saw his determination to stay by her side. “Commander, a few of your men are waiting for word of your mate in the outer room. Maybe you could go fill them in while I examine her.” Siobhan peered over the half glasses perched on the end of her nose. Just that look made her wonder how old this woman actually was.

  Rayne looked down at her for approval. She sighed, “Rayne, I’m a big girl. Go see to those men out there and tell Lance he’s sorely mistaken if he thinks I didn’t catch that “Spitfire” comment when he left the room earlier.”

  Rayne threw his head back and laughed. She saw the man she had come to know as the love of her life return to himself bit by bit. His shoulders relaxed and he stood taller than he had a few minutes before. He planted a kiss on her lips and she watched as he strutted out of the room. He was such a mess, her mess. Life was good.

  Kyndel shook her head and giggled, “He really is a goof.” She hadn’t realized she had spoken out loud until Siobhan laughed along with her.

  “I’ve never seen the Commander like that. You’re good for him. Before you he was always serious, always reviewing the last battle or preparing for the next. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen him smile since he was accepted into the guard.”

  Kyndel’s felt her cheeks warm at the older lady’s revelations. “Can I ask you a question…” she paused as she realized she did not even know this woman’s name.

  “Siobhan, my name is Siobhan. I am the Chief Healer and very pleased to meet you.” She extended her hand. Kyndel felt warmth spread up her arm as she held the Healer’s hand. It was the same feeling she got every time she had held Granny’s hand.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, Siobhan. Are you who I have to thank for patching me up?” She reached behind her head to feel the stitches she had just realized were there when they pulled as she moved her head.

  “Yes, I stitched your wound and gave you herbs comparable to your human antibiotics.”

  “You know herbs?” she asked as Siobhan nodded. “My granny used herbs and plants to heal everything. She was somewhat of a healer herself for the people in her small town. She taught me everything she could.” She looked up at the very tall stately woman with kind eyes beside her bed and felt an immediate kinship, “Thank you very much.”

  “You are very welcome. I was very happy to be able to help. Human physiology is a little different than ours. I usually only treat those who’ve already mated with their dragon partners, so I had to guess on a few things.” She talked while she checked Kyndel’s pulse, felt her arms and legs for any residual pain and finally examined the stitches in her head. “Your granny taught you about healing?”

  “She did. Taught me what herbs and plants cured each ailment. I’m nowhere as good at it as she was but I can take care of myself without having to pay a doctor,” she chuckled.

  “You are very gifted, as well, Kyndel. I can feel it and the Commander mentioned it, also. When you’re well and settled in I would like to talk to you about helping us from time to time.”

  “I think I’d like that,” she said with a smile on her face. And the longer she thought about it, the better she liked it. “I’d like that a lot since it seems I’m here to stay.” And once again she found herself giggling. It had to be a side effect of Rayne. She’d never giggled so much in her entire life.

  “You sound like you’ve known Rayne for a long time.” She left her thought hang in the air, hoping Siobhan would pick it up and talk about her mate without much encouragement.

  Siobhan chuckled, “You could say that. I was there the day he was born. I’ve administered every test he’s ever had and tended to almost every wound he’s received since that day. What is it you would like to know?” Siobhan leveled a knowing glance at her.

  Busted! Nothing got past this woman. Kyndel should’ve been embarrassed but she wanted answers to some of her questions more than she cared about a little embarrassment. “Is he really one hundred and nineteen years old?”

  “Yes, that sounds about right.” She stopped her examination. “But is that really what you want to ask, Kyndel?”

  What the hell was the matter with her, she was never shy about anything. “No, you are absolutely right, that’s not what I want to ask. I want to know what happens when we mate. Rayne mentioned something about a formal mating ceremony. He mentioned that we would then be bound together, that I would get some of his abilities. Is that really what happens?”


  Having finished her exam of Kyndel, Siobhan sat in the chair beside her bed and looked out the window over her bed. “Before I answer you, child, let me ask you a question. Do you love Rayne MacLendon?” she folded her hands across her lap and watched Kyndel, patiently waiting for her answer.

  “Yes, yes, I do but I haven’t told him yet. I didn’t realize I was actually in love with him until that idiot psycho had me at knife point and I thought I was going to die. I thought about how terrible it would be to be killed and not have the chance to tell him how I felt.” She twisted the blanket covering her lap in her hands. “I can’t imagine my life without him and I have no idea how it happened so quickly. I don’t trust easily but somehow he wormed his way right into my heart. Now I can’t imagine my life without him,” she shrugged and tried to look nonchalant but Siobhan felt her conflicti
ng emotions. “You must think the bump to my head knocked something loose.”

  She placed her hands over Kyndel’s as she continued to worry with the blanket. “No, child, I don’t think anything is loose in your head. This is the way it is with our people. The Universe is all knowing and all powerful. She knows what each person needs and She creates their perfect compliment in the form of their mate. She has no regard for species or location, only that every dragon shifter, be they Guard or not, have that one person that truly completes them. She makes no mistakes.

  “It is written in our holy book that ‘when the two halves of the same whole meet, there will be instant recognition. Their souls will merge and only then will the dragon shifter know complete peace, they will have found their true home. It will be as if the time before they met does not exist. All that matters is that they become one in body, mind and soul.’” Siobhan felt the same bone deep serenity she always felt when she spoke of the sacred bonds of mates.

  She was shaken from her memories when Kyndel spoke. “That was beautiful. Is your mate part of the Dragon Guard?”

  She felt the momentary flash of pain that always accompanied speaking of her dear Gareth and then the flood of warmth that she knew could only come from him. No matter in this life or the next they would always be connected. “He was. He was killed in battle many years ago. I carry him here,” she placed her hand over her heart. “And here,” she lifted the locket that had not left her person since the day her mate placed it there. She opened the beautifully engraved piece of jewelry to show Kyndel the spectacular opal dragon scale with a red tear drop in the center.

  “My mate was one of the rare white dragons. Not long after we were mated, he returned from battle, unable to shift back to human form due to a serious injury. I nursed him in the healing caves for almost a week until he was able to shift again. While I was taking care of him he shed this scale. I’d placed it with all the others but my Gareth found it and had this locket made for me to keep it. He explained that only once in every white dragon’s life did they produce the rare heart scale and most shed it without ever knowing. The fact that we had been together when he shed it and we found it was our special blessing from the Universe.


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