Her Dragon To Slay (Dragon Guard Series)

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Her Dragon To Slay (Dragon Guard Series) Page 17

by Julia Mills

  “We had many happy years together and even had a son. I believe you’ve met him, Devon.” Kyndel nodded as she continued to speak. “He is a member of Commander Rayne’s Force. Even though Gareth has gone on before me, I hold a piece of his soul in me. We will be reunited in the heavens again one day.” She beamed with love and pride while talking of her family.

  She felt tears gather in her eyes as she watched Kyndel wipe the lone tear that had escaped down her cheek as she shared her story. She saw more questions forming in the inquisitive mind of the Commander’s mate, but further discussion was halted by a commotion coming from the hall. She chuckled to herself as she saw a brief moment of confusion cross Kyndel’s face, this beautiful child was in for a lifetime of chaos and craziness as the mate of the Dragon Guard Commander but she knew the Universe knew what She was doing and Kyndel Masterson was up for the challenge.


  He had given Siobhan all the time he could stand to make sure Kyndel was ready to be released from the Healer’s care. He wanted to be with his mate. HELL, he needed to be with his mate. It had been too long since he had held her in his arms. The kiss they had shared before being interrupted only reminded him of how close he had come to losing her and how long it had been since he had tasted everything her amazing body had to offer. He knew she was recovering and he would be very gentle but he had to be with his mate. The man and the dragon were in complete agreement as usual.

  Lance and Aidan were updating him on the search for the traitor. It was as if Andrew had completely vanished. They could find no sign of him anywhere. They all concurred that it was the black magic he had absorbed from the wizards that was making it possible for him to elude their search. Rayne told Lance to check with the Elders to see what they knew anything about the effects of the mixture of pure dragon magic with the taint of black magic and Heavens forbid the blood of the original mage. He told Aidan to check in with Royce to see where he was with the weapon preparation and training of the new guards. Aaron and Devon were still out searching to the north and were expected to return any time.

  He cuffed Lance on the back of his head. He’d had to bite the inside of his cheeks to keep from laughing at the surprise that crossed the Guardsman’s face. He apparently thought Rayne had forgotten his blatant disobedience during their battle with Andrew and the hunters. Although everything had worked, he had to maintain his command. He told his brethren to expect as many horrible things as he could think of as punishment. Lance tried to laugh it off but Rayne knew he was at least a little scared about what he had up his sleeves. His fear was truly justified.

  He was using all of his considerable strength to keep his mind on the business at hand but he could not escape the pull of his mate only a few yards away. Just as he would have dismissed his men, Lance slid past him with Aidan in tow, headed directly for Kyndel’s room. He raced after them and collided with Aidan’s back just as Lance opened her door.

  “Rayne, what is going on out there?” He did nothing to stop the smile that crossed his face. His mate was sexy as hell when she was irritated.

  He pushed past his men and went to her bedside, passing Siobhan on the way. From the looks of things they were having a little bit of girl talk while he was away. Rayne was glad Kyndel had chosen Siobhan to speak to. She was incredibly wise and well versed in the way of the dragon shifters. She was also incredibly kind and motherly to all that needed it. She had been like another mother to him for all of his years. Not to mention the most accomplished of all the healers from all the clans.

  “I was coming to see my beautiful mate when these ruffians bum-rushed their way into your room.” He directed a scowl at Lance and Aidan while they looked completely unrepentant for their abrupt arrival into his beloved’s room.

  Kyndel cocked her eyebrow at the offending Guardsmen standing at the end of her bed but just couldn’t stop from laughing, he loved that sound. “You two are incorrigible! You’re just in here to mess with Rayne.” She pointed her finger, “Don’t try to deny it. I can see the guilt in your eyes.” Her reprimand lost most of its effect on his brethren since she could not stop laughing.

  He knew something good was about to happen when she schooled her expression and looked straight at Lance, “and you,’ she pointed her finger right at his chest. “What did I hear you call me when you left before?” She continued to stare at him with her eyebrow cocked and he knew she was hoping to intimidate him into repeating the nickname he had used earlier.

  Apparently it worked because Lance lowered his eyes and in a voice barely above a whisper he said, “Spitfire.” Then it was as if he regained his composure and punched Aidan in the shoulder, “Come on ‘A’ fess up. Tell her who came up with her new name.”

  He was so glad to see his men laugh and joke with his mate. They were getting along so well and his old friend, Aidan was continuing to come back to the man they had all known for all their years together. The almost playful attitude was so much better than the sullen lost man they had dealt with for over six years. He chuckled as he watched Aidan square his shoulders and with a cheeky grin on his face filled with pride, he nodded his head and said, “I did. I came up with that name after I saw how you handled all of us and didn’t lose your cool when the traitor had a knife to your neck.”

  The flash of anger and pain at his brother’s betrayal was there and gone in a second. His brethren was well on his way back to the man he had grown up with. Cheeky grin back in place, he chuckled a bit, “Spitfire suits you, almost as well as you suit the Commander.”

  He watched in awe as her face completely transformed. She smiled the most beautiful warm and loving smile he had ever witnessed. He could feel how his mate accepted his men and how they unconditionally accepted her. He could not wait to watch as she became comfortable with her new extended family and all the love he knew they would show her. His mate deserved nothing less and now that she was part of their clan she would have it all.

  She narrowed her eyes slightly as she reached for his hand. He braced for what she would say to his brethren. Watching her give his men hell warmed his heart as only his gorgeous Kyndel could do. “I guess you’re off the hook then but you better not call me that in public or I’ll show you what happens when a spitfire turns into a wild fire.”

  The whole room erupted into laughter. “Now what the heck do I have to do to get to see these dragons y’all keep telling me you can turn into?” Her comment brought on more laughter. It was the best sound he had heard all day.

  Even though Siobhan had given Kyndel a glowing bill of health, Rayne carried her to the clearing about a half mile behind the lair. He was not letting his mate go, not now that he had her back in his arms. She complained the whole way which with his dragon speed took all of thirty seconds. Still it made him smile. There would never be a dull moment with her in his life.

  He placed her on the blanket Aidan had spread under a tree. His hand slipped and rubbed her perfectly rounded behind that he pinched lightly and jumped away before she could swat his arm. She cocked that precious eyebrow at him and shook her head. He chuckled as he strode away. He made sure she was far enough away that she could still see him transform but he wouldn’t accidentally bump her in any way. He was determined that she not suffer so much as a hang nail ever again.


  Kyndel watched as Rayne stood about twenty yards from her. He was absolutely breathtaking, standing there looking every bit the Commander she knew he was. He looked her right in the eyes and from one breath to the next her magnificent warrior became the most majestic creature she had ever seen.

  She tilted her head all the way back and there staring back at her were the same violet eyes she had looked into while making love to her fierce warrior. In those eyes she saw the same love and devotion that she felt from the man.

  Rayne’s dragon was at least two and a half stories tall. He was the most brilliant combination of every hue of red and gold imaginable, intertwined together to creat
e a kaleidoscope of colors that sparkled and shimmered in the late afternoon sunlight. The dragon that was an integral part of her mate unfurled his wings. She was awestruck at the vast span and incredible strength she saw there. This creature created such a dangerously elegant beauty she simply could not take her eyes off of him. He laid his long body down so that his snout was pointing towards her, folded his massive wings into his body and chuffed. She had no idea how but she knew he was telling her that she was free to touch and explore to her heart’s content. She could actually feel that he wanted her to explore. He wanted her comfortable with his beast.

  It took a moment for her to do anything other than sit and stare. How did something this big not scare the living daylights out of her? She felt as safe with this 1000 pound dragon as she did with the two hundred and twenty pound man. The front of his snout and nostrils were such a dark red that they resembled a fine port wine. There were so many peaks and valleys running from his nostrils to his eyes that she lost count. The variations of colors and textures displayed there were hypnotic.

  As she moved closer to the beast, she could see the scales around his eyes were much lighter and smaller than any other she could see. There were so many more of them fitted tightly in that small area than she could see anywhere else. They were layered together to enhance and protect the very large violet crystalline eyes shining down at her.

  She looked even farther up to find a row of spikes starting in the middle of his head. She moved a few steps back so she could take in as much of the incredible creature lying before her as possible. He seemed to know what she needed and rolled slightly towards her. She began moving farther down his body and could see that those intimidating spikes ran all the way down the middle of his neck, stopping at his shoulder blades. They resembled the largest thorns she had ever seen. She glanced back to the top of his head and saw two very lethal, very large, horns shooting out from his brow ridge and curving at least six feet back over his head, ending in viciously threatening points.

  She walked closer and placed her hand on the side of his muzzle. She slowly moved towards the wings that were folded at his sides, touching and rubbing the entire way, mesmerized by the myriad of textures and colors that composed this majestic creature. Her exploration continued until her hand was resting under one of his incredibly expressive violet eyes. The scales there felt like hand blown glass. The harder she pressed and slid her hand under his scales, the more she could feel their incredible strength. She continued to his jaw placing her other hand beside the one already there. She let both hands wonder and roam under his jaw, taking it all in. The scales were softer and thinner there but still protective. They felt like the pair of alligator boots Granny wore when she was snake hunting. She moved a bit farther and the scales were rapidly becoming thicker and more protective. She was sure these served as armor for the entire underbelly of his massive body.

  She reached his wings and gently let her fingers slide between the layers of skin folded like an accordion against his massive ribs. The skin encased by his impressive wings was incredibly soft, such a contrast to the sleek protective scales covering the exterior of her warrior's body. She could feel the veins running throughout as they pulsed at her touch. She let her hands slip further beneath those beautifully powerful wings, feeling the raw power emanating from his body. It seemed to flow out of him and into her. It was a rush unlike any other. She giggled despite her awe as she felt the massive creature shiver at her touch. Even in this form he wasn’t immune to her touch.

  She had to step several feet away to walk around and inspect his hind quarter and colossal back paw. She realized she had not really paid much attention to his front paw because of the magnetic draw of his violet eyes. Now that she was face to face with this huge appendage she could not help but gape at its sheer size. She could have easily fit between his toes. The sharp claws extending from each toe were longer than she was tall and she knew with all certainty could tear a man to ribbons with one strike.

  As she rounded his hind quarter and came to his tail, she was once again reminded that these creatures had been created to defend. Nothing brought that into glaring clarity better than his twelve foot tail with four foot tail spikes running its entire length. If that wasn’t enough, at the very end was a four foot triangular shaped spade. One swipe and anything in its path would be completely decimated.

  She had no idea how long she stood there before she felt a wave pour over her body, it felt as if butterflies were landing all over her. She looked up and realized there were five other dragons, in addition to her mate, standing in the clearing. One very large royal blue with shining green scales throughout which she knew from his earlier description and sheer size was Royce. He was most clearly the largest of them all but even in dragon form he had a gentler demeanor than the others, not that she doubted his voracity in battle in the slightest.

  To her right were two silver dragons with distinguishing black scales running down both sides of one and the other with the same sparkling black scales covering his underbelly. She knew these were Aidan and Aaron. It all made sense, twins as men equated to twins in dragon form.

  As she continued looking around the circle of dragons surrounding her she came to a golden dragon that appeared more compact. It was as if his muscles were coiled and ready to spring forward at any moment. She looked up into this dragon’s large face and knew immediately it was Lance’s dragon. Even in this form it looked like he had a smirk on his face and those laser blue eyes were a dead giveaway.

  As she came to the last in the circle, it was obvious she was looking at Devon. Although she had not spent much time with this member of the Dragon Guard, she recognized him from his mother’s description of his father. He was the most unusual opalescent white that she had ever witnessed. As he shifted from paw to paw an array of colors appeared and disappeared over his gigantic body. He stood just a bit taller than Rayne’s dragon but not near as tall as Royce’s dragon. His body was sleek and had a longer thinner tail like the twins. But one constant remained, each dragon had an array of deadly spikes and thorns she knew would be lethal in battle.

  She felt the rush of butterfly kisses again and realized it was the dragon magic Rayne had talked about. She turned and there stood Rayne in human form walking toward her in only a pair of low hung jeans just like the night they had met. “What do you think, mo ghra’?”

  “That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I believed every word you told me even when I tried not to but nothing will replace actually seeing it with my own eyes.” She turned until she was facing the other members of Rayne’s Force still in dragon form, “You have all given me a gift I will never forget. Thank you very much.”

  Rayne pressed his front to her back and wound his arms around her waist. She leaned back and released the breath she had been holding. A tear slipped down her cheek as Rayne leaned his chin on the top of her head. She watched as the men changed back to their human forms and came walking towards them. She had to laugh to herself as she swiped the tear from her cheek, hoping no one noticed, at least they had jeans on when they changed back to human form. She probably would have spontaneously combusted if all that muscled man flesh had been naked and heading her way. She was learning that the Universe had a way of taking care of everything.


  “Spitfire just wiped a tear from her cheek,” Aidan sent directly to Rayne.

  Rayne spun her around and searched her face for any signs of distress. He pulled her closer into his chest, “Why are you crying, mo chroi?”

  “I’m just so happy. I’m home, finally home.” She whispered into his chest.

  Rayne lifted her off her feet and spun her in circles, “Yes, mo ghra’ you most definitely are and now it’s time that I officially make you my mate.”


  It had been a whirlwind twenty-four hours. After seeing the men in their dragon forms, Rayne had taken her to meet the Elders. They were nothing like she had i
magined. She had thought they would be a bunch of stuffy old men who sat and judged everyone’s actions but they were actually pretty cool. Most of them had retired from the Dragon Guard. There was one very old man, Zachary. He was a Healer and the only dragon shifter she had met that actually looked old, really old. He looked at her with a wisdom that she could only imagine came from all he had seen over his many years.

  Zachary took her hands in his, seemed to concentrate all his energy on her and after several minutes told her he was glad she had finally made it to them. She wondered if dragon shifters got dementia or Alzheimer’s. She chalked it up to an Elder being happy for the continuation of his race and moved on. They all seemed incredibly happy that she and Rayne had found one another.

  After they left the Elders, Rayne had shown her what she quickly named ‘the town square’. He kept calling it “the lair” but it reminded her of a little community. There were even shops with “dragony” stuff like herbs and armor. She was ecstatic when she found a shop with jewelry made from dragon scales. After seeing Siobhan’s locket, she had wondered if there were other pieces of jewelry made from the beautiful substance. Emma, a very sweet younger vibria, explained they only used the scales that were broken and could not be used for anything else to make the jewelry. She spent a long time explaining the significance of the pieces Kyndel took an interest in. She was amazed at all the different designs and colors and what each of them meant.


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