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Evan Elemental (The Evan Elemental Series)

Page 13

by Crystal Groszek

  "Evan, if this is your way of trying to make me jealous, it's working."

  I stop dancing, but Anders doesn't let go; he grips my hips like I'm the last lifeboat on the Titanic. When I glance over my shoulder I find Lex glaring at us, his lips twisted into a bemused smirk. Gingerly, I pry Anders' hands from my body. I ignore his protests and Lex's stare and make my way past them to the deck outside.

  The storm has passed and the air is humid from the rain earlier, but it feels cool on my skin after being in the house full of sweaty, writhing bodies. White Christmas lights are strung from the awning and people mill about in the shadows clinging tightly to each other.

  I lean against the railing and lift my face up to the sky, closing my eyes. I shouldn't be able to, but I can feel the clouds part and the stars shimmer. It feels like a slight breeze dancing across my face. When I open my eyes, Lex is there.

  For weeks I've been imagining this moment. Nothing I could have dreamed up compares to the feeling that overtakes me. When I saw him back at the estate, he had been keeping himself in cool detachment. Now, with just he and I, his focus is solely on me. I am consumed and reborn under the fire of his gaze.

  "Evangeline." He steps forward closing the last shred of distance between us and takes my hand. He raises it to his lips giving it a soft kiss before lacing his fingers in mine. An unending stream of energy flows between us.

  "Do you feel that," I whisper.


  I look up from our entwined fingers and desperately search his face.

  "Yeah?" I watch as wonder flashes across his eyes chased by the familiar hunger. Desire rips through me.

  "Evan, I've travelled thousands of miles in the last couple of months and I never once stopped feeling you. We're linked in ways that I can't possibly understand, that I don't need to understand. I..."

  "Lex," I say stopping him, "I need to know. Did I..." I trail off terrified of the truth.

  Lex cocks an eyebrow. "Manage to travel across space and time for a surprise visit in my hotel room in Russia?" He gives me a sly grin and pulls me close wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yes."

  I sink into him, relief flooding my body. For the first time since I opened the box and found the necklace I can feel myself relax. Maybe I'm not crazy after all. A slower song comes on and our hips automatically began swaying to the soft beat.

  Lex presses into me so that I'm wedged between him and the railing. His hands skim down my sides stopping when he reaches bare skin.

  "You know, it took all of my willpower to not pick you up, throw you on the dining room table, and rip this dress off of you."

  My heart leaps to my throat and my body goes molten. "Lex..."

  He stops my words with a kiss. It starts off with a certain amount of measured control, but that quickly dissolves. Our bodies respond to each other in ways I didn't know were possible. I wrap my arms around his neck and somehow manage to pull him closer to me; his hands grip my thighs just below my ass. There is absolutely no space between us but it still doesn't feel close enough.

  I break away from our kiss and look up into his dark eyes. "Take me home," I whisper breathlessly. My entire body is consumed with an ache that can only be satisfied by Lex and his nearness.

  Lex pulls back slightly. "You want to leave?" he asks with a hopeful, hungry glimmer in his eye.

  I nod, my lips twisting into a wicked grin. "Take me back to the guest house."

  Lex's eyes darken. "Okay," he says in a throaty whisper.

  We turn to leave and find Anders blocking the doorway back into the house. The look on his face is pure steel. He saw everything that happened between Lex and me and it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to know that he's not happy about it. I instantly feel guilty about jumping from him to Lex in less than fifteen minutes. I selfishly brush the feeling away.

  "Anders, Lex is taking me home," I say coolly.

  Anders gives an incredulous laugh and rubs his jaw. "I figured as much."

  "Look," I say taking a step toward him, "you've had too much to drink, come with us." As hard as I'm trying to ignore how shitty I feel about leading him on and blowing him off, I can't.

  The look in his eyes is cold when he answers. "Nah, I think I'm gonna stay a while."

  We follow him as he stumbles inside. The chipper blonde from earlier comes out of nowhere and Anders scoops her up; she giggles. The pang of jealousy that bubbles in my stomach is somehow unsurprising. Lex slips his arm around my waist and the feeling is forgotten.

  "Let's get out of here," Lex whispers gently nipping my ear with his teeth. I look up and our eyes lock, the world drops away. Even so, I can still feel Anders' eyes on us as we leave.

  Some of the boozy courage is starting to wear off. I had envisioned a steamy scene where we would rip our clothes off the second we were through the door. Instead, Lex deposits me on his sofa and makes me a cup of coffee. He's always bragging about his lack of nobility, but I'm starting to have my doubts.

  "Here we go," he says interrupting my thoughts to hand me a white porcelain mug filled with steaming black coffee.

  I blow across the surface before taking a sip. Lex sits next to me, brushes my hair over my shoulder, and kisses my neck.

  "Lex, how am I supposed to drink this if you keep distracting me?" I feel him smile against my neck but he continues to trail soft kisses until he reaches the neckline of my dress. I gulp down half the mug.

  "Okay!" I exclaim. "Sober now."

  Lex laughs. "We have all night, love."

  "Do we?" I ask turning to look him in the eye.

  "What does that mean?" He brushes away a strand of hair that fell across my face. His hand curves sensually around my neck.

  My breath is shallow, making it difficult to speak. "It's just, now that I'm here and less...intoxicated, I can't help but wonder if this is a good idea."

  Lex starts to speak, but I stop him. "I'm just afraid that you'll have to leave again."

  Lex presses his eyes closed for a second and takes in a long, ragged breath. When he opens his eyes again, I can see endless regret and longing in them. "Evan, I am so sorry. You know I didn't want to leave."

  "Or call?" I pull away slightly and take a long sip from my mug.

  "No," he answers with a shake of his head, not taking his eyes off me, "I wanted to call. I just couldn't. There's so much to explain. But not tonight."


  "Not tonight. Let my kiss be my apology. Let that be enough, for now."

  All of my concerns melt away at the raw, barely contained desire in the depth of his eyes and set of his mouth. It's as if he never left and broke my heart. I set the mug down on the rosewood coffee table, stand, and walk over to the fireplace.

  "Wanna see a trick?" I ask glancing at him over my shoulder. He nods slightly, his eyes full of curiosity. "Watch."

  I turn back to the fireplace and focus on the log inside. It takes barely any effort for it to burst into flames. I feel Lex instantly at my side.

  "It gets better." I breathe in and really concentrate. It takes a bit more effort for this part, but, seconds later, I watch as the flames flicker unnaturally before slowly darkening to a deep blue. The blue bleeds into purple before finally settling on pink. Unconsciously, I find myself toying with my pendent. I pull the cord away from my neck and look at the heart finding it the same dark shade of pink.

  When I look back up, Lex is staring at me with wonder. "Neat trick," he says smiling.

  I cock my head to the side and give him a playful smirk. "You're not freaked out?"

  "Of course not," he answers pulling me into his arms. "Astounded, yes. Amazed, definitely. Enamored, absolutely."

  I wait for him to kiss me but he doesn't. Instead, he steps back from our embrace, takes my hand, and leads me upstairs. Nothing has changed since the last time I was in here, but it still feels alien. Lex switches on the lamp on his bedside table and sits on the bed. He gestures for me to sit beside him but I do him one better, choosing inst
ead to straddle his lap and wrap my arms around his neck.

  "So, what was that you were saying earlier, about ripping off my dress?"

  Lex slides his hands up my thighs and along the curve of my hips. "Ah, well, I wouldn't want to destroy something that looks so damn good on you."

  "True," I say glancing down at my dress. "It does look amazing."

  Lex gives me a wolfish grin and wraps his arms around my waist. He lies back on the bed pulling me with him so that I'm lying on top of him, our faces inches apart. Lex traces the side of my face with his thumb, leaving soft, torturous kisses in the wake of his touch.

  "Evan," he whispers, "I want to ravage you. I want to do every delicious thing that I've imagined doing since I met you. But, tonight I just want to hold you and kiss you and keep you close. You have no idea how badly I need you."

  "Show me," I whisper.

  After a while I lose track of where he ends and I begin. All the time I'm vaguely aware of the soft buzz of electricity in the air. With every kiss and every fevered embrace I can feel it building and growing.


  I open my eyes and look at Lex who is now on top of me, his hair a mess and his shirt askew.

  "Yeah?" I ask giving him a goofy, contented smile.

  "You're glowing?"

  "What?" I push him off of me, hop off the bed, and head straight for the mirror over his dresser. I don't need to get close before I know what he's talking about. It's quickly fading but there is a distinct blue glow emanating from my skin. The pendent lies dormant at my throat. There is no denying that the necklace isn't to blame. It's all me.

  "Holy shit."

  It should totally freak me out but it doesn't Instead, I felt exhilarated. My power is growing and it seems like Lex brings it out in me. I turn to look at him. He's leaning back on his elbows looking lost in thought.

  "Freaked out yet?"

  Lex smiles. "Never. Come back to bed." I like the sound of that but maybe we should talk about this.

  "Don't you want to...?"

  "Not tonight, remember?"

  I shrug and unzip my dress, letting it fall to the floor. Lex's eyes fill once again with desire and that unmistakable hunger. The dying blue light flares.

  "As you wish," I say smiling.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The smell of coffee stirs me from sleep. Through my bleary eyes, I see sunlight filtering in through the sheer curtains on Lex's windows. I push back the covers and slide out of bed. My dress is hanging on his closet door and my shoes have been set neatly on the floor beneath it. I pluck at the collar on Lex's t-shirt that I'm wearing and a contented shiver runs through me.

  I start to head downstairs but I pause in the doorway of his room. Once I leave it I'll have to enter real life and all the problems that come with it. Lex said he had answers, answers that I need. I'm not sure if I'm ready to find out, but I have no choice. I have to know what I am and why Magda sent Lex to Russia and what Mattie and Ezra have to do with it, if anything.

  I pad downstairs toward the kitchen. As I approach, I hear voices. The first voice is Lex. The second isn't as familiar but I recognize it. Mattie.

  "So you haven't told her?" I hear her ask.

  "No. Not yet," Lex answers.

  "It needs to stay that way. She's not ready."

  "You have no idea what she's ready for," he protests. He's barely speaking above a whisper but his tone is fierce.

  "Lex, listen to me. If Evan..."

  "Morning," I say brightly as I saunter into the kitchen and head for the coffee pot. When I look over my shoulder I find Lex watching me with a hint of his secret smile on his lips. I flush. Taking my time, I add milk and sugar to my coffee. Lex comes up beside me and sweeps my messy hair aside.

  "Morning," he says kissing the side of my neck. "You know, I think I like this on you better than that amazing dress."

  "Nice," Mattie says interrupting, "messing with the help?"

  "Excuse me?" I spit turning around only to find a mischievous grin playing across her face. She looks different than she did last night: her hair is loose and her posture is relaxed. The demure eyes-in-her-lap attitude has vanished.

  "You look just like her," she says taking me in from head to toe. "Except for the hair. And maybe the eyes."

  "Mattie," Lex says, his voice hard. Mattie's grin folds into a frown.

  "What? You're all game for telling her everything. Why not start with that?" she asks casting him a questioning look.

  Lex sighs and absently toys with a lock of my hair. "Mattie, we'll talk later. Ezra is probably wondering where you are."

  Mattie looks away, her jaw set in a hard line.

  "Probably. Well," she says giving us a half smile before plucking an apple out of the bowl on the island, "best be off. Have fun, love birds." She turns and leaves out the side door that leads into the garden.

  "What was that about?" I ask turning to Lex.

  He leans in and kisses my jaw. "For another time." I open my mouth to protest but he stops me. "Another time. We have other things to discuss this morning. First, you need to get dressed." He gestures toward the small pile of clothes folded neatly on the counter. There's a pair of my faded jeans, my black eyelet halter-top, and my strappy gold gladiator sandals. He must have gone up to the house while I was asleep.

  "Okay. But," I say running my fingers through his bed rumpled hair, "I need a shower first." Lex grins and takes my hand.

  "Lead the way," he says playfully.

  We head toward the bathroom in silence. Unfortunately, he doesn’t join me in the shower. Instead, he leaves me to go take a call. An hour later we're both showered and dressed and standing in the garden. Warm, early morning sunlight shines down on us.

  "What are we doing out here?" I ask glancing around.

  Lex gives me an uncharacteristically shy smile. "I want to show you something."

  I watch as he sits down on a small patch of grass that isn't adorned with a flower bush or a wrought iron bench. He motions for me to sit across from him.

  "Okay, now what?" I asked folding my legs beneath me.

  Instead of answering he holds out his hands, palms facing forward. I give him a questioning smile, but his face remains serious. I press my lips together and try not to laugh as I place my palms against his.

  "Close your eyes," he orders gently.

  I nod and shut my eyes. A few minutes go by with nothing happening. I'm beginning to think that the whole exercise is pointless when I feel something. A light breeze drifts across my face. It could easily be mistaken for a coincidence, but the wind begins to pick up at an unnatural pace. I can feel it on my skin and I can feel it inside of me.

  "This is kind of my specialty."

  I open my eyes and find Lex studying my face. "Your specialty?"

  He nods. "Yes, my element."

  A chill runs through me. A million questions come to mind but I keep silent and wait for him to continue.

  "Air," he explains with a pleased smile. "You may have noticed, but I have the ability to move..."

  "Like the wind," I say finishing his sentence.

  "I get power from all of the elements but I have the strongest bond with air." His eyebrows pinch together and he gives me a tentative smile.

  "This is probably a rude question, but what are you?"

  Lex laughs. "The same thing you are, mostly."

  "And, what's that?" I lean forward excited to finally have a label.

  A slow smile spreads across his face. "Evan, we're elementals."

  I give him a blank look. I have no freaking idea what he's talking about.

  "If you go online, you'll find dozens of definitions for that word, but none of them really come close. Even the word itself is a very loose interpretation of what we are. What it comes down to, though, is that we draw strength and power from the elements."

  "What, like a witch?"

  "No," he exhales grinning, "much more powerful. We have access to magic in its purest form,
directly from nature itself. Witches need spells and casts, and sometimes offerings, in order to access that power. It doesn't come to them quite so naturally."

  I nod. "I guess that makes sense. So, you can do what I do?"

  "No," he answers smiling. He drops my hands and scoots forward so that I'm between his knees. He slides his hands up bare arms and shoulders and rests them at the base of my neck. "Nobody can do what you do. I've never met an elemental, or any other entity for that matter, that can do what you do. You might have noticed that it took me a while to put on that little show. It didn't happen instantly, like it does with you. And most elementals only have control over one element. The strongest ones, two at the most."

  I shake my head slowly unable to come to grips with what he's saying. "Why? Why am I so different?"

  "I don't know," Lex answers, his voice laced with apology.

  My body slumps in defeat. I lean forward and rest my forehead against Lex's. Here I thought I was coming close to the truth, but now I feel even farther away.

  "Evan," Lex says soothingly, "I'm being as honest with you as I can. I'm trying to figure out what's going on, but I keep coming up against walls."

  "What do you mean, 'what's going on'?" I ask pulling back so that I can see his face.

  Lex grits his teeth as if it's physically painful to talk about this. "Remember, before, when I told you about Magda's interest in supposed magical objects?" he asks me.

  "Of course."

  "Most of her pursuits haven't been successful. She's managed to recover a talisman here and there, but they've been mostly useless. Until recently, my job was comprised mainly of trying to hunt down these objects. When she sent me to Russia this spring, that's what I believed I would be doing."

  "But it wasn't?" I ask already knowing the answer.

  Lex shakes his head. "No. I..." he trails off and glances up at the house. I follow his gaze to one of the upstairs windows. As I look, the curtain falls back in place.


  "You know what," Lex says interrupting me, "we should get you inside. I believe your assistant will be here any minute."


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