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Right There with You

Page 11

by R. J. Sable

  “A month,” I nodded, a broad smile breaking out on my face.

  No sooner had the words left my mouth, had he pulled me over to him to sit on his lap as he embraced me. His lips against my hair, my chest against his chest.

  “You won't regret it,” he breathed into my hair.

  He smelt fantastic, like fresh paper, fabric conditioner, and Jason. I nuzzled into his neck, enjoying the warmth.

  “And now,” he said, pulling me away from him slightly. “I'm going to finish what I was so desperate to do last night.” He pulled my face towards him, his hand cupping my cheek. His soft lips pressed against mine as they parted in surprise. He kissed me gently at first, our lips slowly caressing each other. His tongue licked my lower lip, begging entry and my body responded of it's own accord. His tongue darted inside my mouth, massaging mine. I lost all of concept of the world around us. There was only me, and him, and this moment right now. We broke off from the kiss, both breathless and wide-eyed.

  “Wow,” I breathed.

  “Wow,” he repeated.

  “That was… I've never-” I broke off, unable to find the words to explain the magic I'd just experienced.

  “You've never been kissed before?” He teased as he pressed soft butterfly kisses on my forehead.

  “Not like that,” I admitted, still fighting to gain control of my breathing,

  “Me neither,” he grinned against my cheek. “You're something else.”

  Is kissing like that for everyone? The slimy catastrophe in the park all those years ago could hardly be called a kiss in comparison to the wonder I'd just experienced.

  I sighed contentedly as I rested my head against Jason's chest. I knew a storm was coming, but right here in Jason's strong arms, I wasn't scared. I felt safe and cherished.

  Chapter 15

  Monday, 8th October 2012

  My lectures progressed much slower than normal that day as I counted down the minutes until I would see Jason again at lunch.

  I saw him waiting on the steps as I approached the SU. He looked like he was on the set of an action movie. He wore ripped jeans, which were low-slung on his hips revealing the band of his Björn Borg boxers. He had a white ribbed tank top on, showing the outline of those magnificent abs. His black leather jacket topped off the ensemble to perfection and I found myself practically drooling at the sight of him.

  I glanced around; I wasn't the only one admiring the view. There were several groups of girls who were shooting furtive glances his way. I watched as one of them made her way over to Jason and started talking to him whilst she played with her blonde hair. He casually talked back to her but it looked like he was only giving one-word answers. Jason's face broke into a smile as he caught sight of me.

  “Hey, baby,” he said as he pulled me close to him, locking his arms around my back and pulling me into a kiss.

  “Hey,” I said breathlessly, my cheeks reddening both from the effect of the kiss and the embarrassment of the public display of affection. I knew my brother’s wouldn’t be happy to see any sort of PDA. Secretly though, I was more than a little happy to see the disgruntled expression on blondie's face.

  “See you around,” Jason nodded to her as he pulled me away into the SU.

  “What's up?” He asked, noticing the small frown on my face. No poker face.

  “Nothing,” I answered, shaking my head as we sat down with our lunch trays.

  “Come on, Jamie,” he said, squeezing my hand across the table. “You can talk to me about anything and everything.”

  “It's just, you're very good looking,” I sighed.

  “I know, it bums me out too,” he said with mock seriousness.

  “That's not what I meant,” I sighed, swatting at his arm playfully.

  He just grinned back at me. “What do you mean?”

  “Girls can't stay away from you, they're always drooling over you,” I complained, feeling my cheeks heat up once more.

  “And that bothers you?”

  I nodded solemnly, embarrassed that he didn't seem too bothered.

  “Jamie, how do you think I feel when I see guys checking you out? I wanted to kill Tony on Saturday for the way he was touching you. I was even pissed at Grayson, my best friend, just because he invited you to town with him,” he sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

  “But that's different,” I complained, looking up into his eyes.

  “How so?” He asked, his eyebrow raised.

  “I'm not interested in anyone else. I never have been. It's only ever been you,” I answered honestly.

  “And I am only interested in you,” he said softly, pulling my face towards his and planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

  I blushed furiously and fiddled with the label on my water bottle, trying desperately not to think about his hundred plus tally.

  “You're not comfortable with me kissing you in public, are you?” He asked softly.

  I shook my head, afraid to look him in the eye and see the expression on his face.

  “How come?” He asked, sounding hurt.

  “I'm just not used to it,” I shrugged. “But I like your kisses,” I said honestly, trying to cheer him up.

  “Right there with you,” he smiled. “I'll do my best not to embarrass you. But it's almost impossible for me to keep my hands off you,” he said seriously.

  “You don't embarrass me,” I shook my head vigorously. “I just don't want people thinking I'm...” I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence.

  “You shouldn't worry so much about what other people think, Jamie,” he chastised softly. “It only matters what you think.”

  He grazed my wrist with his thumb as he held my hand in his. I couldn't believe he wanted me. His hand on mine sent the oh-so-familiar tingles through my body and I found myself missing the contact when he withdrew his hand to clear the table.

  “Want to come over and watch a film tonight?” Jason asked.

  I wanted to say yes but something held me back. I may not have much experience with guys, but I had friends, and I'd seen movies. Going over to a guy's apartment to watch a film didn't just entail popcorn and acting. I really liked Jason but I had no experience. I didn't want to make a fool of myself or rush into anything.

  “Just a film, Jamie,” he said, seeming to sense my hesitation. “I'm not pressuring you, and I never will. I hope you know that.”

  I nodded, wondering if he was a mind reader. He always seemed to know what I was thinking.

  That evening, Jason opened the door to his apartment and let me in. I could hear music playing from somewhere inside.

  “You hungry?” He asked as he hung his jacket up by the door.

  I could see the edge of his tattoo by the sleeve of his tank top. I still hadn't had a chance to look at it in detail.

  “Famished,” I grinned at him.

  “I'll see if Josh has eaten,” Jason nodded and headed through the apartment to where I assumed the bedrooms were located. He came back followed by his roommate.

  “I didn't realise you two lived together,” I said as they came into the lounge. Josh had been sat opposite me at the table in the nightclub. We hadn't really spoken much.

  “Yup,” Josh nodded. “I literally just put some pasta on, that okay with you guys?”

  “Pasta sounds good,” I nodded.

  “She's veggie though,” Jason grinned at his roommate.

  Josh eyed me suspiciously and nodded. “She looks it,” he teased. “I'll put the meat on the side.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled at him. “Need any help?”

  “Nah, I got it. You guys chill,” he said as he turned back into the kitchen.

  “You heard the man,” Jason exclaimed, lifting me up and dropping me into the sofa.

  I giggled as he leant over me, placing his elbows on either side of my head, holding his weight above me. He kissed me on the forehead and his lips travelled down my cheek towards my mouth. I stopped giggling as his lips met with mine.

kissed me tenderly twice before nibbling gently on my lower lip. I moaned softly and he took his cue to push his tongue between my lips. He traced tender circles around my tongue and my hand travelled along his firm back, over his neck and settled in his hair, my fingers intertwining with his soft locks. He groaned quietly before pulling away from me.

  “I've been waiting to do that all day,” he grinned down at me.

  “Was it worth the wait?” I giggled, my chest still heaving.

  “Of course,” he said earnestly as he stroked my cheek with the back of his forefinger.

  I pulled myself up to sitting and Jason shifted so that he was next to me. He grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned the TV on. I settled into the nook of his shoulder and rested my cheek against his chest. He smelt of body wash, Jason, and something distinctly masculine. It was a heady mixture. I breathed in his smell and sighed contentedly. I wiggled slightly as I nuzzled against him. He chuckled.

  “I like this,” I said.

  “Right there with you,” he replied, squeezing my shoulder gently.

  We watched some crappy soap but I couldn't have cared less what we watched. I was in seventh heaven snuggled up against Jason, my hand on his firm chest whilst he tickled my arm gently. Our cosy moment was interrupted by my phone vibrating. I sighed as I pulled myself away from Jason's embrace and pouted at him apologetically.

  “It's Craig, I'd better answer,” I said, kissing him quickly on his cheek and feeling his slight stubble against my lips.

  “Hi, Craig,” I answered, sitting up on the sofa with my knees pulled against my chest.

  “Hi, Jelly. How are you?”

  “I'm good, you?”

  “I'm fine. Ian said you were coming home next weekend?”

  “Yeah, apparently so. I'm getting the train down with Jake.”

  “Simon's coming too, he's crashing at ours.”


  “Yeah, I figured maybe you'd want a lift down with him?”

  “I think Jake already booked train tickets,” I said, hoping he had. I didn't fancy sitting in the car with Simon for any length of time. “How come Simon's coming?”

  “I have a fight on Saturday,” he said simply.

  “Oh yeah, I heard about that.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah, some of the guys here were talking about it. Brock somebody, right?”

  “Hemler, yeah,” he grunted. He sounded a little surprised. “I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to come.”

  “I'm allowed to come?” I asked with surprise. I'd never, ever, been to one of his fights before.

  “Yeah, well... Simon said you'd enjoyed it...” he broke off.

  “You wouldn't mind me being there?” I asked. I didn't want him losing a fight because of my presence.

  “If you stay with Ian or Karl, then no,” he said firmly. “You want to come?”

  “Yeah, I'd love to!” I squealed, barely able to contain my excitement. “One condition though.”

  “Oh, really?” He asked suspiciously. “And what's that?”

  “I'm only coming if you promise to win,” I grinned.

  “Then you're coming,” he laughed. “And we both know I don't break my promises.”

  “I can't wait!”

  “See you next weekend.”

  The line clicked dead and I was still beaming. It would be amazing to see Craig in action. I'd watched him train hard most of my life and I knew how much MMA meant to him. Sure, I'd seen him get in fistfights with the others but that was hardly the same thing. I wanted to see the discipline and control I'd witnessed in the cage a few weeks ago. I knew Craig was capable of much more than those fighters had been.

  “You're going to Craig's fight?” Jason asked as Josh came into the room, precariously balancing three plates.

  “He wants me to go,” I said, still shocked that it was true.

  “That means you'll be away next weekend?” He asked, his face falling.

  “Ian told me I had to go home next weekend anyway,” I explained. “Sorry, I should have told you. They told me on Friday.”

  “It's okay, you told me now,” he said, pulling me up from the sofa and guiding me over to the table where Josh was placing the dishes.

  “You talking about the Carter-Hemler fight?” Josh asked.

  I nodded in reply, accepting the plate he pushed my way.

  “I'm heading down with Tony on Saturday evening, you guys want a lift?” He asked.

  “I'm going down in the morning with my brother, thanks though,” I smiled at him.

  “I wasn't planning on going,” Jason said. “But I guess it would give me a chance to meet your brothers,” he said, glancing at me.

  “That might not be the best idea,” I said, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

  “We don't have to go together, Jamie,” Jason sighed. “We can be there as friends.”

  “They'd probably still kick your ass,” I mumbled.

  “I can handle myself, Jamie,” he sighed, squeezing my hand.

  “I have six brothers, Jason. Six,” I whined. He just doesn't seem to get it.

  “It'll be fine, baby,” he said, turning to Josh. “I'd appreciate a lift mate.”

  I couldn't help but smile at the endearment, even though I was a little annoyed that he wanted to come. I wanted to be around Jason all the time, almost to the point that it was unhealthy, but that didn't mean I wanted him around when I was with my brothers. Just because they didn't know there was something going on between us, didn't mean they wouldn’t dislike him.

  “Sure thing,” Josh nodded, in-between mouthfuls of pasta. “It'll be a good fight.”

  “Craig'll win,” I said confidently.

  “Oh yeah?” Josh said, raising his eyebrows. “What makes you so sure?”

  “He promised me he would,” I shrugged.

  Josh laughed and almost choked on his pasta. I frowned at him.

  “I've seen Hemler fight a bunch of times. He gets better and better every time. He'll kick Carter's ass easily.”

  “Not a chance,” I said, annoyed at how sure he sounded.

  “I bet you a tenner that Hemler wins.”

  “You're on,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

  Jason shook his head and laughed at us both. We washed up and Josh returned to his room, leaving us to watch a film together on the sofa.

  “What do you want to see?” He asked as he pulled me against him.

  “Anything. I don't mind,” I grinned at him. “I just want to snuggle up here with you.”

  “Alright, 'Goonies' it is,” he grinned back at me.

  “That's Ian's favourite movie,” I smiled. “He used to watch it with me when I had nightmares and couldn't sleep.”

  Chapter 16

  Thursday, 24th August 2000

  “Hey! Hey, it's okay!” Ian soothed as I woke up, sweating and crying. “I'm here, Jamie, it's okay.”

  I pulled my cover off and put my arms around his neck. He lifted me out of bed and put me on his knee.

  “You have a bad dream, Jamie-Lea?”

  I nodded, tears still streaming down my face.

  “You want to tell me what it was about?” He asked gently.

  “I miss Daddy,” I cried even harder.

  “I know, Jamie,” he said as he squeezed me tighter. “You want to come watch 'Goonies' with me in my room?”

  I nodded and pointed to my stuffed elephant.

  “You want Nelly to come with us?”

  I nodded and he picked up Nelly and handed her to me. He carried me all the way to his room and sat down on his bed, with me still on his knee. He pulled the cover up over us and switched the film on.

  “Look, there's Chunk,” he said, pointing at the TV. “You like Chunk, don't you?”

  I nodded, wiping away some more tears.

  “What does Chunk do with his tummy?”

  I smiled and pointed to my tummy.

  “Can you do the truffle shuffle?” He

  I nodded lots.

  “Come on, show me your truffle shuffle!” Ian grinned, pulling his duvet off me.

  I stood up and pulled my pyjama top up so I could jiggle my tummy.

  “There you go!” he laughed. “Come on, Nelly's getting lonely here. She wants a cuddle.”

  I climbed back into Ian's bed and pulled Nelly close to me. Ian lay down on his side behind me and patted the pillow. I put my head on it and he pulled my hair out of my face. He pulled the cover over me and kissed the top of my head. He sat up and moved to get off the bed.

  “No!” I cried, scared that the nightmares would come back if he went away.

  “Hey, I'm not going anywhere, Jamie,” he said, kissing me on the head again. “I just have to turn the lights off so we can enjoy the movie.”

  When I woke up I was still in Ian's bed, he'd fallen asleep next to me, still in his jeans and t-shirt. I stretched out and must have woken him up.

  “Morning, Jamie,” he said as he sat up in bed. “Woah! Look at your hair!” He laughed as he pulled gently at strands of my hair. “Somebody has a severe case of bed-head.”

  I giggled and he lifted me up onto his shoulders.

  “Let's go show your big brothers your new look,” he teased, as he carried me out of his bedroom and down towards the kitchen.

  “Hey, Karl,” he called, lifting me off his shoulders and onto the floor. “Check out Jamie-Lea's new hair-style.”

  “Wow, you look like a rock star,” Karl teased, kneeling down and opening his arms out for a hug.

  I ran into his arms, Nelly hanging from my hand.

  “What you want for breakfast, rock star?” Karl asked, ruffling my hair.

  I pointed at the yummy chocolate cereal.

  “Nu, uh. Only on weekends, you know that,” Ian scolded softly.

  I jutted my bottom lip out and crossed my arms, squeezing Nelly close.

  “That's not gonna work, Jamie,” he said, looking cross now.

  “Podge, please,” I said quietly.

  “One bowl of porridge, coming right up,” he laughed.


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