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The Ex Games

Page 5

by Cooper, J. S.

  “She’s my girlfriend,” Brandon mumbled, and I noticed the guy’s surprised look.

  “Oh.” He turned back around and Brandon pulled me back so that I was right against him. I felt his body shuddering as his cock slid in and out of me quickly. He let out a slight groan and then I felt an explosion of warm semen fill me up as he orgasmed in me.

  “This is our stop. See you later.” The guy nodded as they exited the elevator, and neither Brandon or I responded.

  “Do you think they knew?” I gasped as Brandon turned me around and kissed me hard. He brushed the back of my skirt down and quickly zipped up his pants.

  “Who knows? Who cares?” He laughed and grabbed my hand.

  “I guess not you.”

  “Why should I care? This is the best elevator ride I’ve ever had.” He laughed and kissed my cheek. “I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

  “I don’t know how either.” I joked and his eyes grew serious.

  “I think you may very well be the one, Katie Raymond. You may very well be the one.”

  “So how have you been?” Brandon asked me softly at the same time I mumbled, “Fancy seeing you here.” He chuckled and I blushed.

  “I’m good. How are you?” I spoke softly, scared that he could hear my rapidly beating heart. My eyes took in his appearance greedily. He looked even more handsome than I remembered, but just as smart in his dark grey suit. His hair looked as black as ever and it was still moist from his morning shower. He hadn’t shaved this morning, I could tell from the light stubble around his chin, and I clenched my hands to stop myself from rubbing my fingers over it. This elevator ride was so much different that the elevator ride we’d had so many years ago.

  “Great.” He rubbed his lips. “Sorry about the kiss. I forgot for a moment.”

  “It’s fine.” I blushed, not needing to ask what he had forgotten.

  “You look well.” He looked me over quickly and disinterestedly. I felt disappointed that he hadn’t studied my body a little longer, or my face, but I guess he just didn’t care.

  “Thank you, so do you.” I spoke disjointedly, and it felt weird being so polite with someone that knew every intimate part of my body

  “You still look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.” He smiled at me, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I guess you’ll always have a youthful look.”

  “Yes, I guess so.” I turned my face away, heat flooding my face at his unsubtle comments.

  “So, you work for Marathon Corp?” he asked me casually as we exited the elevator.

  “Yes, yes I do.”

  “I take it the resume wasn’t faked?” He raised an eyebrow and I stared at him blankly. This was going to be harder than I thought.

  “Everything on my resume was true.”

  “It’s a good thing it’s illegal to ask for someone’s age when hiring them, isn’t it?” He looked at me coldly and I shivered. All pretense was gone from his demeanor. He still hated me. He still hadn’t forgiven me.

  “I made a mistake once.” I looked him directly in the eye. “I’ve never done it again.”

  “That’s good to hear. Or is that another lie?”

  “I didn’t mean to lie.” I repeated the words that I had cried to him so many times in the past.

  “If it had only been one small lie and you told me the truth, then I would have understood. But you perpetuated a fabrication of your life.” He stared at me with a hostile expression as his words tore into my soul. “Everything was a lie.”

  “It wasn’t all a lie.” I bit my lip. I did love you, I wanted to scream at him. I did love you and you were supposed to love me. You were supposed to forgive me. But I kept quiet.

  “You’d still be lying if I hadn’t caught you.” He shook his head furiously. “It was all just a game for you, wasn’t it? A high school girl caught up in a high school game.”

  “I wasn’t in high school.”

  “Close enough.” He looked away from me. “What difference does a couple of months away make?”

  I remained silent, not knowing what to say. He was right, of course. I hadn’t known when or how I was going to tell him the truth. Of course I had felt guilty. I’d felt extremely guilty. Especially when he asked to meet my friends and family. I pretended I’d fallen out with the girls I’d gone to Doug’s with that first night and that I hadn’t made any new friends yet. Family was easy to discuss as they were all in Florida: I told him that one day we could make a trip for him to meet them and he had been fine with that. It got more difficult when he asked about work and wanting to meet my colleagues and attend one of the many happy hours I talked about. I had joined some study groups and told him I was trying to bond with workmates. I’d used sex to shut him up every time he brought up the topic. Aside from that, everything else was going swimmingly. Neither of us were great cooks, so we took up a gourmet cooking class together every Saturday morning and cooked dinner for each other every Saturday night, before making love for hours on end. I suppose eventually that would have gotten old and we would have wanted to do more than cook and have sex, but we were still in the honeymoon phase of our relationship. It was easy for me to skip the alcohol questions. I told him after the hangover I’d had that first night, I didn’t really want to drink much anymore, so I only had a few sips of wine when we were at home. When he asked to see my driver’s license picture one day, I told him I had lost it on the subway and was going to get a new one when I had more time. It didn’t matter much, as I didn’t drive, and we never spoke of it again.

  Brandon loved to show me new things in the city. I was his first real girlfriend since he had left college. I tried not to think of that too much, though, as I always felt jealous when I thought about his ex-fiancé, and the subsequent women he had bedded. I didn’t like to think of him with other women. I wanted to be the only one in his life and in his memories. He laughed frequently when I asked him who he loved the most, who he thought of the most, who he wanted to be with the most. He thought it was cute that I had small insecurities about his past. He’d always kiss my forehead and tell me I was the one and only in his life, forever and always, and I would melt against him happily.

  Everything was going perfectly, up until that day. I had organized my schedule so well that even I forgot that I was just an 18-year-old freshman at Columbia University and not an entry-level associate at a marketing firm in the city.

  “I’ve got a work presentation tomorrow,” he’d groaned one night as I ran my hands down to his boxer shorts. “I’m not even prepared.”

  “Is that your way of telling me no?” I’d laughed at him and kissed his nipples. “Are you really telling me no?”

  “I know, call me an old man or something. But I’ve got to go and give a talk and I have nothing ready. I’ll have to leave early in the morning to prepare and then catch a train to the Upper West Side.”

  “Aww.” I’d not really been listening, as I was too busy trying to entice him. If I’d paid better attention, instinct bells would have gone off when he said Upper West Side.

  “I can tell that you care.” He laughed and pulled me on top of him. “What’s your day like tomorrow? Can you get out of work early or meet me for lunch?”

  “Hmmm.” I rubbed myself back and forth on him as he reached up and grabbed my breasts. “I’m not sure. I think I have a meeting.” I gasped as he leaned up and took one of my nipples into his mouth and sucked. “I can see what I can do.” I moaned as I increased my pace as I dry-rubbed him. His cock was hanging out of his boxers and was rubbing up against me through my panties.

  “I’d love to take you to lunch, maybe even have sex in the bathroom.”

  “What bathroom?” I gasped as he slipped a finger into my panties and rubbed my clit.

  “The restaurant bathroom.” He groaned as I rubbed my breasts in his face. “I know how you love public sex.”

  “You mean you love it.” I laughed slightly. “I’m not sure if I can tomorrow, my boss wants to have a lunch meetin
g with me.”

  “Oh no.” He made a face in sympathy. “I hope everything is okay.”

  “Yeah, it’ll be fine.” I gasped as he slipped my panties to the side and guided his cock into me. “Oh, I thought you needed to sleep?”

  “I’m never so tired that I can say no when my girl wants to ride me.” He held my hips as I bounced up and down on him slowly. “Ride me faster, cowgirl.” He moved my hips back and forth and I swiveled on top of him, letting his hard cock slide in and out of me like a bullet.

  “Call me if you get out early, maybe we can do a late lunch.” He groaned and I giggled. It was always funny to me when he tried to hold a conversation during sex.

  “Will do.” I gasped before I screamed. He flipped me over onto my knees and came up behind me and slipped his cock back inside of me. “Oh my.” I screamed again as he slammed into me hard. I loved it when we did it doggy style because I always seemed to feel every inch of him inside of me, hitting spots I never knew existed before.

  “Or think about quitting and coming to work for me.” He grunted behind me. “Or maybe even just quit and we can start a family.” His words were low and I froze for a second. I didn’t respond because an orgasm took over my body and I was screaming out his name to continue fucking me. He came pretty quickly after me, and I snuggled into his arms as we settled in for sleep. I stroked his chest with my eyes closed and enjoyed the warm feeling of satisfaction that rested in me.

  “I wasn’t just saying that, you know.” He whispered against my hair. “I know we haven’t been together long and you’ve just started your career, but I’d really like to take this to the next level soon. I love you, Katie Raymond.” I didn’t respond to him and pretended that I had fallen asleep, but my heart couldn’t stop pounding at his words. I was hopelessly in love with this man and yet scared at the same time. How could I marry him and have his babies when he didn’t know the truth about me? Because I knew 100% that he was the man I wanted to spend my life with.

  I met Meg for breakfast before my first class the next day because I had nothing to prepare for class. Some top businessman was coming to give a talk about what it meant to be a leader in the business world. I wasn’t really interested in hearing what he had to say, but I was glad that I had a day off from reading for class. I filled Meg in on the happenings of the night before, but she hadn’t looked happy for me.

  “Katie, I love you. I really do. You’re my best friend and I know you love this man. But he’s also the first guy you’ve ever dated. You’re moving way too fast. For all you know, this is puppy love.”

  “It’s not puppy love, I love him.” I shook my head and sighed. “You just don’t understand.”

  “Does he even know that you’re going home for Christmas break?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I’m thinking about calling my parents and telling them I can’t come. Brandon wants me to meet his folks.”

  “Katie, you cannot flake out on your parents. Think how disappointed they will be. Not to mention they will be on the first flight out here, and how are you going to explain that you’re now living with your older boyfriend?”

  I groaned at her words. I knew she was right. I’d have to come up with an excuse to tell Brandon. Maybe I would tell him that my business lunch was me getting a promotion, but I’d have to travel abroad for the holidays.

  “What are you doing?” She frowned as I whipped out my phone.

  “How does this sound?” I asked her as I started texting. “Guess what honey, I think I’m getting a promotion. There is a rumor going around the office that my boss is going to promote me. Only thing is, I may be gone for Christmas. Business travel.”

  “It sounds long and it sounds like a lie.” Meg sighed. “Why don’t you just tell him the truth?”

  “I can’t.” I shook my head. “Not yet.” I hit send and sat back. “You don’t understand, Meg. I want to tell him the truth, but I’m just not sure he will understand.”

  “If he loves you he will.”

  “I know.” I closed my eyes. “I’m going to tell him after Christmas, I promise.”

  “Okay.” She looked like she wanted to say more, but she didn’t. “Did he respond?”

  “Yeah, “ I smiled. “He said, Congrats, can’t wait to hear all about it. Wish me luck this morning. I can’t stand having to do this talk. Love, your Brandon.”

  “Well, I guess he fell for it.” Meg shook her head. “Let’s get to campus. I have class in a few minutes.”

  “Yeah, me too. Just a boring guest lecture though.” I grinned. “Maybe I can get started on my biology homework.”

  “You’re so bad, Katie.” Meg laughed at me and I shrugged.

  “If I sit in the back, no one will notice what I’m doing.”

  “Good luck with that.” We hugged quickly and then parted ways outside Butler Library.

  “See you for study group tomorrow?” She looked at me hopefully and I nodded.

  “Of course, I need it or I’m going to fail or my finals next week.” We both laughed, even though my words were true, and I walked to my class absentmindedly. I walked into the classroom and sat in the back row, checking my text messages before turning off my phone and putting it in my bag. I pulled out my biology textbook and started going through the checklist my study group and I had prepared for the final. The teacher started talking and introducing the speaker, but I was so engrossed in one of the charts I was making that I didn’t even look up.

  “Ms. Raymond, do you have something more important than today’s class?” The professor called out to me and my face went red as I looked up to apologize.

  “No, sorry, Professor Wright.” I offered him a small smile and then froze as I looked to the right of him. In that moment, I felt a million different emotions coursing through my body. I honestly wanted to die or faint, but neither one of them occurred. The smile left my face as I stared at the guest speaker. It was Brandon, and as his eyes met mine, I saw a flash of surprise, wonder and anger in his eyes. He looked at me blankly for a moment and I offered him a small smile. He turned away from me and my heart started beating. I didn’t know what to do or say. I wanted to jump up and grab his arm and pull him out of the classroom to explain. I needed to explain to him that I wasn’t lying, not on purpose. I wanted to tell him that this was all a mistake. But I knew I couldn’t and so I just sat there.

  “Class, I want to introduce you to multi-billionaire Brandon Hastings. Mr. Hastings, meet the freshmen business students of Columbia University.” Brandon smiled at the crowd and nodded, but his eyes sought mine. They looked shocked and angry, and I felt deeply ashamed of myself. I wanted to scream at Professor Wright for telling him we were all freshmen. I wasn’t even going to be able to pretend that I was a senior. I felt immediately angry at myself for even thinking of replacing one lie with another. The talk seemed to pass by like a flash of lightning. I was surprised because I had thought it would drag on. But somehow, hearing Brandon’s voice soothed me. He sounded normal, happy even, and I was able to convince myself that everything was going to be okay. But then the class ended and he walked out with the professor without even giving me a second glance. I sat at the back of the room for about five minutes, unsure of what to say and do. I felt frozen to my seat. I was scared to leave the room and face what was to come. I didn’t want to go to my study group and I didn’t want to go home. I felt a tear sliding down my face as I sat there. I wanted my mom. I wanted to go home and hide in my bed and forget everything. I wanted to pretend like none of this had happened. I wanted to pretend I hadn’t seen the look of anger and distrust in Brandon’s eyes. I wanted to pretend that my heart didn’t feel like it was cracking.

  I stood up slowly and walked to the door with my heart in my mouth. I felt like my world was about to end and I didn’t know how to stop it.

  “Hey,” Brandon was standing outside the door as I walked out.

  “Hey.” I smiled at him, happy to see him. For a moment I thought that everything
was okay. I reached over to kiss him and he pulled away in disgust.

  “No.” He shook his head. “We need to talk.”

  “I’m sorry, Brandon.” I rushed out. “I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how.”

  “How old are you?” He looked at me and studied my face and body as if seeing me for the first time.

  “18.” I mumbled.


  “I’m 18.”

  “Not 22?”

  “No, I’m not 22.”

  “Jesus Christ.” He exclaimed and then swore.

  “It doesn’t change how I feel about you.” I reached out to touch his face and he recoiled away from me.

  “It changes everything, Katie.” His voice was loud. “You’re a fucking freshman in college.”

  “I still love you.”

  “You don’t even know what love is.” He spat out the words and looked at me in disgust. “I can’t believe you lied to me! You’ve been lying to me, all this time. How could you?”

  “I didn’t mean to lie.” I felt my eyelids getting heavy. “It’s not something I intended to do.”

  “What was the text message all about?” He pulled out his phone. “I was going to buy you fucking flowers, Katie. I was going to buy you flowers and take you to dinner to congratulate you.”

  “I’m sorry.” I looked down ashamed.

  “So where did the promotion come from? Is it because I told you I wanted to have kids with you? Did you need to figure out a reason to get out of committing to me?”

  “No, that’s not it.” I cried out. “That’s not why. I have to go home for Christmas.” I said slowly. “My parents expect me to come home over Christmas break.”

  “Oh my god, your parents.” His eyes looked glazed. “That’s why you’ve never told them about me, and why I’ve never met your friends. They don’t know about me, do they?”

  “They do, at least my friends do.” I bit my lower lip. “I was scared for you to meet them, they all look their age.”

  “You mean you were worried that I would wonder why all my girlfriend’s friends were 18 and in college?” He laughed bitterly. “Or were you going to ask them to lie to me as well?”


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