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Heavenly Bodies

Page 10

by Celine Chatillon

  She stared at him curiously. “Do you not like the image I project?”

  Frank swallowed hard. “I…I love the image,” he stammered. “It’s just amazing that you look exactly like—”

  “The human females depicted in the graphic on the wall of the mess hall?” Mahla stood, a vision in black silk, in the doorway. She strutted slowly toward him and placed her hands on her round hips, jutting her full breasts forward. “Do we not resemble the ‘angels’ you spoke of?”

  He swallowed again. “Y—yes. You two look exactly like angels. I thought I had been dreaming about you two all this time, but I can tell now you both are quite real.”

  “We thought this image would help you communicate with us,” Shahla explained. “We want to know more about humans and your customs. All of your rituals. You said that you wanted to ‘thank’ us.” She tilted her head coquettishly. “How will you ‘thank’ us?”

  The color in his cheeks rose, along with his cock. Clearing his throat, Frank averted his gaze. He had to get a grip on his gonads, lest he scare his benefactors off before he was able to handle the ship by himself.

  “I’ll show you. Later. Right now, I feel weak and hungry from my cryo experience. Is there any food left in the galley?”

  “Sustenance is available.” Mahla walked—or rather, sashayed her gorgeous ass—over to the sickbay food synthesizer and entered a meal code. She handed him what looked like a sandwich. He wolfed it down without a moment’s thought as to its freshness or taste.

  “Delicious.” He burped and licked his fingers, hesitating as he caught their odd stares. “Oh, excuse me. It’s rude to eat in front of others. Please, forgive me. Help yourselves.”

  “We do not need sustenance at this time,” Mahla informed him. “We consumed sustenance a time cycle ago and will not need to consume sustenance again for another time cycle.”

  His eye widened. “Really? How convenient. Do you ever have to eliminate bodily wastes?”

  They stared at each other as if communicating mentally.

  “Only on occasion,” Shahla replied. “Is this a necessary process for humans?”

  “Yes, very. In fact…could you ladies help me up?”

  With a curvy calendar girl holding each arm, Frank stiffly shuffled to the WC. His rescuers were much stronger than they appeared. He clutched the stall’s sides and waited until they left him before relieving his bladder. If the three of them could have fit within the confined space, he was certain they would have remained with him to observe the process.

  Hobbling toward the showers, he caught them closely examining the therapeutic hot tub.

  Mahla turned to him. “This artifact is used in the human ritual called ‘bathing’, correct?”

  “Yes, that’s right. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll…”

  His balance failed him. They caught him before he could fall and hurt himself, seating him on a bench.

  “You will need assistance to bathe.” Shahla bent over the hot tub and turned on the taps. “Mahla has fixed your water recycling unit, so there should be ample liquid for bathing.”

  Frank watched with fascination as the tub filled. Was it only been yesterday when the males of engineering had enjoyed a hot tub party with the more free-spirited females of astronavigation? He sighed. His colleagues were all dead now. The Earth could have disappeared by now, too. How long had he been in cryo-stasis? How long had these angels—or whatever they were—been taking care of him and the ship?

  Mahla opened a storage locker. “Soap bubbles are part of the ritual, I understand.” She rummaged through the locker’s contents, pulling out a bottle of Lupitz’s homemade hooch. “Does this substance contain soap bubbles?”

  Frank chuckled. “No, that’s someone’s idea of a how to throw a really good hot tub party. But we can skip the bubbles, unless you ladies wish to join me in the suds.”

  The two blondes in black silk stared at him for several long moments, then looked at each other for several more.

  “Can we?” they said at last.

  He must be dreaming! “Of course. I insist. Where’s my hospitality? Help me up and I’ll get the bubble bath.”

  With their assistance, Frank found a couple of bath beads and tossed them into the water. Soon a pinkish froth appeared, much to the delight of his comely companions.

  Mahla smiled. “It reminds me of the ever-changing Carcolian Nebula.”

  “It does—it does!” Shahla squealed with delight. “How exactly do we perform this bubble ritual, Crewman Rimmer?”

  “Please call me Frank.”

  “Frank?” they said.

  “My given name. We’re friends, right?” They nodded the affirmative. “Good. Now just follow my lead.”

  He struggled with the zipper on his jumpsuit, but his angels were more than willing to help him undress. A fine line of perspiration broke out across his brow. Watching their full, firm breasts bob up and down as they helped him shimmy out of his outer layers was agony. He felt like a man dying of thirst, longing to drink his fill. Standing self-consciously in his boxers and socks, he motioned for them to turn around.

  The angels stood in place and watched, expressionless.

  “Is it not part of the ritual to see the other individuals without clothing?” Shahla asked.

  Clearing his throat, Frank nodded. “Well, yes, it is. It’s just that I didn’t want to scare you two lovely ladies while I got all the way undressed, so I…” The argument didn’t appear to make much sense to either him or his guests. “Oh, all right. Help me out of my socks and shorts.”

  “Yes, Frank,” they said in unison. “We will enjoy assisting you to disrobe.”

  They eagerly supported him, easing his feet out of his socks. Each taking a side, they carefully wriggled his boxers lower until the evidence of his excitement could no longer be contained.

  Mahla’s eyes widened. “I thought you said humans didn’t possess tentacles.”

  “Not the kind you’re thinking of,” Shahla explained. She lightly stroked his rigid rod and cupped his balls. “This is a male human’s reproductive organ. It’s called a penis.”

  Lord, that feels good. He moaned. “Hmm… There’s no need to get technical, ladies. Let’s just call it a ‘cock’, okay?”

  “Very nice cock, Frank,” Mahla said, joining in on the stroking. “Shall we help you into the bathing apparatus?”

  “Hmmm. Yes, but first I should help you two undress.”

  He took a deep breath and steadied himself. Shahla raised her arms and allowed him to slide the silky nightgown up and over her magnificent curves. Mahla turned to him and indicated for him to do likewise. Two gorgeous, well-proportioned blondes stood naked before him. He felt practically faint with desire.

  “Frank, are you all right?” Shahla flashed him a concerned look. “Your cock has turned very red and stiff.”

  “Shall I massage it for you?” Mahla’s wide-eyed, innocent expression was almost too good to be true.

  He coughed. His brain must still be defrosting from the effects of the cryo-freeze. He had to get a grip on his body’s wayward responses. “Uh, no, that’s not necessary, ladies. Let’s hop in before the water cools.”

  The three quickly slipped into the soft, sudsy foam. Shahla splashed about the bath like a frisky dolphin, her fair, slick skin glistening, accentuating every peak and valley of her heavenly body. “The aroma of the water is so…invigorating. What is this scent, Frank?”

  “Roses, I believe. My favorite.” He slid deeper into the relaxing warmth of the slippery waters, closing his eyes momentarily. He smiled “Hmm… A very sensuous scent for two very lovely ladies.”

  Mahla blew a bubble off her palm, a serene smile playing across her full lips. She observed the bubble closely until it popped, then turned to him. “Is bathing always a prelude to the human mating ritual?”

  “Mating ritual?” Frank instantly sat up. “Oh, you mean bathing together as a way to get to know another person better?”

bsp; His poor cock ached. He wanted to fuck the two of them at that moment so badly that it hurt. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath. He was going to burst if these buxom beauties kept up their provocative line of conversation.

  “It can be,” he said at last. “Ahem. You two seem very curious to know more about these sorts of things.”

  “Things?” they echoed.

  “Uh, sex—human sexuality.”

  “Yes, we are curious.” Shahla slowly licked her lips, tossing her wet curls over her shoulders with a suggestive shrug. She edged closer to him. Mahla followed suit.

  “It is part of our mission—to learn more about other cultures and sentient species,” Shahla continued. “You will demonstrate the human mating ritual to us both, correct? We are most eager to learn.”

  Heavens above! Frank felt consciousness slipping away. The angels caught him before he could drown, tenderly cradling his head between their breasts.

  “Did we say something to disrupt the ritual?” Mahla asked.

  He rubbed his cheeks against their silky skin, drinking in their soft fragrance. No doubt about it—he had died in cryo-stasis, and this was paradise. Lucky for him, an Earth vessel hadn’t rescued him in time. He was going to enjoy the afterlife. “No, you haven’t disrupted the mating ritual. I just should’ve shaved first. I’m not scratching you with my beard when I do this?” He took one nipple into his mouth and then another, gently sucking until their they formed hard, pink peaks.

  “This sensation is not unpleasant. It makes me…” Shahla giggled and squirmed. “It makes me produce laughter!” She began to bounce about in the water and laugh louder. “Ooo! The friction of your facial hair excites my tactile senses even more.”

  “I agree.” Mahla rubbed her breasts more vigorously against his cheeks and thrust a nipple toward his lips, begging him to suckle. “This experience is most gratifying.”

  Frank sighed. “It sure is.”

  Picking up a floating bath sponge, he increased the stimulation of their ‘tactile senses’ by gliding the sponge up, down and around the supple contours of their brick-house bodies. Their gasps, giggles and sighs indicated they sincerely appreciated the human anatomy lesson. At length, Frank brought his lips to Shahla’s, kissing her gently.

  Her eyes widened. “Is this mouth contact what humans term as a ‘kiss’?”

  “Yes. Do you like it?”

  Before her sister could reply, Mahla took hold of Frank’s chin and brought his lips to hers, thrusting her tongue deep into his mouth and practically stealing all the air from his lungs. Shahla bent to kiss and bite at his nipples. He groaned with pleasure. An eternity later, they let go.

  “We like kissing,” they said in unison.

  “I could tell. I know something else you’ll like, too. A lot.” He plunged his hands between their parted thighs. Their enchanting squeals rocketed shivers down his spine.

  “Ah…Frank, touch our genital areas with more intensity.” Shahla rocked her hips to meet his nimble fingers. “The sensation is…indescribable in human language.”

  Mahla arched her back, raising her clit closer to his palm’s persistent pressure. “Hmmm…I feel it, too, sister-clone. The stars spin and explode in our minds. They…”

  All at once, the angels began to buck and shudder. Frank continued the intimate assault on their pussies until the last echo of their shared ecstasy faded away. Their joyful cries were truly the most beautiful music he had ever heard.

  Mahla’s eyes slowly opened. “Do you experience this intense gratification whenever we manipulate your cock?”

  He grinned. “Yes. And it feels twice as good, since there are two of you.”

  Without warning, she captured his cock, her swift grip sliding up and down his rigid shaft. Shahla soon joined in the play, French-kissing him with unbridled enthusiasm. Passionate tension continued to build, and before he knew what was happening—

  Frank pushed his partners away and sprang to his feet. “I need to get out of the tub. Now.”

  They both stood. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, no… It’s all right. It’s just that I’m about to…”

  Soapy hands reached for his pulsating cock. He cried out, collapsing against their shoulders as his seed arced across the water. The blissful tautness within him subsided and a warm, drowsy feeling engulfed him. His lovers gently seated him on the tub’s edge, massaging his back, arms and legs as he recovered from his first orgasm since his revival.

  “Is this release of body fluid a part of the bathing ritual or the mating ritual?” Shahla asked, patting him dry with a towel.

  “Neither. I’m sorry, angels. I’m out of practice. I need to rest a while and eat again before I have enough strength to show you two ladies a few more ‘mating rituals’. Is that okay? It won’t prevent you from fulfilling your mission objectives?”

  “That would be satisfactory.” Mahla, as pilot and engineer, acted like the more sensible part of the duo, Frank noted. She had found a brush and began taming his frizzy mop. “Your ship requires refueling and a complete systems check before we can embark on our journey.”

  “And I must examine you to determine if you are fully healed before we depart.” Shahla tenderly kissed his cheek. “We will not leave you while you are still too weak to care for your own needs.”

  “You ladies are most kind.” But do those needs include my need to screw both your brains out? Frank thought as they wrapped him in a bath sheet and helped him from the room.

  * * * * * *

  Crewman Lupitz collected a most diverse collection of visuals and data on the human mating ritual, Shahla telepathically informed her sister-clone several hours later. I have finished uploading his private files on the subject. Do you wish to access the information?

  Yes. Mahla raised her main tentacle and made contact with the side of Shahla’s cranium. The complete data stream downloaded into her identical embedded memory chip within nanoseconds. Good. When Frank awakes, we will both be very knowledgeable. It will increase his enjoyment of the mating ritual, correct?

  Undoubtedly. Ours as well. Hive Mother will be proud of our resourcefulness.

  * * * * * *

  Frank stretched his limbs slowly and cracked open an eye. These weren’t his quarters—where was he? He slowly pulled himself up on his elbows, scanning the shelves and walls. If he wasn’t mistaken, he was lying in the middle of the extra wide double bed in the captain’s bedroom, a place off limits to lowly enlisted men like him.

  “Hell, I deserve to be here. I survived the disaster. And isn’t as if he’s still around to reprimand me, either.”

  “Feeling better?” Shahla appeared at the door with a food tray in hand. She wore his faded blue Tokyo Titans football jersey and apparently nothing else.

  “How did you know—”

  “That you were awake? Your mind indicated you were approaching consciousness a short while ago.” She lifted the tray, brushing it against her breasts. The pebbled peaks clearly made their presence known through the thin cloth. “Are you hungry?”

  In more ways than one. “I’m starving. What have you got there?”

  “Breakfast. Your favorite meal.” She sat beside him and fed him bits of toast and scrambled syntho-eggs. “Your body must have expended quite a bit of energy in yesterday’s mating ritual. You slept soundly for twelve Earth time units.”

  “Hmm, that long,” he mumbled, his mouth full. Damn. He was out of shape. He started in on the syntho-bacon. Crisp—just the way he liked it. They really could read his mind. “Do you or Mahla happen to know how long I stayed in cryo-stasis? That information will determine if and when I can expect any communications from Earth or its colonies.”

  Shahla closed her eyes momentarily, as if retrieving a computer file, then opened them. “Three-hundred-ninety-four Earth cycles.”

  His orange juice went down the wrong way and he sputtered. She patted his back.

  “Earth cycles?” he croaked at last. “Is that years
or days?”

  “It is the period your planet takes to revolve once on its axis,” Mahla answered. She stood at the doorway, wearing another one of his old sports sweatshirts with cut-off sleeves. It was just long enough to cover her curvy backside as she sauntered toward the bed. Barely.

  Slumping, Frank breathed a sigh of relief. “Whew. Just a little over a year. I was afraid there for a moment.”

  They blinked simultaneously. “Afraid?”

  “It’s no big deal. If it’s only been a year, it means I should be hearing from someone soon. The idea that I’d been frozen for almost four centuries was a bit discouraging, to say the least.”

  Shahla placed the tray on the bedside table and softly caressed his cheek.

  Mahla sat down on the other side and slowly crossed her legs, giving him a good view of her golden-haired pussy in the process. “Your species does not live long enough to travel without cryo-stasis?” Mahla carefully arranged the pillows behind him. The ripped neckline of the sweatshirt displayed her ample cleavage to its utmost advantage.

  He had a sudden craving for melons. Two firm, round, delicious melons. “No, we don’t.” He tried hard not to stare at his caregivers like they were both luscious lollipops begging to be licked. “Now, if human spacecrafts had faster engines, then possibly we could go further without the need to freeze ourselves. But as it is…” He shrugged. “What can I say? We travel through space quite slowly.”

  Instantly, Shahla crawled under the covers with him. Mahla slipped beneath the sheets a split second behind her twin. “We’re fast,” they chimed together.

  Yes, you are. Frank felt a familiar stirring in his groin area. “You mean to say your ship is fast?”

  “Our ship possesses the latest in Hive technology.” Mahla then launched into a long-winded explanation of their space vessel’s quantum-flux, plasma-fueled engines while they both covered every inch of his skin with tingling, feather-light kisses.

  His eyes drifted closed. “Ah, ladies… If only my physics instructors at the Space Academy could have been as entertaining as you two are. I would have been first in my class.”


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