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Mine & Ours

Page 5

by Alex Tempera

  “No, Ma’am, it’s fine. Justice Bishop stopped by and wanted to talk to you about your appointment.”

  “What appointment? I didn’t know I had an appointment.”

  “Uh, not appointment as in meeting or anything, but appointment. He wanted to appoint you as his predecessor when he leaves the bench in six months.”

  “I had no idea. I guess I’ll have to talk to him tomorrow.”

  “He gave me this file to give you and wants to have brunch with you on Friday. I set it up since you don’t have court on Fridays.”

  “That’s fine, just set the file on the desk,” she sighed. “Im sorry that I left today. I hope you didn’t have too much to do on my behalf.”

  “No, Ma’am,” he set the file on the desk and noticed the package from Dr. Markowitz’s office. “I may be overstepping but is that for a case?”

  “No, it’s personal,” she sighed.

  “You know what kind of doctor he is?” John sat down.

  “Yes, that’s why. I want to see if it’s even an option.”

  “For you or for Paxton?”

  “Me, but please this is between you and me. I shouldn’t even be discussing this with you.”

  “If not me, then Paxton. Ma’am, we’re friends. Have been since before you took me in as your law clerk. It’s because of you that I’m working on my law degree.”

  “And someday, you’ll make one hell of a lawyer or a judge,” she smiled. “All that aside, I want to make Paxton happy. He’s doing all this find-subs-for-each-other to make me happy, and it is. I want him happy, too. Maybe if I could give him something and still be me, well, partly, then he’d love me more.”

  “He does love you.”

  “Yeah, as his friend and his marriage slash business deal, not as much as he would if he fell in love with a man.”

  “You know, it doesn’t have to be real,” he sighed.

  “It’s not the same. Believe me, I know.”

  “Well, as your friend, I’m just going to suggest that even after you read all that material, tell Paxton. It may make things worse between you. Business deal or not, you two are still married, and this is a major decision.”

  “I haven’t even decided. As I said, I’m exploring my options.”

  Paxton knocked on the door and smiled. “Oh, sorry, Syd, the delivery men are here and want to know where we want all this stuff.”

  “Oh, I’ll be right there,” her eyes focused on John. “You have an opinion?”

  “I have many,” he stood up.

  “I mean about our playroom. You’ve been in more than we have, we could use your advice. Not as our sub but as a friend.”

  His eyes shifted to the package and then to Paxton. “I’d be glad to see what I could do.”

  Paxton looked at Sydney. “Did I interrupt?”

  “No, I have to read this file from Justice Bishop, but it can wait until later. I don’t meet with him until Friday.” She stood up.

  “Bishop? He’s the top Justice of the appellate court,” Paxton took her hand.

  “I know who he is. He wants to appoint me to take his place. It’s a lot of bullshit to go through.”

  “That’s fucking great, baby,” he hugged her.

  “Well, they do a lot of vetting and it’s a pain in the ass. They put my life and your life under the microscope. I don’t know if we want that.”

  “We’re not doing anything wrong,” Paxton said. “What? Are they going to plant a sub in our playroom and tape us fucking?”

  “You never know,” John said. “I’ve heard stories about those investigations.”

  The three of them headed up the stairs toward the playroom.

  “John, go on in and make suggestions. I’ll be right there,” Sydney smiled.

  John walked into the new playroom and Sydney looked into Paxton’s eyes. “This would be different from when I was voted in the Supreme Court or even when they thought they’d dig through our garbage. This will be even more difficult than it will be when you run for District Attorney in four years.”

  “Are you saying they may out me?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe one of those many men that paraded through your bedroom may talk.”

  “I have a confession to make about those many men, as you say.”

  “What’s that?”

  “They are all closeted, like me. I can’t afford to be with someone who isn’t closeted. That way they have as much to lose as I do.”

  “You’ll never lose me,” she smiled.

  “I know. Let’s table this discussion. Let’s focus on our new playroom and what we, I mean, I will do to my boss tonight.” He kissed her cheek.

  “I look forward to it,” she smiled, watching him walk into the playroom. She still worried. This was not something to take lightly. Hell, loving him was not something to take lightly. In some ways, she wishes the sub at her feet was Paxton, but he was more of the alpha male, but she knew there was much more to him than that.


  Sydney stood on the balcony off her bedroom and stared out at the estate below. It was almost eight and Mr. Reynolds, uh, Tim, would be here soon. She wore her tank top and yoga pants, as tonight, she only planned on watching. She didn’t know how she would react, as she never just watched before. She lightly ran her finger over her fabric-covered vagina. I wonder what it would feel like. John knew what she was considering, but how could she tell Paxton?

  “A C-note,” he whispered from behind.

  She jumped slightly, and turned around. “A C-note?”

  “For your thoughts,” he grinned. Yes, that sexy charismatic grin again.

  “I thought that was penny,” she smiled.

  “Oh, baby, your thoughts are worth much more,” he put his hand on her shoulder. “You ready?”

  “Yeah, you?” she smiled.

  “Just a little nervous. This is not the same as a motel fuck and suck,” he kissed her cheek.

  “If it’s not what you want, you know, you also have a safe word.”

  “I do? I thought it was just for subs.”

  “Well, yes, but since I will be watching, and if you feel uncomfortable and want me to stop the session, just say lavender.”

  “Lavender?” he smiled.

  “Don’t you remember?”

  “I never forget, every time I smell that on you.”

  “I never knew you noticed,” she smiled.

  “I can smell it now,” he kissed her neck and then gazed into her eyes. “You’re still as beautiful as the moment we met.”

  “In third grade?” she grinned.

  “Yup, I remember that day so clearly,” he took her hand and led her into the bedroom, both of them sitting on the bed.

  “You do not,” she laughed.

  “Oh, yes, I was new to PS43 and I arrived in class at snack time. You were wearing a striped pink shirt and pink pants. You were sitting at a table, alone, eating a peanut butter and cream cheese sandwich.”

  “With pickles,” she laughed.

  “Right with pickles. I immediately walked over to you and asked if I could sit down.”

  “And I said no.”

  He laughed. “Yes, but then you saw my smile and changed your mind.”

  “Yeah, right, you said you’d give me half your banana and strawberry jelly sandwich for half of mine.”

  “Yes, I was quite the charmer,” he said.

  “Still are,” she smiled.

  “It wasn’t just the sandwich that drew me to you,” he smiled. “It was the scent of lavender.”

  “Yes, my mother let me wear a little of her perfume. Made me feel grown up. I guess some things we never let go of.”

  “I’m glad you don’t,” he smiled. “Would you do me a favor tonight?”

  “Of course,” she smiled.

  “Wear the perfume and the new necklace I got you.”

  “I have some on, but I’ll add more before we, uh, you play. Is there anything else you want me to wear? I was just going
to wear this. After all, I’m just watching.”

  “Well, maybe you will and maybe you’ll be like me and join in, but whatever you want, I want you to do. You said you thought he could be a perfect sub. I never saw Mr. Reynolds as a submissive.”

  “And when we’re in there, you don’t call him Mr. Reynolds. Not even Tim. I called John Jessica because that’s who he is when he dresses up and submits, but Tim will need a sub name.”

  “Oh, like boy or pet or something?”

  “Yes, but wait until you see him on his knees in front of you, and then you will know what to call him. Tell him that the name is his sub name and only his. You can’t ever use it on someone else.”

  “Do you think we’ll have to go through a lot of subs to train?”

  “I’m not sure,” she sighed. “I liked John, all dressed up, but I would like to at least have you pick one or two more to see if it’s the cross dressing I like or if it’s because it was John as the cross dresser. I guess I need to explore myself more.”

  “And I’m sure I’ll have to explore myself, more, too.”

  “And that’s all part of the fun,” she kissed his cheek. “I have three others in mind for you, but we’ll see how things go.”

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah, you go down and bring him to the playroom. He can change behind the screen. I’ll be in the playroom in my chair, waiting.”

  Sydney sat down on the leather chaise in the corner of the playroom. She stretched her legs out and lightly fondled the diamond necklace. She had no idea what to expect. This would be the first time she really watched. Even last night, she kept focus on Paxton when she should’ve focused on Jessica.

  Paxton led Tim into the room, “you can change over there,” he pointed to the other side of the room, where a large Japanese designed privacy screen stood.

  “Uh, Sir,” Tim sighed.

  “Yes?” Paxton’s voice almost immediately transformed to a more dominant tone.

  “Do I wear what I brought, or do I not wear anything?”

  Paxton looked to Sydney for guidance, so she stood up and walked over to the men. “Why don’t you put on what you brought? You don’t mind it being removed later, do you?”

  “No, Ma’am,” he said. “When you called, you mentioned that I could wear whatever I felt comfortable with, that I could be myself.”

  “Yes, go on, there’s a bench you can set your clothes on behind the screen. When you finish, go to the center of the room, and kneel, with your arms behind your back.”

  “Yes, Ma’am, uh, what do I call you?”

  “Lady is just fine,” Sydney smiled, as he walked behind the screen. She looked at Paxton. “For now, let them wear what they want and make sure they’re comfortable having some or all of their clothes removed.”

  “Oh, like with Jessica?”

  “Yes, just like that,” she kissed his cheek. “Now, wait for him to pose. Do you know what you’re going to start off doing?”

  He pressed his mouth against hers and gazed into her eyes. “I have an idea. I’m putting on a show for you.”

  “Make sure you’re the one who gets happy from this.”

  “As long as you are,” he kissed her mouth again, having his tongue linger inside her mouth. “You’re delicious, my darling.”

  “Yeah, right,” she swatted his ass and walked back over to her chair.

  He turned quickly. “You should do that again later.”

  “Maybe I will,” she smiled, as she lay her legs stretched out.


  Paxton stood in the middle of the floor and took a few steps back, waiting patiently. He was very anxious to not only see if Mr. Reynolds, uh, Tim would be a good sub, but how Sydney would react. He used to think that he could read her emotions, her feelings. He knew she loved him, but maybe it changed. He loved her, always as his friend, and now, it feels like something different. He just didn’t know what, but it couldn’t be love, hell no. He was gay. Right? Yes, he was gay and he knew it. He liked what gay men liked. Sucking cock. Fucking in the ass. Getting fucked in the ass. Yes, he was gay. He just never fell in love with a man before. Never. It was always just about sexual arousal. Now, he felt something different.

  Tim walked out from behind the privacy screen, dressed in a leather busier and leather thong that just barely covered his cock. He stood in the center of the room, and gracefully dropped to his knees, placing his hands behind his back, diverting his eyes to the floor.

  Paxton slipped off his sweats, exposing his black thong and removed his shirt. He kicked his sweats toward the wall, and stood in front of Tim. “Eyes up,” he commanded. He wanted to sound as commanding as Sydney did the night before.

  Tim flicked his eyes up.

  “Keep your eyes on me, sissy.”

  “Sir? Uh, what do I call you?”

  “Sir is fine. You’re sissy while we are in the playroom.”

  “Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir.”

  “I do not want you to feel insulted, only sexy, and beautiful as you are, sissy.”

  “Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir.”

  “Before we start, your safe word is yellow.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What is your safe word?”

  “Yellow, Sir.”

  “Have you ever been a sub before?”

  “No, Sir,” Tim answered.

  “You’re doing quite well.”

  “I’ve practiced, Sir.”

  “I don’t understand. Please, explain, sissy.”

  “I’ve never been a sub before, but wondered what it would be like. I watched BDSM porn, and read books on being a submissive. When your wife called me this morning, asking me if I’d be interested in participating, I spent the afternoon practicing. You know answering you, Sir, kneeling, and rising.”

  “You did very well, sissy. Do you have any hard limits?”

  “No CBT, no fire play, nothing with urine or feces, and no blood play or permanent markings, Sir.”

  “That’s fine. Over there is a spanking bench, do you know how to lay on it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” he answered.

  “Good. On your feet.”

  Tim rose to his feet and stood in front of Paxton. Paxton ran his hands over the bustier that rested just below his nipples. He finger each nipple and then pinched each one, making it harden. “Don’t move, sissy.” He walked over to the large dresser and opened the small top drawer. He pulled out the silver clothespin-like nipple clamps that were connected by a chain. He placed each clamp on sissy’s hard nipples. His eyes flipped up to sissy’s eyes, who lightly bit his lip. “On the bench, knees down, ass in the air. sissy, if I remove any of your clothes, do you have a problem with that?”

  “No, Sir. Whatever pleases you, Sir.”

  “Good. Now, go to the bench.”

  sissy walked over to the spanking bench, rested his knees on the lower pad, and then rested his chest on the upper back, sticking his ass in the air.

  Sydney leaned forward and watched as Paxton grabbed a paddle from the top of the the dresser. He first swatted his own ass, maybe to get a feel for it, then, he positioned himself behind sissy and swatted both cheeks. sissy jumped and moaned as the rubber nodes of the paddle embraced his ass.

  “Every time, I swat your ass, I want you to count, my sissy.”

  “Yes, Sir, six times, Sir.”

  Paxton slowly slid sissy’s thong down his legs, and let them rest down on his knees. Paxton was about to lean down and kiss each cheek, when he stopped. He couldn’t bring himself to do that. No kissing. Not anymore and he still wasn’t sure as to why. That was for later debate with his heart and head. Now, he had to focus. He took a deep breath and then walked around the front of sissy. He pulled down his thong and kicked it to the floor. He looked down at his sub, “Open, sissy, and suck my length,” he commanded.

  sissy instantly clamped his mouth around Paxton’s hard cock, and sucked his entire length. He sucked and licked the edge of Paxton’s cock. Paxton, tr
ied to focus on sissy, but his eyes diverted to Sydney, who was now completely naked, except for the diamond necklace. He watched as her fingers trailed down to her clit, and he figured she rub her clit, but her fingers kept lowering, and he bit his lip as he watched her insert her finger in her asshole. He felt himself get hard and sissy’s sucking slowed to catch up with his growing length. He slowly pulled out of sissy’s mouth. “On your feet, sissy.”

  sissy slowly stood up and placed his hands behind his back. “Sir, thank you for letting me suck your cock, Sir.”

  “Take off the rest of your clothes, and place them behind the screen with your things, and return to the middle of the floor, ass down, legs spread.”

  “Yes, Sir,” he did as instructed.

  Paxton slowly moved toward Sydney and gazed down at her as sissy sat in the middle of the floor, his legs spread. “Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked.

  “Very much,” she whispered.

  “Would you like to fuck his ass?”

  She looked up at Paxton. “Not his,” she whispered. “Not as my first.”


  “Yours,” she whispered. “I wish to be able to fuck you.”

  “Then you shall,” he smiled. “Go put on your strap on and lube it up. I will fuck him and you will fuck me. Agreed?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I played with you and your sub last night, it’s only fair, that you play with me and mine.”

  “I’ll get ready. I’ll have to go to my, uh, our room.” She slipped on her tank top and shorts and left the room.

  Paxton walked over to sissy, “sissy, my wife will be joining us, but I will be the only one touching you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” he nodded.

  “Good. Right now, I want to see how you jerk off, but do not come.”

  “Yes, Sir,” he grabbed a hold of his cock and slowly jerked it, and then he sped up.

  “Very good, now insert your finger in your asshole. Loosen those muscles for me,” Paxton stepped back, his eyes focused on his obedient sub. Yes, he could get used to this man, his boss, as his sub. It was very fulfilling and arousing. His thoughts wandered to the woman who opened the door and then closed it behind her. She dropped her robe and was wearing the necklace, as well as her strap on dildo, where the dildo was a realistic looking penis, complete with flesh color. He almost dropped in front of her to suck, but he grounded himself.


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