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The Dungeon Con_One Foot in the Grave

Page 40

by Marty Myers

  The other angels thought about what Apostaphus was proposing. “ But won’t going to the faithful when we have been cast out just open us up to retribution,” Malakai asked. “ Maybe so,” Claronides said, “ but if we do nothing than by default the judgment stands and we all stay outcasts.” “ Does anyone else have a better idea,” Bezaideous asked? There were grim looks passed all around before the angels shook their heads on by one. “ Okay then,” Apostaphus said. “ I suggest we all go as there is safety in numbers. If this does not work or if the judgment is allowed to stand let us all meet back here and then we will choose what course of action to commit to then.”

  In the meantime, Francis had been walking around easing her stiff muscles and had wandered a little way off from the group and indeed seen to taking care of her own needs. She then came back towards the well and thought about eating something. She dug around in her pack and got out some provisions from their stay at the little village and ate a bit. She dug through her pockets as she was looking for a mint she thought she had when she once more touched the seeds in her pocket. On an impulse, thinking of the curse Apostaphus had talked of being centered here she pulled out another apple seed and planted it here near the well. Then she patted the earth over it and spoke a blessing upon the seed and the ground she had planted it in.

  Lastly, she touched the earth with the end of her staff and another small jolt of golden essence shot out of it and into the ground. It spread out in all directions like a ripple in still water and immediately struck something unnoticed hiding within her shadow which yelped and hissed at her as it was sent sprawling into the dirt of the roadway several feet away. Francis spun about as she and the angels beheld this strange small skinny humanoid made of shadows who was unexpectedly revealed. “ A skulker!” Claronides exclaimed as Apostaphus and the other angels threw bolts of lightning and rays of light at the desperately dodging creature. “ You must have picked it up somewhere in the far north or around Llywelyn’s dungeon,” Apostaphus said. “ They can ride unseen in almost any shadow big enough to conceal them.”

  As they were corralling the thing in preparation to finishing it off the shadow of a large bird swept swiftly by and carried the skulker off through the woods on the other side of the road. Claronides and Malakai leapt into the air to try to bring down the raptor they now saw flying high above while Apostaphus and the rest aimed for chasing its shadow across the ground. Apostaphus knew they had to be quick if they wanted to prevent its escape because the skulker could switch shadows with ease. He cursed himself for not taking better precautions with Francis’s safety.

  Skulkers make excellent spies, but they also made good assassins. If the thing had wanted to kill her it had probably had many good opportunities already. Perhaps the company of so many angels had convinced it to wait until it might have a better opportunity to strike and then escape afterwards. Thinking that even this skulker might be just a distraction to allow other darklings to harm Francis or steal her away caused him to hesitate in chasing it. He waved the others on and returned to Francis side. He was relieved to see she had recovered her wits already and cast a ward of protection around herself. The other angels continued to run the darkling creature to ground and after a spirited chase among the shadows of the trees they were able to finally destroy it.

  Once the other angels had destroyed the skulker Malakai and Claronides stopped harrying the big bird of prey and returned to the group. Claronides and the other angels looked worried as they approached Francis and Apostaphus once more. Apostaphus corrected his earlier lapse by casting wards and protections upon Francis including warding her shadow from any more intrusions.

  “ The Darkness may now know of our whereabouts and perhaps even our plans,” Bezaideous said. Gaderel said, “ I saw no other dark spawn while we were chasing this one down.” Malakai, Tamiel, and Claronides too shook their heads when Bezaideous looked at them. “ Hopefully then it was alone, but we must be more careful going forward.” Francis spoke up. “ Why don’t we set some more permanent protections up here before we leave. That way if we do need to come back here to this place in a hurry we will know it will be clear of any more of those things.” The Angels agreed to Francis idea. They cast the protection from harm ritual with Francis as they had back at the village anchoring it in the seed she had already planted since it had worked so well before. They also added a few more wards to drive off lesser dark spirits from the nearby area around the well, woods, and road.

  When they had finished safeguarding the area they once again prepared to take to the skies. “ So which congregation do you think we should approach,” Clarionides asked Apostaphus? He thought about it and said, “ the Cathedral of the Holy Dawn is not too far away in the capital of Hathaway. It has a large congregation and a corresponding number of priests and clerics that are well placed in the church. It also has a steady stream of pilgrims coming and going from the site.” Bezaideous said, “truly I would rather not. I have had some dealings with the priests there that I did not care for.”

  Well, Malakai said, “ how about the Chapel of the Devout? It’s not much farther away and I have always liked the congregation there. The few times I have been called upon by the clerics at the chapel they seemed reasonable enough.” Apostaphus said, “ I agree I have heard good things about them. Let’s head there and see if we can catch the congregation for the evening services.” And so they set off to the south following the road that passed by the well.

  Francis looked down and saw woods and hills as they flew by before the scenery changed to that of more settled lands beneath them. There were fields of grain and other crops alongside the road with family farms predominating the area. She caught sight of people going about their business on the roads and in the fields as they approached a decent sized town. It had modest stone walls and wooden gates which were currently open. The tallest building here was of whitewashed wood with a four-story steeple from which the holy bell of the chapel hung.

  Apostaphus gently landed with Francis. Some of the fieldworkers and townsfolk had seen Francis flying through the air and landing at the gates to the town. Most of them couldn’t see the angels at all and just saw the beautiful young woman arrive in such a manner. There was already a small crowd gathering within the gates to see what was happening. The other angels stayed in the air for now so that they would not be in the way of passerby going through the gate or up to the chapel.

  After some voices were raised in the crowd three of the townsfolk slowly approached Francis. They looked worried but well off with clean polished shoes and sharp looking clothes similar to how Francis imagined a wealthy merchant might have dressed hundreds of years ago on Earth. The plumpest of them was slightly older than his two middle-aged companions. “ Young maiden,” he said, “ who are you, how have you flown here and why have you come to our town of Fairbluff?” “ I am called Francis,” she said, “ and I have heard many good things of the Chapel of the Devout and the clerics here. I wish to speak to the clerics about a matter of some importance. I flew her by the grace of the servants of Light to your town.”

  The man seemed slightly taken aback at her speech. He looked at her and said, “ I am Arno Loxley, Mayor of this fine town. forgive me but you have a strange manner of speaking and your clothes too are strange in appearance to me. From where have you come.” “ I am from a very far away land,” she said. “ From a place I doubt that anyone here has heard of called Earth.”

  “ But more recently I have been traveling all over your fair realm looking for a man who was taken from my homeland. When I first arrived I first found myself traveling across the Gallows fields to Boaden Village.” At this time a young cleric ran up to the crowd while staring at Francis and up at the angels hovering over the gates. He gasped out, “ Priest Tinamen has told me to come down here and to escort our visitors up to the chapel.” gasp… “ Please everyone let me through that I may do the Lights work.” Reluctantly the townsfolk parted and let the young cleric through the pre
ss to Francis.

  The young man bowed to Apostaphus who still stood right next to Francis and then again to the other angels. “ Please if you would come this way up to the chapel the priests would be most happy to speak with you.” The crowd seeing the cleric bowing but not able to see Apostaphus gasped at his actions toward Francis and parted to let them through. Francis and Apostaphus nodded and began walking up the street with the young man. Many of the gawkers followed them up to the chapel.

  There at the doors stood six more clerics awaiting them. They too bowed to Apostaphus and the other angels who landed around Francis causing gusts of wind to sweep the dust into the air and away and startle the townspeople. The oldest cleric straightened and with a twinkle in his eye spoke loudly enough for the crowd to hear him. He said, “ I am Tinamen and I welcome you to the Chapel of the Devout. May I have your name, young Lady.” Apostaphus spoke at this point. “ She is my companion Saint Francis, recognized by the heavens. I am Apostaphus and these other angels here with us are Claronides, Malakai, Taniel, Gaderel, and Bezaideous.” Many in the crowd were agog at hearing the angels voice speaking out from before them. Several of them bowed down while others backed up uncertainly.

  The Priest spoke quickly. “ there is nothing to fear here people we are just experiencing a visitation from servants of the light. Do not fear, instead rejoice that angels have come among us. Now It seems as if there are matters of great importance to learn of, so I ask your patience for a while as I take counsel from these wise beings and learn of their mission here.” So saying he returned his gaze to Francis and the angels and said. “ I am most humbled to meet you, Saint Francis, will you and your companions please come in so that we might speak in the chapel if it pleases them.” Francis nodded. She was feeling uncomfortable with the way the priests and the people of the town were looking at her. She had not thought too much about what this would be like before they had come here.

  The other clerics rose and pulled the double doors of the chapel wide open for them to enter while Tinamen turned and led them in through the doors and up past the pews to the front of the chapel. Claronides and the other angels were feeling a bit nervous too. No matter how unjust it was, they were still technically cast out of the heavens and none were sure whether they would face further censure for their presence here in the church. If nothing else other angels of the lesser host might take umbrage at their intrusion. Yet as they entered no sign of anything like that occurred.

  The Light gathered within the chapel embraced them as it always had before and the many angels presence further bolstered it in turn as their auras unfolded within the chapel. The chapel was now a brightly lit setting with the polished woodwork all aglow. All but one of the clerics came in and shut the doors while he remained outside delivering a sermon designed to further calm the people who didn’t come in and extol the virtues of the Light and their servants.

  Tinamen turned and once more bowed to the angels before he said. “ Truly your visit is wondrous and the news of a new saint is something I thought never to live to hear tell of. But I think there must be some other reason for your visit here. What is it if I may ask?” Apostaphus said, “unfortunately we come with a tale of dire tidings and a request of you and your congregation. You know that the Darkness once more tries to conquer the realm. This time he is attempting to resurrect the Dark Prince.” The old priest nodded, and said, “ yes the bells tolled out the news as well as having word from various clerics missives who hear the words from the spirits and angels.” Apostaphus continued, “ This has caused a lot of uproar within the heavens as the entire lesser host was recalled to discuss the news and plan for a response.” Bahramel, chairman of the council gave a speech then about changes in how we would respond to and vanquish the Darkness this time, which I think none realized would be so drastic as it has become.”

  Apostaphus then recounted the events that had led to each of them being cast out. He spared little in his retelling. Speaking of their time upon the Gallows Fields, their beginning the search for the imp and Hank, the golden cloud and then chasing Llywelyn back to her dungeon. At last when he was done he said, “ I know that I at least received a hearing with the council and among my peers before being judged and although I disagree with their decision it is within the laws of the heavens that they cast me out.”

  “ But these others have not had their hearing, nor a proper judgment. It is for their sake’s that I come here and ask you and your congregation to allow us to raise a plea onto the Lords of Light and the heavens with you. That we call out to receive a hearing on this matter. Surely the change in the laws of the Heavens if true runs counter to the dogma of the church and we should beseech the Lords for clarity in this matter.”

  “ We fear that Bahramel himself has somehow been coerced and led the council astray from the Light. Airing our concerns with your congregation in the church should attract their attention and spur the Lords of Light to render a verdict on what is going on,” Apostaphus said. Tinamen had listened intently to the whole tale patiently without interrupting. He said, “ I have never heard of anything like this ever happening before. The implications of what you say are staggering. It may be risky to do as you ask. But I can not in good faith ignore this.”

  “ Looking and hearing you speak it is difficult to believe that any of you are truly fallen. But it is not for me to decide. However what you have said in relation to these angels who were apparently judged in absentia does run counter to all that we are taught about the Lords of Light and their Laws of the Heavens. I am willing to help plead their case to the Lords of Light for a hearing.”

  “ I hope you will forgive me for saying that I am not so sure of you or Clarionides chances.” Apostaphus nodded gravely. “ Indeed I understand your position. I am most pleased with your decision to make a plea on behalf of my brethren nonetheless, Tinamen priest of this chapel of those devoted to the Light.” The old priest asked the angels to take up their usual positions at the front of the church and for Francis to stand with him at the front.

  He then signaled for a couple of the other priests to reopen the chapel’s doors for the evening service. The crowd outside had grown quite a bit since the angels had arrived until now there was not room enough for everyone within the large space even with many standing along the walls and in the back. To accommodate them all the doors were left open so that they might spill out onto the chapel’s entrance. Several of the churchgoers had heard the angels speak outside although the majority could not. Some of the congregation could actually even see the angels as their were many truly faithful among them and they were excitedly trying to point them out and describe them to the many others who could not.

  Tinamen stood at the pulpit and spoke to the congregation. Age had not yet dampened his oratory skills nor weakened his voice. “ My friends, today is a day unlike any other in my memory. Today we have before us the first saint in an age to join the Light. This is Saint Francis who has not been among us for very long but is already out walking the lands, restoring that which is blighted, protecting those attacked by the Dark Ones and doing good works. She and her companion the angel Apostaphus who stands with her have cleansed the Gallows Fields of the Darkness. At last that dark place once more stands within the Light and green things do grow there once more.”

  “ That in itself is joyous news my friends. But as you know from the bells ringing out a while back there are dark tidings as well. For the Dark One himself is about in the world going to and fro trying to overthrow the Light again. He has somehow concocted a devilish method to try to resurrect his most powerful servant the Prince of Darkness to bring him back among us. Many of our fellows are even now gone searching for whatever fell place this dark deed is to be accomplished at so that it may be stopped.”

  “ Angels such as the ones here in front of you are also out looking for this place as well as dealing with the many dark minions the evil one has dispatched to do his bidding. Remember though due to the bans they may only
directly intervene when we call upon them to do so. It is our responsibility to exercise our part of the bans so that the forces of Light and the Lords of the Heavens may do more good in the world. It is with this in mind that our visitors have come to us today. We shall therefore lead off this service with the litany of the blessed.”

  The priests led the congregation in singing the names of the angels of the heavenly hosts that they knew. After a small hesitation Francis, Apostaphus and the other angels joined them, adding in angels names which had either been missing in the litany or mispronounced by the congregation. Their combined energies and essences within the chapel built throughout the recitation until the whole building was illuminated brighter than it had ever been before. Francis could feel the attention of many of the host by this point in the sermon.

  With the litany still ringing in the air Tinamen then extolled his faithful to prayer and called upon the Lords of Light by name, “ Aethon, Hyperion, Phaethon, Kalos Kagathos, Sabaic and Astraeus. We invoke your mighty wisdom and beseech thee to rule upon a troubling matter which has been brought before us this day,” he said. “ Always the Lords of the Light and the Heavens have been just and upheld the very laws in which they set right apart from wrong and innocent apart from guilty. Today our prayers are a plea for understanding in the matter of your servants here before us. Particularly we ask of Bezaideous, Gaderel, and Tamiel who have come here to petition you oh mighty Lords. Have they truly erred? Do they need to be heard and redress themselves? Let them atone if such is your will. Where oh Lords does the law of the heavens stand in this matter.”


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