Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick
Page 50
244 On the Zebra principle- Letter, PKD to Mark Hurst, February 11, 1977.
244 One dozen no%els• Exegesis 029 (1977).
244-245 Writing has been of value. Exegesis 030 (1977).
245 PKD's emotional side: Author's interview with Tim Powers, March 1986.
245 His depth of goodness. Author's interview with James Blaylock, March 1986.
246 "Minimum hypothesis": Interview of K. W. Jeter by Andy Watson in PKDS Newsletter #5, December 1984.
246 Getting inside belief, Jeter's skepticism: Author's interview with K. W. Jeter, May 1986.
246 Began to hallucinate: Letter, PKD to Joan Simpson, May 20, 1977.
247 First meeting: Author's inter%iew with Joan Simpson, April 1984.
247-248 Learn from him. Ibid.
248 Hand-carved crucifix: Author's interview with Richard Lupoff, February 1986.
248 Prime directives. Letter, David May to author, January 15, 1986.
248-249 Full-time companion: Author's interview with Joan Simpson, April 1984.
249 Time and energy: Author's interview with Joan Simpson, April 1984.
249 PKD competitive: Author's interview with Robert Silverberg, February 1986. Fractured Latin: "Philip K. Dick: A Premature Memoir" by Robert Silverberg, in Gregg Rickman, Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament (Long Beach, Calif.: Fragments West/The Valentine Press, 1985), p. xi.
250 Quieter in private talks: Author's interview with Robert Silverberg, February 1986. Photos don't do justice: D. Scott Apel, "Phil As I Knew Him," in Ape], ed., Philip K Dick: The Dream Connection (San Jose, Calif.: Permanent Press, 1987), p. 17.
250 Phone routine: Apel, "Phil As I Knew Him," supra, p. 19.
250 Claimed nervous breakdown: Author's interview with Joan Simpson, February 1986.
251 God the Programmer-Reprogrammer: PKD speech, If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others," p. 13 of typed MS. in PKD Estate Archives.
251 Zclazny's memories: Roger Zelazny, "Musings From Melbourne (on Dick, Deus Irae, and alternate time tracks)," in PKDS Newsletter #16, January 1988.
251-252 Ellison's memories: Author's interview with Harlan Ellison, March 1986.
252 PKD antithetical to Ellison: Author's interview with Joan Simpson, April 1984. Drug user's personality: Interview of K W. Deter by Andy Watson in PKDS Newsletter #5, December 1984.
253 Phone numbers: Interview of K. W. Jeter by Andy Watson in PKDS Newsletter #5, December 1984. My interview with Jeter in April 1986 established PKD's motive, in attending the group, of keeping his prescription.
253 Suffering of little creatures: PKD essay, "Cosmogony and Cosmology," written January 23, 1978, typed MS. in PKD Estate Archives.
254 Only now: Exegesis 018 (1978). Intellectual mazes: Exegesis 022 (1978).
255 Sin and evil: Exegesis 022 (1978).
255 Things could have been done: Author's interview with Russell Galen, June 1986. Galen showed the right way: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, November 29, 1978.
256 Combining plots: Letter, PKD to Claudia Bush, February 25, 1975, now in Exegesis 004 (1974-75). Two Bradys: Letter, PKD to Robert Orenstein, March 4, 1975, now in Exegesis 005 (1975-76).
257 Novel must be written: Exegesis 021 (1978).
257 1 am Horselover Fat: C. I of Valis (1981).
258 Bizarre events true- Letter, PKD to John, March 5, 1979.
258 Tractates 7 and 9 revealed by Al voice: Letter, PKD to Carroll Joy, February 12, 1982. Stylized characters: Interview of K. W. Jeter by Andy Watson in PKDS Newsletter #5, December 1984.
Chapter 12: Big Bucks And Condo Comfort
Author's interviews: With Tim Powers, March 1986; with Nicole Panter, March 1986; with David Peoples, July 1986.
PKD works and letters: To Patricia Warrick, December 27, 1980, January 12, 1981,
July 15, 1981, and August 16, 1981; to Thomas Disch, February 21, 1981; to David Hartwell, May 21, 1981, and July 14, 1981; to Russell Galen, August 28, 1981; to Victoria Schochet, September 4, 1981; to Vincent Evans, September 6, 1981; to "Susan" (fictitious name), November 4, 1981; to Sheric, December 26, 1981; typed outline notes for novel Bishop Timothy Archer (published as The Transmigration of Timothy Archer), in PKD Estate Archives; PKD pharmacy receipts in PKD Estate Archives.
Books and articles: James Van Hise. "Philip K. Dick on Blade Runner," Starlog, Februan- 1982.
261-262 Didn't see enough of each other: Author's interview with lsa Dick, February 1986.
262 Laura's memories: Author's interview with Laura Coehlo, September 1986.
262-263 Money: Author's interview with Isa Dick, February 1986.
263 Intentions good: Author's inten iew with Laura Coehlo, September 1986. Neglecting parts of life: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, May 27, 1979.
264 Monday night: Tim Powers, "Some Random Notes on Valis and Philip K. Dick's Mystical Experiences," in PKDS Newsletter #4, September 1986.
265 Parable on hierarchical ranking: Exegesis 046 (1979).
265 Galen's visit: Author's interview with Russell Galen, June 1986.
265 Only thing separating him: PKD essay. "Strange Memories of Death," in PKD story/essay collection I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1985), pp. 98-99.
266 Proposed new novel: PKD eighty-page typed synopsis, dated January 30, 1980, for The Acts of Paul, synopsis in PKI) Estate Archives.
266 Wasn't a recluse- Author's interview with Tim Powers, March 1986.
267 Taking friend to hospital: Interviews of Tim Powers and James Blaylock by J. B. Reynolds and Andy Watson, in PKDS Newsletter #8, September 1985.
267 PKD's dream: Interview of PKD by Gary Panter, in Slash, Vol. 3, No. 5 (1980).
267-268 Friendship with Nicole Panter: Author's interview with Nicole Panter, March 1986.
268 Prescription drugs no different: Author's interview with K. W. Jeter, May 1986
268 Getting inside belief: Ibid.
269 Nasvar Pflcgebournc: PKD typed plot outline, dated August 24, 1980, for Fawn, Look Back, outline in PKD Estate Archives.
269 Direct relation with divine: George Cain and Dana Longo, "Philip K. Dick: Confessions of an SF Artist," interview in Denver Clarion, October 23, 1980.
269-273 November 17 theophany: Exegesis 001 (1980).
273 Hell-chore, title page, new beginning: Ibid.
274 Fat old man: Author's interview with Chris Arena, March 1986.
274 Creative kook, always home, advice on women: Author's interviews with Juan and Su Perez, March 1986.
275 PKD on Alien: PKD essay, "Universe Makers ... and Breakers," SelecTV Guide, February-March 1981.
275-276 PKD on Le Guin comments: Letter, PKD to editor, February 20, 1981, published in Science Fiction Review, Summer 1981.
276 Le Guin on PKD: Author's interview with Ursula Le Guin, July 1986.
276 Never drawn line, Horselover Fat, novel as justification: PKD to Science Fiction Review, supra.
277 PKD on himself and Le Guin: Exegesis 016 (1978).
277 Inadequate depiction of women: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, June 29, 1981. Happiest moment: Letter, PKD to Ursula Le Guin, May 13, 1981.
278 Hartwell's memories: Author's interview with David Hartwell, June 1986.
278 Negotiations: Author's interview with Russell Galen, June 1986. Set up for life: John Boonstra, "TZ Interview: Philip K. Dick," in Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine, June 1982.
279 Spiritual aspirations: Exegesis 079 (1981). Bewitched: Exegesis 080 (1981).
280 Angel Archer on Timothy Archer: C. 12 of PKD novel The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (1982).
280 When God looks at me: Exegesis 081 (1981). Mainstream tragedy: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, June 29, 1981.
280 Trying to say: Author's interview with Russell Galen, June 1986 (letter referred to is Galen to PKD, July 15, 1981, copy in PKD Estate Archives).
281 Continue to write SF: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, August 1, 1981. Ditheon: Exegesis 091 (1981).
281 As human is to android: Letter, PKD to Patricia Warrick, July 15, 1981.
281-282 PKD on The Owl in Daylight: Interview of PKD by Gwen Lee, February 1982 (tape of interview kindly provided by Lee to the author, who transcribed quotes therefrom).
282 Bit off more than lie can chew: Letter, PKD to Vincent Evans, September 6, 1981.
282 Ramming the car: Letter, PKD to Victoria Schochet, September 4, 1981.
283 Final statement on hyper-structure: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, September 11, 1981.
283 The time you've waited for, more than information: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, September 19, 1981.
283-284 Tagore: Letter, PKD to Edmund Meskys, editor of Niekas, September 23, 1981.
284 Feared I was nuts: Exegesis 090 (1981).
284 Sandow's memories: Author's interview with Greg Sandow, August 1987.
284 What God wants of me: Exegesis 062 (1981).
284-285 Venom review: Letter, PKD to Venom, September 29, 1981.
285 Check for $20,000: Author's interview with James Blaylock, March 1986. Remember that night still: Letter, PKD to "Susan" (fictitious name), November 10, 1981.
285-286 Jeopardizes the package: Letter, PKD to Susan, November 9, 1981.
286 Oceanic dread, searching for mother: PKD typed journal pages, November 13, 1981. Reentered reality: Letter, PKD to "Kate" (fictitious name), December 28, 1981. In love with the writing: Letter, PKD to Sherie, December 26, 1981.
287 Partnership, her reluctance: Author's interview with Mary Wilson, March 1986. Why not all humans are saved: Letter, PKD to Isa Dick, December 26, 1981.
287 PKD convinced her: Letter, Tessa Dick to author, July 21, 1986.
288 Central doctrine: Letter, PKD to Clnldworld, February 12, 1982. PKD's doubts: Gregg Rickman, Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament (Long Beach, Calif.: Fragments West/The Valentine Press, 1985), p. 225.
288 Even if you aren't sure: Author's interview with Mary Wilson, March 1986. Into power: Exegesis 057 (1982).
288-289 Pushing his brain to its limit: Interview of PKD by Gwen Lee, February 1982, supra.
289 Phone call to Spatz: Author's interview with Barry Spatz, March 1986. Found unconscious: Author's interviews with Juan and Su Perez, March 1986.
Table of Contents
Phil's Marriage Mimics "Reality" By Coming Apart At The Seams, A Vision In The Sky Inspires The Most Brilliant Invasion Of Earth Story Ever Written, And, Country Squire No More, Phil Moves To East (Gak!) Oakland, Gets Weird, And Finds A New Wife (1963-1965)
A New Start, A Quiet Life, Then Everything Falls Apart Again-And Phil Can't Find The Handy Spray Can Of Ubik That Could Make It All Cohere (1965-1970)
INTRODUCTION: If Heraclitus Is Right-And "The Nature Of Things Is In The Habit Of Concealing Itself"
This Mortal Coil (December 1928-January 1929)
Chapter 2: Coming Of Age And The Onset Of Vertigo (19291944) 20
Forward Into The "Real" World, Or, Phil And The Cosmos Start To Compare Notes Seriously (1944-1950)
A Real Writer At Last, Phil Learns The Facts Of Life In The SF Ghetto And Tries To Get The Hell Out-
Phil Falls In Love, Becomes A Country Squire, Starts Writing Great Books, & Has "Nervous Breakdown"
Phil's Marriage Mimics "Reality" By Coming Apart At The Seams, A Vision In The Sky Inspires The Most
A New Start, A Quiet Life, Then Everything Falls Apart Again-And Phil Can't Find The Handy Spray Can
Chapter 8: Dark Night Of The Soul, Dark-Haired Girls, A Scanner Darkly-It's Always Darkest Before Th
Contemplating Suicide In A Foreign Land, Phil Decides Instead To Commence A New Life From The Bottom
Chapter 10: Annus Mirabilis: Information-Rich Pink Light, The Black Iron Prison And The Palm Tree Ga
As 2-3-74 Ripens Into Valis, Phil Fashions New Theories Nightly Yet Wonders-Meta-abstractions Be Dam
Chapter 12: Big Bucks And Condo Comfort, First Mainstream Sale To A New York House, The Gosh Wow Hol
Chronological Survey and Guide
Sources and Notes
The 2-3-74°
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION: If Heraclitus Is Right-And "The Nature Of Things Is In The Habit Of Concealing Itself"
This Mortal Coil (December 1928-January 1929)
Chapter 2: Coming Of Age And The Onset Of Vertigo (19291944) 20
Forward Into The "Real" World, Or, Phil And The Cosmos Start To Compare Notes Seriously (1944-1950)
A Real Writer At Last, Phil Learns The Facts Of Life In The SF Ghetto And Tries To Get The Hell Out-
Phil Falls In Love, Becomes A Country Squire, Starts Writing Great Books, & Has "Nervous Breakdown"
Phil's Marriage Mimics "Reality" By Coming Apart At The Seams, A Vision In The Sky Inspires The Most
Phil's Marriage Mimics "Reality" By Coming Apart At The Seams, A Vision In The Sky Inspires The Most Brilliant Invasion Of Earth Story Ever Written, And, Country Squire No More, Phil Moves To East (Gak!) Oakland, Gets Weird, And Finds A New Wife (1963-1965)
A New Start, A Quiet Life, Then Everything Falls Apart Again-And Phil Can't Find The Handy Spray Can
A New Start, A Quiet Life, Then Everything Falls Apart Again-And Phil Can't Find The Handy Spray Can Of Ubik That Could Make It All Cohere (1965-1970)
Chapter 8: Dark Night Of The Soul, Dark-Haired Girls, A Scanner Darkly-It's Always Darkest Before Th
Contemplating Suicide In A Foreign Land, Phil Decides Instead To Commence A New Life From The Bottom
Chapter 10: Annus Mirabilis: Information-Rich Pink Light, The Black Iron Prison And The Palm Tree Ga
As 2-3-74 Ripens Into Valis, Phil Fashions New Theories Nightly Yet Wonders-Meta-abstractions Be Dam
Chapter 12: Big Bucks And Condo Comfort, First Mainstream Sale To A New York House, The Gosh Wow Hol
Chronological Survey and Guide
Sources and Notes
The 2-3-74°